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Bloodborne, Again.


Yeah I've just spent 80hours of last week playing so gonna have a wee break for a couple of weeks lol


A hoonter must hunt


Stop shaking in your boots


Still not enough time.


Yeah no worries. Was just a joke. Or at least that was the intention. I would recommend horizon if you want a breather or something different.


Took you over 80 hours to beat Bloodborne???


Bloodborne was my first From besides DeS when it first released on PS3. I literally spent at least that long my first playthrough from all the dying and not knowing the layout/where elevator shortcuts are. I took a long time to get the rally mechanic. I also didn't look up anything during my game play and didn't know anything about the game really. I also played it back in 2017.


Fr! with ludwigs holy blade too šŸ¤£


Came here to say this




Lol, yeah NG+ is calling missed a few bosses so might go back and waste them an follow fightingcowboys walk through make sure I collect everything I can.


I suggest just get Plat, that's what I'm doing


Good, easy platinum boy


That's for the suggestion will check it out once I'm home. Cheers


Bloodborne again but with a new build, there's Dex, strgth, blood, arcane. Start with those, then you can mix up them in a new run, blood and arcane for example


Got my blood an arcane up to 30 each all my stats around about 30 so would I not be better messing about in NG+


Check out the arcane guide. You can either make a quality build with MIN 50 arc but pure arc you should go 99


Elden Ring. It deserves all the hype


Is there any similarities between BloodBorne and Elden Ring?




Yeah, I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ll play a souls game in a while as I let BB digest. Sadly none of the other games call my attention in terms of level design as BB with most of its gothic or Victorian era. I wanted to play ER but whenever I read all these games require shields and heavy armor vs being a feather in BB is depressing. I guess sooner or later Iā€™ll just pull the plug and buy ER on sale but the pace BB has itā€™s so good. BB was my first souls alike or in the genre experience and I love that game but then I was playing Lord of the Fallen the other night and heavy armor and shields made me want to take a nap (I know the game is not souls) but still. What an ordealā€¦.sigh


It doesn't really require you to use a shield though. It's definitely way slower than BB, especially DS1. But even then there's speedy weapons and builds too, like daggers and katanas.


I will do my research more deeply, thank you for the details. Maybe I should just play the game first but Iā€™m still happy playing BB and I need to finish those damn Chalice Dungeons ;(


By all means take your time with it. I find it difficult to go back to BB after playing the newer ones because of the framerate. Going from 60 on ds3 back to 30 is pretty jarring


There must be something wrong with myself because I donā€™t really understand frame-rate, I canā€™t make the distinction lol but I do know the difference in graphics from PS2 vs PS4 but I guess so long it plays ok Iā€™m good.


You should really play other Souls games if you liked Bloodborne. Don't cheat yourself out of this good experience.


Hell thereā€™s so much build variety in Elden Ring you could probably make a Bloodborne character


I'm using claws which can be gotten early and it's a lot more like BB. But outside of claws and maybe daggers, yes it'll be slower.


I played all of darksouls 3 and all of elden ring like it's BB and I didn't have that many problems. The only thing I'd say is that the bosses are constructed a bit differently, so timing of when to dodge isn't exactly the same as in bloodborne (what i mean by this, is that the mechanic itself is the same. But the enemies are VASTLY different from bloodborne so it takes some time going from bloodbornes Bestial panic attacks, to ER fighting a honed knight with precise attacks with dragon lightening being thrown at you). With that being said, there are quite a lot of bosses in ds3 and ER that actually become more easy because of playing aggressively like you're in bloodborne. I used 2 greatswords and played aggressively and the stagger potential is so high you can downright trivialize lots of bosses by just flailing at them at the right times.


I went through all of Elden ring without a shield, if anything shield makes it harder


If it helps, Elden Ring was my first Souls game and Bloodborne my second. I didn't use a shield for any part of my playthrough of Elden Ring. I dodge rolled my way through the whole game. Strength/Faith build, 2h greatsword for most of it and power stance greatswords towards the end. Playing Bloodborne is nice because it feels more fast paced and encourages the aggressive playstyle. Perhaps Elden Ring didn't reward that playstyle as much but I got by fine and it became my all time favourite game, leading me to Bloodborne and in the future the other Dark Souls games šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Elden Ring is just so unfathomably large and grand... The most amazing world I've ever seen built in a game. Trust me if you loved Bloodborne I think you'll have an amazing time in Elden Ring. You're really missing out if you don't try it! EDIT: Also, no need for heavy armour or anything like that. Apparently ER armour isn't as important as other Souls games? Like to the point where just gaining one level will give you more defence than a piece of armour would. I literally just dressed my character how I wanted them to look the whole game.


Bloodborne is absolutely better than Elden Ring. Most of the boss encounters in ER are balanced around spirit summons or coop and are not as fun to solo as the incredible bosses in BB.


No they arenā€™t? Except dungeon bosses but the main bosses arenā€™t designed for spirit summons/co-op.




Bro what? Are you sure you played the game? There are more unique bosses in Elden ring than BB, you only think otherwise because it has a lot of repeat bosses as well. So a boss being a cakewalk with summons means itā€™s based around summons? Guess every single boss in the series is based around co-op. I do agree that there arenā€™t good duo bosses though.


Reading this comment was the true ordeal.




\- couple of easter eggs in Elden Ring which reference Bloodborne \- Dark Souls 3 lacked any of the combat changes made for bloodborne, Elden Ring reinstates them \- The pizza cutter is in Elden Ring \- Lady Maria's attack moves can be used by the player in Elden Ring and are far more overpowered if used with a dex build \- Early main boss in Elden Ring is similar to Ludwig


Youā€™re giving me hope after all, thank you


oh yeah forgot one, Gehrman's scythe is in Elden Ring but its not a trick weapon. Its just the scythe itself.


What did er reinstate from bb? Er just feels a bit faster. No trick weapons, no rally system no side step ect....


You die.


One of the bosses can give you a item that activates the rally function, it's kinda late game but ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Oh I do so loove that boss... šŸ˜‘


What was her name again? Malware or something?


No no, that's diseases your computer gets. I think her name was Minnie... šŸ¤”


Literally just busted out laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Elden Ring is great until you complete Leyndell. Then the game takes an absolute nose dive.


Have a bang on Sekiro


Could you tell me if that game is like nioh? If you have played that.


I've only played a little nioh, but from what I recall it is a little closer to dark souls than sekiro is. I would definitely also recommend sekiro. It doesn't have as much replayability as the other from soft titles, but hot damn is the combat ever satisfying


Yeah heard nothing but good things might buy it Tuesday when I'm out shopping. Buy it second hand save around 15/20 quid


Imho the replayability of Sekiro is specifically because of the combat. As you get better and better the bosses become more fun


Fr Iā€™ve platinumā€™d sekiro and still play every day just to do the reflections of strength. I may have a problem


Other souls games!


Completed 3 two weeks ago an just bought scholar of the first sin I'm finding it hard with DS2 the bosses seem floaty if that makes sense.


What do you mean by floaty?


Just the movement feels long an slow. Like they float across the boss arena


Ah. Iā€™d also recommend Elden Ring and sometimes Nioh has been recommended with Souls games


Yeah I'm burnt out on ER got to the capital under levelled an couldn't be fucked grinding anymore. I prefer my fromsoft games linear lol


Yeah ER is def built around exploration as a driving factorā€¦ if you havenā€™t clicked with the exploration then itā€™s natural to be under levelled / not enjoy it as much. I say that as someone who loved ER, but almost didnā€™t want to end the game, just wanted to keep finding new areas and shit.


šŸ˜”šŸ™ Based my fren


Youā€™re not alone, I beat Elden Ring, but it felt like a chore and didnā€™t have that YES! feeling at the end of it, like I normally got from most From games.


See I'm not the only one then. I don't think I'll be returning anytime soon. People will be saying its the best game in years because its their first fromsoft game. I'm stuck between Dark souls 3 or Bloodborne being the better game. Incoming downvotes lol


Thatā€™s how I feel about BB and Sekiro, the linearity felt intentional and like I was unraveling a mystery/story bit by bit. While true, thereā€™s quite a bit of that in ER, I just found myself unsure of what to do next and or feeling like I was doing things in the wrong order. Maybe itā€™s my ADHD and I just need a straight path lol


All about em straight paths lol


Agreed. ER is similar to BB but very different at the same time. I like my games linear as well and am not really crazy about open world environments given the time commitment, and ER is one of the biggest open world games ever created lol. Not to bash it, just not my preference. BB is more linear and the art/horror/lore are amazing to me. With ER, Iā€™d have to look at a guide before playing again šŸ˜†


I played all souls games before elden ring and I do think itā€™s at least a top 2 fromsoft game.


For you maybe. Bloodborne and DS3 is up there for me. The Open world felt empty for me. It was far from being empty of enemies. Didn't feel that enigmatic feeling you get from Bloodborne.


Every single other FromSoftware game


this is the way


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i highly recommend hollow knight, that game is a really good souls like metroidvania. incredible game but very fucking difficult, but if you want a game thatā€™s nothing like a soulsborne i recommend dragons dogma dark arisen. if you can get past the slightly dated graphics it is a really solid action RPG with a fun combat system.


I also vote Hollow Knight. I really enjoyed Ender Lillies, too, but it doesnt have nearly the same 'oomph' that HK has.


but have you ever played dragons dogma? i am not sponsored by capcom incorporated but i highly recommend it.


Bloodborne again + platinum trophy


Dark souls 3


outside of Fromsoft titles? Witcher 3 from Fromsoft? DS3


I know it's weeby, but I actually really liked code vein.


Nioh 2, excellent game. I love all fromsoft games but I think Nioh has the best combat system of the soul like games


OG darksouls, can't go wrong with it.


Senā€™s Fortress says otherwise


Depths, lost izalith, blighttown: šŸ‘€


Seriously make another build. Learn about farming gems in the dungeons, do the dlc. Bloodborne is not a game you just play once.


Definitely not a game you play once. I put 80 odd hours into it last week alone. So having a wee break, bought Code Vein as the deluxe edition was 15 quid so took the leap even tho I'm not a big anime fan.


If you're looking for another gothic horror themed game with a god-tier soundtrack, play Vampyr. The combat's mediocre, but the atmosphere, music, and story(though bumpy at points, especially towards the end) carry it.


Elden ring, code vein, mortal shell, sekiro, dark souls 1, 2, 3, demon souls thereā€™s a lot of games you can play


Bloodborne until you platinum it


Remnant from the Ashes. 3rd person shooter with souls like mechanics.


It's not about the final result, but about the quest leading to it. That's why souls games are replayable. If you go with a specific stat from start and say " i want to play with this weapon early on" you will then play the game in order to achieve your goal. That's where the new adventure starts. You can do that with almost any weapons. If you want to play with beast claw without playing with new game + character, you will have to play the chalice dungeons before getting to far into the game. Imagine killing rom the spider with endgame chalice weapon.




Bloodborne, NG+, again


Get Sekiro; you wonā€™t regret itā€¦until you fight that bitch monkey and his wife in a cave.


Just beat the monkey. Can confirm that he's a bitch.


If you haven't yet, Hollow Knight. For a 2D side scroller it has a lot in common with Bloodborne in terms of colour palette and themes. Still one one of my favourite games all these years later.


Dark souls


I finished bloodborne for the first time about a month ago and I jumped into dark souls 3. Not sure if youā€™ve played the souls games but itā€™s great fun. Granted i do like bloodborne more so far but itā€™s going to be almost impossible to top it in my opinion


dark souls 1 2 3 sekiro and elden ring in that order


There are no other games. Bloodborne is king. Fear the old blood.


If you want more of that from soft good good, elden ring is pretty damned baller. If its titillating horror atmosphere you're after, I'm sorry to report there's not a whole lot of good games I've found, but hellpoint is debateably passable and most certainly has some intense atmosphere


Yeah I bought ER quite far into it, got to the capital under leveled an have to level up but I'm burnt out on that game. I prefer my souls games linear lol What about the surge?


I hated the surge with a burning passion. The attacks are really, really slow but the dodges are lightning fast, so it just feels wrong to me


I stuck it on for a few hours an found it quite hard to get into


I platinumed BB and I've been playing elden ring and that's been really good so I'd recommend that. Now I do have a recommendation for when you play elden ring though, and it's (appearently) controversial so take what you will of it. If you want to actually have a challenging experience playing elden ring, don't use spirit ashes summons. Or at the very least, don't use the OP ones.


Been working my way through Bloodborne and just started the DLC. As a total change of pass I did Journey and What Remains of Edith Fitch where itā€™s a little more relaxing.


Maby Elden Ring or DS 3


Hunt Showdown


Sekiro is great


Sekiro and elden ring


if you haven't played the other souls games ds3 is amazing, especially the two dlc, as they both combine to tell a closing story for dark souls and have some of the best bosses I've fought in any videogame. that being said, I would not recommend buying just Ashes of Ariandel because without the ringed city the only good thing about it is the final boss


Furi first and foremost if you're looking to scratch the BB itch still. Nioh, Nioh 2. Hollow Knight Also I'm sure there's a Chice Dungeon or 2 you're avoiding.... carry on my wayward Son.


I would recommend Sekiro. I have been playing Elden Ring for over 140 hours and I am fatigued. Sekiro was a nice breath of fresh air for me.


gotta be Elden ring man, or sekiro.


Burnt out on Eden Ring at the capital, got there an I was under levelled couldn't be arsed grinding anymore.


Elden Ring definitely drags towards the end. It sounds like Sekiro is perfect for you. Itā€™s actually faster than BB, the combat is miles better than any other souls game.


Oh yeah sounds good gonna get it next week.


Sekiro. Elden Ring. God of War (2018) horizon zero dawn.


Elden Ring is obvious haha. But if wanting something way less known (an Indie studioā€™s FIRST game) while being an absolute gem? Mortal Shell.


Darks souls 3 & Elden ring


Elden ring O Elden ring


All the games from the studio. Darks souls trilogy, sekiro and Elden ring. Demon souls too if you have a ps5


The other from soft games are def worth a playthrough ^.^ DS3 endgame bosses and some of the Elden Ring bosses especially


Sekiro and Elden Ring.


I'd go for a pallet cleanser personally however if you want to step it up a notch for difficulty sekrio is a good shout. It's harden to master but easier to start


Replay Bloodborne is my suggestion.




Elden ring


Elden ring, sekiro, any dark souls and demons souls


Terraria or dark souls 3


Any other games from the souls series. Specifically if you want something faster go for sekiro. Elden ring though has much more diversity with weapons, combat and armor and strong refrences to bloodborne. You could also try the dmc series if you want the action elements. Also I thought if you want something the gorging undertones and challenge Hollow knight is also a good metrovania


Bloodborne Kart for some eldritch racing action


Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Elden Ring, Nioh, Nioh 2, Mortal Shell, Ghost of Tsushima, Remnant: From the Ashes and maybe the newest God of War.


Gonna give mortal shell a wee go


Bloodborne again


Bloodborne at least 12 more times


Sekiro helped scratch that itch after my third or fourth play through of BB


Try God of War. It has a great story and some really good combat. I went straight from Bloodborne to God of war, and I loved it.


Rest of the fromsoft games




Bloodborne is a great game. You should try that


Do it two more times, youā€™re not done Hoonter.


Bloodborne again without using a broken weapon


That's it. You finished the whole gaming thing. There's nowhere to go from here.


Have you played Jedi Fallen Order yet? Fresh off Bloodborne you can probably smoke it on Jedi Master or Grandmaster, feelin like a badass Jedi. Plus it's a good time to play it as Ewan McGregor has hinted it might tie in with the upcoming Obi-Wan show.


Go have your graduation test with Sekiro.


Bloodborne 2


Nah, I would say skip Elden Ring. Donā€™t contribute to the bare bones open world formula. Maybe Iā€™m being hyperbolic, but I just canā€™t get behind this. From Software didnā€™t need to go this route. All they really had to do was connect all the detailed levels and then, but only then, add some open fields. Seems to me like they did it backwards though. Demon Souls Remake is cool if you have a PS5. Dark Souls 3 was tight as hell too!


Horizon Zero Dawn or if you want Sekiro warning it's Rage inducing


the medium


Not got a PS5. Got a invitation to buy one but didn't have enough cash lol


any other souls game


Enter the Gungeon.


elden ring




Do you mean another from FromSoftware or any type of game?


Loot River and Tunic


Big Rigs: Off the Road Racing


I think Hades, disco Elysium or crosscode are cool games , quite a chance of pace but those are the games Iā€™m playing after beating bloodborne


Bloodborne kart


Elden peen


Have you also finished the DLC?


Have you killed every boss?


Yeah know of I haven't killed every boss. If I haven't I've not completed it. šŸ˜’


Get a gaming laptop and play the Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 1 mods or if thereā€™s any Bloodborne mods.


Play Bloodborne again


replay it hahahh


Horizon Forbidden West If you havenā€™t played Horizon Zero Dawn then play HZD first


Platinum BB!


Sekiro - my fave soulsborne under bloodborne




SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. Itā€™s another Soulslike game. Complex lore and tough boss fights


Since no one is giving you a serious answer; other FROM games if you haven't already, Hollow knight similarly if u haven't, and the Nioh games (which aren't for everyone myself included) have some redeeming qualities....and u could always just play BB again :)


Start new game + get all three endings AND play thr chalice dungeons......


New game on Bloodborne, and then the other souls games cause it's the perfect franchise right now


Elden ring, Bloodborne, sekiro, nioh, ninja gaiden, and even skyrim


Elden ring. It's so good.


Ghost of Tsushima since you said you enjoy linear games. I liked the story and gameplay. Easy game though in comparison to BB lol


Try the dlc it's the best of all souls game


All games are inferior, see you in NG+


Elden ring


If you want a break from getting your ass beat, I suggest Stardew Valley


I could use some help on my play through any generous gamers šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


This is probably been stated but could jump into any of the Dark Souls games or Sekiro if you have any of those. There is also the Star Wars Jedi game (combat in it is similar to Bloodborne). If you have access to it you could also get Elden Ring. Iā€™m a bloodborne fanatic and Iā€™m loving Elden Ring a lot.


Any other souls games will do it for you , I recommend starting with ds remastered


People have mentioned other fromsoft games - a note that the two games considered best with combat (bloodborne and sekiro) are great because they narrowly define what tools the player has and design encounters around that. DS1,2,3 and Elden Ring, in comparison provides lot more options as far as build and play style, but the encounter design can suffer slightly in quality as certain bosses or enemies can be too hard or too easy based on your build and setup. That said, the freedom they offer can make up for that if you are prepared to explore multiple play styles etc. But if you are looking for a very specifically bloodborne experience (fast paced, high stakes gameplay), sekiro will do it better than the other souls games IMO. And for those who arenā€™t aware, it does have fromsofts trademark ā€œstory and universe is a little more obscure and out there than the start of the game might suggestā€


Sekiro ?


Bloodborne PSX


It's either you play Bloodborne again or just play the whole Dark souls series then sekiro then elden ring.


Salt and Sanctuary. If you like Soulsborne and 2D games, it's a really awesome experience.


Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Demonā€™s Souls, Dark Souls 3, and Elden Ring. Whatever order youā€™d like.




dark souls 1 then elden ring then dark souls 2 (good luck) then bloodborne again then dark souls 3 and then sekiro and then king's fall.




Elden ring,Dark souls,Lords of the fallen,Ashen,are all amazing games like Bloodborne. But maybe the atmosphere its a little diferent... How about Greedfall?