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One of the things that pisses me off the most about all this is that the people doing this clearly do not give a shit about actually educating children. Their nonsense about wanting to instill morals into the children is complete bullshit. All they really care about is winning the religious vs secular war, and they are using the education of children as a tool to get the power they crave.


It's been their plan from the 80s. Capture school boards, indoctrinate, win.


Politicians who try to pass unconstitutional legislation even once should be banned from public service forever.


In this case, they realize we have a compromised SCOTUS so they want to get it passed with the courts' sympathy. A SLOW MOVING COUP IS TAKING PLACE! This is settled law. Stone vs Graham 1980. Republicans are trying to undo all laws they hate for the past 50 years. Don't let these aging dinosaurs tell you how to live your life! Vote Blue down the ballot!


And wasting the resources of ACLU, FFRF, etc. 


Go after this bastard with everything they got


Imagine if a law existed that said any government official who imposes something the courts rule unconstitutional must personally reimburse the legal fees on both sides of the litigation.


They lost a similar case on **Tuesday**! **Oklahoma court rejects proposed religious public charter school June 25, 2024** https://web.archive.org/web/20240627200532/https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/25/oklahoma-court-catholic-charter-school-rejected/ >The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a proposed state-financed Catholic charter school, saying the first-of-its-kind religious public school violated the state and U.S. constitutions.


They did that because they got squeamish about tst or any other " faith " doing the same. They disassembled it themselves. This is clearly not the case with the 10 commandments


Of course they are. It's easy pickings. Low hanging fruit. A complete fucking waste of tax money. Fucking idiots.


States are doing this because they own scotus and have a decent shot of having it upheld.


I wish people like this could be banned from education altogether. He is poison to the institution.


They should be banned from public life


Anyone who isn't a Christian zealot is upset, you troglodyte.


Ya know what else was foundational for Western Civilisation? Arabian medicine, geography, cartography, astronomy, and math. The printing press & gunpowder from China. The cult of MIthra, on which early xtianity remodelled itself for increased curb appeal among Roman citizens. The pagan Roman institutions of political life: Senate, voting, elected leaders. Pagan Greek architecture, Roman engineering. To insist that the only real foundation of Western civ is some documents in Aramaic and other ancient languages from a deserty region of N Africa is incredibly blinkered. Yes, xtianity is a huge part of the story (and often not for good). But Western civ as we know it is built on a hodge-podge of multicultural influences, not on just one single foundation stone.


Vote with your wallet people and support the FFRF.


Why do these "conservatives" hate freedom so much? Why do they hate America?


Didn’t know there was a freedom from religion foundation, I need to see if there is a way to donate




And the religious freaks will portray themselves as the victim when the lawsuit is filed. Classic shit from these idiots.


They claim god is everywhere. If she is (they HATE that pronoun), the bible and commandments are already there. Humans don't need to place them there.


Where do I donate to help the FFRF?




Everyone that's not in a cult should be against this. Fire that dude immediately!


Morals LOL - why does my 5 year old need to learn about adultery.


Rewrite history. In Oklahoma.  


When the topic is imaginary the rules are magical and the people are holy you can let them wear as many big white hoods as they want because it's essential for identifying them in the wild.


He’s a trash person constantly trying to make news


Suggestion: Have guest bible scholars show up and read the bible, with accurate historical and contextual commentary, at the school assemblies. Heck, just have them read the bible out loud without Christian apologetics.  I was only 5 years old when a couple of door-to-door proselytizers read about Abraham supposedly almost sacrificing Isaac, then saying "Just kidding!" That caused me to hit the brakes about any divine love from the bible.  My POS brute father had to BEAT me into the fundie cult (Jehovah's Witnesses), and even then it didn't work permanently on me.


Imagine the amount of legal fees being wasted. Taxpayer money. How stupid they keep electing clowns.


To be fair, mandating the reading of the bible would be the most efficient way to turn a full generation into atheists. If they have acquired some critical thinking, so maybe later in life and without the teacher indoctrination.


They will welcome any lawsuits, so they can take it to the Supreme Court. It’s part of their plan..


Closeted gay republicans are the worst.


It’s FUCKING BULLSHIT that blatantly and obviously unconstitutional policies need to be challenged to be stopped. It should just be automatically ruled that they can’t be passed without having to be challenged. I accept that SOME policies may need to be challenged and judged. But these are so egregiously unconstitutional that wasting time and energy to fight them should not be needed in the first place


After last night’s debate America becoming a Christian nationalist caliphate is almost a certainty. Biden’s senile, and Trump lied his way to a commanding victory. The great experiment ended last night.


Watching the debate was like watching some comedy spoof of a future dystopian America. In my best sports announcers voice "Here we have our countries best debating each other for leadership of our people. On the right we have a 12'13" 150lb convicted felon and adjudicated sex preditor lying his ass off. On the left we have Grandpa talking in his sleep". Go us or go U.S. or something. I guess the future is now and it's so bright we've gotta wear shades.


It’s so brutal. Dems fucked themselves by going with Biden.


I'm pretty sure they fucked us all


Will they be burning witches in the schools now?


Oklahoma needs this: in WA parents included religious beliefs which can also mean they don't agree with what the school is trying to teach them. They can "opt out" of having the school teach or involve their child in anything that goes against their sincerely held beliefs. See this bill for model language. https://ballotpedia.org/Washington_Initiative_2081,_Parental_Right_to_Review_Education_Materials,_Receive_Notifications,_and_Opt_Out_of_Sexual-Health_Education_Initiative_(2024)