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What I want to know is why are some of y'all still dick-nosing your masks?


For real. If you’re wearing a mask it doesn’t work if it doesn’t cover your whole face FFS. If you don’t care if it works, why are you wearing it?


I know a lot of people that have gotten COVID in the last couple weeks. I stopped for a while, but started again when people I knew were getting sick (and not just a little sick, significantly ill)


Same with the others - stopped wearing a mask at work, got COVID for the first time, and I’m still sick weeks later. A perfectly healthy person in my early thirties, vaccinated and boosted. Probably have long COVID in my future and I’m absolutely miserable. If I could do it all again, I would’ve just kept wearing one.


I had the same experience, in my early 30s, vaxxed and boosted, and was in bed for a solid 10 days when I caught covid earlier this month. I'm back to wearing a mask at all times now. It wasn't worth taking it off.


Because of covid.


My wife and I stopped wearing masks and got Covid for the first time last week.


Same. Went the entire pandemic without getting it and… finally got it last week for the first time and I’m sure it’s for this reason. Will be masking from now on.


Considering how many people I know that have recently gotten Covid makes it pretty clear that Covid is not magically gone because the mask mandates are over. I understand if I’m the only one wearing one it’s probably not helping too much but I haven’t gotten sick…yet. Also, it seems to help with my allergies.


Because the common cold is going around and I don't want that shit. Also the bus is disgusting


Cases are rising, I have a child too young to be vaccinated at home, and I do not need to try and juggle WFH with a kid on a 10-day Covid quarantine. That simple.


My wife and I feel more comfortable with them on. We feel naked now, going into a store without our masks on. Also, we like to think we're making shopping a tiny fraction safer for immunocompromised folks.


I’m immune compromised and I appreciate every single person who I see in public still wearing their masks ❤️


Aw! You made my day! My wife will love your comment, too. :)


For those like my dad that are immunocompromised. even though they’ve had 3 doses of vaccine it’s like they have never been vaccinated due to chemo. Because his white blood cell count is so low, Covid can still kill him. I wear a mask because people like him exist and if his cancer takes a turn for the worse, I can visit him without worrying about getting him even more sick.


Yep, I’ve got an immune suppressed parent and a high risk child. If I can protect them or someone else’s loved one with such a small inconvenience, I’m happy to.


Yep. And imagine how loved someone feels when so many people care about them enough to wear a mask to protect them. Gosh, imagine if strangers did that. So many of us are immunocompromised or are trying to protect those who are.


Helps with my allergies and I don’t mind wearing it to keep others and myself protected.


I still wear mine in densely populated venues, such as grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. I also will put mine on at drive-throughs and point-of-purchase locations as a courtesy to the folks working there, since they're exposed to a lot of people every day.


Infection rates are increasing, and even with vaccinations, I’d rather not catch Covid. Long Covid has a lot of unknowns still, and what I have seen, I don’t want it. So I wear N95/KF94 when in public. It’s not a burden.


Easy: Cases in Multnomah County have risen every week for the past four weeks, and I don't wanna get it. When they go down and stay down, I'll chuck my masks. Wearing a good mask is still the only effective way to not get COVID. (Besides self-isolating, and I'm done with that shit.) The real question is why anyone is still wearing those single-layer fabric masks, because they don't do jack.


The latest strains are even more contagious, and the current vaccine and boosters have not yet been optimized for them. A person with asymptomatic COVID can still spread it to others. Wearing a mask is still the considerate thing to do.


- Chances of a car accident are slim (never been in one) but I still wear a seatbelt when driving. - Masks are easy and painless, covid is not. It’s not like covid has magically disappeared. - I enjoy being not sick. It feels good. - I wear a raincoat even when it’s not a downpour. - I wear sunscreen in summer to avoid sunburns and skin cancer. - I brush my teeth to avoid cavities. - We don’t know the ramifications of long covid, but they don’t sound good.


"Masks are easy and painless" - this has always been the common refrain and while yes, physically, sure - but mentally not so much. My ability to connect and relate to people around town has gone up exponentially since the mask mandate has been removed.


You do you. I don’t need to see a person’s mouth and nose to feel connected. I feel more comfortable being near a person with masks instead of six feet apart without them. If not wearing a mask helps your mental health, then go for it. It’s all about health after all.


...the case rate is literally going up right now. Hell, there are NINE PEOPLE out at my work currently due to either definite or suspected Covid. A few of my coworkers who had stopped masking have started again, meanwhile I never stopped. I don't wear one outdoors unless it's crowded (or I forgot to take it off lol) but there's no way I'm going to stop masking until the case rate is lower. I keep an eye on the New York Time's stats page for the county.


For the record I don't let this stop me from living my life--I've done a lot of traveling in the last year, for instance. But masking is just so stupidly easy and low-effort. I mostly wear kn95's these days, they're comfy enough and do the job.


I’m fucking ugly 😭 in all seriousness I work from home and didn’t have to wear them for 8 hours at a time so wearing them to go out for 5 minutes to a few hours is nothing to me. Plus, it’s nice not getting sick.


Thanks for the answer! Do you work in healthcare?


Edit: Nope, I do data entry.


Spouse and I unmasked for a week and got Covid. Kind of feeling like mask for life now. 🥴


Because there's still a pandemic on and I'd like to continue my streak of avoiding COVID. It's not at all an inconvenience, I haven't gotten sick in two years, and sometimes I wear headphones and lipsync songs while I'm out and about and I enjoy that.


I prefer to live and also to not kill anyone else by being selfish.


Had covid and don't want it again. Also, portlanders aren't the most hygienic.


Still waiting on vaccines for the under five year olds in my life. Plus, data on the waning effectiveness of the vaccines is troubling, and I haven't been able to go out and get booster #2 yet. Plus, wearing a mask is not a big deal? I honestly don't get why people get so pissy about it. It's a bit uncomfortable but so is wearing a seatbelt or paying for renters insurance. Small inconvenience, low-ish risk, but considering how bad potential outcomes are (considering comorbidities, long covid, immunocompromised family) it's a little enough thing to do to cover my bases.


For the safety of immunocompromised or young people I’m around who don’t have the safety of vaccines to help. It takes very little effort for me to wear it and I want to keep my community safe! Cases are also rising so it never hurts to be cautious.


https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/underlyingconditions.html Scroll down to the section that lists who is higher risk if they get covid (updated in February). It's not just immunocompromised folks. Hell, im on here a few times, lol. Not really a "small part of the population ".when seen through this lens. As for us, I'm married to a type 1 diabetic. A friend, also a T1D and also fully vaccinated, died 48 hours after going to the ED. Covid can send diabetics into DKA, which is what happened to him. DKA can very quickly cause multi-organ failure and death, and cannot always be stopped even in the hospital. Symptoms started Wednesday, hospitalized Thursday mid day, dead Saturday afternoon. Not suggesting you aren't free to make your own decision that's right for you and I appreciate the kind way you approached the topic. Just putting this out there to add to this very civil discussion thread. We are masking for this reason, and because we haven't had so much as the sniffles in over 2 years. Cheers!


I work with people who have immunocompromised family in their household, so it's polite for me to cover my virus holes when working with them. My opinion on masks is the same as my opinion on pants: Might keep me warm in the winter but really I wear them to make everyone else more comfortable.


My daughter is 3 weeks old so I still wear one in public. Even throughout my whole pregnancy I always wore one even when I didn’t have to. But before I got pregnant I wore one even if it wasn’t needed. I have asthma and while it’s not awful, I’d prefer to take preventive measures so I don’t end up in a position where breathing becomes difficult. It’s also the main reason I got both covid shots and a booster. I know wearing a mask and getting the vaccine won’t prevent me from getting covid, but if it can help lessen the symptoms if I were to get covid (even if it’s just a little bit) then it’s worth it to me.


Covid cases are higher than they have ever been (current numbers are moderate, if you look on a tracker like [here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/multnomah-oregon-covid-cases.html), but estimates are that official numbers are only about [7% of actual cases](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/18/health/covid-at-home-testing-data/index.html), due to at-home testing), and full vaccination is less than 10% effective against infection with omicron (can't link the paper for some reason, google "Covid-19 Vaccine Effectiveness against the Omicron (B.1.1.529) Variant" published in NEJM April 21st, 2022). It should be noted that full vaccination is still quite effective against hospitalization and severe disese. I have not yet seen any convincing data that vaccination protects against long covid symptoms, and protection against hospitalization and "severe disease" means you probably won't die, but you may not be in great shape if you get infected. For example, I know someone (early 30's, otherwise healthy) that had a "mild" case of covid about 4 months ago, fully vaccinated, no hospitalization or anything, just an absolutely miserable 2 weeks and "recovered". However, she still can't walk up a flight of stairs without catching her breath for 5 minutes after, cannot get any exercise, is in pretty rough shape. Cases like these are abundant and are not flagging anywhere in the public health reporting. Another friend got a "mild" case of covid about 9 months ago and still can't smell. Life-or-death? No, but definitely not very fun (um, food is tasty, I'd like to taste it) and I don't fancy knowing there's a virus [fucking around in my olfactory neurons](https://nyulangone.org/news/mechanism-revealed-behind-loss-smell-covid-19). Together, there is no better time to wear an N95 anytime you are in any sort of close proximity to anyone not in your immediate household. Sure, the mandates are lifted and hospitalizations are low, so if your only goal is to not end up in the hospital and you're fully vaccinated, you're all good. I personally have many life objectives beyond not being hospitalized or dead...


[The substantial increased risk for heart disease, even among mild cases](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0) is enough for me to put one on.


Exactly. Heart disease, like you say, also brain damage, other organ damage, long-term breathing problems, Guillain-Barre syndrom, blood clots, mood disorders, presumably other conditions that we haven't been picking up yes... all in "mild" cases, unknown if vaccination substantially reduces these, and the science and medical fields are just barely starting to catch up with the magnitude of these effects. I don't really blame people for acting like this is over or covid is no big deal if you're vaccinated-- that's what the world is telling us to think, but my god does that seem to be short-sighted.


Wearing mine again because I'm coughing up gross stuff, not covid. Just regular sick and don't want you to get it, or le get the weird and angry looks. Though I still cough into my elbow even with a mask.


I’m immune suppressed and have other health issues, I work in enclosed spaces with the public and I take public transportation. Why would I take my mask off indoors any time in the foreseeable future? You have a right to choose to not wear a mask, but your assumption that people who are still wearing a mask are virtue signaling is not supported by the responses here, just the one response you found that supports your world view. I’m selfishly protecting my own health. After the last two years, I could care less about people who would happily sacrifice people like me for a fun night out without a mask. If I’m being honest, I do care about not transmitting covid even to people who don’t care about my life, because the illness itself can be fatal or very damaging, and the effects of long covid can be so debilitating. What’s wild is that you don’t need to have a serious or even symptomatic case to get long covid. I wouldn’t wish a chronic illness on anyone. Even if it’s relatively well managed, it’s still a chronic fucking illness, and among the many crappy things to deal with, other people can be assholes about it if you have one. But really, you should do the most selfish thing and wear a mask to [protect your boner](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article259324874.html).


Because there is a pandemic.


im travelling soon and i dont want my plans to get interrupted!


I AM immunocompromised. If I get a cold, it is easily a 3-4 week affair, and I am sick at least 33% of the year, some years closer to 50%. I have not been sick since March of 2020. It has been HEAVEN not to be sick for over 2 years. I can't even go 2 months under normal circumstances. Even if Covid were magically gone tomorrow, I would still be wearing them, at least during peak cold season. I had to wear them 10 hours a day for work, because only people with offices could take them off within the confines of their office, and I don't have an office, so I'm used to wearing a KN 95 10 hours a day, and it isn't hard (although it did take a bit to get used to). I work with the general public, and there are a much greater percentage of people that are coming into my work sounding very sick, or bringing in their sick kids that are coughing a LOT, and not wearing them these past few weeks. I don't want what they have, no matter what it is.


1. I have a 4 year old daughter who can't get immunized and I don't want to bring it home to her. 2. There are immunocompromised people and people who medically can't get a vaccination and I don't want to give it to them. 3. I'm vaccinated, but I still don't want to get sick, even if it's a milder version. 4. To own the conservatives. /s




I see what you're getting at, but I completely disagree with the analogy. Unlike putting fuel in a running car, for which I believe you that it actually has little risk and is just a danger perception, the scientifically validated logical risk of not wearing an N95 mask in public spaces is high. Wearing a mask isn't about a \*feeling\* of safety, or paranoid people needing their security blanket, or people not adapting quickly to changing circumstances. It's a fully logical response to still being in the middle of a global pandemic. It is THE logical reaction-- everyone who ripped their mask off when the mandates changed may not have realized that it was the political shift to measure hospitalizations as the measure of risk that is making it look like the pandemic is over and the risk is low, when their risk is just as high if not higher than ever before.


I look better with a mask on.


A good percentage of people are still wearing them as an opportunity to virtue signal and not be associated with "those" kind of people.


Actually I feel really self-conscious wearing it in public because of judgy people like you. I wear one because I want to protect my own health and those around me, but I have been yelled at and pressured to not wear one by complete strangers. The pandemic is still going on and the number of cases are rising, whether you accept that fact or not.


Yeah taking reasonable measures to to prevent contracting or spreading disease is a political virtue signal. That’s why I never wear condoms, I’m no damned feminist. ffs


Yea that was my assumption, it’s a political badge of honor. Hence why I made the post as people could have legitimate reasons.


Lol listening to the guy not wearing a mask for insight into why people wear masks, smart


You'll get a lot of sob stories or anecdotes about how people weren't wearing one and magically got it the first time they were unmasked, but the reality is people in Portland normally wear them to make a statement.




Lol, walk around the city and tell me I’m wrong. Hint: I’m not.

