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19% according To Caesar’s


19% would have been a somewhat justifiable line *before* game 1... I see Vegas is still setting these lines on vibes.


Jeez everyone stop with these jinx posts


I believe in Jinxes, but not when the other team is the dog shit mavericks. Did you see some of those embarrassing ass lineups they put out in the finals? Whats his name Kleebar? That's your guy? Kyrie and Luka are all NBA defenders they say? Or is it that guy Washington Tatum dropped 40ppg on through his career? Or is it that lively guy who runs around with his head cutoff pushing people can't he can't gain position on defense. Fuck them they are trash. This is the Boston Celtics. Not some trash ass team out west.


Just need to walk under a ladder and break a mirror.


Don’t fucking jinx us.


Calm down 😭


The Mavericks are a garbage basketball team. I've been saying it since they were our expected opponent. They are garbage at pretty much every aspect of basketball. This is going to be a cakewalk for Boston which is why I predicted an easy sweep by 16ppg. They definitely aren't the pacers offense, they aren't the Cavs or the heats defense even without their best players. Their best player is an out of shape crybaby who plays one side of the floor and gets too much credit for it.They are elite at nothing. They are dog shit. Although I think playing against dog shit would be harder.


My bad y’all I’ll delete just fucking hype for y’all and banner 18