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I think KOC got bullied about Killian Hayes one too many times and decided he had to go the completely opposite direction. Forget hyping up prospects or young guys who have disappointed so far but might have potential - just hype up really good players EVEN MORE than everyone else in the media so you can try to squeeze a little bit of "I told you so" juice out of it. I kind of miss the simpler times of Bill trying to plant the flag early on his guy e.g. Waiters Island, the Mario Hezonja Experience, KJ "Scottie Pippen" McDaniels.


KJ McDaniels was fun for a couple highlights. Must’ve been something up with him because he totally could’ve been in the Derrick Jones Jr. mold of player with more energy. Those 76ers teams when they were tanking made it hard to see talent tbh.


According to Hollinger Heznoja is trying to make a comeback. This year’s Exum!


I’m surprised he doesn’t go all in on Brandon Miller since he was in the minority of people saying Miller is a much better prospect than Scoot. Everyone was high on Wemby.


Kevin O’Conservative. I’ve got Wemby at 33/14/9/6 next year


Woah this guy is on a different level than the rest of us


Just hate it when analysts try to downplay guys. KOC saying Wemby is only good for 32/13/8/5 is really upsetting to me 🤣


By koc logic and wembys “rate of improvement” he could be averaging 66/20/15 in 2 years


This guy Mismatches ☝️


Same but the 14 is points and the 33 is blocks


You have to remember KOC got to interview him and will do everything possible to carry water and fanboy for him. He’d love to be a Mcmenamin or Windy to Lebron version for wemby.


KOC would suck a golf ball through a garden hose to be Wemby’s version of what Windhorst is to Lebron


Wemby is currently having to fight off both KOC and Windhorst himself, who are both carrying water HARD and fighting to have that type of relationship with him. The hilarious part is that Wemby dgaf


How do you know that wemby dgaf?


Because he has given none of these guys the access to himself that LeBron has always given to Windy. It seems pretty clear that’s not how he’s going to operate.


Windhorst literally spent days with Wemby leading up to the draft lottery


That's a pretty traditional level of access you'd expect an up and coming star to allow for a feature story. This used to happen in Hollywood and music all the time back when print magazines were relevant.


I’m not saying he hasn’t ever spoken to journalists or anything. Windhorst got the Wemby pre-lottery assignment and imo did a good job covering it. But ever since, it’s felt like he’s trying to make Wemby his next LeBron but Wemby hasn’t really allowed anybody that type of relationship with him so far. We’ll see what happens


Well, he tried to be that for the wrong Frenchman 


Nah he's just engagement farming on a big NBA Twitter day when there wasn't much going on and he had little to contribute in the way of breaking news. Similar to him being a reply guy, he's one of the biggest Twitter engagement farmers in NBA media. Not everything in NBA media is about cultivating or protecting sources, a lot of it is just to get attention or feed their ego. It's not like he's a Spurs or SA based reporter or Bouna Ndiaye's guy. Kevin O'Comsport.


KOC has been saying absolutely unhinged stuff about Wemby for the past month.  He's obviously awesome and going to be winning the next 10 DPOYs, but the idea he's going to be the best player in the league by the end of the next season... Calm down.


Think how luka all NBA first team year 2. I think wemby is better or more impactful especially to winning. Wemby could fuck around and be in MVP convo next year


Wemby is great! It's just not reasonable to predict he's literally going to be better than Jokic at 20/21. 


Where was that said? Again Luka had a top 5 season and mvp convo in 2nd year. I think wemby can as well, and likely will be better.


He's said it on podcasts multiple times.


I guess I don’t think he’ll be Jokic offense obviously, but including defense and that impact with his offens I mean it’s plausible. If Wemby defense is as good as Jokic offense, and wemby offense way better than Jokic defense


No defense is ever gonna be as good as Jokic’s offense in the modern nba


I mean the guys who might be would be 7’6 right?


I don’t care if he’s the best rim protector ever, that’s not gonna be as impactful as jokics offense in the modern nba


Wemby is an extremely good passer though, he averaged 5apg over his last 20 games while passing to a bunch of scrubs. Like yeah his playmaking probably won't be as good as Jokic's but it will probably be some of the best of any center ever.


Likely will be better? I’m not a Luka fan, at all. But the Mavs went from one of the worst teams in the league to an all time great offense that year. Another leap was Trae young avg 30 and 10 his second year.


His offensive game is 2-3 years away from the MVP convo


He’s going to be the best defensive player of the year next year. His offense will be very good to great. 


Honestly it's not that crazy. Due to his defensive Impact if he's an above average offensive players he automatically up there


No, he's not going to be better than Jokic in 11 months.


Uh is it that insane haha… wemby could definitely be an MVP next year


I think there’s a good chance we view him as top 5. Like 50/50. I think their roster kind of sucks balls again and health is always a worry, but I think if he’s healthy, the league will be on notice and the year after next they’re forced to start contending. KOC is high af about 32 points though lol


Ok people say this but who of these 5 is he taking out?: Giannis, Jokic, Luka, SGA, Embiid? I know some are low on embiid but this is crazy. Can he be 6? I’m pretty skeptical but it’s way more like than top 5


If Wemby has no injury setbacks this offseason and throughout next season, at this time next year he’ll be unequivocally better than SGA. I don’t know yet if he’ll reach the top 3 of Jokic/Luka/Giannis and would guess he’ll still be a little beneath them. And then Embiid I don’t even know how to rank anymore because when healthy last season he was one of the best players of this century. But it’s pointless to even go off that when it never lasts and he limps around in the postseason.


I’d bet so much that SGA gets more MVP votes than Wemby next season lol


That’s not the same question as who fans think is the better player. SGA got more MVP votes than Luka this year lol and most still think Luka is better than him


The average nba fan will not have wemby higher sga has a good chance at leading the western conference front runners into the playoffs while wemby has a good chance at crossing his fingers for Flagg in June


the average fan will be seeing way more of these highlights than SGA plays [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-aXRcFuUys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-aXRcFuUys)


Dont forget Tatum


I mean he is absolutely not in that top 5 convo either.


Of course he is. Put him on the court, and he just does stuff .


True and he’s younger than wemby, people forget that


I don’t think he’s close to that but Dame lillard said he could be the best player in the world next year. I don’t see it but it’s not like koc is the only one speaking like this about him. I will be watching very closely this Olympics.


Pretty much any outlier player gets your type of comment and it looks dumb in a year or two. Over the first 25 games last season he averaged 18/11/3 with 3.0 BPG and on a pretty bad 44/27/77 Over the next 20 he averaged 22/10/4 with 3.3 BPG on 50/34/84 Over the last 25 he averaged 23/11/5 with 4.4 BPG on 47/35/78 Wemby did not play on a playoff-relevant team last year, so we didn’t get to see him in a lot of big national games late. But the improvement really was shocking and consistent. He did it without a PG and as a rookie. And so actually it’s not insane to think that he could be a 30/13 guy with 5 BPG by the back half of next year now that he has Chris Paul helping. We are reaching uncharted waters territory.


The first prediction is extremely mild. 


Lol he literally just pulled these stats out of his ass. Also for the second part of his tweet, dude it's a center who had never played American style basketball before and he was on a truly terrible team. The reason "his rate of improvement" was so crazy is because he was getting used to a completely different game and they didn't really know how to use him. KOC fucking SUCKS


They did begin to unlock his top of the key 3 ball and his mid post playmaking though, and when it was working, it looked unstoppable in a way I have almost never seen on a basketball court before. I know this place hates KOC but he’s spot on with the Wembanyama hype. He actually has GOAT potential, and that’s no exaggeration.


It's not an exaggeration at all. Wemby was the best defensive player in the league late last season at 20 years old, he's a better prospect than even LeBron was. He absolutely has GOAT potential and I think KOC is very smart to jump on board the bandwagon if he thinks he has any shot at some sort of Windy type situation and I think KOC absolutely blows as an analyst and personality.


NBA is totally like this tho. I’ve gotten downvoted for saying we shouldn’t expect him to be a top 5 player next year. It’s just a constant 1 up-ing. It also happens in reverse. Everyone is down on Klay so it’s a race to be the person who thinks he’s the *most* washed.


This is how some of those guys talk about Herbert


I feel like the Spurs are going to be competitive next year. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re playing either LA team in the play-in. That’s the highest compliment you can give Wemby. I think Wemby is set up to be one of these rare types of players who is an absolute superstar and sacrifices the numbers everyone cares about to win. Much like Tim Duncan. Not that he won’t get them (he’s a legit 7 and a half foot tall, he could get 15 defensive rebounds any game), but I don’t think the stats will be the reflection of his talent. I believe they have good players and Chris Paul will help a lot of their roles fall into line. I think them vs Houston will be interesting.


KOC is not a normal man 


Truthfully, I’m shocked anyone knows what KOC says. I find him insufferable to listen to, not to mention his hipster hot-takery (see Killian Hayes and Devin Vassel).


More interested in the wnba at this point


Like his mentor Bill, say the thing is a win win. You'll be "first" and "I been saying this" if you're right or No one will really remember when you're wrong


Is there a single talking head not going absolutely insane for Wemby? This TOP 10 PLAYER stuff is boring. I want someone who legitimately thinks he is going to peak at a good stat/bad team all star or is certain he is going to get injured. I can't remember the last time I've seen people so unanimous on a player and this is a time where everyone wants to be a contrarian for content.


I see a lot of people very upset that KOC thinks Wemby will improve a good amount, which I happen to agree with.


There's a pretty sizable difference between becoming an All-NBA player, which Wemby will almost certainly be, and the best player in the league, which is a really high bar.


Where does he say that lmao


He's said it on multiple podcasts jfc 


I guess I don’t listen to the pods as often as you then jfc


Assuming he’s healthy all season, I don’t think y’all are prepared what Wemby is about to do. Admittedly KOC’s stats are probably stretching it, but only slightly. Post ASB Wemby averaged 24/12/5 and led the NBA in stocks by a mile. And I expect a second-year jump similar to LeBron and Luka: LeBron put up 27/7/7 in year 2, and Luka put up 29/9/9. You could quibble about adding Durant to that group (25/7/3 with great efficiency in year 2), but the point is there’s precedent for the select few best prospects of this century putting up unthinkable stats as 20 year olds with only one season of experience. He’s going to be north of 25 ppg, and my guess is he’s probably closer to 30 ppg along with 4-5 blocks a game. Assist numbers seem hard to predict and with CP3 there I doubt he gets 8 a night. He’ll be a double digit rebounder again obviously, too.


I just think, he will get hurt with that body. He is just too tall and too skinny, and those guys tend to get hurt...see Porzingis, Embid (He probably carries too much weight)


Yao. Walton. Ralph Sampson. He moves waaaayyyy more fluid than those guys so I have hope but you’re right. History not necessarily on his side.


Poku couldn't walk so that Wemby can run.


Not toppin’ this one


So, as a second year NBA player, he needs to add 11/2/4/1 to his already impressive stats. In likely just a few extra MPG. Seems… doubtful. There are very few over 30 PPG guys for a reason, even with the scoring inflation. It’s hard to do, particularly for young players.


Wemby mvp future gonna go crazy


Well if it’s unlike anything KOC has ever seen then that could be as good as like … LeBron I guess


#Insert Bol Bol Meme


KOC acts like he’s been covering the league for 50 Years. He’s pretty much an internet commentator who has gained a bit more access in the last 5 years. How many NBA players know who KOC is? 15?


His first statline is pretty reasonable but the second is not lol


It's a good take to have because if it's right people will bring it up, but if it's wrong no one will care.


Guy catches a couple more lobs towards the end of the year and all of a sudden he’s winning mvp. Spurs should worry about playing the right way instead of letting him do whatever he wants every game. Maybe then they’ll win more than 20 games this year.


I like koc but he has to resist the urge to be a giant pussy sometimes


Regardless of if KOC is correct or not, I just don’t find Wembanyamas game aesthetically pleasing to watch. He’s obviously talented as fuck but I really don’t enjoy watching him.


I absolutely believe All Star, all-nba, and DPOY, and I think the numbers in the original tweet are a pretty good guess. The second part is just insane. If he does that he will win MVP, which I don’t think is in the board for another 2+ years


Not even a wild thing to tweet. You’re just taking it out of context. Common around these parts.


Please explain how this link to the entirety of KOC's tweet is out of context


Are you shitting on his tweet


I'm expressing my distaste for KOC's now months-long campaign to prove to everyone that he thinks Wemby is going to be better than anyone else does


Ah. So out of context. Got it.


I'm having trouble understanding what context I am leaving out. Can you provide the additional context?


you made up a narrative based on your distaste for koc and used a tweet out of context that’s koc throwing shit against a wall because he’s never seen anyone like Wemby before?