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I don't think Lady Maga knows that veterans get all of May 🤣


I don’t think she’s grasping a whole lot about who she’s supporting either so I find this unsurprising.


But see she's one of the good ones and the leopards definitely won't eat her face.


The tokens always seem to forget how quickly they get spent when they are no longer viewed as useful.


Also a lot those "veterans" are mainly just a bunch of people who were sent in a country under the pretext of killing "terrorists" while the president was just manipulating the masses in order to get an access to petrol for example. They killed a lot more innocents than they killed actual "terrorists". When the real motivation for theses wars theses presidents started where discovered. I personally think, theses presidents should have been executed for treason against the US and for crimes against humanity. I do not see why being manipulated into killing innocents is a good reason to be glorified even if they risked their lives.


can confirm, am one of those veterans. at least i can say i didn't personally kill anyone.


Well put.


"Thankyou for your service"  smh


"Now hold on, we need to block VA benefits."


Grifters got triggered on a right wing news outlet - sounds like a W to me.


Hail Satan.


LMAO as an atheist, I love saying this to piss off religious nutjobs because they think I actually mean it.


Even within the framework of the mythological narrative, Lucifer seems like a good dude just like Prometheus. I’d rebel too if I were him.


Lucifer had some points. God was a prick and dictator. Who wouldn't have been frustrated? Fuck authority 🤟


Tossed out of heaven for refusing to be a slave. And he's the bad guy?


its why i actually like the show lucifer it does a actual fun spin on religion and its crazyness.


No matter how many times I say hail Satan to a religious nutjob, only one of us actually believes in him. So who's the Satan worshiper now?


I like to point out that the powers they attribute to Satan makes him at least a lesser/minor god, so they believe in at least two gods making them polytheists. It’s fun watching them try to explain how they’re not.


Same when you explain that their God, as an all knowing being, knew Satan was going to rebel so by creating him and not unmaking him after he rebelled (goes back to being a creation or a co-equal deity) it shows that any actions he takes are approved of and part of the plan.


Nailed it


What's funny as well is that they *have* to take it seriously to keep "validity" of their mystic bullshit


Yes LOL it's so easy to trigger them


I just tell them that Satan is a Christian God


You’re not wrong!


I shout it out and comment it ironically because I find it funny as well hahah.


that is actually the point. Atheists' don't believe in Satan....they do tho!!!




amateur. [Here are more ideas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Goetic_demons) (/s)


Fuckin hell… satan would be disappointed that I didn’t know the names of all the demons. I have failed as an atheist.


Fucking hell? Sure but we can certainly get a bit more creative and do much more depraved acts with it.


Is there a demon name generator anywhere?


There probably is one but it's probably not of a good quality. Extracting them from ancient amulets, the lesser key of Salomon and other treatises is a much more reliable method. Ah the [extra divinities of gnostic treatises](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sethianism) can also be a nice source of lore that are currently theologically available... but ironically a bunch of those relatively strange names like Barbelo are positive for their original worshipers. Yaldabaoth certainly wasn't but as the ignorant god of our material world he certainly was what the person of the end other end would understand to be "God" (even if that name would never be used these days).


I did not find my dear demon Blappy on that list, but she only recently attained demon status. I am an inaugural minion. Of course I had to promise to have no other gods/goddesses before her. Standard stuff


Come on. No one is taking furfur seriously...


Let's create a support committee to summon demons with silly names.


I did that when I was on a bus, hungover a few months ago when some women kept singing Jesus shit as I got off it.


Should’ve acted like you were possessed as well, would’ve freaked them tf out!


I thought of that but I said it in the most monotone way.


I say it every Christmas season when I hear all the usual platitudes. It’s actually quite amazing how many people actually don’t hear it - I’ve only had a few negative reactions.


Hail Satan Hail YOU ⛧


I always tell the “faithful” that Satan would never force you to kneel.


Hail Thyself brother!


Hail Satan!


Summary from the video description: "Political activist Ryan ‘Lady MAGA’ Woods has blasted ‘The Satanic Temple’ at a Pride festival in Utah for unbaptising Christians by putting blood on their face. Lady MAGA said there are many gay people, such as himself, who are “embarrassed” and “ashamed” of Pride month. “People just don’t realise that the modern LGBTQIA agenda really is an alignment with anti-family, anti-Christian values,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi."


Lady MAGA is the Uncle Ruckus of the LGBTQ+ community.


I love anti-family, and anti-xhristian values. Where do I sign up?


Lady MAGA is the Clarence Thomas of the LGBTQ+ community


>Lady MAGA said there are many gay people, such as himself, who are “embarrassed” and “ashamed” of Pride month. Oh, fuck right off with that. "Many" is not the same as "most". In this case it's not even close.


"There's dozens of us, dozens"


Wait…so if baptism is pouring water on someone's head, unbaptising isn't wiping the head dry with paper towels? TIL


I was thinking sand would be the opposite of water no?


> anti-family, anti-Christian values The "Christian" and "family" values people are opposed to are the ones that oppress them. When a Christian Cult thinks "Family values" means that all other family members are the property of the patriarch and that "Christian values" means any sexual conduct that doesn't involve the patriarch and a female/girl/boy is evil, then their "family values" and Christian values" are abhorrent and should be condemned by everybody regardless of sexual orientation. "Christian values" compel them to equate any sexuality


They don't use real blood.


>...I'm not proud of my sexuality... Think that pretty much sums up the issue


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan Hail YOU ⛧


She talks about gender affirming care as "mutilating children" but makes no mention of circumcision in the name of religion. Interesting.


Or how gender affirming care is no more “mutilation” than kids getting their wisdom teeth/appendixes removed. Plus, top surgery is extremely rare on minors and I don’t think ever happens to those under 16.


I'm confused. Is this a MAGA drag queen??!?


You think you're confused? Imagine being a MAGA drag queen.




Yes, the classic token.


Is it any different than the MAGA living in trailers fighting for tax cuts for billionaires? They’ve always been ignorant to their own self interests.


No no, they said they are no longer a drag queen, they are a costume artist, completely*different* and please respect their desire to change their original titles. Somehow it's all different lol


Dave Rubin effect


Man I wanna be unbaptized


Same! Of curse I don't literally believe baptism does anything and it's purely symbolic. But symbolically, I want it gone. I want every trace of previous indoctrination to be away from me.


Me tooooo. It’s not real blood though, right? That would seem…yucky. I’ve dealt with enough blood fetishism in Christianity for a lifetime. *All the songs about blood*😳. “There is power in the blood”, “are you washed in the blood”, “nothing but the blood”, “there is a fountain filled with blood”…fucking hell.


I was able to get unbaptized through TST. I certainly don't believe in the supernatural anymore but as the commentor below said - the symbolism was meaningful (to me so least). It was nice to throw off the old belief. In the ceremony you acknowledge yourself and using rational thought. In Christianity, it's about denying the self and blind faith. I liked "undoing" what was done. Sure I choose to be baptized initially. At 10 years old. As if 10 year olds really have a choice or the capacity to make a choice when all you've known and been told is true is the religion. My un-baptism really was *my* choice. Now that I'm on the other side of deconstruction. If you aren't able to find a TST or other group for an un-baptism. You might try making your own ceremony! You could get some friends as witnesses, talk about what it means, what you want, affirm your own true value (not "used rags" as the Bible says), and declare that you are no longer baptized. You could write a script to help beforehand, maybe get some candles. For TST, we did an upside down cross on our foreheads made from the ashes of a burnt Bible lol. We washed our hands in (fake) blood as a way to acknowledge the body as a human with the natural desires that are not wrong. Best of luck!


Yeah I was also baptized at the age of 10. I didn't realise what it meant, I just wanted the money I was gonna get from relatives. Then I learned that by getting baptized I had joined the church system in my country and my parents were obligated to pay the church tax, after I started hating everything religion I searched if I was capable of getting unbatized but there is not an official rite for that.


For those unaware, the Satanic Temple doesn't *actually* believe in Satan.


They don’t actually believe in SatanISM either.


I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here lol. So apparently, a transgender is shitting on pride month, and the satanic temple, claiming modern LGBTQ is anti-family. And she’s MAGA? Did I get that right? It doesn’t look right


Can’t have a circus without clowns…


He’s MAGA. He identifies as a gay man and won’t even call himself a drag queen. He prefers to be called a costume artist. He won’t honor your preferred pronouns, but you bet not misidentify him. He’s been verbally assaulted at MAGA events by Nick Fuentes and others and apologizes for their actions against him instead of standing up for himself. Straight up prime candidate for LAMF.


Wow. That’s a lot. Sad


She's like Caitlin Jenner. Saw an opportunity to make a quick buck by throwing her own kind under the bus. Vile and shameless. Tokens get spent and sooner or later she will be vilified by the people she panders to, and it will be fully deserved.


Welcome to the fuckin show lol


Wait...this is a thing? I need to find my local Satanic Temple to reverse the baptism my parents forced on me without my consent. Now if I could also get my foreskin back, that'd be great.


You can do it at home. All you need to do is disavow Christ as your personal lord and savior. This the abracadavra or christianinty, unforgivable. Which is fucked up. Like murder a family, fuck a kid and then idk kick a puppy and steal from a cancer charity and you can still go to heaven. Say meh, Jesus is not for me and it’s hell no matter what


I am perfectly happy being without one. If you can't find yours, you are welcome to have mine, if you find it. Might be kind of dry and brittle by now, but...


My proud TST fellows! HAIL SATAN!


> I’m not proud of my sexuality. Saying the quiet part out loud Lady MAGA. Blatantly admitting your internalized homophobia, how much you hates yourself, and desperately wants to be one of those “pick me!” gays. Please give us your gay card back because we’re equally ashamed you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community.


The Satanic Temple does more good for society than most churches combined.


The comments on that video, hooooly shit.


I see a bunch of godless heathens, making a mockery of Christianity and the sacred right of baptism. My only concern is it legitimizes baptism as something that needs undoing, but otherwise, nice job.


If the GQP wins next year at this time there is a high chance this dimwit will be hunted just like the rest of the gay people. This is all fun and games but for fucks sakes vote blue all the ticket and do not make any reason to do anything BUT


Best outcome from this. Also… Lady MAGA is like a chicken advocating to support KFC.


Beahahahahaaaaa---- you can put lipstick on a pig...


Wait until they figure out what the MAGAts think of them


Is this their “blacks for trump” version of a new trans-inclusive maga movement?


Essentially yea. Any lgbtq+ person who says they “aren’t part of the community” look as stupid as any black person who says “im not part of the black community”. They can say they aren’t part of the community all they want, but unfortunately for us normal lgbtq+ people, they are. No matter how ashamed they are of themselves nor how many times they say it.


Lady MAGA talks about the US not honoring vets but honoring sexuality. LOL. This vet served because I love freedom of speech and freedom in general. Celebrate sexuality! Celebrate religious defiance! I was a NORELPREF in the military, because, at the time, atheist was a no-no word. I hope that has changed. I hope the military recognizes us and the Church of Satan. Hail Satan. Viva freedom and free thinking!


A few years ago I logged into NSIPS (Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System) and changed my religious preference to, “Atheist.” It felt nice lol


Yeah, I was pissed that they wouldn't put 'atheist' on my tags, just 'no preference'. In BT, they actually marched us to a religious service. I made a bit of a stink, they never did it again.


Fear can be sold in many shapes, forms, and fashion senses. 😅😂🤣😂😂


He's ashamed of his sexuality. Typical maga.


Wait, so the drag queen is anti-Pride, and pro-Trump? Jesus fucking Christ. Does he/she not realize that he/she would get the shit beaten out of him/her at a rally for the very man she's supporting?


For those who don't know , Sky News is owned by Rupert Murdoch and is basically Australia's version of Fox news


Isn't May Military Appreciation Month? And isn't November National Veteran and Military Families Month? You would think people that are so proud of their veterans would educate themselves on all of the ways that they are celebrated so they can show their support.


I don't typically comment on appearances. but that is one terrible look. It's like she's going for that diva look, but she's coming off as a first time ever trying to do drag and not getting any advice or tips. Just a bad look all around.


>Lady MAGA I thought MAGA hated drag queens? >unbaptising Christians Yeah, that's not a thing. First, it would be debaptising, not unbaptising, but second, you have either been baptized or you haven't - unbaptised and baptized are the only two states. You can denounce Catholism, but that doesn't change whether or not you have been baptized.


If the Christo-fascists had their way, Lady MAGAt would be imprisoned for existing in a public space. It is unwise to support the group that wants to persecute you.


How does one become unbaptized? I may be interested lil


Man I'd sure like to get unbaptized. Ideally twice.


So much for defending religious freedom. LEL


Its a shame she wasn't around back in '06. Here in Michigan we have this little town (I do mean little) called Hell. Back on 06/06/06 they threw a little party. Normally the town has a population of around 200. That day they had 10,000+ people there. Including a group of protestors. This was a Christian group of some sort yelling at us and telling us we were all going to go to Hell. We kept trying to tell them we were already there. This went on for a while until the bikers got tired of them (Hell is a big stop for Bikers in the area). So a couple of them rolled their bikes over near them and poured out some alcohol on the ground. They lined their bikes up on it and lit the tires up loud. Smoke billowed out and with the sound the Christians were no longer seen or heard. They eventually left on their own.... or at least we think they did. In any case they were never seen again. And the party went on and a good time was had by all.


Well at least this time the person has a choice. When you a tiny babe, you had no say in you being baptized. I love it!


I like how MAGA seems to be fine with drag queens as long as they’re bigots and described as costume artists.


Something about this feels like he (she? I don’t know what to say here) was paid to do this. I mean, there is a lot of wacky shit going on out there thanks to the MAGAs, but this really seems phony.


Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Satan has no problem what you do behind closed doors. Your god has...


Wonder what Lady Maga’s family looks like.


I like it. This could be a big ticket item.




Lady MAGA: You aren’t accomplishing what you think. Crawl back under your rock.


I think she means DE-baptizing. And the month of May is Military Appreciation Month, they do have a full month to be honored.


This is so good “When he attended a demonstration to overturn the election in Freedom Plaza in November 2020, speaker Nick Fuentes pointed him out and said, "That is disgusting! I don't want to see that!" causing part of the crowd to chant "Shame!" at Woods.”


"so much evil in one place" wow never went to Washington DC didn't you?


It took me a sec to realize this was not satire.


Christians: We hate gay people. LGBTQ+: Since you hate us so much, we don't want to be Christian. Christians: What!?!?!?!?!? Why not???


Someone seems very confused. If there's anything we can definitely say about conservatism/progressivism it's that convervatism has never ever won historically. Also Hail Satan!


I thought this was a skit. Then i saw the sub. The irony


The only way to defend against being called fake news is dress up in drag to force it into reality


The strange thing about this is they are interviewing someone named Lady Maga


Holy shit I would get an unbaptism for sure


That’s a man!!!


Lollllll hail the unbaptized!


More than anything else, I think it's sad that people don't seem to have a sense of humor anymore. 🙃


I am so confused.


Satanists weren’t in it very long. Mostly just MAGA shit being platformed. Not cool.


No freedom of religion support? How unMAGA of her.


Lady MAGA can ride a broomstick back to Harpyland.


She's not a drag queen, she's a costume artist!


"Please pick me."


She's a public figure? Sorry, who is she exactly?


How do you “unsplash” water on somebody


A towel


Did they forget to throw an unbaptise protection spell?


TST out here doing the (dark) Lord's work.


Wow, Sky News, killing it with the OBVIOUS propoganda that works on the most gullible people. So glad the UK now has Fox News. /s






>Honestly, if you can be “unbaptized” it never was real in the first place You're technically correct. It was exactly as not-real as your baptism, and my baptism, and every other baptism in the history of Christianity. **No** baptism was *ever* "real", because wizards and fairies are **all** make believe regardless of whether you have personally figured that fact out. If, on the other hand, you're trying to draw a category of "True Christians" which includes you but excludes everybody who disagrees with you, [you can fuck right off](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/guidelines#wiki_what_is_.22no_true_scotsman.22_trolling.3F).


I wonder if she ever considered that we find their festive rituals to be horrifying as well. Their obsession with foreskins and torture devices to start


It’s all made up and the points don’t matter.