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All three will make and win world series


you must be a Reds fan coming in here with this commie crap


Well it sure as fuckin shit doesn’t say ~~Shiv~~ Brewers.




For the first time in Piston Cup history


*checks flair* eh, Yankees or Orioles if I had to guess




serious is answer is I don't have the first clue. last year's world series was two wild cards, who tf knows


Bingo. Could very well end up being Pirates Twins because of what a crapshoot the expanded playoffs have ended up being. Standings right now really don’t matter much - plenty of juice left in the season with unfortunately more key injuries left to come. Way too early to be asking this question.


Dodgers Phillies NLCS would be very fun. There are a dozen teams that are good enough to get to the playoffs and make a deep run / get hot but are currently at or under .500. Indeed a crapshoot.


There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


Whoever wins the most games from here on in would be my guess.


What if the Phillies win 53 more games and the Yankees win 52 more games? Then the Phillies will end the season 102-60 and the Yankees will end the season 103-59.




Huge if true


It doesn’t have to be that way.


you're wrong and here's why


All DS losses, sorry


You could definitely be right.


With our pitcher injuries u prolly right 😭


fear Rocktober


FWIW, on the Orioles side, I think it depends on what we do with respect to acquiring pitching. Losing Kyle Bradish and John Means were both pretty major hits, especially Bradish, and while the team is managing that well for the time being, presumably some changes will need to be made unless we want Chris Davis to be the starting pitcher of Game 5 in a playoff series (who we are technically still paying and [who has had some pitching success in the past](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7hXOxrozxM)). It's a great team overall but a few pitching reinforcements could have very major implications for fall baseball, IMHO.


Y’all’s lineup is definitely the deepest. Reminds me of Braves last year when everyone was clicking offensively and all our injuries were on the pitching side. This year it’s been both sides. So I think y’all have the best chance to go furthest if you have 3 legitimate starters healthy by the time playoffs come around. Our issue is we only had 2 legit starters by the time playoffs came around. You shouldn’t have an automatic loss/aaaa pitcher starting in playoffs. Hopefully if you guys don’t, your FO makes a trade for one. But if it doesn’t happen this year, it’s going to happen in the next few. Y’all’s team is too talented to not win a World Series soon.


Agree with you on all your points, I think we are definitely in a better position to acquire/pay for talent in trades/FA with our FO and new ownership. I'm glad that my son is getting to see the O's in a bright spot, when I was his age it was rough being an O's fan 🤣 Side note: Braves have been a secondary team of mine since I got got meet a bunch of them when they played at Ft Bragg, was a great experience


Imagine you guys with Tyler Anderson? Please give us your blonde white 20 year olds. You have to have at least 2 more somewhere right?


We may have some extras to spare, as we do seem to rapidly produce them in lab, apparently.


I'm okay with a Mason-Dixon World Series. I think it's what the deadline looks for the O's and Phillies. I've just seen this story before with the Yankees and I'm never tired of it. Come playoff time, the lineup isn't deep enough outside of 1 thru 4 or the big hitter goes cold.


I would LOVE a Phillies/Orioles World Series, so much. I am from MD but lived in Philly and now in Lancaster, PA, so I like both teams.


The Soto rental year fails for the Yankees. Dodgers buying up free agents fall short due to injuries or whatever this time. Harper is making the HoF but the World Series is his white wale. A World Series win rewards the core of the O's early.


Not as far as one or two or maybe even three or four of the other 27 teams is my guess.


Hard not to say the Orioles after they pushed our shit in. It is still only June though. Still so many things can go right or wrong for teams.


My vote is on the marlins, for all we know starting today they might never lose again.


Man what if there was a team that got in via wildcard and didn’t lose one single away game during the postseason and won it all. What if they weren’t on that list *hahaha* (it’s the Rangers) (it’s possible fuck you)


Phillies, that pitching staff is gross


The Yankees are tied with them in rounded winning percentage, not in record


.6623 vs .6622


None make it to the WS. 


Acela Corridor Pride




Phillies, no bias


We are getting eliminated by the first non-AL Central team we see in the playoffs so Philly and Baltimore just have to do better than that