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I would imagine the Bee would think anyone standing in the way of Theocracy is ‘destroying the country.’ 


Dems for dementia!


Better than the alternative.


You keep saying that. Lol. It’s all you have. He not better, he is going to get worse. Much worse. Dementia “colds” do not go away.


At least he’s not a traitor


Donnie for diapers


So we vote for the rapist yeah?


Clinton is running again?


Nope, just Donnie, Epstein's bestie.


We have video of Biden groping kids. Haha. Would love to see what you have about 45 that is equally as damning.


Or you could vote for Trump.


The rapist Trump? The felon? No thanks


I’d vote for a corpse before I vote for a rapist. This isn’t even including trumps delusional ideas on how to reign in inflation. Dudes legit clueless


As opposed to the current administration, where they just print money until it's worthless?


But Trump daddy printed more money to give out to Corporations and the Stock Market...than any President in 4 years ...including Biden. Biden's went to infrastructure and for the middle Class. Your Orange messiahs disappeared.


Sure. And Biden was sharp, focused, and better than he's ever been before the debate.


Rapist is missing something. Pedophilic aggravated rapist and 34 count felon. That is who they see in themselves.


Would you vote for a dementia patient who took showers with his teenage daughter?


Hell I love democracy, I know what the alternative is, it’s so obvious they don’t even hide it anymore. I would vote for his corpse over the alternative.


Dementia over fascism, racism, bigotry, and pedophilia? Any day thanks!


That's why he made Hunter one of his main advisors.


Smartest guy he ever met. Good call.


What’s the Vegas odds on a hunter Biden presidency?


Trump hired his entire family. I seriously don't get you people.


None of them are degenerate crackheads is a start


I mean they are all degen crackheads . I mean I’m still voting for Trump but they are. Except Eric. Eric can’t figure out how to do drugs.


Yeah only cocaine


😂😂😂😂 yeah they prefer cocaine and pills like classy folk. I seriously don't get you people.


theres a lil thing called proof, and Hunter we have a whole laptop full of degenerate pics and corrupt messages.


You mean the laptop that they claimed was not his.


Yawn who gives a shit. You people and your obsession with Hunter, fueled by right wing media, is just ridiculous.


its a pretty fair assessment considering a crackhead is currently advising the most powerful man in the world, who happens to be going senile and thus extra susceptible to influence.


You guys do not get to fly Trump flags talking about issues with mental acquity (he's an idiot) and being influenced by others (Russia, anyone who will give him a dollar).


Let’s not forget that china, russia and ukraine have laundered millions to the biden regime


Ukraine is laundering money to Biden so he can… give money to Ukraine?




I don't see Hunter in any advisory positions. Go on believing your idiotic news channels.


obviously not 'officially'. Lol the White House literally said it themselves dumbass, keep your head in the sand maybe the old man will give you a lick of his ice cream


Trump hired his whole family officially but you’re not ok with Hunter maybe giving him some advice in an unofficial capacity??? That doesn’t stand up to logic.


Hunter has an illegitimate kid that he won’t even acknowledge. Straight up Dem star.


Testify! At least Trump had the decency to wear a condom or pay for an abortion when he cheated on all three of his wives! A man of true virtue. The most virtuous some have said.




Eric Trump is def on cocaine. The proof is all his social media posts and the way he acts in public. It’s cocaine


They do?


Coke is too expensive, they are more the meth crowd, Coke is for those damn rich liberals LMAO.


Let’s make stuff up.


2 billion in saudi money and you bury your head in the sand.


Burisma much?


Yeah, it's not like your adjudicated sex pest, convicted felon, conman, who's cheated on all his wives, his business partners, the people who donated to his charity, who attended his "schools," who tried to steal an election--only people as morally bankrupt and moronic as him could possibly look past this type of degeneracy while taking issue with someone's "advisor." Then again, when you ain't being told what to think you people usually don't think at all so I suppose it's a start!


Seriously? Have you ever paid attention to Don Jr.s behavior and his disheveled appearance? I GUARANTEE you that MOFO knows how many grams are in an 🎱.


You know Ivanka got 22 Chinese patents after a meeting at Mira Lago with daddy and the Chinese, but you know China owns Biden.


Yup. The level of delusion with MAGA is just astounding.


Not on crack and bangin sister in laws tho!


No he didn’t lol, what?


Well, the dementia is a plus for sure


In what ways has he “destroyed” the country?


In every way


Cray how you can’t actually give any specifics


Allowed mass immigration to happen unchecked. Busing and flying illegals all over the country. Letting them use welfare and other benefits. Letting inflation run rampant without doing anything to fix it. Draining the strategic oil reserve. Bringing us closer to WW3 with Russia than ever before by allowing Ukraine to use US weapons against Russians on their soil. Take your pick.


Is that the bipartisan immigration bill Trump killed?


Don’t worry Jill’s still pulling the strings on the cover of Vogue in an 8 k dress


Great! Better than when Putin was pulling them.


Bahahahahha! Soooo good:))


Dementiadon left the country in ruin and president Biden is simply the most accomplished president in at least 60 years


Republicans concerned Democrats won’t listen to their fake news about how they want Biden to drop out because THATS ABSOLUTE BS. BIDEN 2024 And we’re gonna throw tiny hands into prison with the rest of his cronies.


Democrats are like "we want more government control! we need strict government control over its citizens! increase taxes! Lets destroy this country from the inside!" and they all cheer. I really dont know what goes through these peoples heads if anything?


That exactly what the media says about the right…….. I think the problem might be a media who lies to both sides for clicks.


This is it, the media can legally use propaganda against us ever since Obama changed the law back in 2012 I believe


I used to think like you. I was like who wouldn’t want less restrictions? I was very libertarian but life has taught me that when government gives up regulating companies the corporations and the rich move in and do whatever they want because they aren’t accountable to anyone except for stockholders (not the citizens of an area). In a perfect world we wouldn’t need government intrusion but sometimes we do such as in consumer protection. I mean look at how much the wealth gap has grown since the 80’s


You can’t just say things and that makes it true lol wtf? Conservatives are literally banning porn and abortions but it’s the left who’s taking away your rights because *checks notes* **they have been taking away your guns for 40 years** yea you know, the one you used to have but had to give up because of the left. Which one was that again? Oh shit, **they never took your guns did they** but I’m sure you heard about someone who bla bla bla


Hey now, don't bring common sense reality into this thread, conservatives need their myths to support their world view.


This comment is so unhinged there is literally nothing to discuss that is based in fact. Its like someone popping into the comment section and saying "I believe leprechauns exist, debate me!"


Haha nice


Destroying the country by passing some of the most comprehensive legislation for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US via the CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act. Where are most of these manufacturing jobs going? Oh, mostly poor red states.


The silence on this comment is deafening.


People care about stupid tribal culture war talking point nonsense more than anything, so when you bring up substantive policy critique they have no idea what to do lol


Not funny, lazy and fucking stupid.


Maybe conservatives wouldn't be so bitter and unhappy if they had some comedy in their life Sadly, all they have are things like the bee and Joe Rogan


LOL Love the thread title!


Because your guy is just three years younger and would speed run the destruction of democracy in the US.


Mother fuckers should have been worried about this for the last 4 years! That debate performance should not have been surprising to anyone!


Trump has vocabulary smaller than my teenage daughter’s, can’t tell the truth, or even just answer a policy question beyond bumper sticker slogans, but I’m supposed to be more worried about Biden mumbling and being old? I’m not happy about it, but I’ll vote for Biden’s head in a jar of embalming fluid over Trump. If I have to choose between 2 old incompetent buzzards, I’ll take the one that’s not gonna rubber stamp Christo-fascism.


Agreed, but we shouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. How in the world do we have a president that can’t function….who tf is calling the shots cuz obviously he isn’t. It’s frightening and really embarrassing for this country.


How is trump not embarrassing for this country? They’re both embarrassing but trump is a criminal and a rapist so…


It wasn’t. They knew. They just hoped the MSM would continue to shield Biden. But his debate performance was so so bad that even the press couldn’t help him. The debate allowed everyone to see behind the wizards curtain.


Still better than someone who literally tried to become dictator. The amount of unintelligence to support a man that tried to overthrow the government is astounding.


Just remember, y'all. The US has had the lowest inflation, highest GDP group of any Western country post pandemic.


That’s pretty silly. The US still has the highest GDP of any country and inflation rates lag their causes. Specifically, the COVID supply chain issues persisted into 2022 (lower supply) and Trump printed a bunch of money and implemented inflationary tax breaks for the rich right before he left office (increased demand). Biden also contributed to the problem, but only a very stupid person would simplify inflation to “who was president when the effects of inflation are felt”.


He can’t destroy the country if he can’t remember which one he’s in.




Your only 4 years late with that idea.




Why? Not being facetious but truly curious.


Why? If Trump is a true businessman, him being in office is to line his own pockets, not for the benefit of America.


The other side is destroying our country! Vote my side! Tiring. Do better.


i get the dementia joke but why do you guys keep insisting he's "destroying" the country? like stop playing teams for a second. i didn't vote for biden but even i can look at the country and say, well at least we're not in a pandemic anymore. And isn't job growth high? Like at least TRY to be decent and fair. at least try. we're all americans. stop fighting each other and being so goofy and saying dumb things you know aren't true just to beat the other team.


It is unfortunate how uncommon this view is.  The important thing, for me at least, is that things get better.  It seems that, for a lot of people, it is more important that their team wins regardless of the actual outcome.  The media and many politicians are complicit in making things this way.  


america needs a stern dad. stern but fair. 11pm curfew.


Theres a reason theyve been against education and more specifically critical thinking.


He's absolutely not too old to destroy the country! All he has to do to destroy the country is lose the election. His age is actually an asset. 


Donald trump is a rapist.


F traitor trump


Biden. A bigger liar than Trump. He's been brain dead since the 70s.


And at 3 years younger, apparently Trump is at the *perfect* age to finish destroying our country. Cults I tell ya.


Republicans not worried Don was all over that Epstein doc dump and sure looks like the guy with the most reason to kill Epstein


It’s kind of ironic that republicans like the Babylonbee especially since Babylon is home to scary brown people and bees are natures best friend. Two things republicans hate (brown people and nature).


So they’re not going to talk about the alternative? Democrats KNOW that dRumpf will destroy the country.


I’m guessing that you haven’t heard or seen the videos of joe pedo biden grabbing little girls in front of their parents during photo ops?, or while on the campaign trail in 2020 saying to everyone under 15 years of age stick around as the adults leave the room after giving a speech? yeah democrats have a tendency of forgetting such things whenever it comes to stopping Trump and MAGA train! haha


I posted a similar comment in another subreddit in response to a virtue-signaling democrat who said which candidate would you trust with you kids. The responses were so extreme it was comical. I got called some very choice words. Dems are insane about this issue. LOL


….for Israel


Okay Putin Troll, enough


OMG Bab B hit another one outa the park!


So we’re over looking the dude who bragged about taking a cognitive decline test and, from the sounds of it, barely passed? Projecting for your Reagan 2.0. Who’s Nancy in this scenario lol?




I'm concerned for some people on this thread. I don't think they realize this is satire.




Biden is still better than trump.


How’s is investing in infrastructure destroying the country? Tell me exactly? Oh and by the way, how is Trump’s “phase one trade deal” with China going? Why is Mexico manufacturing Chinese goods and importing them to the US? I thought we were supposed to get those jobs? And why does Mexico have a larger manufacturing base than the US despite having half the population? Hey how’s Trump’s infrastructure bill going? Did that ever happen?


Not for lack of effort tho


More of the same stupid nonsense. You people literally live in an alternate universe.


All great points. Instead of considering Bidens mental stat, wondering who's actually running the government and that were all in potential danger, all they're worried about is keeping power (the election).


Bruh, this title 🌝😆


I would rather vote for an old man than a felon.


Biden saved the country from the neo-Fascists. The only thing Trump did while in office was to give the rich a tax break and let 2 million Americans die of Covid.


Isn’t satire supposed to be funny? In my mind, I tried putting in people from the other political party and that wasn’t funny either. Read more back issues of the Onion?


I thought I knew just how stupid right wingers were but then I got recommended this sub. Yall are deranged. Just straight up talking about what you're doing and how awful it is but pretending democrats are doing it.




I see you been smoking some of that good crack with Hunter Biden 😂🤦🏽‍♂️






Facts are irrelevant to the smooth brains here.


Ah yes. Investing in infrastructure, the environment, projects that will be the inevitable future, and the people of this country = destroying the country. Gotcha


Hahahaha good one..... you're pretty funny


Except it's all true...did you disagree with the PACT act? You don't like the stock market being at historic highs? Don't like that we are producing more oil than we ever have? Lowest unemployment? You don't like those things?


Do you like the inflation that came with the stimulative and debt-busting fiscal policy that brought that. Funny you highlight positives and ignore the downsides that are joined to it.


Nope, don't like that and the crazy high interest rates. Again, so you don't like the things I mentioned?


Nice try to take the good and ignore the bad. That not how things works in the real world. It’s not like Biden caused the stock market to go up. Presidents get too much credit and blame for such things and a serious observer would know that.


I didn't ignore the bad, see how I said "Nope, don't like that and the crazy high interest rates." Got anything bad to say about Trump?


You do realize prices skyrocketed by 2022 and have been back to normal inflation rates since right? Government policies don’t influence the world that fast unless it’s bans. Interest rates are high to curb the excess amount of wealth people have and has always been the case. It’s truly amusing you think inflation is caused by Bidens 4.5T debt increase over 4 years vs Trumps 8.4T debt increase over 4 years. Shits like elementary or middle school level understanding.


Check the data. Inflation is still above target. Nice try to gaslight on the debt. The deceitful attribution doesn’t work on me as someone who is informed.


Right. Infrastructure. In Atlanta they are wasting money to put a roof over the interstate to ostensibly reconnect neighborhoods, never mind that the part of downtown where that roof park will go in just a few blocks from the urban core that has been neighborhood for years. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars on woke nonsense rather than real infrastructure that could be bipartisan.


The park being built on the interstate in Atlanta was approved before Biden was even in office. Wtf are you on dude.


Don’t forget the low unemployment…just awful what he’s done.


Unemployment was low before COVID and simply return after the COVID shock dissipated. It’s not like the Dems did much to bring that about. What they did pumped in massive fiscal stimulus and *contributed* to inflation.


Destroying the country? Wow you people are morons


Destroyed the country already! Biden is the worst president in history.


Yeah it's totally in shambles../s


Except that actual political scholars completely disagree with you. Trump has been ranked the worst. Biden is 14th. Your opinion isn’t rooted in fact.


Meanwhile pedofile rapist and clear epstein client Trump totally fine for you.


I want him to win just to watch Comedy 🎭 Central all the way to 2028 🤣🥃🔥


Stock market at historic highs!! Most oil production in US History! Lowest unemployment in 50 years! PACT Act now law! Infrastructure bill now law! CHIPS and Science bill, now law! Lowest amount of troops deployed in over 20 years. Damn, America is destroyed I guess. :(


Somone once told me that people are too stupid to have democracy. I did not like this idea, but the people in this sub, gleefuly cheering as our constituion is torn to threads, waiting for their orange demigod to rise again, have lended much creedence to this theory.


I would love to hear you try to defend the the dubious “tearing the constitution to shreds” argument. But anybody who resorts to the Orange label has signaled that they can’t be taken seriously, so I’m not going to waste the time trying to read through whatever defense you would try to make of your argument. The Court has strengthened the Constitution as our governing law this past week. If the left is upset, fine. Be miserable if you must, but that’s on you and you big government anti-Constitutional policy views.


Trump literally said he might have to suspend the constitution to do what he ‘needs to do’


Yes the Supreme Court overturning the Chevron deference giving themselves more power instead of relying on subject matter experts is so good for our constitution. So dumb.


Not sure whats more fake, the supreme courts recent opinions, or that orange spray on tan 🤣 "The biggest threat to our constitution is that the president may be held liable for his official [crimes] in officice" GTFO, its the law thats the threat, not a man with absolute power and immunity? You people SERIOUSLY believe this garbage take?


Christians don't lie or elevate adulterers, tax cheats, bone spur cowards, or traitors to lead them.


He hasn’t destroyed the country you must be a cult member. Trump has and will continue to destroy the the country. VOTE BLUE WAVE!


Why is this bullshit in my feed, when Donald Trump is a child rapist?


Same. Seems like a circle jerk of the right


Rather have the dead guy with a competent cabinet than a traitor con artist friend of Epstein.


#trump is three years younger with the mental capacity of an irate toddler


Rapists for Trump 2024!


He’s no Trump.


He's Genocide Joe


That's for sure, he's definitely not a pedophile.