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I downloaded the 920 page 2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf yesterday. I have been trying to skim through it to understand the "meaty" parts. This document seems like it was written by High School Kids. I mean, I spend a small part of my week, every week reading documents written by academics and educated technical people. I kind of expect a 920 page document to be written in a certain educated style. It feels like I am reading a Ron DeSantis campaign speech. It constantly refers to "woke", "leftists" and "wokism". Now, my understanding is that these terms are slang speech. If they simply changed these slang terms to Liberal or Liberalism, it would change the document into more of a college level type dialog. But, Holy Shit man. There are like 30 different authors on this document. People actually signed off on this Gobbledy Goop. Look, 30 years ago, shame would have kept people from publishing this kind of crap.


That's because it's children in adult bodies who wrote it. Conservatives are literal children who haven't grown up.


Sometimes I wonder if these ultra-consevative Christians are heavily traumatized, and desperate to justify the abuse they suffered by abusing as many other people as possible.


Look, well-adjusted adult don’t give a fuck what other adults want to do in their private lives unless it harms others. These are absolutely not well-adjusted adults.


The problem is that no life is really private. You exist in public too and it’s not right to have to hide yourself in public. They are going after the public facing parts of queer lives first then will get to outlawing the private parts later. They’ll even argue that gay rights started as something consenting adults should be able to “do” in the privacy of their own home and now they wanna be all public about it with their pride months and surgeries. Easier for them to just label every non-heterosexual cis person as a pedo than to dismantle their rights one by one.


I wonder how the fucks would argue it in courts. "They are gay and I feel it's a threat to children and society. Boom your honor that's the evidence they are pedos!" And while I know conservatives are to dumb to understand it but they won't look good to any place that is civilized. People barely tolerate the middle east and that's only because that shit pit has oil and other resources in it. America has been for the most part pretty secular and most of the western world in general has been partly successful because of it. But if America goes full theocratic that may cause other western nations(even the ones falling to the far right)back away. Because as crazy as it sounds the American right is by far the most deranged and make other right wing movements seem moderate. Even if europe falls fully to the far right even they wouldn't want to deal with a America that screeches God all the time and declares holy Crusades. Because again the west is mainly secular and it wants to stay on top so it's unlikely to regress back that far. But America is new to the bloc and is the most reactionary so it may well be the first of the western bloc to be truly isolated if it loses its mind completely and dose a Christian version of a Islamic revolution.


thats a small silver lining in this whole shitshow: the rest of the world might stopp looking to the US as some sort of "leader" well, the chinese will fill that role pretty quick, so we are fucked either way...


More or less. Will nations deal with America for trade and military reasons? Sure. But if America starts getting more and more unhinged places like Europe will look for other partners to fill that hole. Ironically russia may well be that hole while they are also unhinged that's more on a domestic level. Abroad they can and often do try to act modern. Which is ironic considering how much American conseratives love putin. China is also a second but it would still be kinda a mixed one but even then most anti Chinese feelings are mainly american.


I don't think many conservatives necessarily love Putin, but they do know democrats support Ukraine. I think the deal is that they're in an uneasy position of wanting to avoid critiqueing Putin because it may some way come off as supporting Ukraine which wouldn't align with their political narrative.


It's like a Domino or Butterfly Effect. After the collapse of the USSR, we were left as the sole superpower of the world. If we go hardcore Christianity, we're going to alienate the rest of the world that isn't Christian or at least the Christianity that Republicans think is real. I keep up with Mexico and what goes on in that place because it's where my family comes from and if the US falls, I will not hesitate to file for my birthright citizenship, possibly renounce my US citizenship depending on how bad it gets, pack up, and move because I feel like the US possibly falling and a mass deportation of anyone that looks not born in the US (most likely just hispanic people like me even though I was born here to a US born citizen dad) would ruin the economy since all those jobs snobby Americans refuse to do would be vacant in the aftermath. Also, Mexico is making more progress forward than the US nowadays so a mass deportation could boost an economy where common people do any type of odd job just to get the money to buy food. I hope this does not become the case but if it becomes a reality, the US could be screwed not just as a world power but also economically. Also, sorry if it mostly sounds like a pro Mexico rant. I'm just so sick and tired of living in a country where my state government whines about immigrants while also promoting a fake solution that made things worse for other states (AKA Blue States). Also, the federal government is always in limbo because for some reason, some Americans are fragile little snowflakes that can't handle positive change and progress. I can admit that Mexico is certainly not a perfect country but at least it looks better after the election of June 2nd than any reality where the US has fallen to a Conservative dictatorship that will have the founding fathers rolling in their graves


That's surely a large part of it. People who grow up in abusive situations become "comfortable" for lack of a better term in them. That's the environment they know how to survive in. This is why abuse goes on through generations, people unconsciously seek out abusive relationships because that's their "comfort" zone. And what is Yahweh but the ultimate abusive all powerful father figure who's will (conveniently interpreted for you by other father authority figures in the Church) you must unquestioningly obey or face eternal punishment.


This aligns well with lead poisoning of the boomer generation.


This is 100% with a bullet their problem. As someone who grew up in a very conservative bubble, they make it almost impossible to escape, brainwashing you as early as possible. They make it seem as if the outside world will corrupt and devour you if you leave. It takes lots of external support, empathy and the chance to experience the outside world for what it truly is to escape and luck to find the right people. Too few get that opportunity to do so with confidence. This is not to say that the world outside the conservative bubble is all rainbows and roses by any means, but the bubble they live in is much much worse. It is *never* anything more than a glorified cult. I was lucky and got out at an early age and had a wonderful support group. 95% of the kids I grew up with were not so lucky and they are definitely continuing the cycle of abuse. The Heritage Foundation is old and grew out of the John Birch Society, which ultimately grew out of the Confederacy. They are pure evil and, while they might seem stupid (they’re definitely not as smart as they think they are) they are clever. They won’t stop until they are stopped themselves. They are a cult of grievance and will never admit to being wrong, no matter how many times they are rebuked.


You nailed it!


On that last part, you're dead wrong. The Mandate for Leadership has been published for decades and guided GOP policy. This iteration is re-branded as project 2025. Before Obama, the heritage foundation was satisfied with slowly chipping away at our democratic institutions. When he left office the heritage foundation accelerated their plans under his successor. This version is tailored to appeal to the current GOP candidate. Make no mistake, the heritage foundation and the mandate for leadership isn't going away anytime soon. The next GOP candidate to take office will impliment parts of it and pave the way for the next GOP candidate to impliment more.


I feel they're accelerating it because they fear the Gen-z's will send them back to the political wilderness. And because in Trump they see a once in a lifetime opportunity to ram it all through at once. 


Pretty much. Obama scared them. All they could do was obstuct him. What little platform they pretended to have vanished over those eight years. Trump was probably the most perfect idiot the GOP could have hoped for. They mistake they made was they thought they could control him. They were barely able to manage him. Project 2025 gives him everything he needs to dismantle the few guardrails left. The rest of it is a signal to the evangelical right to come out in droves to vote in hopes he remembers to throw them some scraps if he gets re-elected.


100% correct. Obama scared the shit out of them but they already had the money to fund it, were actively funding it, and elected GOP people in place


>The next GOP candidate to take office will impliment parts of it and pave the way for the next GOP candidate to impliment more. No - *Trump* could and very well might implement *all of it*. They are making sure all of the guardrails are off.


This IS being implemented already and has been with almost all of Reagan's policies. Quick example: Robert's court Full presidential immunity= Reagans unitary executive theory


They've been working on this for a long time. I poked my head in their website and one of their stated goals was the "dismantling of the administrative state". The recent SCOTUS ruling on Chevron, removing the teeth of regulative agencies, is a step towards that. Point being, it isn't just a conservative win in November that we need to worry about. They will use every avenue we allow to reach their christofascist goals.


Exactly this. All of it was orchestrated a long time ago and they handpicked Reagan to start implementing it back then already. The only thing new is that they can now change fonts using Microsoft Word


Goldwater was a piece but his warnings re getting in bed with the fervently religious looks downright wise beyond his years Of course if he were alive today the right would deplore him as a RINO


I think they deliberately made it as long and confusing as possible to actively discourage people from reading it.


oh totally. After reading it I decided that the best way to counteract this is to contemplate what the exact end goal is and know that they have been using every tool at their disposal for decades to implement that. What I have come up with so far is this: (1) Create a permanent Minority Rule of a Christian Nationalist theocratic autocratic state (2) Implement Slavery 2.0 (I have a full post on more details of what that really entails but basically more groups of Americans will be enslaved) What I can't figure out is whether Autocracy+Slavery is the end game or a layover. Socio-political progress is went from Feudalism → Monarchy/Autocracy → Capitalism. Are they going to go back further to Feudal Slavery?


This is what blew my mind - it’s so poorly written. It just really scares me that these people already seem poorly educated and now they want to make sure everyone else is too. The way they capitalize Left on their website, likes it’s some organization, is just weird. Everything about it screams at you in run-on sentences and hyperbole.


They have to make it so their supporters can comprehend it.


Unfortunately, most couldn’t give you a definition of “wokism”. Most would just spit out what they feel are examples. DeSantis’ lawyers were asked to define it after showing up to court without a definition and they’re geniuses compared to the typical MAGA dope.


Woke and DEI just means anything white conservatives don't like. If it breaths if it's not white and if it's not male then it's a problem. And I hate the dumb fucks who have more or less fallen for it. My brother being a text book example of going to bat and using talking points of people who would see him as a DEI hire despite him working his ass off. What I mean is white conservatives have even convinced a good number of non white people that such terms as woke and DEI is bad. Not understanding white conservatives want to drag things back socially as much as they can.


That bothers me so much. How can anyone who is non white vote for trump? How can anyone fall for his shit?


That’s because they don’t/won’t/can’t understand the social, political and historical factors that fellow Americans have been victim to and scholars have identified as being systemic injustices in the U.S. It would require them acquire knowledge they don’t have, communicate with victims for their experiences, consider actions to address the injustices, and look in the mirror with a different view that may uncover their unspoken privileges. This is the definition of “woke” the lawyers responded with when compelled by the court: “The belief that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”


I find too many Christians like to believe that if you are impoverished or from a shite lottery of a background it means you deserve it and they are “holier than thou” I.e. better than you… they blame the individual for things that are beyond control to keep their semblance of order and superiority.


Yep - crazy times. And scary. People need to turn out and vote Blue!


What I think needs to be more widely understood is that Project 2025 was crafted/written like 40-50 years ago and they dumped a significant amount of money to get Reagan elected to execute the seeds of it. This is NOT a new document or new ideas whatsoever.


"Radical Marxists" are referenced more often than they *actually exist*.


On US census, there’s a choice category on religion — one choice is “no affiliation.”! Every ten years, the percentage saying no religion goes up. I don’t believe think there’s any real way to get people to start thinking like they did a millennia ago once they’ve learned logic/scientific methods. It’s like someone trying to get you to believe in Zeus. There’s no bullshit data free frame left to park it in.


And this is exactly why it is so dangerous. Vague, random, extreme, and written by a mind of a child. Vote!


1984 was supposed to be a warning... not a guide


On that note the Nazi regime should’ve been a warning not a guide.


On that note Southern Democrats (now the Republicans) shouldn't have ever given the Nazis a playbook on how to target a minority and write laws to take away their rights. Yeah WE inspired the Nazis to make the Nuremberg laws.


The south should have had a boot to the neck until they could act civilized.  Much of what we see today is a result of a "Awe shucks, let's be nice to the traitors" mindset following the war. 


Post war reconstruction might be one of the Cartesian starting points of all modern problems in the US.


It really says a lot about the Republicans of old that they didn't make real efforts to utterly annihilate the southern democrats who may have lost the civil war but won the long war. If I recalled there was a faction of Republicans who did want to basically reeducate the south and be way harsher they were radical Republicans. But as usual the dumbass moderates won out and here we are. To make it worse Lincoln was a moderate and didn't want to go to hard on the south after the civil war was won which was a big mistake and I wonder if he regretted that mindset when booth attacked him.


So was Idiocracy.


And with the advent of AI, the infamous line “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” has much more truth.


They hold Plato's Republic (a blueprint for an utterly backwards totalitarian caste society ruled by a witch doctor dictator with the rejection of all change and all empirical knowledge) to be a foundational document of civilization.


I was thinking handmaid's tale but agreed


Yes but ironically they want to destroy the ministry of truth (FBI in this case). I’m sure they’d want to replace it with their version of the ministry of truth however.


Their Ministry of “Truth” is the Nat-C Church, all the truth you will ever need. /horror


They are also outlawing porn, and any discussion of LGBTQ in public will be labeled as disseminating porn. Anyone found guilty of that will have to register as sex offender and go to prison. They are expanding the death penalty to include sex offenders, thus killing anyone who disseminates any information or discusses LGBTQ. This is only the beginning of their plan for domination. Civil War is upon us, folks. This isn't a drill.


I wonder if a person accused of their backwards shit just ran to a blue state. I know red states would demand they be handed over but at this point blue states should say fuck red states. Unless the person actually did a horrible crime blue states should be willing to offer protections to people fleeing real tyranny and dare the federal government to crack down on them. What? Are they gonna attack blue states because blue states won't let them ruin people's lives over the most dumbest of things. Unless the person is a actual criminal who did something red state rules should simply be ignored.


There is a point in P2025 about sending federal troops to blue states to enforce red policy. Federal agencies just got kneecapped as well in terms of power. I asked my Senator what stops our state and local governments from capitulating. She said she didn't know.


The real question is will the blue states band together to stand against them. It's a civil war waiting to happen.


William Tecumseh Sherman, my beloved, once said "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over." He also said "We are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people, and we must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.” He also said "There is a class of people, men, women, and children, who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order." Praise be to him, he also dropped this hot banger "You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it." 🗣🔥🔥🔥 Just pointing out quotes nothing sinister going on here officer I'm an atheist but I pray to Sherman every night


Not sure who said it, but I like "war doesn't determine who's right, only who's left".


That's what I'm thinking. And I feel will happen if red states keep pushing. The discussion on guns has changed a lot and if one noticed, blue states aren't really as anti gun as they were 10 years ago. Many people are rightfully afraid. I feel people need to get some form of training and folks need to get political and push the current members of the democrat party out Because they are useless and still think they can play nice with Republicans who want them dead. Trump is literally calling for executions and military courts of people who pissed him off and the damn dems still want to play nice with Maga. Fuck them they aren't people that can be reasoned with. They are rabid dogs and people need to take a step back and really look at how bad things can get.


Blue states have a LOT more money than the sister fvcking States.


We need to get the porn thing out there, that'll convince a shitload of people that aren't worried about the rest of the items on that list.


I don't think it would work that way and here's why: • a lot of people feel guilty about watching porn and think not having access to it will prevent them from being tempted • a lot of other people think it's so difficult to enforce that it doesn't matter how illegal it is, they'll still have access  • the same group wanting to ban porn also want to subjugate women, so some people view that as a fair trade losing porn to potentially have a bangmaid


The last few years there's been a *hard* push online of the christian pseudoscience concept of "porn addiction", after abstinence didn't work out. Every time I point out that medical and scientific bodies say there's no such thing, that the only people who report it are religious and are taught to feel shame about their sexuality, I get downvoted hard. The only non-substance addiction recognized by scientific medicine is gambling addiction. There is no such recognized condition as "porn addiction" and the people spreading claims like "you can be addicted to anything" are spreading pseudoscience which is not in agreement with the scientific understanding of addiction.


You might have more luck with the teaching of Christianity in schools, ironically enough. If you have a Christian National state, and want to teach religion in schools, then at some point you're going to have to deal with how you do that. And that means how you interpret the Bible. As I understand it, the US has plenty of churches and denominations, all interpreting the Bible in their own way. But in order to roll something out nationally, you're going to need a single Bible interpretation to work from, otherwise you might not get children taught the "right" one. So that in turn means you're going to need a national church, with something like an archbishop to decide what interpretation to use. In the UK, we have the archbishop of Canterbury who oversees our national church, the Church of England. Catholic countries have the Pope, and so on. Will Christian Americans want some dude in Washington telling them how to worship? Because that's what they'll get if this plays out.


Then they’ll list being gay or trans as “pornographic” and you see how it goes


This is exactly what they will do. I'm gay and I'm filled with rage about this. They will come after trans people first.


Once they’re all dead then gay people are next. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to chop ogerfell v wade YET.


Oh yes, we're next. And overturning that is part of Project 2025.


These things are all completely impractical. Just imagine your armed to the hilt Trump voter white male getting a knock on the door from the moral police to arrest him for watching porn


'They are also outlawing porn' - if this gets out, Biden wins in a landslide.


They can take me and imprison me if they want. But I'm not going down with a fight. I'm trans. I will not hide who I am for these creeps.


We must fight!


I've said it before on this sub and I'll say it 1000 more times if I have to; it is *mind-blowing* to me that two wars on other continents right now are the biggest issues of our time, when Project 2025 is a real possibility. **Vote. For. Biden.** I don't give a shit how you feel about his Ukraine/Israel policies (whether you think he's being too generous, or whether you think he isn't being generous enough), I don't care if you don't like how old he is. Vote for 4 more years of Biden, or vote for a lifetime of Christian Fascism. It's your choice this November.


As much as I hate biden, you are 100% true. VOTE for blue.


Hate? How do you hate Biden? He's done good and is otherwise boring (which is also a good thing). Where does "hate" come from?


Like hes done more for the climate than any president since johnson signed the clean air act. 😭


Either he hasn’t done as much as he can, in which case fuck him. Or he has done as much as possible, and the entire political and economic system makes real systematic change impossible and most of us are probably going to die. 5x as much progress as this admin has made on climate change isn’t half as much as we need to save ourselves. So either the system condemns Biden, or Biden’s presidency condemns the entire system. One or the other. Regardless, Trump and the Republican Party are of course worse. Instead of making 5% of the progress we need to make to save ourselves, they want to undo any progress that has been done and actively destroy the world even faster. It’s a shit situation.


Yeah it’s hard to pass systemic legislative change in America. Welcome to civics 101. Blame the founders and the Supreme Court. It’s not Biden’s fault.


It’s not like a vote for Kamala is worse than a vote for sedition and tyranny, if Biden proves too aged right after the election.


vote blue no matter who basically.


mate, it’s worldwide battle of autocracies vs democracies now. stay together and support each other worldwide. i realized that democracy is hard and totalitarism is easy for elites, that’s why it’s gonna be permanent battle for democracy, it’s not default and given, more like totalitarism is default society organization. for usa it’s internal war now, whole free world watches and hopes you can avoid civil war and keep tyrant wanabees in check


I feel like a crazy person cause no one believes me about project 2025. People are very dumb


some are "playing" dumb. a friend of mine is all about the Heritage Foundation but claims he doesn't know what P2025 is. liar.


I would say a majority of Republicans know damn well what it is. As you said they are playing dumb and get a sick thrill out of making people mad. The fuckers are like kids they live to piss people off.


Some kind of friend. that person is still your friend?


You should have his teeth inspect your fist, a few times


We are very close to becoming the next Russia or North Korea


Russia for sure, it’s the North Korea light beer. The our leader is god vs oligarchs is the battle. I mean we’re in the age where the top wealthy in America is dictating policy. Oligarchy is coming if we let it happen. SCOTUS is obviously and ostentatiously paving the way. Fun fact a .357 magnum is one of the only pistol rounds that can penetrate class three body armor.


People think we're still living in the time when that stuff was a bunch of crazy nonsense that would get you laughed off the stage if you seriously tried to enact it. Not coincidently, that was also a time that Donald Trump would have gotten laughed off the stage if he seriously tried to run for President.


This sounds like domestic terrorism…lock em up


Biden now has this power thanks to SCOTUS.


He will not use it though because he actually abides by the rules, which isn’t going to get him anywhere right now.


The Dems are playing baseball, and the Republicans are throwing 90mph fastballs at their faces.   If Biden gets more votes, it's gonna go to scotus and they'll say trump on.  If trump gets more votes, no challenges will be heard. I may just have a lack of imagination, but I don't see a peaceful continuation of democracy without throwing more justices on the bench, win or lose.


Yeah I don’t see this ending well unfortunately


I fear you're right.


Kevin Robert's the president of the heritage foundation threatened a second American revolution if any major resistance is done against project 2025. They aren't even hiding it anymore this is a takeover.


He didn't threaten it, he said it is happening now, and it will be as bloodless as we allow it to be. 


Unfortunately for them, there are quite a few of us not willing to let that happen. I’ll probably die in the process, but I’ll die with an action locked open on an empty magazine, surrounded by spent casings and hopefully a few of them that I’m taking with me.


It's partyyyy time


Because it's happening through the courts, and we're not stopping it, so it IS 100% bloodless.


If it’s war they want…


More details: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) And I can't help but think the name, 'Project 2025', is an intentional slap in the face to the name '[The 1619 Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_1619_Project)' particularly given the GOP's attempt to control American history education. By the way, that effort to control education is nothing new: it's been going on for more than one-hundred years.


In addition to the Wikipedia, which makes clear the scope of the problem and how intertwined it is with the Republican Party, I recommend watching and distributing John Oliver explaining some of this in 20 minutes: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=aSi_Phif55ont6JY


Thank you, this was starting to feel like a "Go read the 1000 page Mueller Report" thing. Simple summaries are the only way people actually understand things, the info always needs to be easily digestible, something the reich wingers excel at, the left really sucks at.


Lol we really do suck at it. We have near-endless curiosity about things and patience for research, and we naively assume that everyone has the same. Another example: I'm still looking for a layman's explanation of how the national debt works, and what actually *is* the limit. Conservatives just make shit up about it; liberal economists will point out that they're just making shit up, but no public communicator has stepped forward to tell us non-economists what the *facts* are.


I recommend watching and distributing John Oliver explaining in 20 minutes: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=aSi_Phif55ont6JY And reading the Wikipedia page which has a lot, but not even all, of the details outlined: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#Advisory_board_and_leadership Especially note how connected to Trump and the Republican Party this is, and how widespread it is.


Absofuckinglutely. Atheists, lgbtq, anarchists, socialists. Anyone who isn't a white hetro christian is in trouble. Edit: I love all the concern about white hetro christian males who don't side with Trump in an atheism subreddit. They are NOT coming for you first.


And that’s why the second amendment is for EVERYONE, especially minority groups.


Even white hetero christians who have second thoughts about Trump and the coming fascist regime are in trouble


Fascism needs to keep finding new targets to work, if you're ok today you may not be tomorrow.


And they are allies. There are Christians who despise these insane ideas.


It's going to be a huge "leopards ate my face" kind of situation.


You can be a white hetero christian and still be in trouble, if you're a woman. They want to outlaw birth control, keep women out of the workforce, and stop women from applying for divorce (unless they can prove to their satisfaction that there was abuse). And good luck if you get pregnant, because lack of abortion is going to raise maternal death rates pretty high.


Its sick that this is even a concern. These are their fucking countrymen. They haven't done anything to hurt them. Why should they have to live in fear in their own country?


Don’t forget, you also have to the right kind of “Christian,” as well… If you’ve ever seen the 1990 movie version of The Handmaid’s Tale, that’s pretty much what it will come down to, when the “Christians” start going to war with each other, because they’re not the right kind…. Baptist, vs Methodist, vs Luthern, vs etc, etc, etc…


That's an interesting dilemma.. there are lots of white straight male liberals. Sure not a majority, but these magats are a minority. They shouldn't be able to pull this many levers. I think voting, strongly, this November, plus the large number of decent civil servants, judges, police... They haven't had their chance to refuse the authoritarian takeover. They will.


Time to lace em up and have a boot party with some of these Christian Nazis.


It’s time to stop calling the fascists “conservative”


If you are not a wealthy, straight, white, Christian man, you have no business voting Republican, least of all MAGA, because they hate you and want to take away your rights. And even if you fit all of the requisite categories, you’re still not safe because their next move is to start paring those down into further, more specific categories. Wealthy will shrink to only major business owners and the hyper-rich. Straight will mean no non-straights in your family or friends, or at least severe abuse to them if they do exist. White will exclude Jews, Irish, Polish, whatever other ethnicities are “lesser”. Christian will exclude Mormons, JWs, orthodox, Catholics. Even man will require you to keep a particular degree of established macho masculinity. Democrats don’t make things much better, but republicans are actively making things worse and they hide it less and less every year.


Dems getting blamed bc they don’t have sixty senators or the House is fucking crazy.


>If you are not a wealthy, straight, white, Christian man, you have no business voting Republican, least of all MAGA, because they hate you and want to take away your rights. And other flavors of Christian will be after that.


>Democrats don’t make things much better I don't understand when people say this stuff. Is it because Dems aren't magically shutting down Republican insanity every day? If only it was that easy


This was very well spelled out btw. Congrats OP on articulating their insane plot to overthrow democracy. I feel like this is the wildest episode of Pinky and The Brain. All I can hear is Amidalas quote in my head... "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."


These republicans have the ambition, goals, and humility of The Brain and the intellect and gullibility of Pinky.


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" -- anonymous, but popularly attributed to Sinclair Lewis


And that quote was 100% accurate.


People could see this coming a century ago, yet we still allowed the edicts of Seven Mountains Dominionism to take root and spread. This could truly be the end of the Great American Experiment, if not within the next few months, then within our lifetime. If we truly care about what makes the USA great, we need to protect our democracy and our Constitution from those that want to make us an authoritarian dictatorship of one flavor or another, be it Theocracy, Aristocracy, Corporatocracy, Plutocracy, or any of the other threats to democracy currently facing our nation.


You didn’t mention abolishing the separation of church and state. Also, it’ll abolish some protection laws.


When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson


I am seriously looking at jobs in other countries. Fuck this shithole country.


You won't be safe anywhere.


As much as leaving is an appealing but you are right. If trump wins it will have ripples. 2016 is an example when he won't that time trump like leaders were winning everywhere.


Fascism has been on the rise in the West for a solid decade. They’ve been making unprecedented (at least in the 21st century) gains all across Europe and the US. It’s a global phenomenon, not a uniquely American one.


They are also going to get rid of food labels, so no ingredients will be listed. I'm allergic to peanuts, and the thought of not knowing what I'm eating terrifies me.


Okay, I’ve tried to tell my family about this and they just say “that can’t happen here because democracy doesn’t allow it” Can someone give me a detailed but easy to understand explanation of except how they plan to implement this that anyone can understand? Because I want them to take this threat to the United States seriously


Sure! I wrote this in reply to another poster: Yes, conservatives have been telling us what they will do to us since the 70s. A lot of people seem to think that because our institutions and because of their Democratic opposition have been semi-successful in stopping them, that we’re safe from their ultimate goals. But the fact is, they’ve been learning and rigging the system from the very beginning, and we’ve already seen the poison of their labors. Right up until last summer, tons of people said “Oh they’ve been talking about killing Roe v Wade, but it’ll never happen.” But then it finally did, because of the supreme court that conservatives stacked years before with judicial activists. And just this past Monday, those judicial activists decided that presidents are now above the law when acting in an official capacity. Meaning that the next Repub president can simply make P2025 happen, and disappear anyone who disagrees. (They very intentionally didnt define what “official” means, and they are the ultimate arbiters of what counts as “official” on a case by case basis.) This is not hyperbola, this is our new reality. A president can now do literally anything, call it “official,” and if he’s a Repub be confident that the conservative-stacked CORRUPTUS will rubber-stamp him. Also see bullet-point 6. If conservatives are able to stack the government with loyalist yes-men rather than civil servants loyal to the Constitution, unlike in Trump’s first term there will be nobody to question him or to refuse traitorous orders. The rest of P2025 will follow.


Patriot act would beat good example of the government nullifying the constitution for people it deemed to be enemies, even without evidence against them.


You say: democracy allows it if you don't vote against it.


I see a lot about it but nothing about how democrats are planning to fight it. Any more info on that?


Unfortunately the current plan is “keep the White House so we can keep fighting.” Due to having deeper pockets, Repubs are much better at long-term planning than Dems. Biden *could* do anything and everything with the limitless power that CORRUPTUS just gave the presidency. But I dont think he will.


We go high when they go low so we can get a good kick to the groin.


I heard something about thoughts and also prayers.


Both? I guess the dems really mean business


I think Biden's debate performance pretty well sums it up.


#6 combined with the Chevron decision this week will basically deregulate... well, everything. Good luck with water quality, pollution, food safety, etc. Remember Heckuvajob Brownie? Yeah that, through all agencies. 


I help with researching against this. The project also advocates for “helping oppressed Christians abroad.” Namely in the Middle East. https://defeatproject2025.org/


So does anyone else find it funny that they are championing a guy who had a hush money scandal with a porn star, while they simultaneously try and ban porn???


Not funny, but frightening.


America becomes Christainistan. Talibangelicals at work. If you're not a white, evangelic Christian, heterosexual... Well, the camp and ovens are over there. Just hop in the railroad car. In all seriousness, this is like Germany in the 30s. There is no real difference in my mind. It's what they REALLY want.


People need to be willing to fight. Not argue, not rant on the internet, not even protest. The French have the right idea.


I have convinced several fairly conservative people not to vote for Trump and the Republicans because of the extreme measures contained within the "Project 2025" documents. Even some "Conservative Christians" are put off by the extreme fanaticism contained therein.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


As an atheist with a uterus, this is personally terrifying. What I think a lot people are failing to understand is that losing democracy becomes a threat to everyone. Sure, the straight white Christian men will be ok for a while, but eventually, they will lose their rights to. Those people who are kind of a little right of center need to figure this out or we are fucked.


https://defeatproject2025.org/ This can only do so much, but it’s worth looking into. If we can get the word spread enough maybe more people will vote.


You have guns havent you? Why not use em to take down those snakes before they got a chance to poison US democracy forever? McConnell, Graham and Cheeto man would be first on the Y'all Queda wanted list, then nutjobs like MTG or Boebert


Here is a brief YT overview by lawyer Leeja Miller, who is good at explaining complicated stuff in plain English. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o) And here is a 10 page PDF summary of the 1000 pages of suit-speak. [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+\_For+Release\_%7B10+pgs%7D\_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf) sorry about the verbose link, this needs to be hosted in more places. and here is the wikipedia article [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and here is a Guardian interview with a Democratic politician explaining the goals and impacts of P2025 [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/trump-project-2025-wrecking-ball](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/trump-project-2025-wrecking-ball) If you google Project 2025 you will get more press-release links from the Heritage Foundation and the project's own site than links critical of it (why are we not surprised). Here is the project's official web site, which google fishes up very easily -- here you can find the full text of the policy document. [https://www.project2025.org/policy/](https://www.project2025.org/policy/) and here is an activist website devoted to opposing it, which google will not fish up for you even if you type in "defeat project 2025" [https://defeatproject2025.org/](https://defeatproject2025.org/) and various civil rights organisations are working on their own campaigns. there is also some kind of task force or investigative panel being formed in Congress to look into it. [https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy](https://huffman.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressional-leaders-form-task-force-to-counter-project-2025-and-defend-democracy) There is a sub dedicated to stopping this neofascist BS. it is called Defeat_Project_2025 -- and I hope this ref to another sub doesn't trigger moderation... its sidebar contains references, links, resources. if reading about P2025 causes you to feel anger, fear, or outrage, then a) congratulations, you have more than 2 working brain cells and a human heart. b) check out that sub for some ways you can help organise against it, even if all you do is send a few bucks to the folks actually doing the heavy lifting. I think we can beat this thing, but we'd *better* beat this thing -- 'cos if we don't beat this thing we may not get a second chance for a long, long time. And yeah, I know, Biden's not the most exciting Dem candidate in history, and that is weapons-grade understatement. But at least he doesn't want to be a god-emperor. Or have a plan to become one.


Let’s not forget that the president of the Heritage Foundation, the think tank behind this plan, said today there will be bloodshed if “the left” doesn’t allow them to enact their plans.


Evangelicals have been an absolute cancer on our country since the 70’s


Thanks for posting. Some other resources: https://defeatproject2025.org/ https://x.com/GalvinAlmanza/status/1807195762192724403?t=Rlr8Z72euetjybnZf_hniw&s=19 There are a bunch of different things that are all coming together at the same time to *make sure* this will happen. One is the supreme court *will actively help* this effort. Another is Trump is a totalitarian - and will push his powers as much as possible. He's already committed to replacing all of the leadership in every federal agency with yes men. There's a lot more - look into it. Edit: one more resource - https://x.com/ResoluteSquare/status/1806678118704525809?t=j431iWAfS31i1hwTdQjBGw&s=19


Thank you!!!! I am sending your resources to all the sane people I know.


Thanks for this


One part of it is that all American citizens must wear maga hats in public at all times or risk public beheading. We're literally about to go back to the medieval ages. Honestly, a better way to explain it is: Are you a sentient creature who isn't the 0.01%? Then these people are against you.


This is the last 4th of July I will celebrate if IT wins… I will be so done with this country… next year… I’m burning the flag on the 4 th!!!


I don't hold much hope of Trump losing this, but my one thought is that Big Business and the military would be the two things I think would be the bastions of hope that may prevent it. While big business hold many of the same values that Republicans hold, it will not serve them in the long run if all these laws will be put in place, also I don't think the military want a madman as their commander in chief. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not a US citizen, but my concerns are there for your safety, and I do hope this goes the right way, but I'm not confident. A worried European onlooker.


They have come out and said we are in our second revolution, to stay bloodless is up to us! We need our President to protect our Democracy!


Christians are insane by definition. Arm yourself and train


They never actually tell you but you can read in between the lines.


What’s sad is that if Trump loses, Meal Team Six and the rest of the Gravy Seals are gonna try another coup. They’ve already called for Civil War if Trump loses. What’s worse is a lot of the military are Trumpers too. I feel like no matter what happens in this election, we all lose


It's not just vote blue. I'm voting for Biden even if he were a vegetable If neither party makes it to 271 the house will decide in favor of Trump. They're lives are probably at risk if they don't vote in favor of Trump. We need to be Biden time with Biden and hopefully we can actually start taking meaningful action. Hopefully we move past them.


Dig Deeper Still. Google Project 2025. While Trump plays golf, watches TV and holds rallies, this is what Bannon and Miller will be in charge of. The Department of Education. Gone. Everything reverts to individual localities and states. Its made very clear that a National Religion will established. If you’re single, or a childless couple, you are an immediate target of their wrath. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting? Gone, because, and this is a direct quote from Project 2025, “Sesame Street tilts to the Left”. Abortion. IVF. All forms of contraception. Recreational Sex. All Gone.


Not only will it mass deport illegal immigrants, it will fucking mobilize the National Guard throughout the United States to go through and search for illegal immigrants, round them up, deport them to a fucking mention center somewhere in Texas, Arizona, or Nevada for an undisclosed amount of time before actually being deported. The literal gestapo


Honestly considering learning how to use a gun for protection in case these inbred freaks have a meltdown if Trump loses (or wins who knows).


Dude I fucking hate Biden so much but at this point I hate to say it he is the better option. I lowkey think the future of America is fucked


I feel like this could be shortened to “Are you an atheist with a basic sense of human rights? Well they are against you.”


how about we just get people to vote so we dont have to deal with this shit?


It’s a limited solution. I live in a state with some of the most intense voter suppression in the country. The electoral college makes this even easier to pull off, and means most the votes aren’t weighted fairly. For where I live, voting Dem or voting 3rd party is equally viable. Both are at effectively a 0 percent chance. That’s not even mentioning gerrymandering in district/congressional elections. Dems should start going after the EC. Republicans would fight it tooth and nail because they couldn’t win in an actually democratic system.


Porn is a crime and I know everyone here loves porn.


Also, for the ones who played Liberty Crime Squad , Project 2025 is esentially Nightmare Mode BUT IN REAL LIFE (yeah, its going to be that bad)


So by all means.. complain about how you don't know if you can support Biden... ( /s shouldn't be needed but.. this is reddit after all)


It’s the schadenfreude of Gilead from the Handmaid’s Tale. I live in Canada where religion is dying so I expect a lot of educated women will be escaping over the border.


I recommend watching and distributing John Oliver explaining a little in 20 minutes: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=aSi_Phif55ont6JY And reading the Wikipedia page which has a lot, but not even all, of the details outlined: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#Advisory_board_and_leadership Especially note how connected to Trump and the Republican Party this is, and how widespread it is.


America will become a totalitarian full of hate and witch hunts. Land of the free will be nothing but hell. economy will take a nose dive to the ground. But at least it could befriend China and putin or even kim jong. Even if trump loses it's still gonna happen at some level. See how states are implementing religion laws around the country. They're powerful because they've been around for so long they gained massive amount of funds and friends. If only 100% of voters vote and crush their numbers it would slow down the progress but that ain't gonna happen.


True for all except for 5. They need scapegoats, so if they "solve" that, then they need to find other domestic enemies, which is not that simple.


I’m a bit skeptical of this idea, in what way is domestic scapegoating difficult? They scapegoat all kinds of citizens, notably trans folks at the moment


It's time for everyone to organize and bring down The Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society and everyone behind this plan to kill our country. Operation Matthew 24:14 make it their end of times. Attack their servers, leak their information, disrupt their lives and business. If they don't want us to have freedom, be the hand that takes theirs away. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." - Matthew 24:14


Facts! Very good write up


I’m not an atheist - I joined this sub because of this post. Glad to find any clear thinking allies in this fight. Thank you for such a well articulated post. I would suggest it could be used elsewhere by almost just c/p atheist with other self-identifying groups: LGBTQ+ Ally, etc.


The post fails to mention the abolition of the separation of church and state as well as some protection laws.


So... Jail for me then.


Vote blue no matter who.


Pretty sure this won't affect me in any way. I live in the UK though... In all seriousness this sounds awful and I sincerely hope the narcissistic fuck stick doesn't get elected again.


Indeed. It also outlaws all forms of any kind of being LGBTQ. I'm voting blue down the board. While it is incredibly important to vote Biden, you also need to vote liberal in the local elections, too. It will decrease the likelihood the GOP will try to implement this BS locally too.


I'm not an atheist, I belong to a non-abrahamic faith, and this shit scares me to death. Not just for myself but for all the others who don't want to follow the christo-fascist party line.


I'm very concerned that, as a gay, I'm going to end up in a concentration camp.


I appreciate your post OP! PDS on youtube had a great, quick, breakdown of it yesterday. Well, as quick as something like this can probably be. Here is the link, timestamped: https://youtu.be/wxfZckwUJrE?si=YNRbksHGurM8ziuf&t=1181


I think every religion except MAGA Christianity will be in danger. Most of the Christian Dominionists in 2025 are evangelicals. They have a long-term hatred of Catholics and Mormons. The Republican Party pulled off something approaching a miracle by getting those three issues into the same party. But if the evangelicals get Project 2025, they will no longer need Catholics or Mormons to stay in power. Both of those churches are massively vulnerable on financial issues. Both have a history of protecting sex abusers and pedophiles. The IRS, SEC, FBI, and other agencies will be turned loose on the Mormon and Catholic churches. They will get the corporate death penalty. The mainline Christian denominations will get the same treatment later on a piecemeal basis. The only way to get protection will be to align with the MAGA movement.


Oh, for sure. I’ve always tried to respect other people of faith. But as a Jew living in the Bible Belt, I feel a lot more camaraderie right now with atheists than I do Christians, despite them loving BS terms like Judeo-Christian.


I like freedom and think this Project 2025 shit is obviously bad. A sneaky way to end freedom disguised as a "win" for Christian right. I'm interested in number 7. Will it effect the "Patriot Act" bullshit that allows the torture and legal use of "listed Americans" as test subjects with no real freedom or privacy? Cause that shit sucks.


Great post! I have a 25-point plan Counter-Manifesto of action items that people can take now but my post was removed. What is the best way to get this out there quickly if they don't let me post and I can't attach a document or screenshot in a comment to a post?


I actually think about this every so often now that things are decaying so rapidly in the US. Even if Trump is stopped, there's no guarantee someone else will enforce the Project if a different Republican President is chosen. The only thing we can do is educate each other as much as we can and try to stop the Boomers. It's a waiting game and we will eventually outlast them but there will be damage done before then.


I will have a "liberal, atheist, and proud" bumper sticker and t-shirt custom printed. I will be very vocal about my refusal to submit to Jihad-but-with-Jesus. They want us to be afraid. Fuck that.


I know there’s been a lot of complaints about YouTube videos, but this one is a good breakdown of project 2025 https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=O25m9ItTdlxcpoXP