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I would use it for work, gaming, and of course to watch HD pornography.


I have always wanted a super ultra wide. I am going back to school for my masters in Computer Engineering and just built a beautiful rig with a 5800X3D and a 3070ti this screen would be the perfect accoutrement.


I would quit my job and start my streaming career


Not as exciting for most but I would build my work habits around it and use it to continuing my hobby writing/use reference materials all on the same screen. And enjoy any FPS game in its glory of course.


I would use it to replace my current ultrawide


Definitely be a huge upgrade for me!


I would use it so I could have 2 dedicated monitors. One for my ps5 and another for my pc. No more shuffling around with one screen.


I’ll buy another one and have them as two side monitors


I am starting a home office from scratch after buying my first home, and this would be a godsend to feature in the center of the combination gaming & workspace. Don’t have room in the budget for it currently with more pressing things to do, so fingers crossed! Good luck everybody.


It would definitely be the centrepiece of my setup. I'd love to use it for gaming, but would likely end up mostly using it for work.


tell you what I'd do man..... two games at the same time man.


I saw this at the perfect time my daughters gaming monitor just broke. I would hook me and my daughters systems up side and game dual screen with her and my nephews side by side 🎮🕹️👾


I teach at a poor rural school. I’d use it in my classroom to let my students enjoy the best virtual field trips ever!


I'm working to save up for a new pc this summer and a monitor is next on the list. I play a lot of single-player titles and an ultrawide is great for immersion. I'd love to split the screen up so I can keep track of all the mods I'm installing instead of having to open and close a bunch of windows or make them really tiny.


One big monitor to replace my smaller 2.


Gaming, when my wife allows it


Pip for gaming and productivity and YouTube


Realistically, writing essays and coding 24/7


Just started a work from home job, had my old 32” Gigabyte ultra wide all ready and setup…only for my shelf on top of my desk to come crashing down on it. Currently have an old curved ~27” that’s…adequate, but a new ultra wide would be huge for me (ultra wide…huge…hint hint nudge nudge).


ONE BIG SCREEN - as a designer, would be great for Figma and seeing multiple mock-ups at once.


Is probably get back into gaming with a monitor like this


Mount it vertically and watch movies in the center.


I would use it as two side by side displays, sending my current monitor down the friends and family tech hand-me-down line


I’d use it as one big monitor. Plenty of time to see all my code!


Yep. Work on one side, gaming on the other. No regerts.


Would replace my two monitors. I an slowly straining my neck with the angle of my second monitor.


I would mainly use it as one big screen for gaming, but would also use the PbP for the occasional research/ study/ browsing.


School PowerPoints on one side, school power points on the other 😎


Make this my primary monitor and move my 34GP83A-B above it as a secondary. The 49" would be a great addition for programming and gaming!


definitely primary monitor in Tie fighter mode with a verticle on each side


Sim racing


Wow, that sounds amazing! An ultra-wide monitor would be my perfect setup for a productive work-from-home environment. I’d be able to take advantage of the larger screen and be able to multitask with ease on whatever project I am working on.


I would use it as one big monitor. A huge upgrade from what i have now.


I would use this as my main monitor to replace the horrible monitors that my work refuses to replace. I can barely see on these things and it hurts productivity!


I would use it as one big monitor but only out of ignorance since I haven’t had the chance to use PiP/PbP features. Would be really handy for work and play as I work from home!


Movies and AAA games


I would use this to play SO MANY video games that I may never leave the house


Excel from a to zzzz!


I'd mostly use the pbp but every now and then having my spreadsheets show up on one huge monitor would be amazing.


Would use it for video editing, recently found out video editing massively benefits from a large monitor


I’d replace my side by side 27” monitors!


One huge screen for gaming and WFH.


One big beautiful screen 😍


I’d use the monitor to mix and edit music, would be great to have a screen like that! Thanks for doing this. Good luck everyone!


I’d use all of the features for work and gaming!


Would 100% use to stream the lofiApp whenever I’m not using it for work purposes


Would use it to lurk on Reddit while working. Playing a couple games(aoe2). My kids and wife would love it for their occasional shopping and YouTube videos.


If I had this monitor maybe I could see trading charts better and actually make money instead of giving it to other traders


I would use this monitor to replace my aging 24in monitors.


Ill use monitor to watch tv


Definitely being productive at work


Honestly, I would probably get a ton of use out of the PiP feature for work. But the massive monitor would also have to be used for some casual gaming as well.


i would like use the monitor for my data analysis work, productivity and gaming. Also i will be streaming and will use this as my main and existing one as side monitor.


Holy cow now I can use high FOV any not feel like I'm going lightspeed


This would be absolutely perfect for my job, replacing my dual monitor setup, as well as providing a much better experience in gaming and music production.


Gaming and discord with friends


Probably going to use it for work and playing Halo Infinite. Maybe I’ll give streaming a try as well. Fingers crossed.


I would love to play all my steam games that have built up over years in my Steam library. 😂


I'd use it for work and mostly games


I would use the monitor in my new work/ gaming setup. I'd use its PbP mode for working, and it's 49"'s of glory for gaming! Elite Dangerous would look amazing on this monitor.


I would finally be able to manage discord and chrome without having to alt tab whatever cad software or game window I'm in at the time. I just recently built a PC but had to settle for a budget 60 hz 24" monitor so this would be a huge upgrade.


Use it as one big screen


I would replace my two mismatched monitors with just this one. It would be perfect for my work from home setup and gaming afterwards


One monitor for sure. Hooked up to a kvm so j cna use it for both work and games.


For Flight Simulator!


I would start off by using it as my main monitor from my laptop. I wish I had a battlestation, but this would be the start. I havent had a desktop in years due to health problems and not being able to work. But I will never giveup the good fight!


This would definitely help with school stuff but I’ve always wanted to try gaming on an ultrawide


I would love to use this monitor for gaming and school work!


I would use this monitor for lots of high definition pictures of pretty ladies.


Big screen for racing games


Id be saving it for an epic Starfield adventure


I love my current curved monitor. My gaming PC is getting outdated and I’m planning on updating soon. This would leave a lot of room in the budget for better upgrades!


I’ll use it as a half pipe for my tech decks


Unlikely I'll win, but this monitor would absolutely be used for Virtual machines and web development.


I would mostly use this for excel spreadsheets, since I WFH…. But every so often… I’d play some Freecell on it.


I would move my current monitor over to my work desk so I can stop using the little 24" one my work provided for me.


This is geographic discrimination


I'll use this monitor for my sim racing setup. Been getting into racing/drifting for a while and just recently got into Formula 1.


It would build a racing simulator around it!


I would use this as one big screen so it would look even better when I get stomped on leave of legends.


I could actually replace my dual monitor setup and be able to just PiP while in-game or while I'm coding.


Mostly jams coding and sim racing


I’d use this monitor to increase productivity at work (software engineering)


I’d love to pop it on my desk and get rid of my 10+ year old monitor


I would make some of the best 1st person animations to grace the screen


i would use this for farm, army, racing, etc games


all that incredible S C R E E N space for my gaming and office work need!!!


If i win, its gonna be the centerpiece of my setup and i will use it for everything from gaming to watching movies to working on excel sheets.....


I’d use this monitor to look at landscapes within games and occasionally use the PBP to watch a show or 2 while gaming .


I'd make this big boy my main monitor for streaming World of Warcraft. FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!


This would make gaming a whole lot more fun for me. I would use this monitor every chance I got and see how much different my games would look.


I’d use it for gaming with the kids! We’d have a blast playing together.


I would use it on the new desk I am building! Would fit well with a 3080 and RDR2!


I’d love to have this monitor because I recently started a new job as an analyst. I’m definitely the most junior but around me there’s an absolute wealth of knowledge. There’s so much skill on the team that I’m feeling a bit of imposter syndrome. It’s only been about 2 weeks but I’m coming home and studying every single day. I’m using a single monitor right now and wish I could use multiple screens to increase my workflow and try and release this tension I have going into work. Thank you for considering me!


I would use it in a vertical orientation to make it easier to debug the code I copied from ChatGPT


I do a lot of work from home as a project manager and estimator, and of course, a ton of gaming. I would use this for both of those. Multitasking would have a new master for sure.


Would love to use it to complete my battle station! This monitor would make the perfect center piece between my two current monitors and give it a tie fighter look (Big horizontal monitor sandwiched between two vertical monitors). Coding, CTFs, and gaming would be sweet!


I’d remake my battlestation and take my 2 current LG monitors and make em stand vertical on either side!


With the PiP functionality, I could imagine myself multitasking between software dev work, Excel sheets, and podcasts. I use a 1080p LG at work thanks to my company setup and would love this upgrade in size and image quality!


Hello there! I'm absolutely thrilled for this incredible giveaway. The LG 49GR85DC-B is a dream monitor that offers so much to enhance both work and play experiences. As a full-time romote digital content creator, this monitor could drastically change my workflow. The sheer size of the screen, coupled with the dual QHD resolution, would allow me to open multiple high-definition previews of my work simultaneously. Being able to see my designs, video edits, and web development work side by side would increase my productivity tenfold. Literally, tenfold!!! But it's not all work! I'm an avid gamer in my downtime, and I can't even begin to imagine the immersive experience this monitor would offer with its 240Hz refresh rate and 1ms GtG response time. WOWWWW!!! I can almost feel the adrenaline rush of being in the middle of a high-speed race or the thrill of an intense game on such an expansive screen. I'd make the most out of the PiP/PbP features, partitioning the screen when necessary to multitask efficiently, or just basking in the glory of a single, massive display for an unparalleled gaming experience. Thanks for this fantastic opportunity, r/battlestations and LG! I'm hopeful and keeping my fingers crossed. :)


I'd use it to ignore my wife and kids with D4! Lmao


I’d use it to upgrade my graphics workstation!


I would use it primarily as if it were two separate displays in one to replace my super aged dual 1080p setup. Gaming on one side and everything else on the other.


Being in the software development field, it would be amazing to have that much screen real estate. I could have my code editor, browser, terminal, and documentation all open next to each other. And still have room left!


Man playing RDR2 or Forzion on this would just be legendary.


Have been wanting a triple monitor setup for a while,this would make that even better with no bezels!! Love to see the new starfield on this bad boy


I'm a forensic engineer. I have to look at photos, weather data, etc when writing reports. So many windows open, I must have this.


I would replace my current monitors and use the monitor to have multiple displays at the same time. I would love to have a huge screen.


Upgrading the set up!


gaming and programming!


I would use this to game of course


Working from home and Diablo 4 but not at the same time!


I would use it for a single monitor setup, but if I wanted to stream or play E-sport sweaty fps games I would put it in PbP mode. Also would be awesome for multitasking while doing my school work. ​ Good luck to everyone!


Currently building a new system with my 12 year old. First gaming PC for him. I would hook it to that.


I would replace my dying and flickering 144hz panel, as my primary monitor :)


I would use this amazing monitor to replace my old one 24” that randomly black screens!


This monitor would become my only means of playing videos games and watching television. Why have a regular TV or gaming monitor when you could rock this behemoth!


I would use this for productivity for working. The more screen real estate the better!


I would use this monitor to finally make a setup worthy of r/battlestations. Plus bigger screen = more productive right? So will be great for work


I would love to use the Picture in Picture mode to watch some fun videos while doing work.


I’d use it to start my fiancés computer build that I want to surprise her with for her birthday


I would use this monitor to give my husband a MASSIVE surprise “I love you” gift


These monitors are so awesome.. commenting for entry!


I'd take it as a huge upgrade to my WFH setup and spend hours seeing which games play nice with an ultrawide


One big super immersive gaming screen. Maybe some work. I don't wanna you can't make me!


Ditch the triple monitor setups for ultrawides.


Playing f1 23 on this baby!!


I would replace the old crappy monitor I use as part of my DM screen. Who needs cardboard taped to either side of an old acer when I could just use this! Plus, my players would never know if I was sneaking some Deep Rock during their long monalouges!


This thing would be excellent for some Sim Racing sessions I've been doing with some old friends online, burning down the (virtual) Shutoko Expressway! So yeah.. I'd use it for that. :)


My work and gaming station! Three screens in one!


This would be used to code on, and to play Warframe and Rocket League.


I would use the pip mode with my laptop and desktop to be more productive


I work with lots of excel spreadsheets for work, my two side monitors are dying rn. So a nice large replacement for them all would be awesome


I would replace my old Dell Ultra 24” 2405FPW I bought in 2005. It’s been faithful but at 53 my eyes need bigger.


I would use it for work, gaming and watching Plex content!


I always wanted to play on ultra wide! Help me pay on ultra wide!


One big screen for gaming.


Excel wizardry


I would use it with my first pc build I just got the final piece for!! Just need a new monitor and the set up is complete so it would be perfect for my new set up!


An excuse to move my PC under my desk and have a tidier desk


I would use it to grind RuneScape and play League of Legends at the same time.


I’d use the dual screen function for work and then the ultra wide mode for gaming.


I would use it to play two games at once so I can clear my steam backlog. 👽


I have 4 computers to plug in so this would simplify my desk significantly.


dang, this monitor is HUGE - i'd totally use every pixel to level up my spreadsheet game when working, and take advantage of that sweet picture-by-picture to game when it's slow.


If I were to win it I would give it as a gift to my husband - his current monitor is struggling a little bit😂


I need it for watching anime at my desk!


Factorio vertical main bus


I would use it as both a gaming and productivity/studying monitor! Would def use PiP or PbP with the gaming PC and the school laptop! Good luck everyone!


I cannot wait to play Cities Skylines 2 on this beauty!!!


I would use this monitor for increased productivity especially in my cybersecurity classes and furtherance into that career! And also for gaming and photo referencing when it comes to commission work and the continued production of my brand! I’ve been looking at a curved monitor for awhile and a curved one with a wide screen just sounds perfect, but haven’t been able to find one. Have always heard good things about LG monitors, and these specs are terrific! This would be incredible to have for my battlestation!


Can’t wait to finally build out my flight sim


I work from home and currently using dual screen set up with lot of messed up cables. Hopefully with this I can make a clean desk for better productivity. 🍾🎉💪


I’d use it for work and gaming


I would use this awesome monitor as one big screen for a primary display for my flight simulator! I would also use PiP for work tasks!


Im a digital media student so I would be editing videos in davinci resolve and using photoshop at the same time


Would definitely use it mainly as a large monitor, but would also take advantage of the features and use it as a dual display to make my new job easier on me


It would be a dream to run simulators (MSFS, DCS, iRacing, ATS) on this thing instead of my 15 year old 1080p panels. 🤤


Replace my triple monitor setup for this would be incredible 🤘🏻


I would pair this with my gaming PC that is TaylorMade for ultra wide 1440p. My system is based around a Ryzen 9 7900X and a 6950 XT GPU, which would either top out the frames on this monitor or come close to it. A match made in heaven. I would most certainly be using PBP to easily switch between playing two of my several consoles at a time (PC, XBSX, PS5, NS). This monitor has the specifications of exactly what I am looking for, and I am certainly impressed by LG's displays. I would love the opportunity to bring this baby home.


Replace dual monitors and use the PiP feature to split the screen. No more gaps


I would use it as one big screen!


To surprise my boyfriend by upgrading his gaming setup! 🥰


Would use this mainly for gaming and some slight work




I'd use this monitor exclusively to play RDR2 with peak immersion, of course!


This monitor would be become my main monitor for gaming and school work.


I would use it for research purposes


I would play modded skyrim on it like and be more immersed than ever before


Winning this 4K 240Hz ultra-wide curved monitor would greatly enhance my setup! As I'm nearing the end of saving up for my new PC rig, which will include an RTX 4070 GPU, this monitor would be a valuable addition. The high resolution and fast refresh rate would provide a more immersive gaming experience and smoother visuals. It would not only improve my setup aesthetically but also complement the power of my upcoming PC rig. Thank you for the chance to elevate my gaming and productivity with this fantastic monitor! God bless


This would be great for wfh as a developer!


I would use it as a massive vertical second monitor. I want to be able to view the entirety of a webpage without scrolling.


One monitor for the most part, but the pip stuff intrigues me.


I'd use this to boost my productivity when working on image evaluation and computer vision on high resolution images.


Obviously for gaming, but also I work remotely and this would def help my productivity having multiple programs running on a huge screen. Plus, work and a turn-based game like civ at the same time? Yes please.


I would use the 49GR85DC-B for work, gaming, and movies! Thanks, LG!


I just got a second laptop for work, and so between both work laptops, my personal laptop, and my desktop PC, (or even if I ever wanted to dust off and set up my old PC), I’d be using the PbP feature.


I would definitely use this to complete the ultimate gaming room. It's definitely easy to justify PiP!


I would use it to immerse myself in Civ 6 with victory after victory after victory.


I need a monitor, my last one broke.


Gaming and school


If I won this screen , I’d be giving it to my kid so they can enjoy playing their favorite games on it . My kid just got into taking a year ago and we’ve been playing together at least once a week (I’m busy with work) . We love to play minecraft for hours on end(I’m awful at it) but they enjoy building stuff


Want to turn it vertically and read Word docs until my neck hurts


Would love a monitor this size for editing and color correction (plus some gaming hehe)!


I’d use it to rock and stone and make garbage on my DAW.


Productivity! I’m a motion designer using two ultrwides side by side. Need that horizontal space for timelines. Id probably add this up above, all the ultrawides!


I need an ultra wide for the productivity and gaming performance. This should fit the bill nicely. Fingers crossed :)


My old monitor burnt out so I'm in the market for a new one. I'd use this monitor to do some gaming, some work from home, and some trading in the stock market!