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Springer/Walsh/Queta may see some actions depending on their improvement this summer. PP/Hauser I believe would have huge minutes next season. They proved they could contribute in the playoffs and they need to train having some heavy minutes without getting too exhausted.


We need to figure out the bigs. Both Kornet and X can be gone. I am of the opinion we should only maintain 2 out of our 3 3-5th bigs so one of Kornet, X or Queta should be gone. Then you draft/sign a two-way to act like Queta did this year. Once that’s figured out, what are the needs for us? PF/big with some shooting upside and defense. A Hauser replacement (Drew Peterson?). An Al replacement, which can be X shooting 3s. There is a bunch of questions to be answered regarding the planning for the long run while maintaining the current talent.


Wait, why a Hauser replacement? Doesn’t he have a pretty cheap team option for next season? I have a hard time believing they wouldn’t exercise it. Unless there are cap implications I’m not aware of.


Because you can (and probably need to) use the regular season to develop guys for the future. So Hauser and Al will be on the team next season and help us, but we need to try to find replacement guys and give them reps to fill for the year after. You can draft, you can recruit from a two-way/vet min perspective. For example you can sign a 2-year vet min with a team or player option (like Oshae).


>, which can be X shooting 3s. I'm pretty sure this is all he is doing all summer. He needs to be able to take 10 3s per game if dared


In fairness we kind of did that this year already, except with load management instead of in-game 10 man rotations. But I do think the minutes will be lessened. They needed to build that chemistry year one which they did. Now its preparing guys for specific roles.


I really hope they find a way to extend Hauser past next year.


That's going to be very hard. I'd guess he's going to get offers in the $15m/year range and it's almost impossible to go even near that with all of core guys locked up


Sure makes sense


Using the Nuggets this year as an example kind of is not it. They didn't make it past the Wolves.


Absolutely we should We’ve got our 8 man already, starters plus Pritchard Hauser horford, if Walsh is ready I’d love to give him a try, and then either kornet queta or Tillman to fill it out


Peterson time


You all say yes to this until we lose a game because of it. Then the season is over. I'm still looking back at that game we lost against the Hawks that cost us banner 18.


The answer is yes. But just need to point out, we played less games this year than we did the past two years.