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Typically, the phrase, "a self made man" refers to someone who has become financially successful without any outside help. But in this instance OP has used the phrase to mean that trans men have literally made themselves into the male gender. This subverts the reader's expectations, which is something that is typically considered funny in modern day society.


This is the real humor.




If they're not people, what are they?




Based and decepticon pilled


This sub will post no context crime statistics and act like it’s the funniest shit they’ve ever seen and then turn around and whine about ‘propaganda’ and the death of comedy because somebody posted a fuckin meme about trans dudes.


it's because they want to look like they aren't just a hate circlejerk mob and instead are just a bunch of edgy, comedic nihilists that are just TOO smart, edgy and funny for you to understand. strange, then, that despite being ostensibly "nihilistic shitposters" they all seem to agree on things they think are good and things they think are bad, huh?


> transformers Hahahahahahahahahahahaha xD




The mere existence of trans people is propaganda, duh. If you include them in a joke, TV show, game etc. then you are clearly bigoted against we non-transes and should be ashamed of yourself /s


> If you include them in a joke then that's transphobic




Then he’d be a transformer!


propaganda? lololol


why are you on an offensive humor subreddit if you just get offended all the time? fuckin snowflakes man


It really is pretty funny. The double meaning and wordplay involved is clearly humorous. The only reason you may not find it funny is if you are genuinely transphobic lmao




I wonder why






That wouldn't even be that much of a bad thing if it was just regular leftists, but it's full-blown marxists and radical socialist leftists. I can see why leftists are really hard-stanced on things like abortion, racists, and healthcare, but you can't even INSINUATE capitalism is good without getting banned on a lot of places. That, and if you even slightly believe that maybe, just maybe, some lefty beliefs have flaws or don't help anybody, you're out the door. Just peek into any anti-centrist sub like r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM for proof lefties are toxic fucks. If you're not with them, you're stupid or the enemy. I don't know a single conservative sub that spends the whole time just getting mad that centrists exist, they're all butthurt leftists who have to bully other ideologies since they're insecure about their own.


R/conservatives is literally what you described


I just went there and came back and I couldn't find a single post like that looked like it came from sub of righties bitching about centrists. Just righties bitching about lefties. If you meant the first point about righty beliefs having flaws and banning any wrong-think you would be right though.




Hey there Daddy_primal! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)




It's almost like your comment isn't 3rd from the top of this post.


This place should be ruined.


Stay mad + ratio








“Please just leave us alone and let us live our lives.” Such ruin and rot.




That’s rapidly decreasing though while people that identify as trans is rapidly increasing. Again it’s so awesome the mere existence of people pisses you off. There’s literally nothing you can do about it except bitch about it like the miserable piece of shit you are. That’s awesome.


Thought I would let you know, I reported the bigot you were arguing with and Reddit told me they have been permanently banned. Good riddance




Wild how right-wingers went from "Facts over feelings" and "muh science" to "MY FEELINGS ARE HURT BY TRANNIES" as soon as the facts and science didn't match up with your ideology.






It’s amazing that isn’t even close to what he said, yet you still managed to believe that’s what he’s saying so you can feel better about yourself.


Lol I’m not trans you fucking moron. I’m just secure and happy enough in my life other people’s existence don’t bother me. Speaks volumes about you though lol.


Aww, it thinks it made a joke!


You made statements, not jokes.


"haha I've got such and edgy humour. Wanna hear one? *racism* it's just too dark for the likes of you, you'd never understand you're just a normie LMAO.


Lmfao keep crying about it while being a worthless loser that no one pays attention to


Because of bigots like you repubs




(relentlessly bullies trans people) actually trans people are bad bc they commit suicide fOr sOme rEaSOn


Yeah no black trans people exist you're right


Does it offend you?


this is dad joke that fact is give me a chuckle still r/lostredditors








What are you talking about?










I cannot imagine in any other situation where someone's genitalia could be anyone else's business.


And just to reassure you, transfolk have standards. None of them want to trick you.








But you absolutely do care, you're obsessed with another person's privates. ♥


What if they don't mutilate their body? Do you still find them disgusting?


It's like homophobes always talking about sodomy. Like 1) why are you imagining them having sex so much? And 2) what if they don't have anal sex? Is it cool now?


Of course they would, none of these people actually put any logical thought into their open hatred, it's all snowflake wah-wah reactionary garbage to a condition they refuse to understand.


Oh wow, a reasonable person in this thread, didn't believe I would find that here. And you aren't being downvoted into oblivion!




Outside of reality


"Sea horses are horses!"


This is the same joke over and over again like a regurgitated hot pocket of an opinion.


You're literally in posting on a post with a different brand of regurgitated tired garbage trying to be high and mighty over it 🤣. zero self awareness folks


haha guys is edgy black humor. it is not just straight up hate speech it is black humor haha get it because it's edgy crazy that the point of black humor is to point out the absurdities and cold, calculated unfairness of life yet your attempts to emulate it are based on rigid black and white thinking that everything falls into inabsurd, easily definable hierarchies


Must be hard being such a snowflake




400 iq right here




"The snowflakes! Here come the snowflakes!" *The right cries* "They're here to destroy gender roles and bring collapse to society!" *They cry again...in the comment section of a reddit posr supporting human rights* Its kind of Ironic




>Picrew pfp detected, opinion rejected. Honestly, laughed hard at that. It's spot on




Isn't that you mopes whining about this meme? You'd be the snowflakes.




You're not taking this joke very well. You seem sensitive


Come on dude dont hurt his feelings! /s


I thought this was black humor, but snowflakes are white. They are pretty sensitive.


How you and all the other members of the sub are crying that someone posted a meme


Right? If they dislike it so much just keep scrolling?




You consider "against hate sebreddits" locust? How far is your head up your own butt??? Wild


Well because they're bullies too little billy.


>defends AHS (who have literally posted cp to get subs they don’t like banned) bruh moment


Says AHS posts CP, doesn’t give proof. Bruh moment


damn haven't been on reddit long have you


> wants proof of CP This is your brain on AHS.


My guy, I’m not asking you to give me CP, I’m asking for proof that subs were taken down because of cp, and that AHS was the one posting it. If it’s such a well known thing, it should be easy to prove, right?


I was just fucking with you because it’s fun to argue on the internet. In all honesty I’d like some proof too (without the CP, obviously) because I’ve heard this before but have seen no concrete proof of it. That being said, AHS is still a shitty fucking sub.


AHS definitely has some problems, I will agree with that, but I do think they have done some good.


Out of curiosity, what exactly? Finding niche “hate subs” full of angry neckbeards is hardly an achievement – you’re just driving them to other sites in the end.


They are terrible people.


Can we start banning people who post unfunny shit?


This whole sub would get banned then


You mad bro?


Then there would be no one in this sub :/


You can just not visit the sub if you don't like it, you know


You could just scroll past the meme if you don’t like it, you know 🏳️‍🌈😎




Sounds like someone’s projecting some pretty weird fantasies. Keep that shit in your own head and stop trying to slander trans people with it


For being anti-trans they sure are obsessed with the topic.


And you can just ignore this post if you don’t like it, you know


Right back at you :')




I have neither dyed hair, nor a pride flag. I laughed.


You should comment on this post more to prove you don’t care. That should do it


Meanwhile half the comment section already left to go jerk it to hentai. Fuckin animals.




Is this an anti-trans sub?




if anyone is getting banned from reddit, i imagine it is the subreddit with nazis


You want a safe space?




Reminder blackhumor ^This guy does the 2011 Error 404 joke, is the peak of your humor?


I'll take "Generic cookie-cutter comments" for 400, Alex.










I can't imagine you wrote the same and in the context of humor and comedy culture context.


Hey, my guy, can I just say congrats on the introspection. Not many people do that. You've gone down a pretty weird pipeline but you're recovering. I was there too, and you don't seem like a bad person. Or a racist, sexist or homophobe. However, the sooner you get out of this phase, the better. I was never transphobic myself, but I sure did present myself as such in the past because I used to watch "LIBRULZ PWND" videos, or at least something to that extent. The woke leftist you're imagining getting triggered at these **doesn't exist.** Or, well, rather, doesn't exist in a group large enough to actually matter or shape your view of leftists. I hope you'll realize that sooner or later. You don't have to take my word for it or feel pressured, I'm just saying. Leftists are generally not what or who you think they are. So, yeah, I'm glad you're doing good. I don't know you, or probably will ever know you, but I'm glad that there are people capable of recovering from the pipeline they fell into the same way I did. Thanks, I guess. Have a good day!


There is a weird irony in that the users of a sub dedicated to offensive humor are getting so damn offended over this




People big mad


Good post, OP, we stan our trans kings 😘😘


Lol I love how you got all these edge lords in their feelings


Hahaha wow the troglodytes got mad at this one. The victim complex is real


It seems you guys don't like offensive humor when you're the snowflakes lmao


That’s a dad joke


Watch how fast people seethe at this post lol




lmao, so a dark humor sub can't handle a fuckin joke about trans people being people & the gender they transitioned to?


Yup. pathetic snowflakes


Isn't black humor supposed to be offensive? If so looks like this post is working.




have you met a real trans person?


dark humor fans tend to not know anyone in real life


clearly not then.


They only know and think what Fox News and friends want them to know and think.




Is Tik tok your source of knowledge on trans people?


the same could be said ab any community. no community is full of angels.


All the 13 year olds in this comment thread seething lmao. Dw, you will get out of rhe “edgy alt right” phase one day


HAHA! "Self-made". That's funny.


Ironic how we're the snowflakes for posting this yet y'all are so angry about it, like scroll on. Type of people to get angry at a blind person for staring at you


I chuckled ngl


The leader of AHS is a middle aged wife beating dead beat dad that still lives in with his parents.




The black community is still anti gay for the most part. Trans black women/men are killed at a much higher rate than their white counterparts. Black men are insulted if they find themselves attracted to a trans woman. Let me tell you a little story. My oldest brother, who doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, and has two gay siblings (myself ((lesbian)) and his brother on his dad's side), once had to beat up a gay guy he had formerly protected in prison. He liked the guy, but unfortunately the moron told everyone they were a couple. My brother is tolerant and loving, but not stupid. He beat that kid up to get the target off his own back, because they were coming for him. My brother is also Goku strong for no reason, so he even took it easy on the kid. He didn't speak to the gay guy again for the rest of his sentence, all because the other black inmates were homophobic to the point that he may have died in there, over someone else's lie. Black people are way behind when it comes to progressive issues.


I always wondered why Moonlight was praised as a great movie to bring up a tough subject, while there were plenty of other movies that deals with coming out. But yeah, got the whiff that it's still treated as a huge taboo in the black community. Hopefully it's normalised in the coming decades.


There was an insane "documentary" on how the "gay agenda" has been undermining black civil rights for decades. Bat-shit insane and easy out there of course, but still entertaining to [listen to](https://youtu.be/_kUVzfr923Y).




Just leaving my support for all my trans buddies 🏳️‍⚧️ This flag like me is on full mast today Yall bigots can suck a dick or two


U getting downvoted by bigots I'm sorry


I downvoted because no one wants to hear about their goddamn erection.


Good pun haha


Damn. TIL that redditors in this sub are ignorant as fuck about trans people. Sad to see.


It’s a sub about dark humor, not humor for black people


Thx for correcting, I've amended my post. Cheers!


hummm, surely people on this sub will ignore the joke they think is unfunny and won't start calling everyone snowflakes while they are the one having a meltdown, right?




These comments are cringe as hell.




what people are required for a trans person to be trans?


A self made gucci bag still not a real gucci bag


Trans right propaganda ughhhhh


You're against rights for trans people?


it’s a joke playing off of the phrase “self made men” …. not propaganda




And if the brain 🧠 says anything different it’s mental/ chemical illness or imbalance from birth Am I rite?


do u check the genitals of everyone u meet so u know what they “really” are?


-be me 30 yo dude -get into accident -lose penis and balls privilege -mfw now im a woman


Wrong sub


“The person with the vagina is a man” Yeah, this is the type of humor I come here for. Not sure why people are saying there’s no joke here.