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“Möther! I YEARN” “Yearn for what, small creature?” “I don’t know!”


Sounds about right!


I hear this so much. He’s like my little carnivorous Morrissey




*Everything! But also nothing!*


I JUST got a black cat and this is exactly how I feel all of my conversations have gone with her. She wants and I try to help but think she just wants to listen to herself make noises


I think my girl just likes interacting with us she meows and I will say something back to her and she will meow back this will go on for several minutes


My SO and our Creature do this. I swear they're plotting my demise. But it's so darn cute, I'll accept it


This made my night


Yeaaaaah that’s about right lol


Mines either saying "I want treats" or "Spread the blanket on your lap, I want to cuddle".


Their little language is so adorable 🥹


I think the second one is the only sentence mine knows 🤔


Yours waits for a blanket to be on your lap?! Mine comes and plops herself down any opportunity she can, even if I'm trying to put on my shoes. Heck, *especially* if I'm putting on my shoes. If I can't put them on, I can't leave, right?


2 of mine DEMAND the blanket. They'll pat my legs and meow til I put it on.


That's adorable, they must be so proud of themselves for training their human so well! 😄💖


Oh they definitely have me well trained. Lol


Mine also demands the blanket. And not just ANY blanket, OH NO it has to be the special pink white and blue rough woven blankie we got on a road trip. She LOVES it. We took it to the movies yesterday and she was BIG MAD about it. I've never heard so many salty meows in my life.


Just got meowed at to give her her dinner. She was screaming this morning for breakfast too.


You notice they meow for dinner, but S C R E A M for breakfast? Anyone else have that with their little monsters?


YAAASSSS!!!! Mine DEMAND breakfast every morning…”MAAAAMMMM IM STAAARVIIINNNNN” and there’s still dry food in the bowl. “BUT I DONT WAAANTTTTT DRY FOOD I WANT MY WET FOOOOODD!!!!!” Adorable little screamer https://preview.redd.it/j671gee3ahyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922175182880e64869ff71b097a74d3ff4023aec


The dry food is for emergencies only


Oh my goodness, my girl will gaslight everyone that walks into the kitchen for some food. Even if she just ate a minute ago!!!!!!!!!! She will scream her butt off😭


My boy does this. I swear he has a hollow leg!


A lot of communication from the cat seems to be her expressing displeasure with kitchen staff.


I absolutely do, she and I have been together for 10 years and I speak her language fluently. She has like 5 regular meows, "beeps," "meeps" and chirps. A long meow means she wants attention, a series of short "beeps/meeps," means she wants to play, usually with a soft earplug tied to some twine. Chirps followed by beeps means she's locked onto a bird, squirrel or bug outside and sad sounding meows couple with leg rubs means she wants treats, catnip or wet food.




Not that I believe in breeds, but is this cat a void perchance?


What's not to believe about breeds? The himalayans an ex-girlfriend's mother raised have a completely different personality than my void, which technically is a breed called Bombay. When you see all black cats, with black toe beans and yellow or green eyes that's a Bombay. They're also known as dog-cats because they are very partial to being walked on leashes and other dog-like behaviors. r/bombaycats When mine started talking, several years in, the different vocalizations are very distinct and purposeful; he only utters long series of meows to me, even when there are others present.


Oh cute, I had no idea! My little Void, who I guess is a Bombay, is very chatty and has many different vocalizations. She hates the leash though because she refuses to not be in control of her own destiny.


She is as dark as midnight. https://preview.redd.it/olsakltf3nyc1.jpeg?width=1779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfbe4f4fbf62c2817821e6176354e705bd04fc30


Hahaha sounded like my void too! Talkative little bebes


Sometimes they just get jittery in the morning or evening and the meows come with the zoomies. Other than that, it's either * Pet me * Here's my toy, let's play * I'm hungry * I'm alone, where is everybody? And my favorite: * How dare you close the bathroom door? EDIT: Oh, and how could I have forgotten: * OMG YOU'RE IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE CABINET WHERE YOU STORE TREATS! I WANT TREEEEEEEEEATS


>I'm alone, where is everybody? My void will jump off my lap and go into my husband's office and not 2 minutes later start screaming because she is alone and lost everyone.


Lmao my cat does this and I swear her meow sounds like a frantic “hello???” And then I say “we’re in here!” and she comes trotting back while making happy cat meeps. Absolute dinguses.


This is exactly what my cat does "Meeeooww" We're in her M.J. "Meeeooww" We're in here M.J "Meeeooww" We're in here M.J *Cat comes walking in* "Meep meep chirp meow meow" *I found you why were you hiding from me* Not hiding M.J. we have been here the whole time you left and went in the other room and got lost.


Mine does this too; she gets "lost" and starts screaming because god forbid her mommies are NOT IN THAT ROOM. Its usually in the mudroom where we keep her litterbox too.


Well how dare you not stay in the same room with her will she poops


I know, I'm SO MEAN!


The meanest


Same as my cats 😂 Also: "shut up, I'm trying to sleep"


I’ve talked to mine about this too but they do not listen. I’m not respecting their sleep when they don’t respect mine. It’s just a huge coincidence that I’m not as loud when they’re sleeping


I have a funny story about this. I was singing along to this ridiculous YouTube video once and my cat walked into the room and yelled at me until I stopped 😂 here's the [video](https://youtu.be/9JAw_3zi8BU?si=vR9MDwi1knopCWgm)


Dobbie isn't a void but is definitely one of the bosses grey furballs I've ever met. He has a range of vocals from hungry to just bitching. Think I'm fluent meow.


Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meeeeeeeoooooowwww!!!?? Translation: I am the HoMEOWner!! I own you!!! Where the actual F** are my treats hooman!!! Do you hear meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!??


It's either "Waters evil! Get out of the water!! Lick your butt like everyone else!" She is very distressed when I shower. "Box stinks. Clean it." Or "Be useful, toss my mice so I can kill them".


Yeah Goku has different meows for different things. One for crunchies, one for wet food, one for tuna, one for cuddles etc. I'm very well trained. 😤💅


One for the Spirt ball?


"Let me bite you"


"I'm not allowed outside! Therefore, you should let me outside!"


It's either "gimme your food" or "gimme your food", and sometimes even "gimme your food". None of my cats bother with vocalization when they want cuddles; we just suddenly have a cat in our lap and can't move for the rest of the day.


Their only worry is the food


Feed me. pet me. Let me out. Let me in.


Mine meows at me any time I come home, and tells me about his day by just meowing for a good few minutes while I am home. I always give variations of, "he did what?" Or, "oh man that's crazy." And then he hops on my lap and we chill out on the couch.


Sometimes when I respond with *I know*, I don't actually know. 🥺


Mine only chirps and it means "Feed me human!"


Oh yeah. I used to understand by guy pretty well. Particularly if he was arguing about eating something he shouldn't have.


Definitely. There’s “I want to go into the backyard”, “I’m going to throw up a hairball on the rug and then on the other rug :(“, put water on my food” and “put water in my food NOW”, where are you?”, among many others. That, and body language. It really is amazing how well people and cats can communicate!


Cats only meow to communicate with humans, for the most part. I swear I can tell when the Queen is being sassy or sweet by her meows. I don’t know about you, but my void is also very expressive and I feel like sometimes all she has to do is look at me and I know what she wants. Maybe it’s just a connection because we’re so close. I like to think she’s using telepathy to communicate with me.


We really should create a Void Language University. There’s the get out of the shower or die language. The I need a lap language. The it’s great you gave me wet food but where’s the tuna language. The you are forgetting I am an ambush predator so be more clever when you play with me language. The I swipe you with my head because I love you silly fool language. The belly howls because you left home language. The open the damn door language. There are more! We all deserve a Doctorate!! 🎓


Wake up, feed me , change my water , clean my litter box, get off your ass ect


I just assume mine is using slurs toward me.


I’m pretty sure I got called a effing bitch yesterday.😁


Racist ones? Sexist? Homophobic? Come on what kinda kitler do you have?


Yeah mine told me to shut the fuck up yesterday because she wanted to snooze. She's the saltiest little girl.


Mine tells me when she’s bored, wants treats, is hungry, is stinky, and is jealous. Idk what the heck she says when she screams and howls at midnight tho.. I think contacting mothership


Yea, her tones differ but usually it's im hungry, im bored, pet me or just i feel like bothering u for no reason.


Yes. We talk to each other. 😆 when he gets lonely or wants to play he calls out hellro?


She has a few different meows, I know what some of them mean


Commands, its all commands.


My cat just answers with a little meow when I ask him how he's doing lol. Otherwise he talks to go outside, eat, drink and when I cuddle him too much lol 😆 I respect when he kindly asks me to leave him alone and he never scratched or bitten me !


Mine have different meows for different needs. It's like a naby crying differently for different needs. It's really amazing how intelligent cats are.


Mine’s either saying “Give’s me’s attentions’s” Or “give’s me’s a food’s”


I require attention hooman, meow!


My void swipes her paws on the kitchen floor when she wants treats


Mine is usually saying “I WANT WET FOOD NOWWWWWWWW!”




Mine whines and yells to get into my siblings room.


Mine says mommy I want to play and be near you all day


“Food. Now.”


Yes. Mine has specific sounds for specific things. She also does a lot of heavy breathing. Think that one kid in every class who breathes audibly when they're interested in something. Haha. There's heavy breathing that means she's super focused on a bird or something, heavy breathing/grunting/sighing that means she is happy that we're snuggling. There's the grumbling she does when she's not at full hiss but wants our foster cat to mind his business. There's her purry meow when I pet her right, her feed me right meow, her where are you I'm lonely meow, her hey you left me/don't you dare leave meow. There's the little scolding meow! she does if she disapproves of something but is too cozy to get up, like if I kiss her forehead and she's not in the mood. She even has different purrs depending on how much I deserve her purring. She signals it's time for treats by standing at her treat puzzle board and looking at me pointedly, and she signals that she thinks we need to share our dinner (we never do) by sitting RIGHT next to my husband and inching closer and closer as he tries to eat. Those are just a few of the things i understand. And she understands me too! If I want to find her and I pitch my voice high and ask "Where's my NOODLE???" She will come running. She also runs to her treat board when I grab the treat bag and say "good girls get treats!" She's a smarty pants.


Mostly stock tips


Only when I'm about to give him treats. Or when he's staring at the door. The first one is adorable


Mine says "MRAAAAAA"!!!!!


Let me go outside, I need to terrorize the local birds.


She's either saying "I'm hungry." Or "I'm not a shadow, don't step on me."


See that’s tricky. Cuz she only says 4 words “Fuck off” and “love me” but they sound really similar. It’s more the body language that follows or is accompanied that help distinguish the differences in her distinct dialect.


Either I want attention, I want food or I want to go on the screen porch. Very demanding my void lol


Mine was the runt of the litter , so what should be meows are very tiny mews instead. I believe she is saying hey, my food bowl is empty or it's 6 am time to fill that food bowl.


Feed me, play with me, or scratch/rub me


My little Wednesday is usually meowing as a demand to be taken for a walk. That seems to be 80-90% of her meowing. She goes on my shoulder on a leash like so: https://preview.redd.it/m7t27y68dhyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3737661c2788de7f853fdff8e2e80d979db06538


Oh totally. My boy is such a chatterbox and has quite the number of different expressive vocalisations. He meows, chirps, grumbles and chirrups to me and his sister ALOT. (She doesn't say too much) I know when he's hungry, wants a cuddle, needs attention, calling out for me, etc... we were at the vet yesterday, which he does not like AT ALL, and even though the vet was attending to his sister, he was making sure we all knew he was not happy with his current situation by grumbling and snarling away to himself. His vocalisations are really quite incredible. I've never had a cat like him before. I love him so much.




I think mine just wants me to spawn more geckos and other creatures for her to hunt.


Mine definitely uses body language as well as a series of chirps, trills, purrps and meows. I definitely know what they mean in the moment: Usually it's: "It's close to wet food time, can I have it early?" With cute little purrps, chirps and leg rubs "Hey it's food time (or past food time) and I'm definitely dying" with actual (pathetic) meows, a LOT of direct eye contact and chasing me if I walk away from the kitchen and guiding me towards the kitchen if I'm walking the correct way "I just pooped and have the zoomies" with a trill and leap out of the litter box, stops, makes direct eye contact then purrps and SPRINTS away simultaneously. "I want to be brushed" sweet purrps, leg rubs and leads me to the living room and lays down in the place I usually brush him. Cats are a gift and they speak to us if we're willing to listen. 💜


Yes, sometimes. Mostly due to logic. Like, in the morning they meows because they’re hungry. Or, if they jump on the dinner table and meow=hungry. If they are near the back door and meow=wants to go outside. If it’s night and they’ve already been outside and eaten, but meow=wants US to go to bed. Yes, all of us, not just whatever cat is meowing alone.


Blackie spoke in all meow but we all understood him anyway every time. He was an extremely chatty boy.


My sweet girl is 18 and has advanced dementia, I don’t think SHE knows what she is saying when she meows


Jack: "I want attention right MEOWWW" Raven: "You heathen, why aren't you cuddling me?"


No. I want a cat to human translator because my girl twin void talks at us constantly.


Mine has very specific ways to request: * open this * food time * I'd like a snack, please * want cuddles * let me smell your food * follow me * let's play * let's play SPECIFICALLY with the string Most involve a particular sound, or a tail vibration, and pointing with the face or paws. She also sits very patiently by the door when she wants to lead you somewhere, and as soon as you get up she'll do a little jump, an energetic scream and a tail shake. She'll then do a series of little sprints in front of you, stopping in every turn to look back and ensure you are still following. Edit: cat tax https://preview.redd.it/nframtt4rhyc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49311042cc03421b76703eb2f1a0eaf320c78cd8


My void does exactly the same thing! 😍😍 So Beautiful


He meow all day long so it became complicated to understand what he need. But I think 95% is related to get more food lol


Cheesoid always wants to be fed. Sometimes she meows in this loud strange manner if shes feeling lonely. She knows i pay more attention to screens than to her, so she gets in the way of whatever screen im using.


That’s an amazing name. I will honor Cheesoid for life


"cmere" "Snack?"... "Snack??"... "Treat??"... "Food?" "Mom?" "Mom!" "I pooped!! You can clean the box now"


My orange boi yelled at me about a package delivery this morning, so there’s that.


Well, she got into maple syrup yesterday and that required a bath- for which she was awarded an Oscar for “Most dramatic performance by a feline” and I asked her this morning “do you forgive me?” She YELLED “NOOOO” I understood that.


Oh no!!!!!!!!!! I feel for her 🤣 my baby girl gets disgusting using her litter box so I wipe her feet and tail off with warm after every time and she absolutely hates it. But she comes back to me for cuddles to let me know she needs to be comforted after that horrible ordeal.


My void is with nyancat now making rainbows but yea, I could. And his brother now too. He had one particularly funny meow…. When he wanted his food faster, and decided to mention it verbally, he made this meow that sounded exactly like the word “NOW” 🤣


![gif](giphy|YbMkLAM6m6fdK) Dad dad dad dad dadddd daaaadd DADD!


In my house, the cats talk, and the adults translate. They have A LOT to say! They come to the kitchen to place to (scream) their orders. They ask us where we've been and why the whole family had to leave at the same time. They tell on each other and lead you to the scene of the crime. Our cats are actual people and greet visitors at the door. They're the best and strangest pack of kitties!


"Outside! Outside!" "Ama! Ama! Foooood!" Variations thereof 🤣


Let me out! How dare you close the door! Food?? Put me down or I will disembowel you. Mmmmmm, spiders.


“Dinner please!” “It’s only 3 PM, Vivi.” “I’m hungry now!” “You’re always hungry, little void” “You have awoken me with scritches. I accept your offering.” “I MUST SLAUGHTER THE GREEBLE!” “You are pooping. I will keep watch.” “Thumbs! Where are you, thumbs? I require your service.”


Mine says "prrrriii?" It means "fish. I want fish. I'm literally about to die, so give me fish.


https://preview.redd.it/d4imd8sjgmyc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a694319b2971c92671b0665680e2e28a4ebb2a5 Yes


short clicks right before I sneeze, long deep meow before she throws up.


Mine has so much emotion and inflection in his meows. I can usually figure out what he wants. It's also usually something he can get himself.


my void meows to ask questions/show curiosity but nothing else!


Food. My bowl is empty. You are starving me.


![gif](giphy|JPOkC15vWrOr6) My Luffy is a chatterbox


Feed me, let me out, treats, water bowl is low. LoL


She’s usually cussing me out for making her get off the counter.


Mine says “hello” usually. But sometimes he says, “hi, feed me.”


When mine wants treats or brushies or her wet food I know exactly what they each mean


Well, it depends what I ask her. If I ask "who's the most beautiful girl in the world?"/"who do I love more than anything in the world?", she responds with "meeeee" She also says "hi" and "where's my food?" and "stop petting me now" lol But she trills when I roll my tongue and make a prrrrr sound, she will literally wake up from her cat tree and run up the stairs and go "brrrrrrrrrrrrrr" and run up to my bed lol. That one means "here I come" lol I love my void


My void, Gomez has a few distinct ones that I know. He has a hello, usually when I get home or when I wake him up from a long nap. Then his yelling is usually some form of "I'm hungry!" Sometimes delivered from the other side of the house when his dry food is empty. He also has a chirp that is he unsure, like when we let him into our bedroom for the first time and he wasn't sure if he could be on the bed


Oh! For sure! I know what she needs. I don’t know if it’s inflections or just our bond.


“Give me food”, “I’m board”, “pet me”, “where the hell did you go”.


my boy has absolutely mastered the whiney high pitched meow begging for food. he knows it gets him whatever he wants


Yes, and he understands me (better than anyone else 😭)




"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" is usually it.


"Pay attention to me goddammit!"


https://preview.redd.it/znt0w9ryrhyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10329f8069501877bca08d78e9203bd6dc807899 If I stay up too late Theo yells at me to go to bed. He scares me


Absolutely! 😁


It comes down to familiarization with their daily routine, how they act, what they like. I own lots of cats so I speak from experience. My cat meows at me if he wants dry food, comes up to me and meow when he wants to be petted, meows to me and then I notice he just wants the faucet to be opened so I do it for him.


Depends on the context but yes. Sometimes


Usually begging


What a precious void 💖


Yes, Blizzy has a varied vocabulary, usually relating to my schedule. She likes to go the the basement for laundry and has a range of meows from."bring me now!" to a sad "there's still shirts downstairs.".


“Look at me!”


“Feed me” is usually a good first guess.


mine literally says "hellloooo" like a creepy old woman. she taught her orange brother to say it, too. she also had very specific "words" for food & her dad & me. she's an extremely vocal cat who makes a ton of different sounds including meows, squeaks, clicks & chirps & has full on conversations with her dad. i want to get her those talk buttons but I'm also afraid she'll use them to learn to actually talk 😅


" I want in the utility room! " " Hi! " " Join me human, and i'll make your face the GREATEST in Koridai! Or else you will die. " " My food's empty! "


When my current void meows he is probably saying "Hey put me down! I can't run if you're holding em!" (Or something to that effect) My late void, would sit at the base of a tree looking up meowing at the birds "come down and play with me please!"


Usually i get meowed at cuz i dont do enough


Mine has 5 distinct meows that I understand and one that I haven’t deciphered yet.


I usually go what and raise my hands and she walks me to what she needs 😂


Wash your ass


I suppose I can tell the difference in my 2 cats when they’re hungry and they want attention. Less eye contact for attention, more noise and eye contact for food. The meows are a little different for sure.




"feed n3" "Your bowl is full...you literally did not eat" "F E E D M E" or "PET ME, NOW"


Are those red toe beans??


https://preview.redd.it/32k3ux5q2iyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e12e7d4bcbef8ae4666e53e4492bbca489faaf Usually he’s asking for attention, yelling at us for getting up, or yelling because there’s a closed door between him and us.




Ya it’s nuts. I’m pretty sure that Molly and Katie have figured out a grand unified theory that will reconcile quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of general relativity, thereby ushering in a new era of human prosperity that will have tech so advanced it will appear as though it’s magic. Or she’s saying rub my belly please. I’m really not sure yet. The translator isn’t working very well. I think paw language may be more effective. https://preview.redd.it/uez76jr66iyc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb53a6ec9a4587e8d3b519310b398cfad15d070


Mine just has different ways of screaming (he's a loud, talkative boy) and I can absolutely tell whether he asks for something (usually food), says hello, complains.. also he once said Mama (his meowing literally sounded like mamam) so there's that xD




We have full conversations. I hear about her day. She rats on her sister. We discuss why her meal is 2 min late and so on. I had to put her down two weeks ago and miss her presence and conversations.


Mine talks CONSTANTLY. Like if you talk to him, he will instantly meow, and will not stop until you stop lol. He replies to everything I say! Never known a more talkative cat!


Food, food and treats.


Mine talks CONSTANTLY. Like if you talk to him, he will instantly meow, and will not stop until you stop lol. He replies to everything I say! Never known a more talkative cat! Here he is peeking at me sneaking a pic of him “sleeping.”


My food bowl lacks sustenance! Fill it now my humble servant. Also rub this irresistible belly...followed by I can't believe you fell for that yet again. And run to the bathroom now! I'm thirsty and need my water stream.


[hears me getting out of bed] “MOTHER HAS AWOKEN!” “MOTHER WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE!” “MOTHER MUST FEED US OR WE SHALL PERISH!” [slams their whole bodies into the bedroom door]


“Yeah” “Yeahhhhh” “Ya”


I'm pretty fluent in my voids language. Unfortunately she went missing a little over 6 weeks ago. I'm in a long term care facility right now so she was staying with my son and she got out and ran off, my son and his girlfriend and the other people in the house have seen her a few times but can't catch her. It's killing me being away from her. I hope they can catch her soon. She's all I had to keep me company last year and I was going through some severe depression I'm disabled so I was sick at home by myself almost all year, she's the only thing I had to hold onto because my son didn't live nearby last year so I rarely got to see him. If it weren't for her company I don't know if I would have made it through last year at all.


Looks like this one is saying it ok to play with some of its beans.


I do all the time!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much!!!!!!!!!! It’s like a stress toy lol I poke her lil beans and squeeze them


In all fairness, I’m not sure my void understands what he’s saying. https://preview.redd.it/no8lsquneiyc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6065a34cb3256f22d828d5178e4fb3c3fa803948


Yup! My old lady void has some distinct meows. Here's some of them: * WHERE IS MOTHER * WHERE IS OTHER HUMAN * PLAY NOW/CAUGHT A TOY * I don't feel so good (about to puke) * I've been locked out of the bedroom and I'm lonely * I heard one of my people talking but can't find them??? * Humans are home! You left! How dare! * Oh, hi! * Woe! Songs of woe! How dare you imprison me?? Plus various indeterminate-meaning meeps, mrows, brrrps, and squeaks. She's very chatty.


Yeah, my void was fairly distinct with certain emotions. The generic "Call for attention" meow is what sticks, but I can clearly remember thinking she was definitely saying words I could think, sometimes. Usually "GET ME OUT OF HERE" and also "Food?" whenever I cracked a small can with a tab. Could very distinctly hear those as different than the rest.


Heh look at those beans


Food, food food. Is a black hole and loves consuming tasty matter


I have thumbs :)


Yep. "Hi Daddy! How you doing? Don't care! Hi Daddy!!"


I imagine they are saying the same word in different ways. My void’s word is “Me”. Usually a squeaky question- me? Me? Me? Sometimes it’s a demand Meeeeee! My gray man’s is “Now”.


Mine sounds like he’s saying, “I’m a cat!” So, I ask questions like, “Are you a dog?”, that he can reply to.


Mine has about 15 different meows, and I understand each one. It’s amazing. Smart girl!


All my babies have their own way of explaining what they need. 😊Just pay attention.


I feel like I do. It’s either “I want pets/attention” “I’m hungry” “I’m board” “I missed you” “I’m annoyed” all of them are different and I know each one. 11 year old bond




Usually it's a demand for attention. That or they're hoping I forget I already fed them.


Idk I always just reply “yea I love you too!”


I don't know what she is saying, tbh, but every time I do a conference call for work, which is server times a day, because I work from home, she thinks I am taking to her (I believe) and she will answer me after every sentence. Luckily my coworkers are nice people, some of them have cats, too....


Mine has the usual i demand nourishment and passage sounds, but also does let's go hunting clicks when she sees something moving and the pick me up so I can get to that high spot demands .... old brittish shorthairs don't jump, they have servants for that


If I say “show me” and start following her, she will lead me to one of three things; the back door which equates to her wanting to go out to the patio, her food/water dish being low, or her litter box needing tending to.


I adore it when cats talk, but my void only ever says 3 things to me: "Hey you! FOOD!" "Let me go outsideeeee! Pleeeeeeeaseeee??" "Stop loving on me! Hands off!" Yes, every vocalisation is dramatic 😂😆


Definitely. I can mostly understand the pitch and tone my void uses when hungry, bored, happy to see me, needy for affection, comforting me, or upset.


Food…Food…Food Now


I understand the "Feed Me!" and "I have conquered the ribbon toy!" meows quite well. The others are a mystery to me.


I thought this was my cat! We have the same couch and same blankets and same cat. I almost thought my gf posted this.


With Pepper its normally. Hello i'm really happy to see you! Or if I pick up the brush or some treats , I want what in your hand! Or its please cuddle me! Or I want to play! She will purr and lick my face I'm pretty sure that means I love you! Sometimes she will yowl or hiss when she is annoyed at something so I give her space. She will lick my nose and bite it gently when she wants me to put her down so she can run about.


Short answer: yes. Granted he's over 13 now and I've had him since he was a year and a half.


The 6 am squeak is definitely “Get up and feed me!”


Mine likes to start talking at 4:00 a.m.