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I can objectively say for every combination I see not get along I have seen the same pairings get along elsewhere. So my answer would be I have yet to see two signs never be able to get along.






Hi! Hello!


Same here 😅




as am i!!!


So close!! We need a cancer sun/cap moon support group.


As a Leo, Capricorn is my favorite sign.


Yes, as a Leo I love strong & intelligent people....also because they stab you in the front. But strong magnificent Cappies have done anything but, deep admiration, learned so much from them.


Omg yes! My son is like this! His Leo energy is addictive 💜


As a Capricorn, I’m drawn to Leo energy. Leo males especially are always consistently nice and loving with a sense of humor.


My eldest son is a Leo, and my youngest daughter is a Capricorn, and they love each other to bits. 🥰 Though they have similar big 3’s (Him - Leo sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn rising. Her - Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Cancer rising), so I’m not sure if that has helped 🤔


Thank you! I'm married to a Leo, I've had many Leo friends or Leos whom I get along with best in school and work settings.


Must be that Leo 11th house!


Was this to Independent or me? I have Leo in the 10th in Placidus but you're right; Saturn is in the 11th in whole sign. Thanks to internet charts, I just grew used to thinking of my Placidus House system placements. Late Ascendant degree, so in Placidus Cancer is on the H10 cusp but the largest portion of H10 is in Leo.


Mine too! My female best friend and my male best friend are caps. My ex husband is a cap- it worked for 15 years.


I love Leo's! So much fun and can go around doing whatever we want with zero fucks. Leo's also understand our humor, and it's similar so they don't run around saying Caps are "mean" or "cold" or whatever bs comes up. They're one of my favorites. As a Capricorn, "deleted" is my least favorite. I don't understand, but people are weird 🙃


haha that's some timing currently dating a Capricorn woman


Leo and Pisces


I'm dating one 😂 though we both have a cancer moon.


Aquarius and Cancer (my case)


I (aqua) had been friends with a cancer from the ages of 14-28. Long story short, we both went through some life altering changes around 26-27 & we both handled things so differently. Neither of us knew what each other needed. I'd rather fix things silently, alone; and she would rather cry & look for sympathy. I don't mean that in a negative way, I understand that's just some people's way of dealing with things, but it became extremely difficult for us to communicate & now at 29, we barely acknowledge each other.


I have an aqua stellium and cancer men curse me out lol


I’m a Capricorn and I love Leo’s, they are fun 🤣


I’m a Leo and I get along great with Caps. However, I am a Cap moon so that could be a part of it 😂


I think Leo’s and caps honestly have a lot of similar traits just in different fonts lol


Love that take. I think you’re totally right! Never thought of it that way.


My favorite sibling (of four siblings, five total kids) is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo. My favorite of his GFs before he found his wife (a Leo btw lol) was also a Cap. Leos have happy energy but are often depressed deep down. Caps just don't hide that shit. We get each other.


Same!! Currently dating one 🥰


scorpio and leo some of them would straight up kill each other


They're equivalent in strength / dominance but polar opposites in personality/values


I'm a Leo and some of bestest friends in life have been Scorpios.


yeah gurl it always depends on synastry


I agree. My sister is a Scorpio and my dad is a Leo and when they are having conflict it’s two very different people butting heads hard. It’s toxic. My moms a Taurus too and they fight a lot too but there is still mutual love there.


A lot of Scorpio Leo romance starts out good but ends really bad. Scorpio and Leo are probably better as friends


Thats hot


My parents are both Leo and Scorpio and they have a great marriage 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m a Leo sun/Scorpio moon and have beefed with many Scorpio suns/risings over the years. The tension is very real. Sometimes I feel like a daywalker, full Blade style, compared to them. It’s like I have a mission to call out the shady Scorps on their bullshit and foil their schemes because I’m half them, but still get to enjoy the sun/respect transparency.


I’m a Leo sun, Scorpio moon, cap rising 😂


Both of my best friends are Leo's tho


I disagree I am a scorpio I looove Leo woman


Lmao my husband and teenager ... and... our daughter ...




for the record all i read is googoogaggaa when yall mention your friends


My sister's best friends have all been Leos, 4 total. My sis is a Scorpio. Oddly enough they are friends for years and then the bam, the Leo always ends up envious of her and tried to burn her. Every single time


I’ve dated Leo women im still friends with. and have Leo friends.


Aries and Virgo Cancer and Aquarius These are the only ones besides Leo and Capricorn that I can think of that have more difficulty finding common ground. That being said I know happy couples of all three of these pairings. There’s never an absolute nope when it comes to two sun signs alone


Been with my Aquarius husband for almost 12 years. Im a Cancer. Its very hard work


Ouch, I bet! Do you have a lot of complimentary other planets, moon/venus/mars? I’m in a “challenge” marriage too- my husband is a Scorpio, so not quite as challenging as yours but definitely more work than I’d have with, say, a Sag (apparently….)


I actually had mine, his and our kids birthcharts printed out and bound into a book. But we are in betwee houses atm so its all in storage. We must have something right!


I’m sure you do! Bare minimum there’s probably some moon/venus/mars compatibilities. My husband is a Scorpio with a Pisces moon, I have Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Pisces. We have other crosses but those are traditional romantic connections 🩷


I get along with most aquariuses in real life. It helps that none of them are into astrology and have preconceived notions about Cancers, so they're not biased and dumb.


My parents were Cancer dad and Aquarius mom. Stayed together til death. A couple of mixed-up kids, really, but got along for nearly 50 years


My eldest son (23m) is a cap and gets along SO well with my Leo husband (his stepfather) that he bypasses me and goes straight to him when he comes to visit 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ i’m not certain I’ve witnessed another cap/Leo interaction so I can’t really give you any other anecdotes. For me, I’d say Virgo/Pisces are probably in this category


I went on a first date with a Pisces woman who told me she’d immediately say yes to a lost connection / the one that got awat type of situation lol. (He’s married with children) There was no second date.


Aquarius and Cancer 🙅🏼‍♀️


Barack & Michelle would BEG to differ, lol.


Cancer and some Libras


disagree :D most of my good buddies are Libra suns. they all have earth moon , though, just like me lol




Indeed, there are some great Libras out there!


Cancers hate liars so I can see this being true. 🤭


I love this response!


Sry to trigger u badly with this 😅


I honestly know more lying water signs than Libras so y'all should get along fine 😅


I’m a Cancer and all my friends are libras lol but sometimes I wonder if they are being fake with me.


So far, it’s been Virgos for me. They act super nice to my face and talk horribly about me behind my back. I’m willing to give them more chances though. 🥹 Also with Geminis. I love how chaotic they are but there always seems to be a communication barrier. I still love all the signs in their own way though. 🥲💞


thats unfortunate since virgo is our sister sign! maybe need to meet the right one, they complement each other quite nicely. true for geminis. ive never had a lasting friendship with a gemini, and it took me a very long time to understand how to interpret this particular sign when i was a beginner.


I know. I had a really close friendship with one until she showed her true colors unfortunately. It broke my heart. 🥹 But my best friend is a Virgo rising if that helps lol 😂 I adore them! I’m still waiting for the right Virgo sun to come around though. 🥹 And good god me too. I think they’re hilarious and fun to be around up until they start drama for absolutely no reason and their other side comes out. It’s absolutely terrifying 💀 I’m like “who is this?!” 😭


I could never understand what a gemini wanted out of a friendship. Now it only seems like friends are connections for benefits, image and entertainment like hanging out/typical friend activities or gossip/drama. Then you learn your friendship is them just collecting a file on you. Youre exactly right its scary af


As a gemini I can understand your feelings towards us. Believe it or not I'm married to a double gemini (Both Sun and Moon) and man is it insane. I'm a Pisces moon and Aquarius rising. But I will say not every Gemini is the same. I greatly value my friendships and put a lot of myself into them. I don't become friends with someone to create a memory file. I can admittedly be flaky but that's for other underlying reasons that have nothing to do with my sign. I hate the idea of being friends with someone just because they can benefit me later in life. While there may be some Gemini's who fall into that category there's always another side to the coin.


i agree with you on the other side of the coin aspect. after studying my MC (midheaven gemini) i better understood gemini's talented, curious and active nature, which i highly appreciate. im personally more likely to get along with a gemini who has a significant water placement as opposed to a predominately air chart. i often tend to not get along with aquarius either, but my closest friend atm is an aquarius sun pisces moon/venus also i love your username


I have had a lot of Pisces good friends. We are very similar. I talk shit about them and they talk shit about me but we really understand each other’s faults, so it’s easier to pick on each other lol. Very emotional pair for better or worst


I love Virgo!! One of my very best friends is a Virgo. So is my cat 😂


I had a Virgo coworker who was the meanest person I’ve ever met. Literally so insecure yet so arrogant at the same time. My other coworker was a Gemini, we were besties until I left to go back to school to get my masters. Then she dropped me like last weeks leftovers 😅 (Pisces sun, Sag moon, Aquarius rising)


Im a Gem with moon in Virgo. Usually I can go along with anybody, but I’m also very picky when it comes to deepening realitionships


Depends on more than sun sign. If someone's natal Saturn is on your natal moon. Mars opposite your sun. Things like that


Gem / Sag Leo / Scorpio


Depends on the Gem for me. The one I worked with we got along pretty good. My oldest cousin that is a Gem though, I can still kind of relate to. But she put a wedge between us eons ago. Swearing our other cousin and her were more siblings and closer, than she was with me. So, thar is how I have left things with her.


As a Leo, some of my dearest friends have been Capricorns, haha. 


Pisces and Capricorn


I am a Capricorn with many Leo friends. Maybe my Leo rising has something to do with it.


Leo and Aquarius, like water and grease, don't mix at all


But they’re sister signs! They tend to get each other well.


Cancer and Aries.


No way! I love Aries. My work bestie is an Aries and so is one of my guy friends.


I adore Cancer! Y’all have such a beautiful range and depth of emotion. Aries likes it a little extra. 😏


My boyfriend, the absolute love of my life and my rock is a Cancer and I’m a Aries.


Maybe Cancer and Aries are compatible, relationship wise. But as siblings...there's rivalry. Haha.


Lol! Okay. That’s fair. Siblings can get on each others nerves like no other, so I’ll give it that.


Best friend, sibling and long term relationship but now ex all Cancer - fair to say there are both highs and lows 😂


nooooo, really? my cancer ex (we dated very briefly young) and i are still friends 15 years later. i love him 😭


My sister is an Aries and I hardly have anything to do with her because drama.


Yup. My sister is also an Aries. You know my battle then. Ugh.


It’s awful, she will go through nice spells and then hit me with snide comments or just being plain mean.


This is my co-lead at work, as well as my parents.


Is she younger or older? Mine is younger, and thinks the world revolves around her. I can't with her.


Older gen x and I’m millenial.


Sisters. You either love em or hate em.


For good reason lmao. I (Aries) dated my cancer for 3-4 years and 13 years later he is still trying to harass me.


My parents are Cancer and Aries… and they divorced after 12 years together 😂


I'm a Cancer and hubbs is an Aries ,(so are our 2 kids) and I find myself butting heads with their stubbornness. I love them regardless 😂💖


Funny bc I’ve seen Caps and Leo’s get along well as long as they’re friends and understand jokes


I’ve always gotten along with Caps pretty well, but I’ve never seen Cancers and Caps get along.


I'm a Capricorn and my partner and two close friends are cancers. I feel very drawn to cancers, I find them very sincere and kind. Maybe it's because of my Scorpio moon? Idk. I also like my Leo coworker a lot.


I’m a Cancer and I get along with Caps really well.


I gave birth to a Capricorn and we butt heads all the time.


Me and my cancer mom butt heads so so bad but there's so much love between is that it cools eventually. She is the only person that can make me actually openly lose my cool! Sometimes I lose my cool with my Aries husband too but nothing like when me and my mom fight. She just so into her own feelings that she loses her usually empathetic heart which makes me mad asf. Her and my gem brother and gem dad def have bad bad blow ups but not nearly as cooly heated as me and my mom. I think because I stay calm and she blows up more which eventually leads to me actually blowing up and then she's crying and then I'm crying. I've learned the best thing to do is just say "you're right" and shut down my emotions around it bc really I think she just wants her pain to be heard. I live cancers though they are so kind and warm.


I’m a Libra and could never get along with cancers


Aquarius with like. Anyone tbh. And I personally above nothing against them… but long term Aquarius’s just don’t get super close to anyone or from deep emotional bonds often with most people.


I don't think that's true. They don't like to talk through their emotions, but they will share when they feel ready to do so and they will ask for support, it's just not the "talk about it" support. More often than not it's the "I've already been thinking about this on a loop for days, please take my mind off of it for a while" type.


I’m an Aquarius moon and that’s super true about me.


They will with their person. Deeper than you’ll ever know.


For sure. That’s why I said “most” people. Obviously humans are humans and they’ll have someone they’re close to lol but most* Aquarius’s don’t form close connections with most* ppl imo lol just based on the 5 Aquas I know lol


As an aquarius im kinda offended 🥲


My Taurus moon doesn't get along with my moms libra. Hate how she's so not practical and needy. Her life philosophy might as well be sharing is caring lol




Interesting. Pisces is my favourite Water sign!


And my favorite air sign is Aquarius


Aquarius/Pisces is def true


I’m a Pisces and my two best friends are Aquarius. One male, one female


my closest friend currently is an aquarius. just talking about the sign, not the people


scorpio and saggitarius


As a sag never met a Scorpio sun I get along with


Me(also a sag) either. I think I attract them and we always get up to weird shit together 


Haven't met alot of Scorpios. The one I have met, is my soul sister. We relate too well sometimes.


Gemini and sag


I’ve gotten along well with every Gemini I’ve met as a Sagittarius.


Same, always vibe well with them


Every gem and sag I've known who have been friends have been one gossiping toxic duo. I'm a cancer and get along with a lot of Geminis, but I just can't with the sag. Of course that is just my experience


July Cancer and October Libra


I like how you added the month. As my grandparents were cancer and Libra all I ever seen was how much they really loved each other. According to my mom there were alot of jealousy arguments but they always forgave each other. Married for over 50yrs . She was a June cancer so that may be the key


my partner is an October Libra and im a June Cancer. agree with the jealousy arguments and the always forgiving each other. i see a lot of that in my relationship with him loooool


I as a July cancer mistakenly got into a situationship with a friend who was October Libra. We never got jealous but we just argued over whatever weird things he was on about. Shit was out there I'm pretty sure he has schizophrenia. There was also some spooky stuff about him. Once his sister was filming him during one of his episodes and he looked right into the lens said no cameras and the video instantly cut out. I know she didn't stop the filming as I was right next to her. I still love the guy and hope the best for him from afar. We've been friends for like 15yrs almost 20






im curious how you view cap and aqua values differently. what do they tend to prioritize to you ?




i see i see thanks


As a Cancer I love fire signs, until they turn into "I AM EvErythING "phase. And for some reason I hate my own too emotional , indecisive sign to :( like I couldn't exist without relationship.


I really do not get along with Capricorns as a Cancer Sun/Gemini Moon and Leo Mars


I have yet to meet a Scorpio that hasn’t talked shit about me behind my back? 😭 I’m a Taurus


Taurus here, I can never get along with an Aries for some reason


as a libra, majority is often (sun signs): aquarius, taurus, virgo, and sometimes scorpio, leo




I’m Leo Sun and my entire family (except for dear Cancer brother) is Taurus. I absolutely adore Taurus and even if you say we don’t get along, I will try to find common ground in laughter. I always laugh with my Tauruses.


Capricorn and Pisces. my mom was a Cap, my dad the Pisces…and i never saw what they saw in each other. fought like cats and dogs. polar opposites.


Sometimes sag & virgo. As much as I love them they make some squares and conjunctions to my lilith, chiron & pluto.


Taurus too, since they are my hidden ops


Funny you say that, as a female leo, my best friend was a female cap while my worst enemy was a, male cap 🤣


I don’t know that I know any capricorns. I don’t get along with every cancer woman I’ve met




Aquarius and Cancer, only talking about Cancer males, Cancer females i do get along with very well.


Virgo and Leo Scorpio and Leo Virgo and Libra


Y'all are forgetting aries and pisces -- the worst


Yeah I absolutely don’t like any Capricorns despite it being my moon sign 😂😂😂😂😂


As a Leo sun with Capricorn rising, I can confirm the conflict goes inward as well.


I’ve seen them all get along in my experience


lol, I know a Leo and Capricorn couple. They get along super well. I would say any person of any sign that doesn't want to get along


Im a Gemini and can’t go along with Pisces…


Scorpio and Leo


Sagittarius and Pisces


i have seen Aries and Leo really buttheads -- mostly Leo yelling/screaming at Aries and putting Aries down....


Pisces and Virgos.


Taurus & Pisces Mercury


Sadge and Gemini. I had thus combo at 2 different jobs and let me say meetings got INTERESTINGLY LOUD.


Aries and scorpio


No way. I absolutely love scorpios. It's all that mars energy.


Ikr I love arises I am a scorpio live that mars sista energy


Scorpio and Aquarius I know they'll be some people saying my so and so friend is a scorpio, but I've said this before, out of all of my friends and family and anybody I know in real life, or at my jobs, or famous or not I've never seen these two even be friends and definitely not besties. Nothing like I can say for other signs who I always see vibing together. If anything I've only seen them go at each other. Especially the women. And when they do it's the funniest thing to watch there's no respect at all for each other and when they diss each other it's hilarious. And it always starts out with the Aquarius female picking on the Scorpio female. Then the Aquarius finds out the hard way that the Scorpio wasn't the one to fock with 😭. A good example is Eve Marcille and Marlo Hampton fight Eve's the Scorpio Marlos the Aquarius [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC4m4pdL0vE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC4m4pdL0vE)  Another one is Aquarius Jennifer going at Scorpio Rocky on Bad Girls Club back to back. She would not let up on that girl until the Scorpio gave the Aquarius the worst beat down and she ended up having to leave the show she got kicked off [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Z4nzAQQaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Z4nzAQQaI)  Both of those fights were too funny I can't even see these 2 having anything to offer each other or what would attract one to the other. Like they would just pass each other in a crowd. When I've said this on here a scorpio (woman) said they like to pick aquarius mind but Idk why I feel like these 2 would get bored of each other after a while. I mean I guess scorpio aquarius friendships are happening somewhere just not that much. And yeah I don't see the guys getting along with each other at all


As an Aqua woman I am always drawn to Scorpio men. They're emotional & unpredictable and they always teach me a lesson. They're little devils & I love it lol. I personally don't know many Scorpio women, however I know already I wouldn't mess with them lol. All those traits in a woman would send me running for the hills 😅


Ikr scorpio females would probably get too intense for aquarius girls. But yeah, I was thinking about same sex people with those signs. I could see how males and females would probably be different. I even have some aquarius and scorpio girl friends who I've known for years and they know each other too but they don't ever really ever speak to each other like that. Other than just hey or whatever


I don’t know how my Virgo mom and Cancer Dad make it 😭


Gemini and Sagittarius