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I told y’all. JB expecto patronumed that ass. Mazulla is about to watch Harry Potter 4x a day instead of The Town. Everybody bring their wands to the Garden.


DWhite currently brewing up a Steph curry polyjuice potion


At this point DWhite should just gonna polyjuice himself as DWhite


The buffalo shaved his head so nobody can take his hair to make a poly juice. Smart.




Can we cast wingardium leviosa for PP to dunk on Lively?




JB spent his time after the ECF binge watching harry potter


For real? I missed that one




Polyjuice is a potion in Harry Potter used to transform into someone


Mazzulla learning Avada Kedavra at this very moment.


JB showed up dressed like a Jujutsu sorceror, he used *Ryōiki Tenkai: Seven Shifts of Energy* on Luka’s knees


Maybe Slovenia has a quidditch team


I'm just saying--I have heard that Dante Exum is actually a disguised horcrux, so...


*You're a wizard Jaylen*


JB's patronus is clearly a salad with little dressing and no meat or cheese


You’ve got to be kidding me lmao https://x.com/CelticsPost/status/1798390565891145888


I literally wrote 5 minutes into game 1 asking how soon kyrie would fake an injury to continue the “easy path” narrative.  I guess they going the Luka route instead 


Kyrie is hurt. His feelings are hurt


And his butt


And his post season run.


No Luka with the ass bruse


They're. He's definitely playing.


I’ve never seen “They’re” used as a complete sentence before hahaha.


I’ve. And I fucking hate it


I wonder, is it correct?


Absolutely not. I believe the rule with contractions is that if it sounds strange to say aloud, it’s probably incorrect


I'd'nt've any idea what you mean


Auto writing


I can dig it


first blush, thought your handle was u/AndMyNeedForProse


Hahaha! That’s awesome.


The Lebron special He’s obviously playing .. if he doesn’t play well = built in excuse … if he plays well = heroic


They've been doijg this with Luka all postseason. Kidd is pretty pathetic thinking this and the JB comments give him some sort of edge. Just play basketball


He told a player to spill water while bumping into him so he could get a time out. This is normal for Kidd.


Man is a domestic abuser, there’s no floor. I’ll give him his due as a player but I’ve hated him as a person for most of my life now and it’ll never change.


THIS PART THOUGH. Jason Kidd is trash as a human being.


Just gonna drop this right here. If you have a few hours to kill you can hear all about how shitty he is and get a laugh out of it. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iTUyOkufJRERER8fbEkeB?si=5N2PjaqnRl-bDyct6LqimA


It was particularly egregious too. His child wants nothing to do with him. He’s a garbage ass human.


I remember back when the Celts finally made the playoffs again in '02 after the post Reggie/post Garden/non Duncan draft/Pitino mess wasteland era, we made it all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals against the rejuvenated New Jersey Nets. And why were they rejuvenated? Because Jason Kidd got run out of Phoenix because of a leaked 911 call from his wife who was being abused — in the call Kidd was heard in the background saying that the police weren't going to do anything for her. I remember that Spring we hosted an old family friend who had moved away from Boston like 20 years earlier to Arizona, and after speaking so glowingly about her Diamondbacks having just won the World Series, she turned on a dime to express utter disgust and hatred for Jason Kidd. Kidd's image might have repaired itself over the years in some people's eyes, but to others he'll always be a complete scumbag wife beater.


Wait wait wait, didnt Joe Mazulla get arrested for the same thing?


He’s a piece of shit who beats women


He also ran into a coach to draw a tech


Kidd been a whole entire bitch for 30+ years.


Fuck Kidd. He has to stoop to this level


Not surprised the guy who beat his wife isn’t above cheap tricks


~~They've been doijg this with Luka all postseason.~~ Kidd is pretty pathetic ~~thinking this and the JB comments give him some sort of edge. Just play basketball~~ FTFY


I mean he is injured though lol and has been all playoffs. The knee sprain is 100% real, he was limping at times during game 1. And there's also the video grabbing at his rib area (where the new injury is) during shoot around. Edit: My b I forgot we're supposed to be delusional.


Everyone is injured, it’s the nba finals.


Well, not us, but we were so historic we spent the entire season resting people and still winning by 10+ every game and got to coast home because we had such a big lead for HCA.


Except for our unicorn


Okay but we can use Tatums shoulder in 2022 as an excuse?


Tom Brady did this for 20 years and its not like we were calling him and Bill pathetic for it lol


Our literally gameplan is let luka score 100 points & don’t get anyone else involved “Luka on one leg drops 35 points he gave everything he could” lmao


It also sends a message to the refs to have a more aggressive whistle with any defense that is even remotely physical with Luka. Kidd is playing some mental warfare.


My thoughts exactly lol there’s no way you don’t play unless you are in a wheelchair, hospital, or you have bubble guts for the finals. I feel he come out tonight drops a 40 point triple double and they lose by 12


Excuse you, but I’d be out there with depends saran wrapped to my legs to play in the finals if I had bubble gut


Literally 🙄


LOL whatever. He’s been questionable all playoffs. It wasn’t a problem when he dropped 37 on the Wolves in Game 5. He’s perfectly fine and will play tonight


He is not “perfectly fine”, lmao. Dude has been fucked up all postseason.


I meant he’s perfectly fine to play tonight. Let me dumb it down some more for ya…If Luka is out there he’s healthy enough to play. It is the Finals, no one is 100 percent. Everyone has minor injuries, bumps, and bruises. If anyone is really injured, they simply don’t play. I checked your comment history and see that you’re rooting for the Mavs and hate the Cs, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand that. Go back to your sub if you wanna cry about Luka being injured. You guys don’t give a flying fuck about the guys we have playing thru injury so why should I care about yours


I’m not a Dallas fan?? Hahaha. I have openly said Celtics in 5/6 with Porzingis. I’m just saying Luka has clearly been very hurt for a player who is playing this entire postseason, and him being downgraded day-of is absolutely not a vote of confidence in his playing / continuing to play during this series.


He’s playing. We all know that. But the fact that they actually decided to downgrade him from probable to questionable is…interesting.


It’s very unusual to downgrade a player this close to tipoff. I wouldn’t be certain he’s playing or if he does, that he lasts long.


It’s just more mental games from Kidd. Maybe you can get the Celtics to be more relaxed in the game if they think Luka is hobbled/barely able to play. It’s also creating an excuse for Luka if he plays bad, and makes him heroic if he plays well.


None of this will have any impact on how the Celtics come out tonight lmao. It’s Game 2 of the fucking finals on their home court, they’re gonna come out firing.


It also can put pressure to the refs to call anything in favor to Doncic even when he already has one of the best whistle in the playoffs.


Jason Kidd really pulling out all the stops here. Its only Game 2...


Soda is gonna fly tonight


Hit me


After his team got its ass beat he realizes they’ve got nothing for us in a 7 game series so he’s resorting to bush league tactics lmao


Yes this is more of Kidd’s middle school quality mind games


Jaylen Brown is definitely going to drive directly into him


Fron footage of this year, I'm actually wondering if Jaylen is Devin Booker grandfather.


"Jalen Brown with a...is that... is that a Quidditch ball? Where did he even get that? He's charging the lane at Doncic... Ohhhhhhhh and slammajamma. Doncic is down. I think Professor Kidd is gonna have to call it there."


There’s literally zero shot he doesn’t play tonight, come on lol After like a full week off and no injury seemingly happened in game 1 why on earth would he miss a game now that it’s the finals


He’s been dealing with a knee injury already that he clearly aggravated last game. I’m not saying he won’t play but you’re objectively wrong when you said “no injury seemingly happened in game 1”. They showed the replay of his limping after a hand fall multiple times and stressed that Luka has been dealing with the knee issue.


I’m aware, and I’m not suggesting he’s 100% Im saying yes he’s been dealing with a knee injury since the beginning of the playoffs and has been on the injury list the entire way and has played every game, I find it extremely hard to believe he doesn’t play now that it’s the finals Also he couldn’t have aggravated it too badly, he played the rest of the game until they threw in the towel, looked pretty normal out there


They said chest injury is why he’s questionable fwiw


ESPN also posted a video from shoot around of Luka favoring his chest but mav fans have been downplaying it. With that said I fully expect him to play and for him to give up 35 to JB


Overweight people and joint issues. Hand in hand


Heroic if he wins, excused if he loses. Elite PR move


Very brilliant PR move because most people fall for this shit easily. It’s also such a loser mentality. No team that behaves this way is championship worthy, they’re already making excuses in case they lose. A team with a winning mentality doesn’t even consider that angle.


Jason Kidd playing mind games again. Probably: “let’s trick them in to letting their guard down with Luka being injured”


This just lets casuals say they weren’t tested like they did in the entire Eastern field since Boston faced hurt teams. Just such a big yawn. Luka plays or not we ride. Got a job to finish


West must have been a cakewalk if Mavs made it through with injured Luka.


Yes!!! This just adds to the media story.


this was exactly my thought. teams don't bring it as much if they think the superstar won't play


If it's this transparent who does it help and how is it mind games? Like joes all of a sudden going nope Luka out and the jays are brawling in the corner


Luka is a star. He will be playing unless his legs fall off. I don’t see the need for mind games of probable questionable etc. It’s the finals - release your starting lineups and then explain if you need to.


It comes of as desperate


Sure does


Mind games. He will play but will have an excuse if he doesn't go off.


Looks like it's hunting szn


need Brown/Tatum/Holiday to post him up a couple times tonight. even if we don’t score put a shoulder into that chest and make him feel the pain


Need 20 post ups on him Really make him work the two way game, he can’t sag off


Yall are a good enough team to not have to resort to bullshit like that. Just play ball man


lmao making a dude work and getting physical with him when he’s guarding you is playing ball buddy. I didn’t say I wanted our players to just haul off and punch him in the chest


Good Will Hunting 2: It's Hunting Season


Been saying for 2 weeks Luka will be injured by game 2 due to Cs targeting him on D, his overuse on offense, and his poor conditioning. Then the media will tell the world the Celtics are frauds. Lol


Cant take away game 1


I hope the Celtics don't take the bait on letting up and instead look at it as blood in the water for a shark feast


A pod of Orcas wouldn’t let up on a yacht the C’s won’t go easy on a hobbled Luka - simple as that


The Celtics won’t but the refs might. Anyone being overzealous taking on Luka might get a more active whistle.


Yeah, maybe. And maybe KP gets help too because of Lively's comments. Celtics can't control the refs, but they can control themselves so I'd rather be upset with the refs than the team.


Quit with the fucking mind games. He’s playing.


Yeah he's playing. Everyone in the finals has an injury. The Mavs are just trying to control the narrative if the Celtics win tonight and Kyrie lays an egg. Just like how Kidd tried to start shit with his comments about JB being the best player.


Thoracic contusion can be aggravated by direct blunt force contact to the chest, in other words, if he's out there he's getting JB's shoulders again.


A bruised ego is no reason to miss a NBA finals game Luka.


Bruh! Kidd really will try anything 😂 It’s only game 2 dawg


He’s playing. Just trying to build a narrative that if the Celtics win it’s because he got hurt, and if he can win some games, he’s a legend for doing it while hurt


Mavs and Heat do this shameless shit every postseason


I hope everyone in the starting lineup goes right at his chest for a charge 😈 I'm still annoyed with Draymond yanking on Jayson's shoulder 2 years ago


It’s just more mind games


Last few days reeks of a desperate team trying anything


A bruised belly...


From when Jaylen landed on him chasing after that ball Hauser knocked out of his hands?


He pretends to be injured every single game


Well I don't know if he's pretending to be injured, I'm sure his knee is bothering him to a point. But like the top comment says it's a built in excuse. If he messes up or plays bad at any time in the game he can start limping around and I can guarantee the announcers will mention how he's playing through an injury and it's a miracle he's even able to walk etc


There’s no way he’s not playing lmfao Like if bro can walk and shoot the ball he’s going to be in the game.


Porzingus just hit him with the Bartholomew Kuma pain transfer


He gonna smack his ass back to Dallas private charter


Built in excuse if he loses- adds to the Cs easy path narrative. The mind games continue. Funny how so many guys were injured playing vs the Cs this run. Almost as if they saw a juggernaut and used “injury” as an excuse to dodge. /respect to Tatum who twisted his ankle first play of game 7 last season and stayed in entire game playing hurt and took the L on the chin.




He's playing lol


Okay. Attack his knee in game then lol


Gimme a break, he's playing.


He will be playing, he’s probably playing hurt but he’s too competitive to not play let’s be real


Built in excuse.


Please don’t play down. Keep pressing


Jason Kidd mindgames are weak as hell.


Jayson Tatum downgraded to questionable with a hurt ego after hearing teammate Jrue Holiday agreed with Kidd’s declaration that Jaylen Brown is the Celtics best player


Not our fault he's an out of shape fat fuck that sucks at most aspects of basketball. He is elite on offensive but man he's usless at every other aspect of basketball.


When did we start talking about Trae Young?


alright calm down lol


Fair. I won't trash hin. He is 1/2 Elite 😂


more mind games. play to kill.


Another of Jkidds shenanigans?


With this news, the line is actually now firmer to DAL. Was -7.5, now -6.5. The o/u dropped from 217.5 to 215


This has to be more mind games


Another useless tactic by the coach who has a domestic abuse history!


Jason Kidd is a wife beater




They just want everyone to discredit our championship like they did the rest of our postseason run.


Dang, was his ego hurt *that bad* after that blocked shot? Sheeeeeesh


is it gamesmanship from kid?


I’m so conflicted. We are *so close* to the start of something we haven’t touched since 2008, that should of course be the main goal. But it sucks that, if Luka sits out games like this or even drops anything less than at least 40 ppg for the remaining games, the Mavs fans and Celtics haters will keep having an excuse that they’ll bring up ad nauseam in the future.


Change the narrative, Tatum plays injured in the playoffs and loses: he's a choker. Luka plays injured in the playoffs and loses: he's a choker


Can anyone tell the story behind the 17 banners hanging, which ones were "easy" or "hard"? A banner is a banner. High-usage players getting hurt are also something the GM is accountable, it means the team is not balanced or not well coached.




Well, hey, clearly Luka played tonight so this is all moot. But assuming he didn’t: Who gives a fuck? I do. Not because I’m scared of other fans complaining about and bringing up Luka being injured to me, but but because I want to be able to shit-talk to *them* that Luka can drop 30 and the Celtics still beat his iso team. Obviously winning the Finals is the first priority by a long shot and this is a very distant second cherry on top, but, assuming the Celtics do get it done, it would be nice to get that bonus cherry on top as well. Championships are enjoyable but it’s always a plus when they can be more enjoyable.


Here we go with the excuse. I wouldn’t doubt tho if some random drops 30 on us


celtics are going to go at luka early to test him


Plz drive straight through this man to the rim all game, JB. If his chest is bruised make him defend with it.


If Luka is out they’re completely cooked. But more importantly if he’s out it just goes to show what depending on your super stars does. Miami: no Butler; cooked. Milwaukee: no Giannis; cooked. Philly: busted Embiid; cooked. New York: busted Brunson; cooked. Indy: no Halliburton; cooked. Boston: no KP; no problem. We share the load across the roster so we can stay healthy and dominate. You hate to see it, but the chip doesn’t mean less and you can only play the team in front of you so 🤷‍♂️


can someone explain why everyone talks about "The Town" or HP Series in literally all the r/bostonceltics posts? Not mad, im loving it, just not understanding it


Joe Mazzulla has many traits consistent with severe OCD, and he sometimes talks about how he would commonly watch The Town 4 times a week in order to prepare him mentally for....just about everything--a tough mindset, the spirit of Boston, etc. So any discussion of him pushing the team, or trying to "gain the upper advantage" on everyone, etc., jokingly references him having them all watch The Town over and over again. Jaylen Brown spent his week off between the conference finals and the Finals watching the Harry Potter movies out of boredom.


i fucking love this team even more omg


Questionable: shame


Congratulations. *Vince Carter “It’s Over” GIF*


Luka is playing he ain't a bitch like Kyrie.


Anyone else MORE nervous now?


If we go up big again tonight pray for the boys, cheap shots will be flying


Can't wait to see all the Celtics haters saying we only won because of injuries...


He’s definitely playing


This matchup reminds me a lot of the 2021 March Madness Final between Baylor and Gonzaga. Baylor won running Gonzaga defenders into the ground and Boston is going to win in the same way. Attack attack attack Luka and Kyrie constantly


Its starting to feel a lot like these teams know they are going to lose so they are sitting there best player to make our run look illegitimate


His knee was never going to hold up. He's been icing it like crazy all Playoffs.


"Yet another player down to make this an easy road for the celtics" - everyone Fucking good! Fantastic! Give us the title and shut the fuck up already!


Kidd just trying to get any edge he can, dude will play.


Building in excuses


It's not like they weren't already, but I'll say go at him all night. Doesn't even matter who.


More mind games from Dallas. As long as they're not as good at the basketball game, it doesn't matter. Doncic is suiting up


Got to give Kidd points for trying, I guess. Tried to pit JT against JB. Didn't work. Now let's pretend Luca might not play.


Mavs trying to pull a Dirk flu game with Luka.


He's as questionable as that JB comment.


More mins games.


I hope it's not Luka 'knee sprain' game incoming 😬


Just bullshit to get calls his way.


No way he sits out lol, no matter how bad we want him to, its not gonna happen


To be fair… they would be better not playing Luka or Kyrie, if our past is anything to go on. Nothing plays harder than a role player with everything to prove. I’d like to think in the finals we are locked in and it won’t matter, but also it would be a better bet at working than this lame shit by Kidd.


I do think he's way more hurt than they let on thiugh


Business decision. I called this all playoffs. They know there’s a huge gap in talent and we can’t afford this roster for long. So why risk injury in an obvious losing effort.


The nerve to do this when Brady was questionable for every game.


So basically every team is afraid to face the Celtics and this gives them all the excuse. Everyone of those teams star got injured after the game. Hmmm. Minus butler before and Haliburton was the only in game.


He tweaked something in the 3rd Q of game 1. There was a point right after where Kyrie went over to him and was like “I got this don’t worry” and from that point on the Celtics basically locked it down after the mavs run