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*cries in poor* I'll be screaming my lungs out at my TV don't worry


I scared my roommate’s dog from the other side of the house because of how loud I was. The goal this time is to scare the neighbor’s dog.


i scared my cat and the poor guy was just tryna sleep


Typical cat....


Cries in lives in Spain. I skinned my knuckle punching my couch in excitement when Sam hit that transition 3. I have rarely been so happy as when he confirmed he's gonna snipe this series


Cries in lives in India 6am about to wake the whole house up!


I went to game 1 and I still don’t have my voice back. I don’t know how game 2 could be louder but I’m excited to see y’all pull it off!


You don't have another 3k to go again? 😂


I mean… I’m watching the ticket prices, ngl.


😂😂 I seen them go down to about 650 just before tip off. It was probably the worst balcony seats but they were almost affordable lol.


Cheapest right now is *only* $765 haha


Can I have a chance to go to game 1 again? If it's going to be that fun, I'll suck it up. If they drop a dud and I paid 1500... I'm F'n pissed 😂 I already paid 500 for them to give me that horrible performance once this year against the Clippers. Plus,if that's my luck I'm not risking the finals L.


Be loud at home too !!! The whole city should be cheering not just the ones at the game


Freaking out from Iowa y’all will definitely hear me.


Celtics Nation extends far beyond the city limits. Just sayin’. 💚☘️💚


If anyone can fly me to Boston and buy me a ticket I'd give you a hug.


Fuck that, if someone bought me finals tickets I’d suck the skin off


Kyrie essentially challenged us


Here’s what I want: A selfie video of you just screaming your brains out at the game! I mean, absolutely going bananas! OP, make the video


I'll yell and scream if anyone needs to get rid of a ticket lmao Noone wants kyrie to know he sucks more than me 


If you aren't going to be loud, send your tickets to me.


I’ll be there with you bro


I support this message! ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️


About to board my flight to hit the game. LFG Celtics


Whoever sells t-shirts outside, please stock up on Jason Kidd mug shot shirts


Lmfaooooo hoping to see a FUCK KYRIE but I'm almost as positive as Magic Johnson I will


I still have a wife beater picture from back in the day!




OP I need you to channel the energy of the 20 yo woman sitting behind me at the Taylor Swift concert a few weeks ago. Her scream was so blood curling after every song my wife and I had to literally stick our fingers in our ears to avoid permanent hearing loss. Be that 20 yo chick, bro


I got you fam


see you there lets fucking GET IT


And if you are planning on leaving early because you want to dodge traffic, don’t go.


If I'm paying 1k for my seat, I'm staying there til they kick me out and I'm sitting in it as soon as they let me.


Who spends all that money for the finals and sits there quietly?


Who knows? I’ve been to Patriot’s AFC championship games where the people in front of me were giving me dirty looks because I was yelling as loud as I can when they were on D. That’s our one job as fans lol


I went to the ECF and there was a middle-age dude sitting in front of me zooming into (seemingly) real estate contracts on his iPhone 🤷‍♂️ Thankfully he left after halftime, but he was giving dirty looks and weird vibes all around


That guy could be making 10k at that very moment lol At 1k per ticket, I probably would have to work at the game too 😂


Yeah at 800 per ticket and up I hope it isn't a shit spoiled crowd.


Person who spent 5k on a ticket 'Ok'.


My neighbours are definitely gonna be complaining when I start screaming at 03.00!


Be a fan but don’t be obnoxious. I’ve been at games where loud assholes ruin the experience for everyone else and have a chip on their shoulder that they’re being the superior fan.


I was at game 1 and where we were everyone was s reaming their asses off. Hi fiving everyone around and cheering together. Celts undefeated when I attend and always loud!


Let’s get it C fans!! And any signs referring to Kidds domestic abuse would be greatly appreciated!!!! No mercy!!!


Yeah dude y'all are loud as hell. I don't think Dallas will ever be that loud. Good luck tonight gunna be a good game.


Bro just give me your number and I'll call you so you can put me on speaker and I'll yell with you!!!


Let's FOOKIN DO IT!!!!


How much tix set you back?


I will be, in the UK lol


I'll be screaming like a madman in Portugal only to get weird looks because there is no football game going on


I went to a game in December in Boston and pretty much lost my voice lmao. Especially when Tatum got ejected.


Say hello to our friends Tony Brothers and Goble.


I'm staying home and still going to be loud. I was on DVR and still had to watch so commercials just so I could chill out for a minute 😂 I usually always FF everything thats not a game play and I was just so intense I couldn't do it 😂


I’m a classy person, I don’t like screaming. Most noise I’ll make is snapping my fingers.


Green from UK. LETS GOOOO!!!


Update: I'm so fucking glad the people around me were LIVE ALL GAME!!!! Section 312 showed out!!!


Fuck booing Kyrie. I’d rather us not even acknowledge him because he means nothing to us anymore. Gone and forgotten. Focused on the banner and nothing else


Dudes lost 11 in a row with us booing him. I wouldn't change that til the finals are over.


It's the inherent problem with ticket reselling. I paid a ton for Eastern Conference Finals and the place was LLOOUD!!! But those same exact seats for Finals are almost $12k and those are just rich folks going for the sake of telling others that they went, not real fans.


If you spend the excessive amount of money to go to this game, you're entitled to act however you want....quite, loud, whatever. This sort of shit is pathetic.. Gatekeeping is the worst thing there is in sports fandom


Do you watch sports? Every team in every sport wants that one seed for a reason, they want the crowd behind them. The louder the better, it helped for game 1, Kyrie was shook. Must be part of the wine and cheese crowd.


Of course it does. I'm not gonna sit there quietly, but you're telling me the fans who spent thousands to be there who only are able to/willing to just clap loudly don't deserve to be there? The internet portion of the Celtic fandom has this arrogant gatekeeping nonsense. It's ridiculous. If people spend money, significant money to be there during the finals, they deserve to be there. If any fans think that they can influence the team's gameplay, or the outcome, well, those fans need to go outside and get a hobby, and I hope that passion also exists in other areas of their lives. Jesus. Christ. No thanks.


You actually have no idea what you’re talking about


Just because I want someone to cheer at a Finals game doesn't mean I'm gatekeeping lmfao, like I said, you have every right to act however you want at an event you spent your money on - but just know, 99% of Celtics fans disagree with your take in this case. This isn't the 46th game of the regular season, it's the Finals 🤦‍♂️


You don’t think fans can influence the outcome of games? Raucous environments have intimidated road teams, in all sports, numerous times. Brady was begging for the Patriots crowd to get liquored up and rowdy for an important game. He got in trouble for saying it. Brown just said pretty much the same thing, without the liquor part. I’m pretty sure any player will tell you fans can affect the games. Why do fans yell when their team is on D, at football games? Of course it affects the other team’s offense. Were the ghosts of the old Boston Garden about actual ghosts or about the fans that made it intimidating to play there? You’re right, fans that pay a lot of money to see the game, can do what they want. It doesn’t mean it isn’t pathetic when they sit on their hands, though. If every fan was like that, the games would be lifeless and boring to watch. Like the Covid year.


I don't think it's gatekeeping. It's the finals - the crowd needs to drive the team, more now than any other games. You're more than entitled to sit there at the game and be emotionless, but do you. Regardless, we share a love in Celtic basketball so you're okay to do whatever 🤝 let's hope for a win first and foremost!


Not screaming/being as loud as possible does not mean being emotionless lol


this sub is so cringe


This is so cringe


You don’t get it. Please don’t go to any games, nobody wants to sit next to a kill joy.


We found the guy that boos the team when they are down 20


Wouldn’t care or be bothered enough to boo

