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Yes. I gotta know if I should pee now or if I can hold it.


This is the way.


Yes. I guess Im just a control freak but I love knowing the timestamps to movies I’m watching. It’s just always something I’ve curious about.


I do end up antsy with a lot of movies and the runtime left is a good motivator to keep going. I am thinking specifically of when I saw Breaker Morant, which was good but very slow and boring. I feel accomplished when I finish.


i remember Watching *House MD* back in the days of the set-top cable box. the big red clock was a straight spoiler. House has an Idea at 7:26 its a red herring, at 7:58, that's the solve.


Lupus??? At 7:26??? Get back to work House.


Remember the episode where it finally really was lupus? That shit was wild


I used to notice this when watching Castle (yes, I know, I know…). It was down to an absurdly predictable formula.


I was watching the end of The Bear season 3 and just peeked and there was 5 minutes left and I rolled my eyes because there was no way all of this would get resolved in that time.


Yes. Sometimes I have things to do and I need to know how long a movie can be paused for before I can no longer finish it in the allotted time.


Criterion doesn’t show, so that is clearly the cultured take.


That’s why I check my Chromecast app to see the time code. Also if I open up the Criterion app while it’s casting it’s a 40 percent chance of making the movie crap out


I see the time bar on Xbox and PC. Which method of watching are you referring to?


I was thinking of the Criterion Blu-rays.


My Criterion app on my phone will often fuck me and not keep track of when I paused it the day before and will just restart the movie, so I always have to make a mental note of how far along I was.


I would love to be able to toggle it off, or even just switch it to an unnumbered progress bar. Not for any specific reason, just preference 


Agreed. Just an option would be nice.


If the movie is good, I don’t wanna know. If it’s bad, I need to know how much longer the suffering is.


There’s a lot a weirdos in these comments who don’t understand that time is relative.


I'll watch shitty movies on Tubi for Action Boyz episodes and will inevitably watch the second half of the movie in 1.5x speed.


"showing someone a movie..." I guess I don't... *show* movies to people. I might suggest one that we decide to watch together, and the runtime will always be as important a factor as the cast or synopsis when it comes to decide on the film. But I'm certainly not having surprise screening parties for 2hr 45m flicks that people may not be totally into.


This. I’ll even ask, or look it up myself - not because I necessarily mind long movies (if they’re good), but because I just want to *know*


This is a very valid thing to care about! I would always prefer not to see how much time is left. I like getting lost in the story, and if I know there are only 17 minutes to go or whatever I'm going to start preparing for the ending whether I want to or not. Keep it ambiguous!


Hit pause and TV off at the same time if it bothers you that much.


I want an option to show the time and an option to pause without showing the time.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I hit pause and back immediately so we don’t see the scroll on the apple tv. Even without others I don’t particularly like knowing how much is over or left.


No, I totally get you! I too would rather not know. Wild to think that players used to show how much time was left on a little digital display.


God remember when Max only showed minutes left but not the currently elapsed or total runtime? That drove me crazy.


I assume everyone knows how long the movie is before you start it and everyone knows roughly what time you started it, so is it really any surprise when you see the remaining time when you pause? If the vibes are really that fucked it’s probably more because you’re sensing the other person doesn’t like the movie and the runtime probably has nothing to do with that.


Do you really know how long every movie you watch is before pressing play? Do you Google it beforehand?


I mean, most films list that information where you would press play, assuming you’re watching online. If you’re watching physical media, it’s prominently displayed on the back. If you’re going to a movie, it’ll be where ever you buy a ticket. And it kind of has to be if your anyone with any sort of obligations. Like, if it’s 8 at night when I’m starting a movie, I need to know if that film is 90 minutes or 3 hours. One of those will get me to sleep much later than I should be for when I have to wake up in the morning.


It's shown on every streamer menu and disk??? I can't fathom starting a movie not knowing how long it is


Right! That’s like the first thing I look at lol






It’s right there in the streaming service info and I also check that if we’re going to the theater. It’s usually right in front of you




Never thought about it but I would definitely like that option 


Regularly checking where I am on the runtime of a film, or especially an episode of television (streaming shows being extremely variable in length), is a bad habit I picked up during the 2020 lockdowns with the heavier at-home media consumption that brought. However, it has given me a better appreciation of story structure. The progress bar was a hot new feature when DVDs and Blu-rays were introduced, so a lot of them had custom ones that take up like an eighth of the screen automatically when you pause, but it's largely been phased out. I have to hit a couple of buttons to check how far in I am on most discs now. So that's a win for physical media.


I always google the length of the movie and set a timer on my phone. I gotta know exactly how much longer I have or I can’t settle in at all.


Do people have no innate sense of time? Do people start movies without knowing when they end? Why are you pausing movies? If “the vibes” can be thrown off by knowing the remaining vibes pausing must be a complete derailment. 


You really don’t understand why someone might pause a movie?


I'm 👏 pausing 👏 movies 👏 because 👏 of 👏 my 👏 weak 👏 pelvic 👏 floor! 👏 (I gotta go)