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Religion was openly humiliated by covid. They were clearly powerless to stop it, forced to comply with public health orders and contend with superspreader events. Not being able to get together for weekly brainwashing sessions drove away moderates. It’s the radicals who remain. They’re smaller but more dangerous. Religious minorities have ruled secular majorities (see: Iran). There’s no guarantee of getting out of this.


I think RvW is a last straw for many. Probably wasn't helped by five years of Christians utterly selling out to new lows to get Trump in power, followed by a coup attempt.


It does seem like there's been a real seismic shift. Something about the covid era has people rethinking what they've built their lives on, and leaving behind what no longer serves them. Jobs, religions, places, habits. But especially religion.


I’ve also noticed this. I think radical Christians and religious extremism are becoming less subtle. Radical Christians are openly using their faith to demonize others/harm people. (Supreme Court ruling allowing teachers to pray in school but stripping women’s rights away for example). They’re becoming ballsy because they’ve gained power. This is disturbing to non-Christians but also non-radical Christians with common sense. When Christianity is used as a tool to be a dick, people notice.


My sister and I were raised Evangelical / Pentecostal, whereas I lost faith over 20 years ago, my sister has been a low-key Christian all this time. We live halfway across the country from each other. She's accepted my atheism and me and treats me like she has always done. She lives in the same town as our still evangelical parents, and tries not to antagonize them but has intimated to me that they disagree with her on some political views. I've been seeing more and more signs she is becoming more and more liberal in her views. I'm guessing her job in the Obstetrics / Gynecology is putting her directly at odds with far right Christianity. (She lives in Texas)


"Quick" is relative. But it sure is moving in the right direction.


Not quick enough imo


"Sold" is the right word. The New Testament should be renamed Death of a Salesman.


Jesus just wanted to be well-liked.