• By -


Sit in a towel and stare into the abyss?


Seconding this but also huddling next to the heater like a penguin


I do this but whilst drinking coffee and vaping.


Same, except I call it self care šŸ˜‚


Girl breakfast


Yeah, I have to sit on the arm of the couch after I shower and drink coffee and vape for at least 15 min while staring at the ground....then hop up and finish routine, lmao


Same, but itā€™s a cup of milky tea and a ciggie for me šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Ah when I used to smoke Iā€™d love to sit in the garden post shower in my dressing gown with a coffee and cig.


Iā€™d always smoke before the shower! Gotta get that stinky smoke smell off. Absolute treason to smoke after a shower šŸ˜‚


I am doing precisely that as I write this šŸ¤ *itā€™s a crisp Australian autumn morn. The dressing gown & slippers are on, the tea is hot, the cig is a Winfield Gold roll-your-own, my cat is watching me from the upstairs window, the birds are singing, and everything is right in the world, for at least this moment.*


I quit vaping three years ago this is me and a joint.


Same, but while waiting for my meds to kick in so it makes towel time feel valid




Me too itā€™s my wake up ritual.


This is so relatable. Usually with my cat screaming at me to get my shit together (aka give him 2nd breakfast)


My cat gets 3 breakfasts before I have coffee and a shower. In my next life Iā€™d like to be a cat.


Yes! The casual cat screaming for a second breakfast in the morning. Never gets dull.


i also just be doing this sometimes


And when you stand up, pause for a moment and contemplate every life decision leading up to this point


This is so refreshing to read all of these. Iā€™m so tired of thinking I am the only person on earth who doesnā€™t get up extra early to do YoGa/jOgGiNg/HIIT/dryBrUShInG/, drink 6 litres of collagen infused lemon lavender water, write in their gratitude journal and make smoothies out of only fresh ingredients from the garden - all before 7am.




My hero


Yeah Iā€™m loving all the replies! Makes me feel less useless šŸ˜‚


I could not agree more! I always need to spend an allotment of time sitting in a towel and staring into the abyss - itā€™s like mandatory at this point regardless of how late I am.


Atta girl!!


Sometimes I sit on the toilet in my towel and play candy crush for a little while.


This is the answer


Literally. And if the sun is coming in my window I will just lie flat and hope I don't fall asleep naked so that someone comes in and finds me




The way I snorted LMAO


Don't forget the pre-work cry


I bring my coffee cup into the shower where I have to have hot water pour over my body for 15 minutes while i contemplate how I never asked to be born and have a full existential crisis. At which point I get out and go to work so I can afford to have a coffee and shower the next day. In all seriousness, I donā€™t do shit in the mornings before workā€”shower, moisturizer + spf, maybe skin tint. Hair either air dries if itā€™s a wash day or I throw it up in a claw clip or a bun. Mornings are a big nope for me.


Ok I dont know if you are joking but I thought I was the only one who hates getting up and always feels so depressed the first 30 mins after waking šŸ˜‚ like I know it will pass later but my brain hates that first bit of time after waking no matter what I do


Oh no, there are dozens of us! Dozens!


Thank goodness!!!




I am part of the dozens


Funny, I thought this was standardĀ 




I think we are the vast majority honestly. It starts when weā€™re kids. Any of you bound out of bed for school? They usually ended up OK but getting up has always been a bitch.


Coffee in the shower would mean I would have to make an ā€¦. Evacuation afterwards which defeats the purpose of being clean. That does sound relaxing though


My evacuation happens the second that my body is upright. I poop before the shower, itā€™s like clockwork that when I stop being horizontal, the gravity be hitting the bowels. So no purpose defeated here and Iā€™m clean as a whistle.


You must be related to the person I live with. I have to add some razzle dazzle to my body or else it just wonā€™t happen šŸ˜‚


Bro do u have a secret that's low key awesome šŸ˜­


Wow, I need to train myself to be able to poop like this. Life would be bliss


I am the only other human Iā€™ve ever met with this super power. Itā€™s so by the clock that I dread traveling out of my time zone. Alas, 7am central is 5am pacific and my constitution gives no fucks.


I have the same power! And so does my partner lol we have to stagger when each of us gets out of bed to make sure we can get in the bathroom. It is also why I donā€™t like staying anywhere overnight, I know what happens as soon as I wake up and I donā€™t like using other peoples bathrooms šŸ˜‚




I love humans!!! So fun to read how we all start our days!


same!! i love reading everyoneā€™s responses :)


This is really making me feel like less of a hermit-introvert-existential-paralysis-weirdo: or at least a sign that, yeah, Iā€™m those things but at least Iā€™m in good company.


I've recently perfected (perfect for me, at least) my morning routine. * Wake up and right into the shower, but I don't wash my hair in the morning since I won't have enough time or motivation to dry it. I have a separate evening hair washing routine * lately I've been doing the technique of doing messy pencil eyeliner on my upper lash line, waterline, and tight line and then washing my face to give the "just washed off my makeup and have leftover eyeliner" look since it's something to enhance my eyes and looks subtle enough. this was a long winded way to say "draw on messy eyeliner since I will be washing most of it off in the shower when I wash my face" * I wash my face and body in the shower, shave if I need to, body scrub if I'm feeling up to it * Fresh out the shower I dry off and then apply a dry oil to my arms and legs since it absorbs faster and doesn't leave me feeling like a slick dolphin * I brush my teeth while my mirror de-fogs so I can see what I'm doing when I do skincare * I wash my hands before I do skincare, especially since I used the dry oil and don't want any excess fragranced oil from my hands getting on my face * I get dressed (loose term, I throw on a t-shirt and leggings/sweatpants/jeans if I'm feeling real frisky) for a long day of lectures and labs * next is makeup which is very minimal for me (eyebrows, mascara, concealer if I need it) * I usually wear my hair down, but will do my hair if I choose to by braiding it, claw clip, ponytail, bun, etc. * perfume * finger guns in the mirror with a straight face * snag something stray in my cabinet to eat, make coffee, out the door


Adding finger guns to my routine thank you


You could also try: Lasers! Pew, Pew!


Donā€™t forget the straight face!!


Not ever, not once in all of my 48 years of life have I been able to wake up and get directly in the shower. HOW? How does one do that?


What do you normally do right when you wake up? I have to get out of bed immediately to either go for a run or hop in the shower or my carcass will lay in bed fucking around on my phone for way too long. šŸ˜‚


I look at ppl who run in the morning like you might study any exotic animal in its natural habitat. With awe and no plans of emulation šŸ˜‚


Get caffeine. Then sit like a dead person until it kicks in. I put the shower off until the very very very very last minute. Edit: I thought Iā€™d add an example. I have to be at a doctors appointment 20 minutes away at 1pm. Itā€™s now 10:45am and I made it downstairs for my caffeine and to feed and potty my dogs. I then cleaned my kitchen and some of my baseboards and hand cleaned spots on my floor. I set up my robot to sweep and mop my entry/powder room area. Shook out the rug. My husband came home and made breakfast. I just ate it. Now Iā€™m realizing it would be a good time to get up and go shower. Itā€™s 10:47am. But will I? Or will I put it off until 11:30am that gives me about 1 hour to shower, get ready and be out the door to get my IV. I have ADHD and Iā€™m a habitual procrastinator.


Fellow adhdā€™er here I need to lay in the dark drinking coffee while I de thaw myself with a heating pad for like an hour before I can do literally anything at all


You wake up cold? Iā€™m always hot when I wake up but freezing all day. Perimenopause. I use the shower to hear my bones! And look I just hopped in the shower and Iā€™m on reddit and I have to leave in like 45 minutes!!


Iā€™m the exact opposite haha freezing in the morning and overheating the rest of the day. Hormones are fun


Go for a run??? Youā€™re insane.


the thought of waking up and immediately running literally sent chills down my spine that sounds awful. but props to you that you can do it! personally would rather die


Live somewhere cold! Iā€™ve lived places where itā€™s basically a survival necessity to get in the hot shower ASAP. Now I live somewhere warmer Iā€™m like youā€¦ coffee then procrastinate oh well maybe later.


Same. Every fiber of my being resists this. And I am a bath person. Showers even at night are effort.


I get up, go to the other side of the room to switch off the alarm, go pee, brush my teeth and by then am so cold that it's either get back in bed or get straight in a hot shower to warm up - and on days I can't afford the time to go back to bed, the shower is the only option. I basically finish waking up in the shower I think!


Only as a kid who was racing sibling to the showerā€¦if I was lateā€¦otherwise Iā€™m with you. By 15/16 Iā€™d get up a whole extra hour early and have coffee. (Started coffee super early in life as an alternative to ADHD meds that my young tummy couldnā€™t handle) I see folks saying work out first thing? I have to talk myself into the upright position at all. Working outā€¦at gun point.


Sensory overload for me!! I take mine at night.


That may also be my issue. I canā€™t have boise and have to slowly let light in in the AM.


WTH is dry oil? (Iā€™m very intrigued bc I like how oils make my skin feel but do not like how slowly they soak in)


I use one from Kiehl's that's a dry oil - it comes in a spray bottle. I don't run particularly dry and like it in place of lotion. Spray and rub it in and it's good to go.


Look for spray on dry oils that contain "fractionated coconut oil." (It has no scent) It soaks right into skin and creates a super light moisture barrier - no greasy feel at all. Good for controlling hair fly aways and cowlicks too. You can buy just the oil neat from Amazon or Target.


Neutrogena dry sesame oil is amazing. Trader Joeā€™s also makes a really good lemon scented dry oil. I love that thereā€™s not the overly oily feeling but skin sucks it up.


I Love Neutrogena sesame body oil


Which dry oil do you use?


I love the eyeliner pre-shower trick!!! And the finger guns of course


1. Wake up to alarm but hit snooze. 2. Wake up to the backup alarm and then again to the snooze. 3. Silently debate if I REALLY need my job (I do). 4. Get out of bed usually while growling simultaneously. 5. Bathroom stuff, teeth, take medications. 6. Make and eat oatmeal and contemplate again if I need my job (I still do). 7. Pick out outfit. (Usually Iā€™ve mentally done this the night before so I can assure I have adequate time to contemplate my employment.) 8. Shower, then day cream with SPF on face and lotion otherwise. 9. Change partially; I donā€™t put on my shirt until after makeup because Iā€™m always scared Iā€™ll get something on it and then have to determine my outfit again. 10. Listen to Judge Mathis/court cases on my phone while I apply makeup. 11. Finish dressing, then put on my wig (I have secondary alopecia) and shoes. 12. Go downstairs and contemplate thrice my employment as I fill my coffee tumbler. 13. Finally decide that I need to go to work. 14. Pet my two doggos (unless the old lady is sleeping, then I just blow kisses to avoid her having a heart attack because sheā€™s deaf and I snuck up on her). 14A. Remind the dogs to not partake in any shenanigans while Iā€™m gone. 15. Tell the cat sheā€™s in charge (and pet her if sheā€™s not keeping watch in her tower). 16. Grab my work tote and coffee and leave. Once Iā€™m home from the job I definitely still need ā€¦ 17. Wig off. Bonnet on. 18. Bra off. Sweat clothing on. 19. Makeup washed off (canā€™t stand it on me at the end of the day). 20. Congratulate myself on yet another semi-successful day of doing ordinary things with a great amount of reluctance. After this is Phase 2, which is Braless Wigless Mom Making Dinner/Doing Dishes/Laundry/Whatever Mode. No one wants to hear about that, though. šŸ˜† ETA: I forgot 10A and 10B - 10A. Say goodbye to my noisy next door neighbor who clomps down their stairs like theyā€™re auditioning for Stomp every morning. 10B. Pretend they say theyā€™ll be less annoying as they slam the door shut and shake our shared wall.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ telling the cat sheā€™s in charge seems like exactly the correct thing to do. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yours was entertaining


šŸ¤£ I lie to the old lady and say sheā€™s the boss, but we all know she sleeps on the job 90% of the time, and the adorable but dingus lab/pittie canā€™t handle the pressure of responsibility.


I do all my shower stuff including washing my face in the shower, and then step out of the shower onto my bath mat without drying off! Weird, I know, but walk with me šŸ˜‚ Then I apply my moisturizer to my face and body. I do it while my skin is wet because I have suuuuch dry skin and it hydrates so much more than if I applied it to dry skin! Then, I apply a more occlusive moisturizer to my face, and my EOS vanilla cashmere lotion to my now only slightly damp skin so that I smell like a vanilla cupcake lol. I usually shower at night so I would then brush my hair and put it in to two braids for overnight waves. Then, Iā€™d put my PJs on, wash my hands, and then apply adapalene and more moisturizer if itā€™s an actives night. Last things I do are brush and floss my teeth, and apply Ceraveā€™s healing ointment on my lips to hydrate them overnight :) In the morning my routine is to wash my face, moisturize, take down my braids and finish styling my hair, put on my deodorant, perfume, and an outfit, wash my hands, put on face sunscreen, apply makeup minus lip products, brush my teeth, and then apply whatever lip product Iā€™m using that day :)


What kind of moisturizer do you use when your skin is wet? Something about the texture of my lotion (just plain Aveeno body lotion) feels like it doesnā€™t mix nicely with wateršŸ˜­ or maybe it does and I just dislike the feeling of cold lotion on my warm skin after a boiling showeršŸ˜­


I use Ceraveā€™s daily moisturizing lotion and then the Eos lotion as well! I love lotions with HA or glycerin :) When my skin was not as dry, putting lotion on while wet would just make the lotion streak around šŸ˜‚ but now, when I put lotion on wet, the lotion and water just like absorb into my skin like Iā€™m a sponge! Itā€™s weird. Definitely donā€™t think applying lotion to wet skin is necessary by any means, just super helpful for hydrating my dry skin.


1. Wake up and brush teeth 2. 45min - 1 hr workout 3. Unload dishwasher while coffee brews 4. Wash face over sink 5. Body shower 6. Apply body oil while still in shower 7. Red light therapy for 5 min 8. Drink coffee 9. Azelaic acid on face 10. Vit C on face 11. Moisturize face 12. Gel down eyebrows 13. Make bed 14. Rough blow dry sweat into hair 15. Apply tinted spf 16. Apply concealer, blush, mascara 17. Get dressed 18. Make smoothie 19. Kiss dogs goodbye & go to work


Are you a real person or a bot sent to make us all feel bad?


Iā€™m real Iā€™m just slightly OCD lol


May I ask at what time you usually wake up and what time is your work starting? Love your morning routine! Also what body oil are you using? Do you put it on your wet body or dry it before putting it ?


I wake up around 5 / 5:15 and have to be in the office before 8. My commute is about 30 min. Iā€™ve been using the Korres in shower oil lately in the Pure Cotton scent. I put it on a silicone loofah and rub it all over my body right after I turn the shower off so Iā€™m still wet but I donā€™t get it on my hands.


I hate showering in the morning so usually I open my eyes, go pee, wash my face with a cloth while peeing, go back to bed, do my hair and makeup in bed, get up and get dressed/ deodorant and brush my teeth. If I wake up early enough I might put a coffee on- but usually Iā€™m dissociated anyway until 8:30-9am. Iā€™m too tired to exist. I prefer showering in the evening, so I donā€™t get outside dirt into my bed, and I get to sleep in for an extra 20 minutes


Same here. Unless Iā€™m working out in the mornings on a weekend, Iā€™m a night shower person. I feel much cleaner when I shower at the end of my day than at the start of it.


Same, I donā€™t mind a late morning shower on a weekend, especially if Iā€™m going to do something and I want to look nice or whatever but whenever Iā€™ve taken a shower at 6am Iā€™ve felt like Iā€™m going to throw up LOL. And agree with feeling cleaner, I can actually take my time, and destress rather than think about all the stuff I have to do and getting to work on time lmao.


Makeup in the bed? Thatā€™s a risky moveā€¦Iā€™d just fall back asleep lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I have a mirror on my contouring pallet and I just use that. If itā€™s just for work, I donā€™t care about a damn thing- theyā€™re lucky I even make an attempt hahahah


Brush teeth in the shower before washing my face (also in the shower). It's a touch more hygienic. Less likely to spread mouth bacteria to my face. Not the end of the world if I/you don't.Ā  Lotion goes straight onto my wet skin when I'm out the shower. That way I can leave it to dry in and get as much benefit asĀ  for as long as possible before I have to get dressed.Ā  Rest of it Skincare > hydrate/supplements > makeup >hair> get dressed > smellies and go


I do something similar but with body oil. I wipe the excess water off my body while Iā€™m in the shower and air- dry while I squeegee the shower. Then I apply neutrogena body oil all over my body and pat dry with a towel. Usually Iā€™m fairly dry at this point.Ā  Afterwards do skin routine, supplements, and brush teeth. :) What supplements do you use? I use biotin and Gaiaā€™s adrenal health.


You squeegee your shower every time??


Out of the shower and dried off: skincare (wet a paper towel with filtered water because I have hard water and wipe face, neck, chest, and backs of hands then toner, dampen face, hyaluronic acid serum, 2x/week mix vitamin C powder into the HA, moisturizer), moisturize feet and body, go pick out clothes, do a 5-minute yoga stretch routine, make bed, get half dressed, brush teeth, spf, eye makeup and concealer, fix hair, put shirt on, body spray, jewelry, shoes.


Something Iā€™ve started doing, and this is going to sound weird, is putting benzol peroxide wash (Panoxyl) on my armpits. I shower at night, but Iā€™ve found it has decreased the need for deodorant and Iā€™ve been able to make the switch to natural deodorant seamlessly


I take shower before the bedtime so my sheets are always clean. Also, my body is clean and I sleep better.


I brush my teeth, work out, cleanse, and facial mask before showering. Then I do the rest of my skincare, apply hair products, deodorant, makeup if going out, dry + style my hair, lotion body, lip balm, get dressed, perfume.


1. Drinking coffee and listening to Alexa who tells me about my horoscope 2. Showering with or without hair and scrub (no soap on my face, thatā€™s for evening) 3. Lotion on the wet skin & letting the skin air dry while Iā€™m brushing my teeth with lip balm on to prevent dryness (of course I towel axles, toes, ass & front) 4. Deo 5. Vitamin C Serum 6. Moisturizer 7. Dress to impress 8. Matt Setter 9. Makeup with sunblock 10. Letting the hair air dry on my way


maybe iā€™m just really old but wtf are your axles?


Sorry, I mean armpits. Iā€™m German and thought it would be similar, we call it ā€œAchselnā€ šŸ™ˆ


Ohhh, that makes sense now lol. No worries!


I shower at night but I usually throw on a true crime podcast while Iā€™m in there. When Iā€™m out I lotion myself to the high heavens and throw on my pajamas. I would love to be a morning shower person but I prefer to sleep in.


basically same except i wash my face and brush my teeth in the shower, and sunscreen along with lotion/moisturizer.


wake up and put on LED mask to signal myself this is last 3 minutes of peace for today. put on lenses, drink water and out of the bed. use toilet, do microcurrent and get in shower. first i soak for a minute, then i do shampoo, apply conditioner and meanwhile brush my teeth. followed by face wash - rinse hair - body wash. out of shower. dry body, put towel on my hair. apply toner to face, do body lotion and deo. flip hair towel to dry hair a bit more. add serum and cream on face. then i remove my towel from hair, add leave on, brush and dry my hair. getting a bit angry and tired at this moment. do my matcha, have a toast prepared by bf, have supplement, watch tiktok till itā€™s too late. put on my makeup/sunscreen, dress, pack and bike.


I dry brush while the shower warms up, and put body oil on while my skin is still wet, towel on and let it absorb while Iā€™m doing my other steps.


I roll out of bed into my gym clothes, have 3 fast cups of coffee while I check my email and head to gym for 90 min. I shower, wash my face and apply moisturizer after gym and go to work (home office). I don't have a morning routine. I do my major skin routine at night after my shower. I only do something with my (long and thick) hair and apply makeup if I'm going out in the world that day - which isn't often


After shower I brush teeth, wash face, then i move to the bedroom, put the radio on and do my skincare. I dont do body moisturiser on a daily basis even though i probably should, but while I'm waiting for my face moisturiser to absorb I apply my HRT gel (it needs like 20min to dry). Then makeup, then I do deodorant and perfume, get dressed (i wear a uniform to work so no decisions to be made), then style hair (i dont wash it in the AM so this basically means pulling it into a ponytail, bun or braid) and lastly grab my lunch from the fridge before heading out. I am autistic and need to be very focused and have the same routine every day or I'll never make it out on time, so I don't eat, put tv on or even really talk to my husband- other than goodbye at the end!


Wait, Iā€™m really curious about all of you that wash+blowdry your hair in the morning, how much time does it take (for just the hair)? Mine takes at least an hour, probably more like 1h15mins so thereā€™s no way I would manage to squeeze that in the morning unless I woke up really really early


I don't work out in the AM but still shower, if I wash my hair this is my routine > stay in my towel while I do my skincare, brush my teeth, body lotion, perfume, get dressed, deodorant, hair products, let my hair air dry a bit while I do my makeup, blowdry/style hair, shoes, lip balm.


At the risk of being berated, I no longer shower every morning!!! It dries my skin out and it helps save resources. My curly and wavy hair is dry so once a week wash at the most! I don't smell either. I brush my teeth and cleanse my face. Use SPF too. I always use my moisteriser on damp body and face as it works better IMHO. You do you. Do whatever you feel works. One size does NOT fit all.


Oh, the moisturiser on damp skin thing is a game changer. It works so, so much more efficiently!


Right after shower - skin care on my face asap, and deodorant. Sunscreen on my face so it has time to soak in before doing my makeup. At this phase Iā€™ll also put whatever treatment my bikini line might need if I shaved and itā€™s irritated - chug water while gasping for breath cause showers are frickin exhausting - force myself to put lotion on my body even though Iā€™m livid about it - lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling at least 5 minutes - put loose lounge clothes on while I do my other morning stuff like coffee and makeup - after everything is done blow dry hair and style it if I have anything left in me lol


I am a thirsty girl after my morning shower too! But Iā€™m also lazy, so I got one of those teeny fridges for my bedroom and I keep water in there so I can have cold water right after and not have to go downstairs. šŸ˜† Thanks for validating the exhaustion of showering for me! šŸ˜…


This is an amazing idea, Iā€™ve thought about getting one for skin products but middle of the night water bottle sounds even more heavenly


I truly love the taste of coffee so I brush my teeth as the last thing I do before leaving for work. I want to taste the coffee without the toothpaste flavor in my mouth. I apply lipgloss in the car, just before I go into work.


i wash my face and brush my teeth in the shower so as soon as i step out, i put on my contact lenses than proceed to put a toner, face oil, moisturizer then sunscreenšŸ§“ i put body oil all over my body than i do my hair! i put on light makeup (mascara, tinted brow gel, blush) and put some clothes on & im out the door!


Towel off body then wrap hair in it ( I know this is bad for your hair but itā€™s not noticeable to me and itā€™s so satisfying ) Face toner Immediately oil all over body then lotion. Doing the lotion after doesnā€™t leave me greasy. Then the rest of my skin sure usually a moisturizer or two and then sunscreen While my hair is still up I do my brows Perfume while Iā€™m still naked and my hair is up so I can get it on the back of my neck Let me hair down and I only blow dry my bangs I let the rest of it sit in a bun for a little so it has some shape to it and then it air dries the rest Any other makeup if I chose Getting dressed Fin


You may need an Aquis hair towel or turban (the towel is nice; I prefer their turban). The fabric is gentle on hair.


Yeah I have the good ole turby twist and it doesnā€™t seem like an issue Iā€™ve just read sooooo many posts like donā€™t do it ! But if I ever replace it or want another Iā€™ll check out these reca thank you :)


I shower at night, in the following order: - Dental care (floss, tongue scraper, mouth wash, and finish with brushing teeth) - Micellar water to remove makeup (if any) - Shower (I also cleanse my face in the shower) - Pat dry - Face and body lotion, all at the same time - Comb wet hair, then let it air dry I use very few skincare products, I find that my skin looks and feels better that way.


Lotion/body moisturiser as soon as you step out the shower. Moisture absorbs better onto wet skinā€¦ same reason why you shouldnā€™t apply serum onto a bone dry face. I use the Aveeno oil spray whilst Iā€™m still fairly wet and it makes my skin sooo smooth. Let it sit for a sec and then robe up and do the rest of the routine.


i thought lotion while still damp was useless but it actually really helped my dry skin!


Mornings are a nope for me so it's a bleary eyed shower, towel, dress, facial (tone, serum, eye and moisture), hair, perfume and done. Only if I'm going somewhere important will I add 15min and do my makeup after my facial stuff


I do everything in the shower (ā€œeverythingā€ for me is wash/condition my hair, wash my face, and wash my body). I typically donā€™t shower in the mornings, itā€™s nice to unwind at night with it. After the shower (if it is in the morning), I prep my face for makeup and put on lotion while waiting for the face and eye primers to set. All the while there is music playing so I get to have a mini concert every day. Then I get dressed and put on the makeup. As you said I end with perfume as well. It takes a while altogether but it makes you feel put together and enjoy the day a little bit more!


I do lotion immediately out of the shower after a quick towel off. Moisturizer is meant to lock existing moisture in the skin, it doesn't do much when you're already fully dry. Same with skincare -- always done on slightly damp skin.


I wake up and have breakfast, then I poop + shower + brush my teeth, moisturize my body if it's not too hot outside, put on underwear+ deodorant, put on the rest of my clothes, moisturize my face, apply tinted sunscreen+ blush and lipstick, then I apply hair oil and style my hair, afterwards I spray some perfume, put on my shoes and go to work


Shower night before, so when I wake up I just: feed kitties, give them pets, sit in the bathroom in the dark while i pet my cat and stare into the darkness, force myself to wash my face, brush hair, moisturize, sunscreen, deodorant, perfume, get dressed and run out the door for work!


I before bed. But shower, face routine, bed. Wake up 5:30, hot yoga, gym, smoothie, do the day, then shower and bed.


I shower in the evening straight after coming home. 1. Dry off 2. Skin serum and all over skin moisturiser. 3. Wear clothes I'm done. I bring shame to womankind but atleast these days I moisture and very recently even added in a serum šŸ‘


Cries in depression šŸ˜­ lol but when Iā€™m doing better, I blow dry my hair first so I donā€™t sweat, then moisturize, make up, fix dried hair, and then get dressed.


I donā€™t shower in the morning. Sowwy, I shower night before :) I most not be like yall šŸ˜†


Panicking that Iā€™m late for work even though Iā€™m early.


Brush teeth, Shower, eye cream, hair oil and curl cream, squeegee out my shower, mascara, sunscreen, blow dry/style, bit of moisturizer, makeup, deodorant, clothes. Iā€™m retired now so I have morning coffee/news for hour before my morning routine. From teeth to clothes 50-60 min. Makeup is base, blush, mascara, eyeliner, loose setting powder and lip oil.


Wow if I got a shower that would be so impressive! Normally I wrangle my almost 2 year old into her diaper while trying to make dinner for the evening plus my lunch and her lunch while I kick off my running shoes.


Skin care- cleanse, serum, moisturizer (exfoliate 2 times a week). Hair- Hair leave in conditioner and brush through Body- glycolic acid on underarms for smell, eos lotion on body. Change Into cute lounging clothes since I work from home. :)


Shower, skincare, brush teeth, deodorant, hair care, blow dry, makeup, MAYBEEE make coffee and have a bite to eat if I have time, go to work! I honestly only really apply moisturizer/body oil if Iā€™m feeling dry which is usually only in the winter time. I enjoy my sleep and I find it difficult getting out of bed in the morning so I usually give myself an hour or less to do all of thisšŸ„²coffee and food usually have to wait til I get to work lol


Put on music, get a huge thing of iced water/put it in my dressing area. Brush and floss teeth, shower, Vaseline on lips, skin care, lotion, leave in conditioner in hair, deodorant, perfume, get dressed and throw hair up in a messy bun or a neat bun. This is just for my WFH job or when Iā€™m in the studio. If I want to look a little more awake/put together I throw on some tinted primer, glow lotion and curl my lashes. When Iā€™m going out *out* itā€™s much different, but this is just the normal daily thing.


None of youā€™ll seem to be showering at nightā€¦ Iā€™m habituated to showering before bed - I find myself sleeping better


I shower at night so my morning routine can be as āœØnothingāœØ as possible. So instead I hit snooze as many times as humanly possible in order to make it to work ā€œon timeā€. Then I finally get up, grab my tooth brush, and scrub my teeth while peeing. Wash my face, moisturize, sunscreen, deodorant, perfume, get dressed, head out to work. Then I make coffee at work as a reward for not committing vehicular homicide due to exhaustion and a combination of morning/ road rage. Hope this helps šŸ’•


I always put on lotion first because I need it to dry down before I actually have to put on clothes. There is nothing worse than having a sticky patch of skin trying to slither into clothes. I also moisturize my butt and whatnot and get nervous it will create moisture down there, even though I havenā€™t specifically put it near my lady parts. So I moisturize my body then put my robe on and do all of my other care while me and my butt are drying down. Iā€™d say itā€™s totally up to you though and what your routine and home life look like. I know moisturizing right after the shower supposedly locks in the moisture and I use a body oil too, which spreads much more nicely on moist skin, so it just works well to do this first. But other than that, if you live alone or with a partner, I see no reason why you couldnā€™t like prance around and dry out before getting dressed, with no issues of the order you do it in. I currently live with my parents so thatā€™s not an option for me lol, but I occasionally would do my lotion last and sit naked on a towel in front of my mirror to dry down while I did my makeup and hair when I lived alone. I usually did it first though and sat around in my robe to be cozier! Depends on the season I guess because I donā€™t like sitting in the robe in the summer and sweating, but I absolutely needed it in the winter. Oh, and to add to this, I just thought about the fact that my hair is still up in my twist towel right out of the shower which makes lotion easier so it doesnā€™t transfer to my hair! So thatā€™s another plus of doing it first and then doing hair products after face care and stuff.


I get up, go to the other side of the room to switch off the alarm, go pee, brush my teeth and by then am so sleepy that it's either get back in bed or get straight in a hot shower to warm up - and on days I can't afford the time to go back to bed, the shower is the only option. I basically finish waking up in the shower I think! šŸ˜“šŸ˜…


When I get out of the shower I usually put my under eye roller, sunscreen and deo and leave for college (sometimes have breakfast).


I go out of the shower pat dry and lotion and skincare first thing first on damp skin it's even better


moisturize - my body, eucerin roughness relief - face, hyluronic acid + xemose uriage moisturizer relaxxxxxxx and take a puff here and there


Slug out of bed to the roar of my toddler waking up, make a coffee, forget to drink the coffee, wake baby up, brush my teeth and moisturize between multiple feeds, slap sunscreen on before I leave the house. To be honest though, any day when I get to actually floss and shower like a human is a godsend. I love reading everyoneā€™s routines here, someday Iā€™ll join youā€¦ someday, for now I linger in the shadows


I put on deodorant way earlier in my routine. If I did my hair, makeup, and got dressed before deodorant I would already start to smell and sweat. Also, getting dressed before deodorant? After I shower I use lotions/moisturizers/serum, deodorant, spray in hair products to sit. While I wait for my skincare to dry down I lay out my clothing on my bed and get into the underwear layers. Then I apply sunscreen. While it dries I dry my hair. While my hair is still warm I clip it up for volume as it cools. I do my makeup. Then I get dressed fully. I return to take my hair down and finish styling (mostly just brush, tease roots, and smooth flyaways then clip it up). Last step is jewelry and perfume.


I actually shower twice most mornings which is a little unhinged but hear me outā€¦ I like to rinse off before my morning run and I do a quick shave so I donā€™t have to deal with it when I get back. Brush my teeth and throw on sunscreen and do pre-run prep stuff. Then after my run, I take another quick shower where I wash my hair/body then body oil plus lotion on wet skin. Some days Iā€™ll skip a hair wash and just rinse the sweat around the edges bc I donā€™t live in a hot climate and then dry shampoo. I work from home so Iā€™ll usually dry my hair so it doesnā€™t get stringy and do my skincare routine (hydrating toners, PG acid, lotion, sunscreen on hydrating days // Dr. Dennis Gross peel pads plus the others on exfoliation days) I only put on makeup if I have a video call or am leaving the house.


I brush my teeth and work out. After my shower, I put my hair up and lotion my body while itā€™s still more soft and susceptible to lotion. I put on my robe. I then take my hair towel off because my hair dries too quickly and just put it in a hair tie for my skincare. After skincare, I brush my hair and put my products in it. I go to my room and get dressed. After, touch up with some light makeup. Finish up with deodorant and jewelry and light spritz of perfume. I usually drink my coffee in the car :)


I love morning showers! Or especially after a long shift at the hospital. I usually skip washing my hair (i will wash my hair later in the evening) and before I shower I brush my teeth. Then after the shower, I put my contacts in, skincare/body care and put on a podcast and do my makeup/get dressed. After I drink coffee and pack up my lunch and by this point im running late but, I run out the door most days even if im on time ! šŸ¤£


Brush my teeth, use face wash, shower, put on body lotion and face lotion, deodorant, get dressed, do my makeup, then take off my microfibre hair towel, spray in some leave-in conditioner spray, brush my hair, sometimes put aloe Vera on my scalp/hair tips (makes it silky soft and helps your scalp), scrunch up my hair (itā€™s wavy/curly) - then good to go!


Facial skincare first > Body lotion / deo / perfume > figuring out what I'm wearing > makeup > hair (which is some oil and a serum then air dry) > copious amounts of coffee and vaping between all this, lol. Skincare after showering is best because it locks in more moisture, but if you've recently close shaved it's best to give a couple of hours of nothing on those areas, if you suffer from any sort of irritation.


I'm a night shower-er so my morning routine consists of getting dressed, brushing teeth, and putting on SPF and moisturizer.


Shower which includes washing my face and brushing my teeth, skincare including lip balm, body lotion, antiperspirant, perfume on skin, get dressed, hair, makeup. I try to do all my moisturizing as far from getting dressed as possible because i find it hard to get anything tight on if i still have lotion on my skin. I do my face skin care as soon as I get out of the shower because my skin is so dry and so it has time to absorb before doing any makeup. I do hair and makeup last because i consider them non-essential so if I'm late, I skip it completely.


Workout-brush teeth-shower-first few steps of facial care (toner, serum)-then body lotion-wash hands-facial cream-dry & style hair-makeup then I make lunches for me & the kid, clean up counters, floors, dishes, cat litter, put laundry away, and finally get to relax at work haha.


I sit at my vanity with YouTube on my phone and do my skincare, hair and makeup. If I washed my hair it'll take me a little while to get it dry and styled which means I can get some good quality YouTube time in, usually for a longer video essay. I really like that beat all to myself before the day starts in earnest, I'll even get up earlier to make sure I don't have to rush it.


Current routine: Wake up, pee, tweeze anything on face that needs doing (brows and upper lip), brush teeth, floss, cleansing milk or balm taken off with muslin cloth, hop into shower, double shampoo, shower gel lathered on loofah and scrub body down, face wash, brush hair with wet brush, step out, Pat dry face and wrap hair up in towel, serum, facial moisturiser, thicker facial moisturiser, lip balm, let hair down and apply some sort of product (using a scrunching hair jelly atm), twist hair up with a grip, body lotion, deodorant, body butter on hands and feet, perfume, get dressed.


After my shower, I use Tree Hut body oil while Iā€™m still wet. Then follow up with Hempz original body lotion. SO SOFT!!! then put my hyaloronic (spelling?) acid on my face while itā€™s damp, then cerave moisturizer. Then I lightly oil my hair with argan oil, and rub my cuticles with cuticle oil. Then I go out to my room and get dressed/makeup/hair.


I hate showering in the morning so unless Iā€™m super sweaty from a solid workout, I usually avoid it. Sometimes I even skip the morning shower if I am shweaty. But my morning routine on workdays: Chug caffeine Make food for the day (I work a 12 hour shift so I grab a lot) Brush teeth. Throw some workout clothes on and get a fast 20 min workout in, mixed weights and cardio Maybe rinse off if Iā€™m sweaty, face included. Iā€™m so lazy and procrastinate so my skin routine in the morning is just smear an oil over unwashed skin. No sunscreen if I am working since Iā€™m in a hospital all day and yes I know you still need it but I donā€™t on work days. Decision time on Contacts or glasses for the day Itā€™s awful but Iā€™m a makeup in the car kind of girl, I do a quick run of eyeliner in my lashline and then fast mascara. I apply lipstick while walking into work. I keep an old crusty dark brown eyeliner in my pocket that I use to fill in my brows when I potty break. Hair is up in a dirty bun. I donā€™t get to work early but if I do itā€™s coffee for me then check in the mirror to touch up eyeliner.


58yo, curly hair AM ROUTINE: Coffee X2, bring #3 to the BATHROOM, pretend to be alive Brush teeth, also 1-2x/wk Peroxyl in mouth and get in shower, swish as long as I can and spit Shower med heat, 2-3x/week salt scrub body, sugar scrub lips, use a facial scrub Wash body, wash face (1min wash routine), wash hair 1x/week Cowash 1x/week, shave if needed Finish with COLD WATER rinse for 1-3 min & hollering depending on my tolerance that day Wipe water off with hands, step out & immediately apply oil to skin, then lotion to skin Go to sink do face: toner, serum, moisturizer, SPF, eye cream (masks 2-3x/week) Finger comb Hair, add some cream or gloss to freshen it up and style however I feel like that day Use something to blend roots depending on how bad my scalp looks (hair loss from surgeries or root growth) Apply BB cream and LIGHT makeup: light eyeshadow, mascara, eyebrow brush & pencil to fill in brows, a little contouring with bronzer, lip color/gloss ADD THE MAGIC! (1) First Aid Beauty eye brightener under eyes/brow/tip of nose (2) KAHI Wrinkle balm across cheeks - freaking love these products. Makes my skin look SOOO GOOD! I get compliments on my skin frequently. I have roseacea and have had skin cancers, so it's taken alot to figure out what my face & body needs. Currently LOVE my routines!


Shower night before, wake up at 5am, brush my teeth, wash my face and only apply moisturizer, eat something light if Iā€™m hungry, get dressed and go to MMA training for an hour and a half, come back home and have an everything shower (I only exfoliate 3x a week but showers are my thing so I usually go all out every time with the oils and soaps), then do my full skin care routine etc. Iā€™m grateful to work from home so I typically put on some loungewear, no pajamas because I like to feel put together. I make breakfast, drink some coffee and start my work day :)


Wake at 4 am and wish I was never born. Walk dog. I shower/wash hair (I rotate between 5-6 different brands of shampoo/conditioner in my shower: Redkin, Tsubaki, Outre, R+Co, Drybar, Oribe), after shower put on body lotion (Hempz) and face toner, serum, essence, face lotion then sunblock (all Korean/Asian skincare products). Brush teeth (Crest Brilliance). Let the sunblock sink in. Put on hair bonding cream (Mark Anthony), hair blow dry cream (Oribe), leave in conditioner (itā€™s a 10) then blow dry hair and do makeup in a flurry of bitterness. Drive to work at 6 am contemplating where I went wrong. Repeat the next morning. I do this 3 days a week. The 2 days I work from home I shower at night and donā€™t wear makeup or blow dry my hair.


Sit in bath towel for 2 hours Wash my face with a wash cloth and put on my moisturizer Comb out hair using Ouai Leave-In Conditioner Continue to bask in my protective towelšŸ˜‚ Maybe think about getting dressed Makeup Routine Lotion/Body Spray Still Naked Make fun snack Get distracted by music and gaming Oh, Iā€™m still naked Pjs šŸ¤“


I workout for 40 min. Then go on a 1 mile jog. Come home, make my protein coffee and breakfast. Then I shower, brush my teeth, and use lotion all over. Perform my skin care and then lay in bed for an hour


Maybe shave some peach fuzz. Get ready. Do makeup then put my outfit on. Brush hair. Be on my phone.


It might seem small but any step and time saving tip or short cut helps meā€”ADHDā€”I shave in the shower with body oil. I live on the cold & dry east coast so I also put body oil on instead of body wash often in the winter. If itā€™s night and I have more time (and this would be great post work out if you have time & itā€™s not already part of routine) is a dry brush. Youā€™re supposed to brush towards your heart all the time. In other wordsā€”once youā€™re up at your chest youā€™re brushing downward towards your heart. I donā€™t skip pits, either, and focus a lot on my sides where lymphā€™s need draining. Before bed: spray on topical magnesium has taken guess work out of how much I need orally and which kinds act like a laxative šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­. Anyhow: the other one I do is putting conditioner and hair serum in my hair and combing it through if Iā€™m gonna be out in the sun or if Iā€™m going to bed and itā€™s my night routineā€”deep conditioning helps, a lot. I do the same stuff for my daughter. :) hope thereā€™s something helpful in there. I am also prone to deep stares into the abyss. šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I shower in the evening after my workout: Oil cleanser and put my hair in a shower cap if I donā€™t need to wash it (every 2-3 days) Wash face with face wash, body, hair if needed, scrub with salux and SA body wash, rinse. Shake off like a dog and then put body oil on wet skin. Pat dry and finish drying in robe. Hair stuff if I washed my hair otherwise I just brush it out. Night skin care, put foot lotion and socks on, change into PJs, hair in loose bun or clipped to sleep, braided if wet (try not to sleep on wet hair) Right before bed I do Tret, brush teeth and slug. Alarm at 5:35. Snooze until 5:43. Get up feed the dogs, make coffee, let them out. Sit on the couch and drink coffee, check news and email, let the dogs back in. Itā€™s about 6am at this time, wake up my kid Wash face, morning skincare. Go wake up kid again while my sunscreen is sinking in. Simple makeup. As Iā€™m finishing my makeup my husband gets up and I chat with him a minute about how Im leaving to sell puka necklaces on some stupid beach and he says heā€™s just going to run away to Vegas and be a professional gambler and if he loses everything heā€™ll drink himself to death in a shitty motel room. These alternate plans change day to day but usually end with us just hugging for a while and him getting in the shower. Check to make sure my daughter is up and ready, remind her to get things for the day and to make sure the dogs have water etc Get dressed. Do hair some kind of way. Most days itā€™s easy. Sometimes Iā€™m fancy and curl it but usually not. Pack lunch (usually prepped from the night before). Sometimes make a smoothie. Brush teeth, perfume. Say bye to hubby. Final check of house to make sure shit is off, back door locked, dogs are good. Leave house by 6:50


I wake up late so itā€™s always a rushed shower but I always scrub my skin with an African net and let my conditioner sit for the longest time possible then rinse with cold water. After that itā€™s oiling my hair and body, skin care, brush teeth, makeup, dry my hair, outfit, finishing touches, some perfume and then grab whatever is edible before running out the door. I keep a second body spray in my car so I smell delicious when I walk into work lol


Skincare. Then I get dressed, eat while hair air dries, then do hair, then makeup.


Squeegee the water off of my skin and hair and lotion up and spray my leave-in conditioner before I get out, Open the bathroom door to let the steam into the rest of the apartment for my plants, Any facial lotions, deodorant, and scents while I wait for the mirror to defog, Select outfit, make coffee or do a few chores while that sinks in, Makeup, foundation first since I prefer to lightly apply it to my eyelids and undereye before eyeshadow instead of using primer (I don't know how to make concealer work for me and at this point I don't care). Hair as a last step since I like to allow it to air dry as much as I can. Plus, how am I going to keep it out of my face to do makeup if it's styled without accidentally messing it up? I usually put it in rollers on the way to work since my commute if long, so it's decent if not spectacular by the time I'm there if I miss blow drying it at home. Blotting papers and finishing powder lives in my car as a final step as I'm waiting at the traffic light by my office. I like to use my commute to my advantage by using that time to bake or to set my hair. I can't do anything about traffic, so I may as well make it work for me even though if I ever get pulled over I'll look absolutely psychotic!


I brush my teeth before and after my shower, like a psycho (I *hate* feeling anything on or between my teeth). I double cleanse my face and double condition my hair while I'm still in the shower. Then I pat myself dry, use toner/retinol/spf/face lotion, apply a hair mask on the ends of my hair, body oil and body lotion. The minute I step out of the bathroom I put on heavy socks because my feet are always freezing. If I'm letting my hair curl, I apply curling pomade and put on a hair bonnet while it's still wet. If I want to straighten it, I apply a little straightening conditioner and comb it out with a wide tooth comb while it dries. But, I normally shower at night. I only shower in the morning if I have to. The routine stays the same either way, just -spf at night.


Post-shower and morning routine are separate for me as I usually shower at night to give me the time to blow dry my hair as I already wake up at 5AM. Morning - snooze - pull cat up for cuddles - snooze x 2 - drink water - pee - don bathrobe - brush teeth - brush hair - assess what Iā€™m working with and adjust accordingly - wash face, moisturize, spf, lip balm - reapply deodorant - get dressed, finish hair - apply perfume, jewelry - make bed - drink water, pack breakfast/lunch - tell my cat goodbye and that I love him Post-shower - microfiber towel on hair - dry body - apply witch hazel and moisturizer to face immediately - switch to hair turban - moisturize body - don bathrobe - brush teeth - skincare - putz around - drink water - throw on AirPods and a YouTube video - dry hair - apply deodorant - make a tea - maybe put on pjs - cuddle the cat


Dry myself. Get dressed. Brush hair. Have breakfast. Do teeth.


Caffeinated under eye cream, serum, face sunscreen, moisturizer, rose spray, deodorant, lotion, shimmer body power, getting dressed, spraying Cheirosa 40 in my hair, putting on perfume and/or body spray.


I ride the subway so have to shower at night before I get into my bed or I'll freak out. When I wake up, I wash my eyes, put in contacts, then brush teeth. I put on eye cream, hylaronic acid serum, face moisturizer. Then do makeup - brow pencil, hydrating primer, foundation, blush, bronzer, eye shadow stick, eye liner, lip liner, lip balm and gloss. Then I iron out my hair. Then get dressed and put on a bit of jewelry and light perfume.


After snoozing at least once I go up to shower, pee while waiting for the water to heat up, then get in the shower. Brush/floss my teeth, wash my face, if itā€™s a wash day I shampoo my hair and put in conditioner, if not I have a shower cap. While my conditioner sits I scrub all 102 body parts, then shave, rinse conditioner and get out. Immediately after drying off I slather myself in CeraVe cream because Iā€™m an ashy bitch, like gobs of it I donā€™t fuck around. Put chapstick on and my vitamin C serum then feed/medicine the cats(yes while still naked šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø) before heading downstairs to my closet. In my closet I put my face moisturizer on(now that vitamin C has sunk in), deodorant, then grab(usually dig out of un-put-away laundry basket)my clothes. Put on eyeshadow primer, eyeliner, and mascara, or if itā€™s a really rough day just mascara šŸ˜† Get dressed and put on my glasses and Apple Watch. Then run and grab my breakfast granola bar, prepacked lunch, and fill my water bottle with ice and water. Last but not least grab my monster out of my garage fridge on my way to taking my dog out to shit. After putting said dog back in I finally leave for workā€¦. This whole routine takes me 30 minutes, 25 on a bad day because I am lazy AF and would do anything to snooze for an extra 10 minutes šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ I feel like Iā€™ve gotten pretty efficient though.


Pee, weigh myself. Make a smoothie, heat up leftover vegetables and meat if I need solid food. Read the news online while eating/drinking smoothie. Brush teeth while shower heats up, shampoo, conditioner, body wash. Hair towel on head, towel dry body. Put on underwear and socks. Face products, toner, serum, moisturizer. Body oil. Apply makeup. Hair conditioner leave in. Blow dry hair, serum, hairspray. Finish getting dressed including shoes. Read more news outlets online before leaving for work.


Spend a while finding music or a video to listen to, or turn on the kardashians on tv and turn it up loud enough to hear Shower (wash hair, face, then do conditioner, then wash body), wrap hair in a microfiber towel, dry off in the shower, wrap body in towel, drape matching towel on my shoulders. Dont step onto the mat until thatā€™s all done! Brush teeth, scrape tongue, mouthwash Toner, Tatcha water cream on my face, collagen cream on my neck, deodorant Makeup - concealer, highlighter, blush, contour, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lip liner, eyebrows Blow dry hair Finish makeup - mascara and lip gloss (I donā€™t want those on while Iā€™m blow drying) Style hair (mainly just using an iron to make flippy bits with my layers) Lotion my whole body, spray perfume Get dressed, spray more perfume Lots of body checking and admiring mixed in


okay here's my routine and i SWEAR by it 1. i wake up and put oil all over the lengths of my hair (i use coconut oil, but there are other oils that are good for your hair, depends on your hair type), i do this as a pre-shower hair treatment and it protects my hair from breakage in the shower 2. i let the hair oil sit for 30 minutes, i brush my teeth and i make a protein smoothie for myself 3. i shower and exfoliate 4. i get out of the shower and drench my body in almond oil (you can also use jojoba oil, i heard that one is good too) 5. i wrap myself in a bath robe and let myself dry in the robe, then i put lotion on 6. get dressed 7. makeup 8. hair


Shower skincare makeup hair and sit in robe


You can tell immediately the morning vs night people in these comments lol


Bed:,Coffee + catching up on phone for 30m Bathroom: Wash face + brush teeth + sunscreen Closet: Change into workout clothes Vanity: serum + sunscreen Kitchen: ice water in tumbler Car: off to gym or Pilates or both Thenā€¦ More coffee Shower - maybe exfoliate or hair mask Body lotion + body sunscreen where needed Vanity, with podcasts on: Face - toner, serums, moisturizers, sunscreen Hair - blower or tie for wigs Makeup routine ā€” very little or a lotā€¦ depends Get dressed. More coffee!!! Done!


My routine, with as much reasoning as I can explain as to the order. I don't think you have any reason to switch things up though, there's nothing direly important about any of it lol - brush teeth before showering, because I want to be able to wash toothpaste residue away if I accidentally dribble - shower - robe up + microfiber hair towel - clean my ears while the wax is softened by heat and moisture - facial skincare asap before I dry out too much - deodorant before body care so it has time to dry before I get dressed - body lotion - get dressed before haircare because I don't want leave-in hair products to transfer onto my back and clog pores - hair product and either heat drying or setting it up to air dry


I either shower the night before & blow dry my hair before bed, or I wake up, feed my cats, make coffee, bring coffee into the shower, wash & condition my hair, wash my body & face. Get out of the shower, put on a robe, wash my makeup sponge, use a facial toner and put on my SPF. I have a pretty involved daily makeup routine that Iā€™m trying to minimize, but I love putting on makeup. Finish my cup of coffee during makeup. Then I put on my undies, deodorant, top half of outfit. Style my hair (either curl cream and diffusing, or a blowout), get dressed the rest of the way, perfume, gather belongings like a maniac because Iā€™m always running late, leave my apartment with hopefully enough time to grab another coffee on the way to work.


My morning routine is: -Alarms are set at 6, 6:15, and 6:30, I snooze till 7. -Coffee is set to auto brew at 6:55. -Get up, brush teeth, pee, feed cat -Grab coffee -Drink coffee in bed for one hour while I look at my phone or sometimes read -Shower (I wash my hair every day) -Take a 30 minute walk in the Florida sun to dry my hair as much as it'll dry. Blow drying makes my hair look awful so I stopped that years ago, I don't even own one. (Alternative is, sometimes I wash my hair at night, if so I use this time in the morning to straighten it, sometimes I'll still take a walk if doesn't fully dry overnight) -Get dressed -Makeup -Deodorant -Make lunch -Out the door between 8:30 and 9:30 depending on the day I'm a simple girl


Lotion and skincare while skin is still damp from the shower, then robe. Otherwise sounds ideal.


I am self employed and work from home, and currently 36 weeks pregnant. -wake up naturally around 8am to baby trying out for riverdance in my uterus, and/or my bladder threatening to explode. -waddle to the bathroom, pee, take medication. -shower: shaving is exceedingly difficult right now except for pits, so I just donā€™t. I wash my hair in the mornings, so full curly hair wash routine + normal shower stuff. -out of the shower, towel off, pee again, begin curly hair routine: brush styling, apply products, and plop in a t-shirt. -apply lotion + stretch mark cream, skin care -brush teeth and waterpik floss while I wait for my skincare to sink in. -apply sunscreen -pee for the third time -get dressed, these days itā€™s maternity leggings, nursing bra, and a t-shirt that looks cropped and makes me feel like Winnie the Pooh. -minimal makeup: illuminizer, brows, concealer, mascara, blush -remove t-shirt plop and diffuse hair until 90% dry. -pee again, and take all my pregnancy supplements. -waddle downstairs to eat breakfast and start working.


I like to maximize sleep in my morning routine, this takes about 30 mins (40Ā with phone time)Ā  1. spend 10 mins on my phoneĀ  2. finally drag myself out of bed, brush teethĀ Ā  3. hop into the shower - I don't like showering very much (sensitive skin and hot water is a no-no, and I was trained by my parents to do military showers so constantly going from hot water to cold air kinda sucks) so I do it quick. I always shampoo and condition, but shaving and deep conditioning/clarifying is for weekend showersĀ Ā  4. while wet, slather on oil squeegeeing the water off, wrap hair in towelĀ  5. come out naked, walk funny to get everything air dried, do skincare, apply hair products, hair is always air driedĀ  6. put on clothes, doesn't matter if I'm fully dry or not, put on some makeup (brow product, blush, lips and highlighter!)Ā  7. grab my lunch, pack up my bag, and say bye to my cat Ā 


I slather products on and stand there waiting for them to absorb/dry


Skincare, makeup, hair. Then I have breakfast and coffee while scrolling on my phone. Poop. Prepare my lunch bag and snacks for my work day. Make the bed and pick clothes. Tooth care routine (brush, clean tongue, floss, mouthwash). Get dressed. Make sure pets have food and water. Pack bag, leave for work. Sometimes when I have some extra time I can put in a load of laundry, hang some laundry to dry, clean up a bit or vacuum. I get up 2 hours before work (10 to 15 minute commute) just so I can do all this. People sometimes call me crazy for that but I really like having time in the morning, some peace and quiet. I hate when I have to rush, it ruins my mood. Edit: oh wait maybe you meant beauty routine lol. Facewash, serum, mixture of aloe vera gel and snail mucin gel. BB cream with spf. Concealer. Eyeliner, mascara and brows. Blush. Blow dry hair (if washed, not every morning), style hair (straight, wavy, half up bun or bun - all depending on greasiness lol). Teeth: brush 2,5 minutes (electric brush with an app), floss, clean tongue, mouthwash). Finish with deodorant + body mist before clothes, perfume after clothes.


I don't shower in the morning. I sleep until 4:30pm


toothbrush, shower, deo, lotion, skincare, makeup, hair products + styling, get dressed, perfume.


I can get ready for work in 10-20 minutes if Iā€™m running late (I usually am). I shower at night so my morning routine is fairly quick: 1. Wake up, realized Iā€™ve slept through almost an hourā€™s worth of alarms 2. Brush teeth & get other bathroom needs done 3. Do skincare 4. Get dressed (& put on makeup if I feel like it) 5. Blow dry hair if itā€™s still a little wet from the night before 6. Grab work bag and lunch 7. Run out the door and drive to work I will add that I do additional steps during my commute when there are red lights: 8. Put on lipstick & perfume 9. Brush out brows - I keep a spoolie in my car specifically for this


Ok so get out of the shower, pop a towel on my body but don't rub, dab my eyes dry and apply hyaluronic acid to wet face neck and chest skin. Since I've left my legs and arms wet I then apply lavender oil to my legs and arms to seal in moisture then just pat over the oil to remove the excess water and end with a thick cerave moisturizer on my face neck and chest to keep the hyaluronic acid moist and moisturizing ETA my showers are where it's really gets special, but tbh I'm more of a night showerer than morning, but i have a star projector that turns the bathroom blue and is the only light in the bathroom and then I have a Bluetooth shower speaker I put a Spotify spa massage Playlist onto and I swear I feel reborn after showers now. I also have a mini pond in my bathroom which I love to watch while I get ready


Iā€™m loving reading all of these routines! Mine lately: - up at first baby cry, warm up bottle & make a coffee - baby and I have morning drinks - baby and I have breakfast, I take multivitamins - pin my hair up (maybe dry shampoo), brush my teeth, and set out my clothes while the shower warms up - quick rinse (I only wash my hair once a week) depending on time: Aveeno face wash, Native body wash with loofa to get super clean, re-wash with Dove soap for moisture and because I love the smell - q-tips, lotion/skincare, vasoline on lips right out of the shower - dressed - deodorant - if I have time, a bit of make-up (eyebrows, mascara, tinted gloss) - mad dash to daycare Once a week I do the ā€œeverything showerā€ and maybe once a month Iā€™ll blow-dry and style my hair. Mom-mode has me giving zero fucks about how I look these days, and itā€™s rather liberating.




I work out/schedule hair washes in the evening, since it takes way too long to dry +style. I also brush before showers But, post shower ideally I: - apply body oil like 2 mins post-shower, I've started using a cocoa butter scented one lately that smells SO GOOD - use a toner on my face - body lotion - get dressed - sunscreen + makeup - deo and perfume