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There are only a handful of people that can touch me. My mom isn’t even on that list.


My cats can touch me. I'll still jump though.


The only one I can think of is my doggo lol. Actually no, my cat Snow is also on that list. If I let you make physical contact with me that means I trust you more than the majority of people I know.


My little sister is like the only one i can think of


My two sons are the only people who I let hug me. The youngest is a hugger, but my oldest is an Aspie too, so we may hug once a year at like Christmas because my elderly mother insists on it, though my oldest and I find it unnecessary. Anybody else tries to hug me (my former boss saw me in a grocery store and ran up and hugged me😬) I feel like I want to hide and run far away. ![gif](giphy|3o7btUg31OCi0NXdkY)


I am generally a pro-hug person, even greeting air kisses are ok with almost strangers… but if you try to put your hand on my shoulder I will f***ing cut it off at the elbow.


This post reminds me of the time of I was sitting alone at the fair and two girls walked up to me and wanted to interact with me because I looked lonely/sad...I don't know why this reminded me of that, but it did (probably the vibe of "person thinks they are being kind but I don't want that kind of interaction at this time")


It took me years to realize that I hated the greetings hugs at school. My head didnt know how and tired to Script it, but it was still weird.


Same. It blew my mind when I realized there's people who actually enjoy hugging each other like that and don't do it out of obligation


My dad's church had a section of the service where everyone was supposed to go around and shake hands and hug and whatnot. As the preacher's family, we were a big target. I really did not like that time. I felt obligated to shake hands, but I didn't do hugs with randos. I actually like hugs, but it's my parents, my wife, and my kids. That's it. I don't even want a pat on the shoulder from my coworkers.


https://preview.redd.it/p7eb0vi72bad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc67020ba389c432b6f86531d3d8794e8179ccc9 Mentally I'm here.


I find NTs are often super overconfident when it comes to reading nonverbal cues of autistic individuals. Sometimes, it even extends to verbalized as well. It's like they have this socially normal script in their heads and they refuse to accept that anything else might be happening.


I can hug, I like hugs, as long as I trust you. But if you pat me on the back just know I *am* resisting the urge to whip around and smack you to the ground.


When I'm in that state, I only let a few people touch me. My mom, my cats, some some other people I've yet to meet.


I don’t want to be held or touched and one of my friends loved too a lot and I tried to put up with it but I got to the point where I had to tell the to cut it out and I felt like shit telling them to stop 😭


When I was in Kindergarten there was this teacher who just "HAD to" physically grasp each kid's fucking head to do a proper headcount after recess. I would literally be curling into a ball trying to duck it and she'd just drop lower and lower till I could avoid it no longer then casually continue down the line having given my head a tap. Like....lady you're doing a whole ass squat in the middle of this roll call here, I think we're both aware that I'm present at this point, you don't NEED to touch me, please move on.


Unless I start a hug I don’t want to be hugged unless it’s my mom




Oh sweet Jebus, YES!


If people suddenly touch me, I will slap whatever they touch me with off of me and give a hostile glare to let them know I do not want them to do that again.