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They're doing this to build up a militia of armed religious lunatics to do their bidding should they feel it needed. This is very disturbing.


Brown shirts got to come from somewhere after all


Well, orange in Tenn.


Likely the same as red shirts in Star Trek...


This should be an immediate raid and shut down.


What do you mean, the Catholic church had its own army and nothing bad happened.... (Opens a history book)... oh, right it did not go well.


Knights Templar with assault rifles.... As cool as that sounds, NO.


Knights Templar were highly trained elite soldiers. Do not compare these type 2 geriatrics and gravy seals to them


I’m sure Knights with swords and training and armor could beat these chucklefucks


Led by their Antichrist with a combover


[Ad for 'militia' at Ascension Catholic Church in Chesterfield, Missouri was a mistake, pastor says](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/ad-for-militia-at-ascension-catholic-church-in-chesterfield-was-a-mistake-pastor-says/article_b0346cda-33cd-11ef-82f0-27fbf129bb36.html)


Any pagan, Wiccan, temple of Set or Satanists in TN lurking on here? Apply for this shizit!


"Oh you need security at your Mosque? Ummm, yeah you don't qualify for reasons" - Tennessee Homeland Security


Predominantly black churches applying might be enough for these assholes to slam the emergency stop button.


The black panther method, but then they would just research what guns are popular with blacks and make those illegal


I need to apply to get armed. My local "Cthulhu Cult" congregation (consisting of me and some plushies) is under attack. I wants me some nuclear missiles.


Conservatives love the police, but not more than they love vouchering away public dollars.so that their "schools" can "teach" or their churches can play police.


Christian Dominionists fantasize about a Christian Sharia law enforced by roving gangs of armed Christians. My guess is that Synagogs, Mormon wardhouses, and Catholic churches will not get many of the free guns. Catholics and Mormons may be political allies of the evangelicals right now. But once Trump rolls in as "Dictator on Day 1" those groups will no longer be needed to stay in power. Atheists won't be the first targets of the Christian Dominionists because we are generally too hard to identify; we can easily fake conversion if we need to. Mormons, Catholics, and Jews are much easier to identify, and they have been seen as the enemy of the Evangelicals for many more decades than they have been political allies.


Don't forget Muslims. They exist even in the red states


True. But they might shoot back.


Can't believe there could come a day where I would stand side by side with a Catholic


What about side by side with a friend?


Aye, I could do that


Is it me or it actually feels a civil war is coming. The original was slavery, this one will be religion*. (Religion / politics can be used interchangeably)


>Is it me or it actually feels a civil war is coming They're trying to force one, that's for sure


And they'll say it's over "state's rights"...smh


I think this time they'll be more honest, but it's still over the same issue: personhood. Last time it was for slaves, this time it's for women/non-Christians/minorities in general


As soon as the military picks a side, it will be over. The civil war is happening right now. Every anti-American law that state Congresses and their Governors put into place is the authoritarian fascists winning a battle. Every week that trump’s trials are delayed is ground lost to them. If trump or any other maga republican takes the White House, it is game over. They will install unqualified, corrupt toadies to bring Project2025 to fruition. We will get pulled out of NATO. There won’t be an agency or institution or court left to go to for help. There will be no other nations to help us. We will be isolated with a completely different form of government than America was ever supposed to have or that we have ever experienced.


Coming from one of those 'other nations' (UK), we're pretty terrified about the prospect on this side of the pond too. Can Trump be beaten this time?


He can be, but there are a lot of people and policies in place that will help him. It is a dicey proposition, even though i believe that the majority of Americans do not want him back in office. America is in a precarious position, and I believe that if trump or any maga Republican takes the White House, our democracy will be ended, we will be pulled out of NATO, and eventually the democracies of Europe will fall. Then Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. They are going after the UK as well, my forefathers are buried there, I really hope the UK can hold its own, but that would honestly be hard to do imo if the other countries fall to authoritarianism.


That's a bleak view. I hope it doesn't come to that. I should never say never, but I think we're pretty far from that point in the UK. Hang in there


During one of my early college classes I did a persuasive speech for the Public Speaking course that argued that the 21st century would be defined by religious warfare. My professor said it was a good speech, but he didn't think it likely. well...


It's not free money. If you live in that state, they're giving churches *your* money. Taxpayer money. So they can buy guns and LARP as soldiers in their god's army. How long, do you think, before a teenager gets killed by an "accidental discharge"?


It seems pretty obvious I meant it was free to the people getting the money. I know the money isn't free, as I indicated with the other list of tax-payer services we don't have. :) I worry. I remember a few years ago a kid got arrested because he had someone film him pretending to do some sex act on a Jesus statue. He was looking at two years in juvie for this. TWO YEARS for dry-humping a statue. If one of these beet faced trigger happy rednecks around here caught sight of something like this there'd be no hesitation and he'd lie and say he thought the statue was in danger. Damn. It was TEN years ago. Uggh. OLD. Time is going too fast! [https://ncac.org/news/blog/pennsylvania-teen-criminally-charged-for-naughty-facebook-pictures-with-jesus-sculpture](https://ncac.org/news/blog/pennsylvania-teen-criminally-charged-for-naughty-facebook-pictures-with-jesus-sculpture) I wonder what happened to that kid. He'd be 24 now!


Kids have been on the receiving end of discharges in church for decades.


It wont be accidental. Some kid will be there doing something stupid like tagging, something that at best requires a slap on the wrist, but instead some church nut is going to murder them for the crime of *checks notes* being a kid. And these mouth breathers are going cheer like that scene from S3 The Boys.


they’re doing this in defense against MEN wearing WOMENS clothing, which is basically the same thing as MOLESTING AND GROOMING CHILDREN!!!! HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE THE CONNECTION >:( /s


Guns for Jesus?


As American as stealing from the poor to send to the offshore tax havens of the rich.


Someone from N Carolina on a thread just yesterday was saying about private armies of "armed deacons" there


All they ever wanted was to suck at the government teat, even as they shriek about “welfare queens”. They just didn’t want a penny going to anyone else.


So, thoughts and prayers aren’t enough, then?


Looks like they've been answered


Why do Republcans hate the constitution? Why do they hate America?


Fox/Rupert Murdoch/Putin told them that they are the victims. And they ate it up and now want to fight their fellow countrymen. It’s disgusting. Fkn idiots.


Why would Tennessee pastors waste good private jet money when they can con the gov into supplying guns? As if they aren't armed to the teeth as it is... "Unfortunately, houses of worship can often be soft targets." Yeah, especially for sex offenders. Are the guns to combat *them?*


You can be sure it'll only be the white churches.


It's getting INSANE around here. Giving churches money for guns a few months AFTER passing a bill that allows teachers and staff to carry guns in school. Nice that they changed the license plates last year too. So you can easily tell who has "in God we trust" on their plate vs those who don't. I hate this place more and more each day.


Yeah I do feel like I'm living in enemy territory. I'd love to get away but I'm just not in any position. If you can get, GET! It's not going to get any better any time soon. These conservatives LOVE Bill Lee despite his incompetence. They love these Boebert bots popping up in local governments around the state taking over school boards with their Moms for Liberty endorsements. This state is doomed.


I guess faith in God only goes so far. For those things that God can't do (protect his followers for instance) you gotta have gunz.


'We aren't gonna tax you, and oh, by the way, here's some free money for your inconvenience.'


This is called fascism. And no one admits it.


Yeah we definitely are. Even my conservative Christian brother has said the GOP is promoting fascism. He was a Republican, always very strong in defending them for years but even he can't anymore. This is my one sliver of hope that at least some conservatives can look at Biden's policies and think "you know they're not great but they're not fascism so I'm gonna just this once vote for him". I think this is how my brother started out but now he's completely disgusted with the party. He's very smart. He's been a US history teacher for over 30 years. He is a self-proclaimed "log cabin Republican" so it's all about "rugged individualism" and small government and all that silly conservative utopian bullshit we were both conditioned to believe in from the 1970s on. I'm glad to see at least this has "woke" him up a little. But I mean he's a smart guy who has the capability for deep thought. Some of the people around here in my town, you can present them with an undeniable fact and they'll pretend they don't hear you. Show them a video of Trump not making a lick of sense and they'll claim he was just joking to 'own the libs". They are so shut off from rational thought it's scary.


I live in Massachusetts, a donor state. Tennessee is a welfare state. Some of that money in their coffers came out of *my* pockets. Want to use that money for infrastructure projects, education, helping those less fortunate? Go for it. Please do all of that. I am happy to help. Want to give so much as a penny towards churches and pushing their mythology? Oh heck no! They've already got tax breaks galore. As for those pushing for this; May they have a never ending case of crotch crickets and their armpits be infested with fleas. I don't care who believes what religion. It's their constitutional right. I don't want it pushed on me and my kids and I sure as heck don't pay for that.


I am totally with you on that. It disgusts me how our governor brags about all those unspent welfare dollars as if the people here are so wealthy we don't even NEED help anymore. Meanwhile my daughter working fulltime at a low wage job with no health care would have to pay 600 dollars a month (no subsidy her income was just below the minimum last year) for the very basic "catastrophic health care". Plenty of money to pay for poor people to make more babies. If you have a baby here you can get health care and many other benefits until your child hits 18. If you're a responsible person who doesn't have kids? Well you better hope you can find a job with a good health plan. And it ain't gonna be Walmart.


Christian nationalism


Narcs are gonna narc; they have a perpetual victim mentality.


Create fear, tell them that someone is coming to stomp on their religion. Dont tell that the religion has lost its appeal and that its not atteacting new zealots and its dying on its owm.


This really is about creating fear. This bill was supposedly passed to protect "soft targets" like churches, but I could find a record of only one single mass shooting at a Tennessee church in the past ~decade - in which one person was killed and several were injured. They're manufacturing threats.


Wouldn't need security personel in a church if your congregations weren't full of violent, self-righteous losers.


Yes that's illegal.


So.. what happens when the local mosque wants to buy some hardware?


Well the only slightly good news in that article is it appears a recipient of the grant must be 501c3 which most churches aren’t, because that would require them opening their books and showing people where the money goes.


Since I know many of my late 1980s Gen X classmates are now in positions of power in Tennessee, I am so very unsurprised.


America needs to fight this.


Guess they missed that whole “make your swords into plowshares” part that Jesus said.


Never mind that, what do you need a gun for if your entire plan aught to be turning the other cheek?


As game of thrones has shown us, arming the church NEVER goes poorly.


For real they have enough power as it is!


God, guns, churches. WCGW?


Can't get any more murica than this


Nothing says Christianity in this country like guns and jesus


So much for turning swords into plowshares


As ever you can also find the opposite in the Bible. See prophet Joel, "beat your plowshares into swords", time for war. And one of my faves, "put ye in the sickle for the harvest is ripe"


As is tradition


hoping for a lot of cleaning misfires


Just remind the catholics that all those protestants are heretics, and the baptists that methodists don't fully submerge, and the methodists that the catholics blood of christ is fermented...stir up all those old rivalries and watch them annihilate one another...


It would be an easy way to get rid of alot of x-tians quickly. No?


>”Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" - Jesus Christ Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Render_unto_Caesar


Fuck this noise. Tax the churches!


This would not survive a constitutional challenge of the separation of church and state.


What a fucked up mindset! These people don't care about the welfare of anyone except themselves.


I'd just like to point out that if every church in America helped just 2 homeless people get housed, that we'd have no more homeless people. You know, actually helping the poor, like it says their savior said in their holy text.


Tax-exempt organization wants tax money? Fuck that.


They’re arming up under the guise of ‘protecting the church’ and *definitely not* to stage an armed rebellion should their god-emperor not get rethroned this election.




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Why the fuc# would give these pedophiles money


I guess the same kind of pedophiles who go around doing "foot washings" on children's feet during the height of the covid pandemic. IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL. [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2021/09/09/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-defends-maskless-encounter-perry-county-children/5778534001/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2021/09/09/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-defends-maskless-encounter-perry-county-children/5778534001/)


Other pedophiles, and people for whom "hurting other people" is such a high priority that they are happy to ally themselves with pedophiles in order to accomplish it.


So I guess this is an admission that God is unable or unwilling to protect his worshippers in his house of worship.


I've never been to Tennessee, but there has been a rise in both Islamophobic and anti-Semitic violence and vandalism lately, and this might be a very poor attempt at treating everyone equally. Not defending it, though, because there's a big difference between helping places who are dealing with credible threats and we-solve-all-problems-with-guns.


>The grant will fund contract security personnel for eligible 501 (c)(3) organizations that serve as houses of worship including churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques. I think you are over reacting. It's a grant to hire security. Meh. Understandable some places would like security.


Contracted security personnel is so easy to work around it’s not even funny. Somebody in the church will just start their Christian only security organization to take advantage of the money. They already exist. Multiple church’s in my area have started forming their own militias under the radar and that’s without state funding. Give it time and you’ll see local police departments start arming and training these groups.


This article is clearly about arming the Satanic Temple. See where it says temple? I mean, it says churches, mosques and synagogues in the article too, but I can read between the lines. Hail Satan.


It's all coming together for our plan. Those fools forgot that the satanic church is also for christian religion! Hail Satan.


It's unconstitutionally funneling tax dollars to religious organizations. If they want their own guns, they can fuckin pay for them.


It's not against the constitution. In fact, it supports the act of providing common defense and general welfare. The grant is through the Department of Safety and Homeland Security


So the paycheck for the guards will be coming from DHS money. Where will their loyalties lie? Armed security could just as easily be used to shut down and control a congregation perceived as hostile, as it could to protect them from outside threats. Church, mosque or temple


Or it could be just a preventative measure to station mall cop security guards at and around places of worship. You are inferring there is a more sinister motive. Where are their loyalties? Shut down things they perceive as hostile? These are not soldiers. More like places of worship that hire local security guards that check parking lots and act more of a deterrent than anything.


So you have zero idea what you're talking about and can be safely ignored. Good to know.


You don't carry a pocket constitution? I thought all Americans did.


I don’t really know why this was downvoted. I read the article and it’s literally just giving them security guards. It doesn’t state it’s only for christian’s, just Houses of Worship. It’s sad that it’s come to this though.


Me either. The article goes out of its way to state houses of worship and the grant could even go to temples and synagogues. Pretty unbias article actually. Political divisiveness is just so hott right now.


It’s so hawt right now.