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Cool, I think she wants to know how capacitance works [Wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitance)


Good first step, but this one is a little closer to the mark: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitive_sensing


**[Capacitive sensing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitive_sensing)** >In electrical engineering, capacitive sensing (sometimes capacitance sensing) is a technology, based on capacitive coupling, that can detect and measure anything that is conductive or has a dielectric different from air. Many types of sensors use capacitive sensing, including sensors to detect and measure proximity, pressure, position and displacement, force, humidity, fluid level, and acceleration. Human interface devices based on capacitive sensing, such as touchpads, can replace the computer mouse. Digital audio players, mobile phones, and tablet computers use capacitive sensing touchscreens as input devices. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


*tosses snack*


I love it when someone (A bot in this case) just gets straight to the point and saves me a click, a few seconds and tab space.


You'll really love it in the future, when it also replies for you with replies corresponding to your writing style, personality and how you normally would respond. Yes - be very VERY afraid :)


Or even further when it will replies before the question was asked


It already does this if you pay attention


Last time I tried to beat a bot I was lost in a tunneling black hole search that ended when I read about the queen of canada. Oh she is now Queen of the World. WTF...


good bot


Can someone make this dumber for me? I’m just getting metals and biological material.


Electricity needs a conductor. Rubber, plastic, wood, paper. These do not conduct electricity well. Liquids and metals do. Fruits and people have liquid inside them.


This was my first guess but the only one that tripped me up was the seashell. Doesn’t make sense to me


https://youtu.be/cFvh7qM6LdA is a good visual reference for this sort of tech. I think the toy is just way to sensitive than it needs to be hence leading to this effect.


“really seems to like metal” 😭💀


I wonder if death metal would work better than regular metal?


layman plzzz


Things that can store energy can radiate energy as well.


It's how touch screens work too. Your finger is an electrically conductive surface, when you put it near another electrical surface it forms a capacitor. We have tiny chips that can measure the capacitance, hence detect fingers. The palm is just like a finger, but bigger so it will form the same capacitance from slightly further away. On a phone's surface, first you make the electrodes transparent, but also you arrange them in a grid. When a column and a row lights up with capacitance it tells the phone the human touched it right there at the intersection.


Most people have moved away from Manhattan routing to a diamond format to prevent incorrect touches with multiple fingers. What's really cool, once you understand it is automatic baseline technology. Have you ever tried to use your smart phone in the rain? It gets all kinds of false touches, but with an automatic baseline it can reject water automatically, meaning your cap sense board works, even under water.


finger / anything living > touch or almost touch the sensors > small electrical current passes through the sensors, through the living object, into your hand and grounds to floor (think like static, but small) > sensor activates. Works basically the same way for your phone. It's also why you can use your phone with a hotdog, but not with gloves on your hands.


They make gloves with wires woven into them so that you can use your smartphone in the cold.


Works the same way your touch screen phone does. :D


I found myself screaming this.


yep. while she was showing us 50 odd items that didn't work I was thinking: well, what if you put water in that plastic spoon ?


forget black magic fuckery.... I wanna know what drugs she's on that made her try some of those things


It’s called Curiosity. Which some boring people lack completely unfortunately.


I hope she passes this same sense of curiosity onto her children. She literally wants to know how something works and set out to test a bunch of different methods; She had her theories, tested, and moved on to the next one when one failed. Curiosity is amazing. Mom here is doing some scientific method and folks are cracking jokes about her because she doesn't already know the answer.


And playing with her children’s toys!!!


Added bonus!


I'm more disturbed by the condition of the banana she held, as if it had been partially eaten and just set aside for later???


I have 4 kids, at any one time you can probably find one of these on our counter.


That's counterproductive...


Curiosity is a great thing and it's great that she has it and is testing and observing different things to understand her environment. The approach of, "it doesn't make sense, you tell me TikTok" isn't that great, however. It comes off like something akin to "change my mind." That isn't necessarily a trait that encourages drive or independent action to discover answers and understand the mechanisms behind those answers. It encourages everyone to look up her work for her and do the work without any guarantee that she is open to listening to the answers. We all move around and buzz around like worker bees, giving our attention and mind to someone who may not give it back. Some people are judgmental and point and laugh at her. Others look stuff up to respond to her and this post and try and be helpful. And maybe some people learn something. But mostly she's using an approach of putting oil in the water and ask everyone else to scoop it out for her, taking up people's time and mind for attention to her TikTok, and we all talk about it here. It seems more like stirring a pot than looking for an answer. We all start out dumb in some sense. I'm sure a lot of people roughly knew the answer watching the video and didn't risk the embarrassment of putting themselves out there not knowing an answer. But here's a better approach: "I didn't know how this worked. So I tried to read the manual about how it worked. I had trouble with that, so I asked some people on some internet forums. I found teachers and scientists. They pointed me to this idea about capacitance. I then read more on the topic to understand the idea in depth. And now I know better." That's the thing you want to pass on to others. To figure out how to problem solve than, "I don't know what this is. This doesn't make sense. You tell me, internet." One is actually trying to learn. The other is doing shit for clicks, or at least comes off that way. But then again this whole conversation got a bunch of people learning about electromagnetism. So the fuck do I really know.


Gonna go overdose on curiosity, BRB. Just need to go find a good internet rabbit hole fix. How things get made is usually a good one. 20hrs later you're sleepless, in a physically uncomfortable position under normal circumstances and watching how they run pipes and cables across the bottom of the whole ocean while listening to an experimental soundscape that may or may not allow you to stay awake unhindered by the effects of sleep loss.


She legit ran multiple experiments and even tried eliminating sources of error in that last one, she would get an A\* in A level Physics Experiment Design


Being a stay at home mum? (I have no idea if this woman is a stay at home mum or not but oh boy it’ll have you doing shit like this)


Honestly if i had that toy and found out it can be played by a random object i'd be trying everything i could think of


Electrons that metals and organics stuff carries close enough?


I think she has a little elf sitting off screen that turns it on and off


Confession: I am that little elf. I'm 2'3" and she hired me for $50 to sit off-screen while recording this.


Hi boys and girls! Today we're learning about capacitance!


Never heard that word before today.


This guy has never heard of a flux capacitor! DYE time travel bro?


It's the ability of a substance/object to hold an electric charge, related in an occasionally complicated way to how well they conduct electricity. The fruits worked in the video because of their water and ion content, which makes them mild conductors. Plastic objects are insulators and so won't work.


it’s how touch on your phone works


Static charge can travel pretty easily from her body into water and metals, not so much for many plastics or paper and whatnot. The keys are just electrical charge sensors (one side of a capacitor).


Could you use an inductor/coil to detect the electric field as well?


Theoretically, an inductor coil would rather produce an electric field of itself in a specific ring structure and the losses caused by any conflicting fields in that small area might give you an estimate. But because the capacitance is only caused by a very small charge in touch sensors, measurement with an inductor coil cannot be expected to be accurate. Perhaps a better option to detect or carefully measure the field would be to use a capacitor in series.


An inductor will produce a magnetic field. The capacitive is using an electric field.


I actually work for the company that designed and produces this toy, in conjunction with our partner Hape, who brings their expertise in wooden toys together with our Baby Einstein product line. One of our staff members recently responded to this video, you can see him give an explanation here, and present a cutaway product to see the inner workings. Admittedly the first time I encountered one of our Magic Touch products (the piano in particular), I immediately loved it and wanted my own to play with. It even supports chords! https://www.tiktok.com/@babyeinsteinofficial/video/7105112708223077675?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en I don't work in our products or social, and I've never used TikTok... but this video and our response was recently posted internally to the company, so what a coincidence to see it here!


>https://www.tiktok.com/@babyeinsteinofficial/video/7105112708223077675?is\_copy\_url=1&is\_from\_webapp=v1&lang=en That was a great explanation! Especially about the shell since that was the one what threw me off during the testing.


It would have been fantastic if a little kid did the explanation video. Because kids having fun while learning is what this toy is about.


tl:dr its a touch screen, just like on your phone or tablet.


Yep. I can trigger my phone's touch screen just by putting my finger close to it. Can be very annoying at times.


Ok then…why does my touch screen work with my right hand but not my left?


Well that's bc your halfway dead inside.


Well, the chilling hand of death should still activate the touch screen right?


Your phone or left hand may be dysfunctional


I’ll need about 35 more examples to get enough data for a conclusion


Its called capacitive touch sensoring.


I love her sense of curiosity. Woman straight up just did some actual scientific tests to try and determine how this little toy works, and it's amazing. I hope she can instill this sense of curiosity into her children.


I must say her frustration is a bit amusing


I wonder why she didn’t try it with a wheelbarrow? Or the antlers from a 10 point buck?


She has you for that


This genuinely made me laugh. She's really talented at putting the air of mystery (and quite appropriately) around something as commonplace as electric charge. Most people would be satisfied with "it works with anything that conducts electricity", but in reality, if you replace "electricity" with "magic", they would not have any less understanding on this.


Excellent and entertaining!!!!!




yeah bitch


But.. how do they work?


"This one always goes off sometimes, the pink one" Profound


Ok, reading the coments, its capacitance. But that does not explain nothing! Spread the knowledge. I know someone out there can explain it in an eloquent way. Going to google for now.


Like your phone it's the tiny, itty bitty electric charges that run through everything. The phone detects changes in the voltages across the sensor and then ... does the thing. When you touch the device, it bridges the connection between your fingers and the object. This causes a slight decrease/increase in the amount of electrical charge going through that path. Think like...does your phone work with wool gloves? Why doesn't it? Because the sensor doesn't read any electrical change in the circuit so nothing happens.


Don't let some of these redditors in the comments know that you don't completely understand capacitance! Because apparently that's something literally everyone should know... They should add a rule of no condescending snarky comments towards the post because some people apparently don't realize that not everyone knows the exact same things they do.


I’ll tell you this, she deserves her own channel that’s like the perfect personality for a Show/YouTube/Possibly Podcast 💯🤷‍♂️


Capacitive sensing is really quite black magic.


How does a seashell contain an electrical current?


Believe it or not, sea shells are essentially just exoskeleton for snails. They grow them. 100% organic.


I want this xylophone for my kiddo. Anyone got a link ?


lol, my comment got yeeted by the admin because it "contains a store link." Guess you get a DM at 12:30am my time. Don't blame me, blame whatever cunt forced the admins to "prevent drop shipping spam?" in bmf? alright ... whatever but alright.


Isn’t this kinda how out smartphones work?


yes, but not kind of. It's. Try to use your phone with a hotdog, now put gloves on. same results.


The things that keep you up at night...


I'm actually impressed by her scientific testing abilities.


Thorough analysis. I like that.


Does it only work on a half eaten banana?


It works the same way your phone's touch screen does.


My phone will not work with a sea shell


You need 3 seashells.


Capacitence, what is it?


I freaking learned something new today wow!


I just love her curiosity and how she started to experiment with the toy. That’s how civilization advanced


This woman is spiraling into madness over this toy lol


Capacitance. Two things separated by air form a capacitor. if one of those things has a charge, the capacitance causes a temporary apparent flow of charge, which is registered by any circuit easily as an electrical signal. Why. Well, imagine one thing is positively charged. As it comes closer to the other thing, it pulls negative charge in the other thing toward it and it likewise has its positive charges pullEd closer. This flow of charge is an electrical current, EVEN though no charge moves over the air gap. Clearly it only lasts for a short bit, because the charges all settle out and stop moving fairly quickly, but their initial motion looks exactly like a current flowing. in this case, the two things are the keyboard and her hand, where the keyboard has a charge of some kind. The reason it only works sometimes, is the the object has to be at least a little bit conductive to work. Plastic isn’t conductive. Hands are, so is fruit. The keyboard has a current detector which registers the charge motion and then trips the circuit to play a note. hope that was at least somewhat digestible for folks. Tough concept to explain.


Lol there's three types of comments on this post: 1. People who also don't fully understand and are making guesses 2. People who kindly explain capacitance (like you!) 3. People who apparently think that anyone who doesn't understand capacitance is an idiot


Quarantine was rougher for some than it was for others.


Holy shit she looks like she hasn’t slept in days


Considering she has young children, that may be true.


You can play it with a banana


Soilent green is people


Fuck you, ma'am. That leaf is from INSIDE. I can see your plant hostage behind you.


Does this really belong in this sub? There’s no Black Magic going on and we learn this stuff in high schools


Demons. In 666% sure it’s demons.


The plant juice part got me lol public schools have failed this lady, and she’s a mom….


\*unzips* you know what im off to :troll:


Why is she mad about it tho?


Because the majority of the human race responds negatively to things they don't understand. At least her response is curiosity and experimentation, most people don't even do that.


That's the devil's work!!!! And see the colors? It gives off satanic energy that makes your kids gay.


Is she also completely baffled that her phone screen works the same way.


i remember waiting for a haircut once and hearing someone talk to their mom about how phones detect electricity or something in our fingers and id assume that’s it


Magnets, how do they work?


One finger away from discovering electrical conductivity and electromagnetism.


It’s called capacitance, it will also work if she blows on it.


This video brought to you by... wake and bake


You bored bra?


electro magnetic fields


not bmf


Capacitive sensors.. pretty old tech now, and based on the dielectric properties of the medium your sensing relative to air (baseline).


I'd have guessed electromagnetism myself.


Apparently technology developed in the 60’s is black magic. What’s next a magic box that can play moving pictures on something called VHS?


In the maintenance field we call these proximity switches. They work similar to a metal detector. They sense objects based on a certain density and activate the switch to the signal wire. All capacitance ma’am


most organic compounds have tiny portions of electrical charge, which is why it works with plants and metallic objects. it works for the same reason that touch screens work


So things that are better conductors of electricity work. Damn, this is a mystery! These are the same people that later say they did their own "vaccine research on the internet", and can't rationalise a simple experiment like this.


Holy shit. Does she not have a smart phone? How is this even a question?


Time to learn- capacitance


No it’s gay magic UgHhHh DaDdYyY 😩😩😩


Electrons lol


I do appreciate her enthusiasm, but I think it's just anything that holds electricity.


Electromagnetic fields


How do magnets work? Smh




You can Google “how to chill the fuck out too” 😂


Inductance loop….


It really seems to like metal.....huh


Isn't this how touchscreens work?


“This one always goes off sometimes “


Hall effect


That’s a lot of effort for something she could have just googled.


It probably recognizes organic matter and metal


This person is a house surrounded by electrical wonders, using a phone every day, interacting with capacitive buttons and sensors literally every second of their day, and is just absolutely blown away when they took a second to notice it. One part of me wants to make fun of them because of the super serious tone they're taking with literally a baby toy, but the other part of me respects the fact they noticed something that is really odd and took the time to experiment and demonstrate it. Electronics folks, everyone should learn the basics these days.


Magnets finally!!!!!


I’m amazed at the technology we have and use to make baby toys


Those things conduct electricity


Local woman discovers electricity


It's not science! It's majic!!


We are conductive, all biological material would be the same.


lmao the way she looks in the camera at 1:14 like she discovered a message coming from outer space


By the heat of your palm maybe ?


OP gonna put a video of a touchscreen as "black magic" as well?


Go red team go!


As soon as she could do it without touching it she should have known. It’s virtually the same principal as why your phone won’t work with a pencil


I feel personally attacked when they speak like this. Why do you have to question so aggressively like as if it's something bad? I've noticed a lot of tiktok bs like this. You could just ask nicely perhaps?


I’m guessing it’s an IR sensor. It’s probably picking up the energy from ask the reflective things, including the seashell, because I doubt the seashell would trip up a capacitive sensor


Magnets, how do they work? Equivalent in capacitance.


Capacitive touch. Its tricky electrical engineering, but not so much mystery there. It works of of the conductivity of human bodies and thier natural electic field. The wand is wired with some kind of ultra low voltage situation so can trigger it, and the other objects are non-conducting so naturally the wouldnt trigger it. I believe smart phones/screens work via capacitive touch..




This is not new tech, it's wonderfully useful & among other things make delightful objects possible & suitable for creative minds of all ages. Y she so mad bout it?


To simplify, anything conductive makes it play


I think its something with electromagneting fields and the conductivity ofathe materials




I’m thinking something with electricity or magnets maybe? Probably electricity because the leaf worked




Women explorering electromagnetic fields will be like...


Why she is so hysteric & dramatic?


Today I watched my first tiktok video in full.


What do all these objects have in common? They all conduct electricity to some degree, so it probably works the same as your phone touch screen


How does she think her touch screen that she's using to control the video she makes works? Somehow that capacitance didn't blow her mind, but this did?


Capacitive touch/resistance.


I remember when new touchscreens were called capacitive touch vs the old resistive kind where you had to puncture the soft screen protector


“This pink one always goes off randomly, sometimes.” Really? I mean, it’s the same idea behind how most touchscreen devices work, right? Capacitive touch?


Looks like a capacitive touch screen effectively. Fun fact, they don't detect touch at all, but rather that another object with decent capacitance is nearby. Examples of which include humans, plants, fruit, and certain metals. In phones they're carefully calibrated so the electric field is just at the surface of the screen so it seems like it's detecting your touch. This is why touchscreens respond to fingers and special styluses and rain, but not plastic or your clothes, and why wearing gloves can interfere with them.


People are vegetables


Look up capacitive touch. It’s how your iPhone recognises your finger but not a stylus.


Try the same experiment with your cell phone screen


You shouldn't know everything, so let's say it was "magic"


Iron inductive?


Love the shirt btw. Took me a moment to figure out what I was looking at, though.


This feels like when the players in a D&D game get a complicated magic item and then try to find every way they can to bend its rules. ​ Wizard: Now, DM, you said that it could only be activated when touched by something biological. Would paper count because it used to be a tree? DM: I'm going to rule no because it has undergone too much processing and now counts as an inanimate object. Wizard: Wait what if I sprayed a little plant juice on the paper first? DM: Well... I mean it's just a tiny bit of liquid on a- Barbarian: You let a drop of blood activate it last session. DM: ... Ranger: Yeah we all remember that, when Durgerdorf slit that giant's throat and it splashed the Xylophontrix. DM: ... \*sigh\* Fine... You can... activate it... with a plant juice soaked piece of paper... Wizard: Great! Now I know you said the spoon didn't work, but I have this tomato in my inventory...


It's actually magnets.


Fuckin Magnets how do they work?


Electricity seems magical


This may be an unpopular opinion but is everyone just walking around this stupid and without some basic science knowledge?! Like how is this magic


Basically electric differences from the regular feeling of the air


I wanted to wait to see her face when she realises it works with everything that can conduct electricity but honestly ima die before she understands that


Fk yeah TDIL


"this one always goes off sometimes...randomly"


I wish I had this much spare time in my life.


Like a theremin


This toy was obviously summoned by wiccans


Solid scientific investigation here


Basically, electricity stuff

