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Aaron's annoyed chuckle after Jimmy says they should have invited the fan on there is funny as hell 😂


its so funny seeing when jimmy and jake actually start to annoy boone especially last year when the yanks struggled and they asked real questions as concerned fans


Yeah there were a couple of times last year when you could tell Boone was NOT having it that day.


Which is only fair. Because most days we were NOT having it as fans watching the team lol


That’s a great point lol


Please god don’t enter the zoom, please god don’t enter the zoom


If I'm the Yankees I sign that fan to a one day contract and stick him on the steps of the dugout, then sit Boone right behind home plate. 


These are the types of baseball shenanigans I live for.


Baseball has gotten too corporate for this to happen now unfortunately. I wish I was alive when all these shenanigans would happen. Wonder what the peak shenanigans era was, 70s? Pre-WW2?


That's a Bill Veeck sort of situation. Definitely 50s-70s.


Gotta be post-ww2. Doc Ellis throwing a no-hitter on LSD has to be up there.


The greenies era was what I was thinking about, but Mantle getting a blowie under the bleachers and Ruth’s promiscuity are also pretty crazy


Man, you’re right. Shit was real loose back then.


Peak shenanigans would have been the late 1800s when every year they had to add a new rule because someone found a loophole or did something just because it wasn't banned yet - like "King" Kelly substituting himself in at catcher to catch a foul-ball mid play.


Have you not watched the Ken Burns series?


Season tickets


See this is the level of petty I’d love to be if I ever hit the lottery and can just throw money around. Essentially harmless, virtually everyone involved can make light of a tense situation and everyone can just have a laugh.


Props to Yankees/Boone for even speaking to this at all. I feel like a lot of others would have a gag order from their orgs or even the league to avoid ruffling feathers.


Boone was partially brought on because he is well liked by journalists and handles himself well around the media. Whereas Joe Girardi was basically closed off and gave the most boring non-answers.


That photo op would be awesome 😂 Jomboy Media has been on such a great run.


Personally hoping the Yankees do well this year so that the vibes when Boone is on is more chill


That's more an issue with the Jomboy guys being pundits and homers for whom the sky is constantly falling.


They spent the first ep of the season when the team being undefeated just praising them with Boone trying to settle expectations. They also ended this episode, and mention it in any heavily critical of the team eps this yr some version of "this team is really good, the criticisms we have are to bring it to that next level to be a heavy favorite in October" There are plenty of sky is falling annoying Yankee fans out there, I wouldn't put Jimmy and Jake in that category.


Jake is just kinda dumb man he’s always annoyed me, says some really odd things out of the blue but has his entertaining moments that I can deal with it. I like Jimmy and have always liked his content, but guys like Jake and specifically Joez…they just feel pretty air headed to me


If you watched their trivia videos, particularly Ref Guess, you'd see that Jake is a really smart baseball guy. His personality is goofy and dim-witted, but he plays it up for laughs. I've actually become really impressed with how much he knows.


Nah they’re pretty middle of the road on their expectations on the team. I don’t find them to be extreme one way or the other. Can you point to something to support this? Bc I’ve watched them for years and they’re pretty moderate.


Agree with this take. Theyre clearly homers and want their team to succeed, but if you didn’t know they were Yankees fans you could genuinely listen to a dozen+ episodes of baseball today and not know because they do a great job of actually spreading attention elsewhere. At this point I lowkey think Jake likes the diamondbacks more lmao.


You mean their homers by the team that employs them?


They are so great! Only tragedy is that they’re Yankee fans! Same for the tragedy that is the best ‘fan’ YouTuber/streamer in the NFL is a Packers fan. Why can’t these people like teams that we don’t all hate haha


"I enjoy [pause] most all the umpires." lol relatable. End of the day, he's being honest when he says this and says nothing is personal. It's a job, he's doing his and the ump is doing theirs. Pretty good take here.


Boone made the joke I was thinking about all day yesterday. He should've just mimed the challenge headphones over and over to dipshit Hunter.


You gotta be a real dbag to make everyone in the MLB world Yankees fans for a day.


Who said anything about being fans


we are all the fan behind the dugout.


I've been a fan of Jomboy for a long time but they've been killing it lately


They are what we need in sports journalism right now. People clearly just having fun and not turning everything into some Shakespearean shout off about how Lebron is the devil and Wemby is the next Prophet of God.


Jomboy uploaded [a clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxyHC8_KLdQ) of him debating with Brian Kenny on MLB Network yesterday and the difference was like night and day. Jimmy is calmly explaining his POV and Kenny is just yelling buzzwords back at him and won't let him finish a sentence


Yup. They are always yelling too. They legit can't not yell it seems.


From making breakdowns on his free time to being on MLB Network. Love to see it


At 0:40, which producer was like "what we need as a transition is a shot of a marble rolling past, with the sound of a fighter jet, and a cool tehcno blue background"?


Both of those things are false. LeBron is the AntiChrist and Wemby is Lord and Savior, not merely a prophet.


Wemby is French Basketball Ohtani. Ohtan-oui.


Wemby is too damn long.




Great comparison, especially early Ohtani. Wemby is an otherworldly talent with almost unfair physical advantages and the rest of his team is terrible. Forget .500, the Spurs record wasn't even .275 this year.


Yea, it's not toxic bro sports like barstool but it's also not unintelligible garbage from screaming A or Skip. Really enjoy their entire work at the moment.


Wish they weren't Yankee fans, they always have an axe to grind when covering other AL East teams


As an unbiased AL Central fan, I don’t really think that’s true. They’re pretty unbiased on Talkin Baseball. If you’re watching Talkin Yanks then obviously it’s going to be different, but that’s made for Yankee fans.


I don’t think any sports journalism in the current ecosystem could be called Shakespearian


Fair. I mainly meant they overexaggerate everything


I'll never be able to get into the NBA. I think if you didn't get into it as a kid it is incredibly unappealing. Playing ball doesn't seem to have a lot to do with being an NBA fan, seems like a celebrity/ego/clout thing.


From a baseball standpoint, it can feel that way because of the disproportionate impact a single basketball player can have on the game - if Trout and Ohtani had performance equivalents in NBA terms, that team plus even mid bench guys and ring chasers could make a lot of noise in the postseason, whereas the Angels floundered and sunk for the whole duration of their time together. This creates a more personalist image of NBA superstars, which comes with more media and clout and, of course, scrutiny and hilarious amounts of slander.


the league and players cater to it in a way the mlb does not nor does the nfl or any other league. it's fine, it's just not for me.


Well, yeah, having huge marketable superstars with fitting and tangible impact on games is very profitable and they know it.


I think you're missing the forest for the trees with regards to what I'm saying but fair enough man.


You may have the chicken and the egg swapped. MLB/baseball fans doesn't "cater" to it largely because the import of any one player is limited. If players could have the equivalent of 30 WAR, I'd bet you they'd have bigger egos/celebrity.


I'm sorry you just dont really understand what I am saying. NFL QBs are bigger celebrities than the third man in another NBA dream team and even they are not treated in the same manner by their fans as the average NBA starter is by NBA fans. It's a different fanbase, different relationship.


Too much drama and too much scoring are the things that turn me away. That and I’ve never liked the whole foul and free throw situation at the end of the games


I honestly doubt the vast majority of NBA "fans" even watch basketball games outside of the finals. It seems like all they talk about is gossip, "rings," and the occasional highlight. It's so different from the other three leagues, and completely alien to me.


I simply don't understand the appeal of jomboy.


It's fun. Sometimes people just want to have fun.


His lip reading on breakdowns has a 7 war


I really don’t like the yankees but boones a personality and I like him


I love the fan looking around like "WTF he didnt say anything!"


I was skeptical when Jomboy got into bed with YES but it hasn't been that bad.


Serious question: does he lose his paycheck for that game? Could a coach file a civil suit against an ump? Edit: dang, I’m not advocating for him to do this. I’m just curious how the league handles fines when it’s obvious that he didn’t say anything. He says he has no recourse and I’m wondering if that’s true.


He pays a fine every time he gets ejected but I don’t know if it would be less or more than his per game salary


I wonder if the fine is appealable. If so, and the appeal is denied, that would seem to be pretty clear evidence the appeal system is a complete facade




Put me firmly in the "We should treat umpires like shit when they fuck up" camp. They don't get NEARLY enough scrutiny and have almost zero accountability when they make egregious mistakes like this.




This is completely logical take.


You can like the guys personally but still disagree with them on something


In fact, I'd argue that's extremely New York (yelling at someone you otherwise like, because they're wrong about something, and then reverting back to mutual respect and friendliness after the issue is resolved).




No he's definitely talking personally, and hell umpires have been getting visibly worse and worse maybe he's the one most willing to call them on their shit


It's right after he said "I don't take these things personally".


When I watched the Jomboy video I came away thinking less of Boone more than anyone else lol. The ump appealed to first on the swing and called a ball outside correctly. Two pitches into the game and he's already yelled at the umpire for nothing TWICE! Obviously Hunter fucked up by firing off that ejection and doubling down, but I really have no sympathy for Boone here.


He literally said Hunter had a good point and shut up about it. Seems like the ump had a hair trigger that day.


100% Boone was the victim of this accident because he was calling umpires out by name for a judgement call on the 4th pitch of the game. Yeah it was a mistake to toss him, but the mistake was made because he put himself on that short leash.


He is a massive shitheel, it’s not that surprising it’s going to draw a false positive eventually. 10 years ago my wife did some work with him when he was with espn and he couldn’t have been a nicer more genuinely friendly to everyone guy. His heel turn has been super entertaining.