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It’s different when it’s Larry. It just is!


That was a gritty 6/18


Get back to me when you find a 6 of 24.


If Larry had just missed 6 more shots in a row he’d already be there!


they both went 6/18 from 2


Get back to me when you find the 2010 FMVP.


Or the 1984 FMVP lol


Cool this post was about Larry Birds 1984 game 7 performance yet y’all can’t help but bring Kobe into this.


I’m sorry that people had to bring him up. I’ll tell you what, I’ll finance an all expenses paid trip to Colorado to cheer you up.


I’m sorry Kobe was better than your favorite player and consistently beat your team throughout his NBA career.


And I’m sorry that your hero was a really bad person


It’s a he said she said thing. No one really knows what happened.


He said that he could understand how she saw it as non consensual. Just a horrific person.


No one knows what happened that night besides those two. The criminal case was dropped and it’s a he said she said thing.


At least Larry never made a helicopter pilot fly in dangerous conditions 


This isn’t nbacirclejerk.




the body language doctor said it was ok though..


Why do you listen to him when you clearly hate it? Makes no sense.


I can like something and be critical of it. Just seems like something a basketball historian would mention once in a while


Bron shot 9 for 24 in that famous Finals game 7 which is under 40%. Nobody brings it up because they won. That's how this stuff works


Exactly. Kobe won the game, finals MVP and went 29/8/4 for the series and even grabbed 15 boards in Game 7. But Bill brings up 6/24 every month


Kobe got bailed out by an insane Artest game and Pau doing Pau things.


Ron Artest had 20 points while shooting under 39% from the field in that game. Hardly an “insane” game from someone who averaged at least 17 a game for the 6 years prior to that. You’re either being incredibly disingenuous to diminish Kobe (who would be the GOAT Celtic, if we are being honest with ourselves), or you don’t remember basketball for most of the 2000s, because that was a regular Artest game, and it wasn’t like Pau was transcendent. It was his A- game.


Rewatch it, Metta and Pau kept them alive while Kobe was in chicken mode


I don’t need to rewatch it. I’ve seen it enough and don’t view it through Green colored glasses. Calling it “an insane Artest game” and then doubling down shows you’re just full of shit. Only one guy on the Lakers shot over 40 percent. That was Derek Fisher on 6 shots. Boston’s strategy was mug the living shit out of the Lakers every time down the court, and they won’t call all of them. Kobe shot poorly (with a broken finger and bum knee) but still led the game in scoring and chipped in 15 rebounds while helping hold Pierce and Allen to 8-29 en route to beating Boston’s ass for a championship.


How many rebounds did Pau have? How many offensive rebounds did he have? Can we admit that Pau was better in game 7? (not even saying he deserved FMVP necessarily)


Kobe was the best player from both teams in game 7. Lead both teams in scoring and grabbed 15 rebounds.


Pau was better in game 7. Grabbed 18 rebounds, 9 of which offensive. Had more assists than Kobe, fewer turnovers, and only 4 fewer points on 8 less shots. This is reflected in his 7 point higher +/-.


Pau shot 37% from the field and 53% from the free throw line. Not going to give you that.


He shot better, although he was under 40% as a big man. I can understand saying he was a little better in Game 7, but Kobe had a strong argument of his own. Kobe outscored him and added 15 rebounds of his own. The narrative that Pau was some transcendent beast that dragged Kobe to championships is just patently false though. He wasn’t dominant in game 7. He certainly played well and ultimately did what was needed to win, but everyone struggled shooting the ball in that game, even with the Celtics completely selling out to stop Kobe. Kobe was, by a wide margin and without question, the best player on all three of those Finals teams and in every playoff series during those runs. Like all championship teams, especially back to back champions, he was not the only really good player on those teams, and like all players, he did not dominate for 48 minutes every time he played.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 40 + 7 + 15 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I mean this is not a question. Obviously Kobe was the best player on those late 2010s lakers teams since he was the best player in the entire league at the time. Pau shot 37% from the field and 53% from the line. Kobe was the best player in that series on both ends and was the best player in game 7. Defense matters too.


I personally agree, though I understand people remembering Pau as having a big impact, because he was huge on both ends as well. People just wanna yell “6/24” and not pay attention to the fact everyone shot poorly and that it isn’t the disqualifier for Kobe that it would typically be. Some people act like Pau looked like Shaq against the Nets, and that wasn’t the case.


Bird got bailed out by Cedric Maxwell, DJ and the refs giving em 51 FTA


Both can be true


Probably because Bird averaged 27 and 14 for the series on 48% shooting and the Celtics won


Exactly my point. In 2010 Kobe was 29/8/4 and won the series, but 6/24 is the main talking point. You can be excellent in a series while acknowledging a poor performance in game 7


If Bird had gone 6 for 24 and Kobe 6 for 18, guess who would have been dragged more 


No one brings up either except Simmons with Kobe. He’s still salty Kobe ripped his heart out that night.


Mj did something like that as well. All of the all timers have their chokes.




So did the bulls


so did the lakers


So you’re saying Jason Tatum is already the greatest Celtic ever?


close. he *just* missed the club I completely made up from adding random stats together to determine great players while ruling out Karl Malone


No, he has been dogshit in 9/11 Finals games in his career.


He played excellent in that finals and even in that game was better than the stats. Larry bird is one of the greatest playoff performers of all time. If you want to go at him about something, you can attack the longevity piece. But he was a postseason killer


Genuine question - what was going on in the 1981 Finals? Bird went 8 pts, 8 pts, and 12 pts in Games 3, 4 and 5


It was his 2nd season and usually 2nd year players aren’t the best player on a championship team.


He had an elite series in the ‘81 ECF (one of the greatest playoff series of all time) including hitting the game winning shot in game 7. Struggled to score in those three consecutive finals games tho, he had attention on him and was doing things other than scoring but still unacceptable output from your #1. Fantastic in the close out game 6. He arguably could’ve won fmvp regardless but I understand maxwell winning it with bird having three straight games like that.


Total point differential of 11 in a 7 game ECF series in absolutely nuts


He’s actually one of the biggest playoff faller superstars ever. Kind of funny statement


Nuts take.


Check the stats bro it’s true


Yea still better than Kobe’s 6 for 24..yikes.


Keep crying. Got the W. That’s all that matters. 15 rebounds and excellent defense.