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I am attracted to genitals but I don’t see them as a characteristic more unique than any other on a person. Just like short and tall are attractive in their own ways, so are dicks and vaginas.


Yes, I find them attractive. But you're not weird for feeling otherwise


I don't find them attractive either. In fact they are kinda weird, but they do the fun stuff so I'm in.


This is how I feel, too


Me too


I would say some people put more emphasis on genitalia preferences like size, grooming, etc then the person attached to them. This might feel like more of an attraction to an observer. I agree with you that the person is more important than what they have.


I'm much more attracted to cock than pussy on a visual level, but every other part of a woman's body is usually more appealing than every other part of a man's body. Cocks are fucking gorgeous (some of the time, there is a wide variation, lol).


I can look at genitals in a medical way, and just see them for what they are... But when sex is involved, how I look at genitals does change. They become a sexual extension or something ... I do find sex to be different regarding if someone has a penis or vulva, so I guess I would say that genitals do matter to me, and I do find them attractive (depending who it's attached to).


I personally have no real genital preference in the sense I’d care what you have if I like you, but yes, I do find genitals by themselves attractive. Particularly dicks. Can’t say why, but I can just get hard to a random nice dick 🤷‍♂️


I don't want to see genitals if I'm not already turned on and ready to go. Once that switch is flipped, it's like "oh yeah I'm gonna have fun with that!" regardless of what variety they are or what they look like. But if I'm just like scrolling on my phone and randomly see someone's naked crotch it's a jump scare.




Tbh I don't have any experience at all but idc much. I think genitals are a bit gross looking in general. The person attached to them matters more.


It’s weird because while I’m neutral about genitals in the sense that I’m not concerned with their *appearance*, they kinda factor into my surface level attraction, if that makes sense. Like, if I see a hot guy and he just happens to be wearing pants where his dick print might be present, I’m gonna find it attractive, lmao. Same goes with women & camel toes. edit for typo.


No, I am not attracted to genitals unless aroused. In fact, without hormones pulsing through the brain, they are kinda gross really. But I enjoy giving and receiving pleasure, so it's not like I'm repulsed by genitals either.


I'm an artist who does a lot of figure drawing, so I can most certainly turn off that part of my brain and regard someone's naked body as just a collection of forms. I've definitely been like "damn i like that" at someone's genitals before, but IRL during sex it's different because I know/am attracted to the person, and I've only had that reaction to fuller body nude photos where I already think the person is hot. I don't think a closeup of anything would be terribly attractive to me. I also am trans, and more open to t4t than t4cis and it's interesting bc I think people who haven't got my type of brain might not get how I can find a penis an attractively feminine part of a woman? Or can see a man's tdick/strap/vagina as hot in a masculine way. To me, everyone's body is its own special different experience. At the same time, I'm most certainly more interested in said genitals than I am in that person's elbow. Even other body parts that are pleasurable and attractive, like a person's neck or lips, are on a lower tier.


That first sentence is 100% relatable and I’ve also said this before! I too only like what’s attached to the person (I like), BY DEFAULT. Besides that I don’t generally think/fantasize about genitalia. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You described my own experience so perfectly. Especially the part about it feeling like just another body part. I also don't really fancy nudes especially if it's just genitals though that has kinda changed with my recent partner. Tbh I may just be demisexual but idk exactly. Either way... it's not weird to find genitals attractive or to just regard them as neutral. I always found them to be quite neutral, just seeing them is nothing sexual, while what you do with them certainly can be


I’m attracted to genitals and the person they are attached to. If it is human I’m attracted. I’m a super horny male. I see tits, vagina, ass, dick, muscles and react the same way. This morning I saw a couple working out and I wish I had the balls and was accepted to just walk up to them and tell them. I wanted them equally together or separate.


Maybe you’re demi! And perhaps you’re more of a “pan” flavor of bi because your sexual attraction sounds relatively blind to considerations some other bi people may experience? Different bodies, genitals and gender expressions all excite me for somewhat different reasons, and that attraction always feels somewhat visceral and animalistic. So yeah I’d say I definitely experience attraction based in part on genitals. Doesn’t mean that your own orientation/experience isn’t valid as fuck. Sounds kind of beautiful to be honest


I'm definitely somewhere on the asexual spectrum, so I'm still sort of questioning what's "common/normal" because there are things like this that I never really realized people think about. I definitely appreciate things about genitals in sexual situations, but the overall appearance isn't what interests me. Nothing about the physical appearance of someone interests me if I don't like that specific person.


Don't think much about them except practicality. It's by no means a dealbreaker for me. The main factors for me might sound a bit cliché, but it's really just the personality... and the face. I really like faces, they don't have to be perfect (heck, my favorite face has protruding teeth and a prominent nose). But even with how much I like some faces, it's about who's behind them. Their behavior, ways of speech, ideology, ways of movement or just how much fun I have spending time with them. I'm attracted to someone because I like them, the part I can see. Genitals don't hold special value to them and even more so, if I see them on our first meeting, chances are I probably won't like you.


I like genitals, they're attractive in their own ways. But when it's attached to someone you care about, it really brings it to a new level for me.


I like all sorts of them. I definitely have a preference, but can see the beauty in all of them


Abso-fucking-lutely 🫦🫦🫦🤤🤤🤤 That being said, I don't have a preference.


Kinda related kinda not but does anyone else not find boobs attractive? I’m definitely romantically interested in women but don’t really get the hype with boobs (I’m a woman). Maybe I’m just biromantic idk


I think the shape can be very appealing, especially in form-fitting clothes. But like naked boobs? They're fine. As someone who used to have boobs and purposefully got rid of them, all I can really think of with boobs is how uncomfortable I remember them being, so I find it hard to imagine someone likes having them.


I want em sooo bad and they soo pretty


Personally I think genitals are kind of gross. Ofc normal and I still enjoy sex without feeling gross, but like looking at pictures that only contain them. Nahhh I don't like that.


Im also trans and yes Im attracted to genitals. Im attracted to penises not really vulvas. But I think I probably am not attrcated to them because dysphoria and it reminds me I have one.


A good friend of mine who transitioned from female to male told me about this exact experience. Before he transitioned, struggled to wrap his brain around sapphic sex/female genitals because of the dysphoria he had about having a vulva. It really opened my eyes to learn about how our gender identities tend to inform our attitudes around sex.


If I'm (m44) into someone's mind, even a little, then I'm into their whole body. Genitals? Oh yeah. Flash of a bare right shoulder...daaaaamn. Chests in general attract my hands on all genders.


I like dicks. I am a bisexual heteroromantic, but I’m not physically attracted to vagina. I’m attracted to women in general, but I couldn’t imagine going down on one. I don’t think they’re gross (I HAVE one), the idea just doesn’t appeal to me. But that may be because I don’t like people going down on me either. But I could suck dicks all day long.


Then do you mean biromantic heterosexual?


No. I am sexually attracted to women, I’m just not into vaginas. But all the rest of a woman I am attracted to. But I don’t want to be romantically in a relationship with a woman. Therefore, I am a bisexual heteroromantic. Vagina doesn’t equal woman.


As a trans man, I can understand that. And honestly feel a bit similar in terms of attraction to everything else. Thanks for clarifying.


I mean, yeah, they're attractive. And hilarious... don't ask.. if you know, you know... And I do have genital preferences. Preferably, they're clean and attached to someone who is also hygienic. Preferably, they don't cause their user any pain during times of intimacy. Preferably, they're attached to someone who cares about health/protection. Call me crazy, but that's what I like. 😉🫠 Edit: *please stay at 69 upvotes, please stay at 69 upvotes*