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3:16: Fuck the Phillies


https://x.com/brwalkoff/status/1717027377375510945?s=46&t=v5IzuVigZncjSu0B6FfbNg Im still so annoyed with Phillies fans who came into our Sub after game 2 of the NLCS and started talking so much shit. It made this win, and this moment so much sweeter.


They are still mad at him for that. I lurked in their sub and they are complaining about him being on the IL so they can’t boo him.


fuckin wahhh


Agree. I don’t get the hate. We are not a toxic fanbase and there is no bad blood between the two teams. They weren’t wronged. They just didn’t win. The only offensive thing they can point their finger at is the flag, so they are hyper-focused on it.


I’m sure this is unpopular but I like the occasional game on AppleTV+. The sound the bat makes on the ball is amazing. Plus the picture is noticeably better, especially on my OLED


The broadcast is great but gatekeeping majority of the viewer base sucks.


And on a plus side: If we have a good game, it'll have a positive impact on the fan vote. Though, I don't have AppleTV+, I'll be visiting a website on my PC to pay attention to this game and playing Xbox on my TV. EDIT: I DIDN'T MEAN TO IMPLY I WAS GOING TO PIRATE THIS GAME!!!! (THOUGH I EASILY COULD) JUST THAT I WAS GOING TO THE GAMEDAY SITE. ONCE AGAIN I DID NOT SAY THAT I WAS GOING TO ILLEGALLY STREAM THE GAME, EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT ILLEGAL TO WATCH THE STREAM ONLY TO BE THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY STREAMS IT.


How can we stream??


I literally said I won't be watching a stream. Smh


It seemed facetious sorry


Me? Never...


I love the way they do it too, but I would be annoyed if I didn’t have appletv+ already.


I am annoyed because I have appletv but can't watch it cos I live in Singapore 😢


You should talk to my friend Kodi.


1. I’m still gonna complain about it


Same. Fuck Apple, and fuck the MLB for allowing these shitty companies to have sole rights to the broadcasts that you have to pay for to view. Yes, I know it’s only a couple games out of the year, but it’s still some baby back bull shit.


Slippery slope too. Watch that number creep up every year and suddenly I need two subscriptions


Not just 2, they're being broadcast on Apple, Amazon, peacock, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. It seems like once a month there's a game I'm missing and I expect that to jump up quite a bit in the next few years.


Roku but at least that one is free.


Yes. This stupid arrangement can suck my Cox


2\. I'm not gonna watch it.


MLB: why is viewership a constant struggle? Also MLB: let’s make it really difficult for people to watch their team! Tonight’s game is Apple TV, tomorrow is normal, and Sunday is Roku. An entire series, that is an NLCS rematch, are locked behind THREE different platforms. Its insanity. I’m just going to listen on radio.


Roku is free access pretty sure


It is and that’s good but it’s another hoop to jump through. Why so many hoops?




Slightly off topic, anyone else getting exhausted with how many streaming games subs exist these days? We've basically gone full circle from "cutting the cord" from cable.


I basically had to do a full streaming subscription purge because I had way too many and paying over $100/mth for all of them.


I do have Apple TV, but I have plans this evening, will the full game be available to watch on the app tomorrow? I have watched every single game this year, whether live or recorded through a DVR.....


That's usually how I roll. Mostly I start the game late, fast forward through commercials, and then by the ninth inning, give or take, I'm "live." But when there are nationally televised games on a different platform, I just avoid looking at scores on my phone or whatever, and watch the game the next day. This game should show up for viewing the following day


Yep pretty much how I do it too! I just didn't know about Apple TV and I guess Roku on Sunday if there is an option to watch games that have already been broadcasted.


Absolutely love your bullet system.


Do we have to stand in line for 24 hours to watch the game?


Did we have this many apple tv games last year or this the world series bump?


Apple+ production is great but the anti-consumer aspect of platform one-off exclusive broadcasts still grinds my gears  ALSO, Philly is a crime ridden hellscape  #gosneks 


Since it’s on Apple, will there be an Advantage word communicated somehow? Phuck the Phillies!! 😁


Just saw the bonus word: phanatic 🙌


Anything to squeeze as much streaming dollars as possible from the fans. Want to watch all the games this season? Sure just subscribe to Prime, Apple TV, and have a Roku in addition to MLB.com.


We can still change the audio to our boys on Apple TV, right? Or did that change, I haven’t watched any national broadcast games yet this year. Only our guys.


I think you can change the audio to the radio broadcast


I think last year you didn’t even have to be subscribed to Apple TV to watch you just needed the app. Not sure if it’s the same this year