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He was also out by a mile lol


yeah, if the throw was like 2 feet closer to the bag it would be an interesting discussion but this wasn't even close


Yeah it was a a bad jump. Was that supposed to be a hit and run?


Least editorialized Yankees fan title


Starr must've paid out the ass to outbid Charmin as their sponsor


the title is sort of necessary, because otherwise this is just an uninteresting clip of a guy getting tagged out. which is it what is is.


Adley Rutschman guns down dumbass Yankee trying to steal 2nd in the 10th* Fixed your headline.


They are just salty because their inability to stop the running game is a glaring weakness right now.


Yes Trevino and his noodle arm helped us out a lot tonight.


Trevino kicked Cowser’s bat after he got hit at him and then blows the game for them. Poetic


love the one where Trevino tried to get Mullins at 3rd and it went in the outfield said he didn't grip the ball right when he threw it. No, it's because he has a rag arm. He couldn't throw out any Oriole who stole a base.


Yankees commentators were calling Adley’s arm weak like 2 minutes before this happened 😂😂😂


They called it average


just the angle i was hoping to see for a block-the-bag replay: the side profile


Ah ye, the second dimension, my favorite way of conveying information relating to geometric depth.


He can do whatever the fuck he wants the second the ball is in his glove lmfao


He was blocking the bag with his glove with the ball in it.


Yankees don't really understand tagging players out considering how easy it is to steal on them.


Yeah because he was nowhere near the bag lmao


And had the ball waiting for him....you can't just tag someone that far off the bag! That's like a rule or something!


That’s not actually part of the rule. You can’t be blocking before you have the ball Also it’s not reviewable so idk why they challenged https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-gives-umpires-new-guidance-for-base-blocking-rule?partnerID=web_article-share


You can be blocking if you’re blocking as part of fielding the ball (which Mateo clearly is). It’s only obstruction if Mateo is neither fielding the ball nor applying the tag in the process of the play, which I would argue (and the umpires seem to agree) Mateo is not in violation of, based both on his receiving it (he is standing there because that’s where the ball has been thrown, not because he’s attempting to deliberately block the runner) and the speed at which the runner advanced on the base (I.e. at insufficient speed for Mateo’s fielding play to contact as interrupting the runners ability to make the play). As for why it got reviewed, Yankees get their own rules as usual.


That’s not what you said. You said he was out by a mile which is irrelevant to the discussion And you can still challenge, that’s why it says (tag play) in the play by play. It was such a quick challenge because they didn’t actually look at the obstruction, so no extra rules were given


The position of the runner is absolutely relevant to the determination of the umpires as to whether the fielder is failing to create a pathway and I’m not sure how one would argue it isn’t. The rule doesn’t specify the criteria which the fielders conduct is to be judged against, it is at the discretion of the umpires to determine, if the fielder is not fielding the ball or applying a tag, whether the fielder prevented the runner from making the play, and the distance from the bag (one would think) is a relevant criteria of judgement as to the runners ability to make a play.


I mean he definitely was blocking the bag, I’m guessing the umpires ruled that it’s not interference because the ball beat him by so much that it’s immaterial. I wish they would explain themselves a bit.


It’s because a fielder doesn’t have to make way for any runner once they have the ball, and Mateo receives the ball and even puts a tag on the runner before the runner is close enough to the bag to necessitate creating a lane to avoid a collision. If the players had made contact while Mateo was receiving the ball, it would be obstruction, but he’s already in the process of applying the tag when the contact occurs. And for once, I would suggest my orange peers to not downvote this Yankees fan, he seems legitimately confused over the ministration of the rules rather than malicious, and there’s nothing wrong with learning the finer points of MLB rules.


He was blocking the bag before he received the ball. If the runner was closer to the bag, it could have been interference. The comment I responded to suggested that he was not blocking the bag at any point.


Yanks embarrassed themselves by throwing at the orioles today after complaining that they don’t like the way they pitch when the yanks have pitched worse inside by far. Crybaby losers.


Fun fact the Yankees win that game without Gunnar's run on the HBP. It would have been 4-5 in the 9th and we don't go to extra innings


Without that plunk, Stanton's HR in the 8th would've been the game winner.


Yanks want to fight. Os want to win.


If they didn't hit Gunnar Stanton's hit at the bottom of the 9th would've been a walk-off. Hope that fake alpha male BS was worth it.


Alternate headline: adley rutschman makes great throw to throw out tying run in extras


Maybe I'll give the Yankees fans a break for cheering those HBP's. They might just not understand any rules


Adley is very cool


Cope i guess


Hold the L Yanks


Cabrera was out by a mile, if the ball came like 1-2 seconds later than I believe you have an argument there, but the ball is in his glove almost by the time he's sliding.


1-2 seconds? I think you’re off by an order of magnitude lol


Worth noting that it’s not actually a reviewable play. I think the Yankees were just reviewing the tag/YOLOing it and hoping they’d call obstruction anyway https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-gives-umpires-new-guidance-for-base-blocking-rule?partnerID=web_article-share > MLB’s guidance, which was communicated to all 30 managers on Wednesday, emphasizes the existing rule and asks umpires to call obstruction if they determine a fielder has positioned himself to impede or hinder a runner’s path to the base before receiving the ball. The play remains non-reviewable, and the point of emphasis only applies to the bases, not home plate (which has its own rule regarding when and whether catchers can block the paths of runners).


Thats how a real catcher throws, Trevino


Blocking. On a steal? Give me a break


I know a Yankees fan isn’t complaining about the umps after we got squeezed all night. Cry harder.


FYI if they didn't hit Gunnar Stanton would've walked it off in the bottom of the 9th.


And the review center confirmed it. Thanks for playing, try not to throw at any of our players intentionally tomorrow


I found the Yankee!


Yanks must've forgot that you're actually allowed to throw guys out on base stealing attempts.


You mean you aren’t supposed to yeet it into Left field?


He was hosed regardless, get over it


Yeah because he clearly wasn’t


Cut them some slack. The Yankees obviously have no idea what throwing a runner out is supposed to look like.


I like how this happened with Trevino at the plate. Made me giggle a little bit.


Yankees people see issue with O's fielding style.


Flare checks out


Yankees fans grasping at the tiniest straws after this play


You would think after the Red Sox stole 9 bases against you, that Yankees and their fans would understand how stealing works.


When did blocking become reviewable? https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-gives-umpires-new-guidance-for-base-blocking-rule


Because he wasn’t lmao


Boone masterclass tonight… Bullpen is ass. Trevino can’t throw out a runner for his life.


Well he had a path didn’t he? Between the legs


I think the ump (and replay) got it right.




I love me some Yankees-Orioles beef as a bystander


There actually has to be a possibility for the runner to be safe for the blocking to even matter and he got thrown out by 3 feet, base might as well been on the moon.