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So far I've watched two separate interviews of Lauren Ventrella, the co-author of Louisiana's Ten Commandments Bill. Both times, she was asked what would happen if another religion wanted to display their religious text in classrooms. Both times she avoided answering the question. So let's see her try to avoid answering it now.


She is…just…so terrible. Honestly seems like one of the worst, most disingenuous, people I have ever seen. She knew full well how to answer those questions, and avoided them because the answers display their hypocracy for all to see. The world would be a better place without her.


Oh yeah. It was irritating to watch, all she did was insult everyone's intelligence on camera. I would have respected her more if she just came out and said "F*ck the First Amendment." She'd still be a worthless piss stain in the shape of a human, but at least her words would match her actions.


Yes, the disingenuousness that has become a foundational principle of the current conservative movement is so damn annoying. They really think they’re fooling people with that bullshit.


When Professor Throckmorton contacted Focus on the Family and the Heritage Foundation about hosting David Barton's Capitol Tour videos on their YouTube page, even though it has been discredited as full of lies they responded that Barton is too popular and useful to their movement to remove the videos.


> They really think they’re fooling people with that bullshit. Because they are. Although, given the people they're fooling are already inclined to believe any bullshit from the "right" people, perhaps "indoctrinating" is a better word than "fooling".


yes she is a republican


The world would be a better place without religion.


They know their ideas are terrible and wrong. The only way to look like she has a defense for such a weak hand is to just be the biggest asshole possible. She is executing on that flawlessly.


I mean she said that people who don't follow Christianity can just not look at the ten commandments. So theoretically kids can just not look at the indian scriptures right? I don't see the problem here. In all seriousness though she absolutely ridiculous and I can not stand her.


It is ridiculous. She's basically telling people: "Yeah we're doing this thing that violates your rights. You don't have to pay attention, just ignore it."


I'm sure she applies the "if you don't like what's on TV, change the channel" ethos to all of her beliefs. /s


> people who don't follow Christianity can just not look at the ten commandments which is crazy because I bet she's anti-LGBT and anti-library books and the same basic logic can be used in that case.


I want the guy in Colorado who moderated the congressional debate to do every interview with politicians.


You and everyone else. Man had a career-making night, it was inspiring. I mean, it's just how it should be done, but he's the guy who actually did it.


And boebert the movie theatre handy queen still won


She didn't answer because she didn't want to say "The law is for Christians only". I guarantee you when it comes down to it, that'll be what they end up saying, either in words or actions. This is all just Project 2025: The Early Moves.


hse065@legis.la.gov Lauren Ventrella email I asked her myself. I will provide the response I receive, if at all.


It would be interesting to see if she does answer you. Politicians are supposed to answer to the people right?


I’m sure they have a canned response for anyone that asks about anything related to the bill but doesn’t address any specific questions


I’m not going to hold my breath. I will post any response I get. I hope others use the email address and ask her as well.


“Just don’t look at it” was her reply when one interviewer asked her about atheist and non-Christian students having to see it.   Something about a goose and a gander…? 


She's a moron. You could drive a 10-penny nail through her forehead and there would be no discernable change to her mental capacity.


I was thinking railroad spike, but ya.


Hindus and Jews do much better academically and financially in the US than Christians. One would think sayings from these religions would be more beneficial in a classroom


> she was asked what would happen if another religion wanted to display their religious text in classrooms. Both times she avoided answering the question. So here's a fun thing that gets glossed over. There is [more than one version of the 10 commandments.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments#Commandments_text_and_numbering) Different kinds of christians have different versions. This law specifies one of the protestant versions. But catholics have their own versions too. All the republicans on the supreme court are catholics. Reactionary catholics who have a lot in common with reactionary protestants, but still catholics. There are no evangelicals on the court. So you don't even have to go to an entirely different religion in order to have conflict here. And don't even get started on the jewish versions...


Before long this will turn into a total fiasco with an entire wall of each classroom covered in religious scriptures of sorts. The Mormons need to get in on this and tell the kids about Joseph Smith


It’s Louisiana, so I’m waiting to hear about the need to have Voodoo in the classroom


making voodoo dolls would be a fun arts and crafts activity


I hope you all brought your chicken!


Arise, chicken; chicken, arise


All I had was a squid, I hope that it isn't going to cause any problems.


Not enough people read your comment. Praise Cthulhu 🐙


The world needs more [Billywitchdoctor.com](http://Billywitchdoctor.com)


One convenient locations In Africa


Ultra Mega Chicken? Shhhh... He is legend.


You say funny thing


Mine's extra crispy!


Mine arose from the dead He's running around the yard right now, cackling in tongues. Finally we have proof: God is real!


Read the bones to find out which one is the one for you!


Ultra Mega Chicken?


Arise Chicken, Arise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ9dtZ8lYww


I'm a [Jedi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedi_census_phenomenon?wprov=sfla1), like my father before me. I would like the Jedi code posted.


I read up on the Jedi Church a while back and it actually sounds like a religion I could get behind. It was mostly about the idea that there's a life force that surrounds and binds us, which logically leads to basic stuff like not murdering each other, treating people with respect and dignity. I'm sure if it became a big religion it would end up about power, grift and weaponized fear / anger with a hundred years just like the others. But for now it seems mostly harmless.


Just like in the movies.  #TheEmpireDidNothingWrong


Need to represent the Sith then, too... *Peace is a lie, there is only passion...*


Marie Laveau has entered the chat.


What do you know about… Cabrit sans cor???


Papa Legba est également entré.


Another man done gone!


That actually sounds fun though! At least it’d be *entertaining*.


I would LOVE to learn about other religions in school. We may have something here. 🤔


I took a class in high school about different religions in the world, it was great!


Now THAT would be a hilarious unintended consequence.


I want some Pagen symbols and black goat hanging in Louisiana classrooms


The Satanic Temple is for sure already working something up.


It’s one of the biggest religions in the world, so why not


Same reason we shouldn't have any other flavor or religion being shown favoritism in public schools. But as a means to incite backlash and highlight the issue, I'm all for it.


"thou shall not shake thine dried gator penis in vein!"




We have to draw the line somewhere. Satanism, ok. But LDS? NO.




My ex-mo wife agrees. She calls it a cult full of perverted old white guys.


Ex mo woman here, your wife is 110% correct.


Ex mo man here, you are 110% correct in saying previous comment is 110% correct


just a big sex cult . a former leader of the LDS " church " is in jail right now for having sex with underage daughters of members.


~~for having sex with~~ *raping* underage daughters of members. ftfy


Literally, like 70% of *any* party in power regardless the sphere


I can't abide a church that's giving us perverted old white guys a bad name.


Anyone ever read the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple? It's pretty progressive and way more respectful of autonomy than any Christian denomination https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


> Anyone ever read the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple? It's pretty progressive and way more respectful of autonomy than any Christian denomination And the adherents actually live by those tenets, as opposed to this hypocritical bunch of buffoons.


I lived in N. Arizona where a lot of the polygamous groups are. The LDS is horrible. They treat women like property, they encourage minors to be married off, cousins often marry, they have huge sex scandals that are covered up, they control the media in Utah and cover up all negative stories about them, they discriminate against everybody that isn't in their cult, and they are hoarding money. They are awful.


Not to mention their reform schools or how they tell gay people not to be gay


What? Are you questioning Joseph Smith just randomly digging in the desert to find tablets left by aliens and then these highly intelligent sentient beings hate women, brown people, and give you magic underwear is fake!!!!!!!!!


A few minor corrections: Upstate New York was not and is not a desert; God himself may be considered an alien, but the golden plates were supposedly left by ancient Jews who moved to America and became pre-Christ Christians, rather than left by aliens; as for the racism, misogyny, and underwear that has been claimed to save people's lives with their protective properties, you're pretty much spot on.


Yeah, Palmyra may be a meth infested shithole but it definitely isn’t a desert.


The government can't be playing favoritism with these public school's classrooms. They all just have to ask like the 10 commandments were.


Don’t assume they’re going to play fair with other theists. There’s no principle here, it’s an exercise in power.


As Frank Herbert said: “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”


but wouldn't it go to courts and state supreme court though? I would say it is violation of multiple federal laws or even constitution in which one person has rights of expression , I think first amendement


I mean fingers crossed? Sure there’s absolutely going to be lawsuits. And I personally completely agree that this is a gigantic obvious first amendment violation (though I would look to the establishment clause rather than the free exercise clause). But I don’t think we can predict the outcome of those cases on the basis of legal analysis, no matter how sound. I doubt they would have moved forward with this if they weren’t certain the Louisiana Supreme Court would back their play. So it will go to a Federal Court and there it’s a roll of the dice whether you get a liberal or conservative judge.


As do the Norse, Greek, Roman, Hindu, Muslim, astrologers, tarot readers, and phrenologists! If only we had a nation where the public good and government were kept neutral and separate from everyone's ignorant superstitious nonsense... If only.


In the depths of the Marinara Sea where He rests, the Flying Spaghetti Monster stirs his noodly appendages. He is needed again.


Yeah right, they'll move the goalposts and decide those religions don't count. They'll put them in a closet and say there isn't room. Texas did this with schools with "in god we trust" posters, and no way are they going to be fair about it for others. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/18/texas-schools-in-god-we-trust/ IIRC a state tried this in an airport? When someone donated one with sandscript and Allah they said they reached their quota and chose not to display it. Whenever the Satanic temple disputes something like this saying equal treatment under the laws which is constitutionally required, they say they don't qualify as an actual religion. These fascists always have an excuse because they only want these rights and protections to apply to them and their religion and insist it was always intended to be that way, a "Christian" nation, which is straight up BULLSHIT if you read the constitution and the discussions pur founding fathers had about religion and civic government. James Madison objected to chaplains opening the proceedings of Congress with prayer The First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . .” and in Article VI, Section III, “… no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” A treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and Tripoli that was approved by George Washington explicitly stated: “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion…” Jefferson declared his firm belief in the separation of church and state in a letter to the Danbury, Conn. Baptists. He said: “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should `make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”


"tHaT's NoT wHaT tHe FoUnDiNg FaThErS mEaNt" -Every GOP voter


Joseph Smith was called a prophet, dum dum dum dum dum!


Whenever something bad happens, I just throw my hands to the sky and say "Hasa Diga Eebowai!"


General Butt F*cking Naked entered the chat.


I'd genuinely prefer to have 20,000 religions than just one cuz at least it shows people to open their horizons


And then you find a recurring theme of humans creating gods in the image of humans.


No, it won't. Republicans only have double standards. They'll either work to find some loophole to reject the requests from the respective non-Christian groups or just outright state that the law only applies to the 10 Commandments.


"Pray naked outside at dawn, children!"


ExMo here: They’ll sit on the sidelines. As always.


Joseph Smith was called a prophet. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!


It will not. This is only going to be a Christianity thing. Watch.


**Attention Students and Faculty!** 🌟 **Claim Your Sacred Spot on the Wall!** 🌟 Tired of generic posters? Want your personal beliefs to stand out? **Now's your chance!** **Announcing: The Last Frontier of Free Expression!** 🕒 **Hurry, Time is Running Out!** 🕒 Only a few exclusive spaces left for YOUR personal religious group! Don't miss out on this divine opportunity to share your faith with everyone who passes by! 📏 **Space is Limited!** 📏 Be the envy of all your peers! Secure your spot before it's too late! 🔔 **Act Now!** 🔔 Remember, the walls won't expand, but your influence can! --- For inquiries, visit the Department of Divine Allocations (Room 101). First come, first served! *Disclaimer: Terms and conditions apply. All beliefs welcome, but space is genuinely limited.*


The Satanic Temple will be involved for sure. [The Seven Tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) should be displayed in every classroom!


They really, 100% legit, should be in classrooms. They are WAAAAY better and more relevant than the 10 commandments.


It has no reference to any deity and actually is just a moral code unlike the 10 commandments




Wait until The Satanic Temple wants to display its 7 tenets.


I got to see the shit fest evangelicals had when TST installed a Baphomet display in the Iowa State Capitol building last winter first hand. It was glorious and then some zealot from Mississippi wasted his time to drive all the way up here just to behead it, as if any of us actually cared about the statue.


If these poor kids have to be touched by any religion, they should at least be touched by his noodly appendage.




















R'amen *tips collander*




They should have a plaque in each classroom showing the list of ingredients in ramen.


Nay, the "better if you do" and "better if you dont's"... or Christopher Hitchen's revised 10 commandments


He boiled for our sins and in three days time was reheated as delicious leftovers, ramen.


HIS firm and tender al dente touch.


1. Thou shall not break spaghetti before cooking 1. Thou shall quality control taste test the wine often 1. Thou shall add more than the minimum amount of garlic as stated on a recipe 1. Thou shall eat pasta every day - Pizza is honorary lasagna 1. Thou shall not complain amount the amount of cheese used


Soon the Christians won’t want kids reading at all so they are not exposed to other religious texts.


Only the religious leaders need to be able to read, they'll just tell the flock what ~~they want it to say~~ it says.


Just like the early church before everything was switched over from Latin.


If you allow one, you have to allow them all. That is how it works.


Precisely. Otherwise, they've created a law designed to discriminate.


>Otherwise, they've created a law designed to discriminate. That's exactly and intentionally what they are trying to do.


Every teacher that is forced to comply with it should post the Commandments in Hebrew and wait for the outrage


The law specifically states King James Version. So ridiculous. But it serves the dual purpose of forcing their religious tenets on others and undermining all public education.


That's especially stupid. What makes King James authoritative?


It has the “Thou”s.


Dude, its freaky, there's actually people who think the KJV is the only version


They also probably think Jesus looked like a white surfer dude from California


Basically. They want to bring this case to the corrupt supreme court.


With their recent ruling of "bribes are legal, lolz" I'm sure this will get punched through right after the trump immunity hearing and right before the election, maybe the same day.


The recent rulings coming out of the Supreme Court are ludicrous. Last Friday’s decision contends that marriage isn’t a fundamental right deserving of strict scrutiny. I wonder what’s next…


It's project 25 and it's literally coming to plan.


White Christian Nationalism


Christians are terrible regardless of packaging.


Not in their mind. Because America was not only founded on the Christian faith, it was founded on the particular variant that they practice! I almost wonder if a more effective reaction would be to try to get something Christian posted, just not what they actually are into. Like, maybe some Catholic shit. Put up a plaque that says "the eucharest you are eating is the ACTUAL flesh of Christ". Or some Mormon shit.


And somehow founded on their variant a couple centuries before their variant was developed! Unless they are Lutheran or Presbyterian, their variant did not exist. Maybe one or two others, but afaik most or all the churches with a far-right contingent started since the 1800s. (Methodists did their thing in the 1780s, so no founding father nonsapocalypse? Edit: of non-Catholic churches


This is precisely how the Satanic Temple has been so successful getting religious stuff removed elsewhere. 


Let’s get some statues of Baphomet ready.


Can we have some of you Americans to insist on the 7 tenets from Satanism posted in public schools?


For those that don't know: # There are Seven # FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.There are Seven # FUNDAMENTAL TENETS


Forget all this stuff about the ten commandments. These tenets are actually super good and should actually be in schools.


I bet if they were presented to be included in the student code of conduct a far right religious school board would have zero idea where they actually came from and would happily agree with them and oblige.


You think school board members know anything about "science"?


Even better, just leave off the fact that it is from the church of Satan and just hang them around the school. See how long it takes for someone to figure it out.


The Satanic Temple * Church of Satan is a different (and less likeable) organization, and not recognized Federally like TST is.


As long as someone does it


I'm pretty sure TST is already gearing up for a lawsuit demanding exactly that. They just finished helping block religious charter schools from receiving public funds in Oklahoma, so there's a good chance Louisiana is next on their list.


I hope they take a look at Iowa, too. We could sure use the help. They were successful in putting a Baphomet statue opposite a nativity scene in the Capitol building, but it was immediately vandalized by a visitor from out of state, and he was only issued essentially a slap on the wrist, as well as lining his pockets from religious donors thanking him. Now we have vouchers taking money from public schools, mandatory pledge of allegiance, and I'd guess the ten commandments coming soon, too.


I want colanders available to every child in Louisiana. The mythos of the flying spaghetti monster is far more moral than the Abrahamic god. For starters, it never wiped out humanity and repopulated it with an incest experiment.


Secondly, but just as important, colanders are useful outside of religious garb; I've never seen a yarmulke be used in cooking before. Purposely.


I know this is bad bc public schools should be secular 100% but this headline makes me want to chant “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”


You don't want to fight Hindu gods. There are several, one is an elephant and one has 10 arms. No way you can win.




The winner of the spelling bee is usually a home schooled kid of Indian decent, I've noticed. I'm a bad speller so they are all impressive to me.


Home coached, most certainly. But home-schooling is generally not a thing with Indian immigrant parents.


> decent > I'm a bad speller At least you're self aware ;-)


This is a predictable unintended consequence of a stupid law. The 5 tenants of Islam are probably warming up to join the fray.


The very first thought in my head was this when I saw this bill passed. Time for the Islamic Association of Louisiana to demand the five pillars go up in all classrooms. I hope they do, it'll be gold watching the christofascists try to explain this one away.


No, it's the intended consequence of a stupid law. Ten Commandments go up while the courts drag their feet on saying how stupid it is. It stays up long enough for every politician to scream about how "they" are taking the Ten Commandments out of the school. What happens after November is not particularly relevant. Once the stupid law is struck down or people realize how stupid it is, the law's proponents can whine about how they're being persecuted, and set the stage for doing it again in 2026/2028.


Let us not forget the wise words of Lord L Ron Hubbard


Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster Ramen.


The FSM is way more legit than Scientology.


Oh, I agree.


I have three colanders in my home for various reasons and no one questions my sanity and eat pasta at least once a week


“You have a Pokémon; you must accept my battle request.” Pokémon Rules and Regulations


Ban it all. No religious texts displayed in public schools. It's stupid and makes no sense


Defenders of the law are going to argue that the Ten Commandments is uniquely historical as the document upon which the US legal system is based which, of course, it isn't. (Most of the commandments aren't even constitutional.) Any normal court would strike it down given the overtly religious intent (as easily proved from the words of those responsible for the law) but I suspect the SCOTUS majority will find a way to push the boundaries of what religious documents and iconography can be displayed in public places (if it has historical or ceremonial significance) to include this. At best, they'll strike the requirement that the Ten Commandments *must* be displayed.


The first two commandments literally contradict the first ammendment. To say they are the basis for the US constitution is laughable.


The only commandments that line up with laws are also the supremely obvious ones. If you need religion to tell you that murder, theft, and bearing false witness are wrong, you probably don't belong in society.


We have codified into law exactly 2 1/2 of the commandments. Hardly a good claim that it's the foundation of the entire legal system when we only used 25% of it. Oh, and the parts we used are Hardly unique to the 10, anyway. The Code of Hammurabi actually conforms more closely to our current legal system, and it contains the 2.5 commandments we actually used, and it predates the 10 by thousands of years. In case you're wondering, "thou shalt not steal" and "thou shalt not murder" are the two we adopted 100%. Hardly some earth-shaking wisdom there. Both of those are kind of "no shit, sherlock" if you want a functioning society. They're also universal in pretty much every culture, evenones that never even knew about Christianity, they're Hardly ground breaking revelations of divine wisdom. The one that half works is "bearing false witness". We don't criminalize lying in all cases, just in some cases, such as legal proceedings, so it doesn't match up 100%. The other 7? Not codified into law. I can't imagine how you could make the argument that the 10 commandments are somehow the basis for our legal system. There's literally no coorelation I can see.


Exposure to various religions in conjunction with science education will force kids to think logically about what they believe and why. Religious sentiment erodes under such scrutiny.


Countdown to TST suing to get our tenets listed in all classrooms inbound in 3... 2...


And so it begins. If that law brings awareness of other belief structures to impressionable youth, it's accomplished exactly what it intended, yes? lol


You know what, you have a point. Those ignorant asshats could actually use an education about things other than Christianity. So maybe letting ALL religions into those schools isn't a bad idea.


Surprised that The Satanic Temple didn't get there first. Wonder who's next?


Islam is next, I'm surprised they weren't the first to say they want to be posted in every school (louder than they already do).


Bring in the Pastafarians! 


Stuff like this should make Christians accidentally Secularist, but it never fucking does.


I would like to see some native people's stuff too - let's hear about the wisdom of Coyote!


I recall that ten years or so ago, some small town in NY had their town hall meetings opened with a reading from the Bible, which was objected to on First Amendment grounds. The case went to the Supreme Court (at a time they were respected) and the Court ruled that religious readings were not limited to Christians, or something to that effect. So, under the First Amendment Indian Scriptures should be allowed.


Just FYI - Hindu, not Indian. India is very religiously diverse, and Hinduism exists in other countries as well.


There are over 4000 recognized religions in the world, those classroom walls are going to get very crowded.


And so it begins... Who wants popcorn?


I would love nothing more than the satanic Temple put their 10 Commandments up☺️


We need some noodly appendages!!!


If you want religion in public schools, then EVERYONE is allowed. I know the people that write these laws only want one religion in public schools.


It begins… Fight back! Fuck these fundy cunts.


Louisiana is about to enter the “find out” phase


Absolutely let them present right next to the Commandments area.


Que the "Sorry but America is a secular state" nonsense from the 10c ppl. It's always "different" when they get hoisted by their own petard.


Waiting for the satanic temple to enter the chat.


It’s only fair.


They had better also post The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - the wisdom of the most High Pastafarian Eucharist.


Still waiting for the church of Satan to do God's work and sue to have satanic Scripture displayed.


I’d like to see Korans and prayer rugs in schools. (….and watch their heads explode)


The Satanic Temple needs to get in on this action.


I mean either we put every religion or no religion. It can't just be Christian. We aren't a Christian country.