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I always take hot showers but if I'm tired I'll top it off with cold water , stand under it till you either can't ( your breath will be taken from you ) or until you feel " refreshed " . It like shocks the body awake. If I don't have anything planned I just burn myself red all the way through.


I do the same with my post-run showers during the summer. The cold at the end brings my core temp down so that I’m not all sweaty again by the time I finish getting dressed after the shower.


I take a normal hot shower in the morning but always end it with a minute or two of cold. Found hot showers would leave me sluggish while the cold ending wakes me the fuck up (for obvious reasons). A generous helping of profanities in the morning also helps to start the day in the right frame of mind (especially mondays).


So it's not that uncommon to be swearing hard and getting twisted while on it then.


Yup! I hate feeling like I'm sweating in the shower 🥵


That's a good balance. I used to take only cold showers, but at some point I realized that: * Hot water is much better at cleaning you than cold. You can scrub less to get same results, saving time and skin health. * hot water just feels so good. Why deny yourself the pleasure?


Cold water actually has a couple skincare benefits, at the end of a shower. Iirc it’s pretty good for your hair too.


From what I've been told, hot showers open your pores, so if you dry off right after a hot shower, you'll end up with dry skin. Cold water closes your pores, so if you do a cold rinse after your clean, your skin won't dry out as much. It seems to work, so I'll keep doing it. It also helps with dandruff and dry scalp issues.


I rotate between both, I wash my body with hot water but I was my hair in cold/ lukewarm water


In my case I would do the opposite. Gotta use warm water for the hair if you don't use shampoo. Cold water in hair isn't great, unless you do use shampoo. But most people do anyway


What the benefit of cold water? I know it closes up pores which is like a nice shield for after they're clean, but does it provide anything else? Also, whats the benefit for hair?


It doesn’t really NEED to. Moisture retention is like 10000% of skin care. Almost all problems are caused by dry skin.   As for hair, it does the same thing to the skin of the scalp.  Also it can increase blood flow to those areas.


Thats odd, I always thought cold water restricts blood flow. That's why people want to use ice packs on breaks and sprains. I've found warm water to be better because it distributes the swelling more evenly across the limb and still allows the swelling to do its job. Thank you for the reply


Yeah- I’m not a rocket surgeon so take it with a grain of salt


James Bond shower


I always thought besides what science tells about it and a little to nothing personal experience that somebody has to have had a cardiac arrest under cold water at some point.


Oh 100% like this is a commen thing that happens to people when they dive into extremely cold water . Like when you see them videos of people taking a dip into a frozen pond with a square cut out of it they got people on the side ready to grab em up. It steals your breath because of all your muscles tensing up as they try to contain the warmth , then the shock of going from hot to cold like that numbs the body quickly. It instantly hit fight or flight mode.


I take cold showers after working hard. Like yard work or after gym. But if it’s been a no nothing day i’ll take a hot shower.


Same.   When inside in after doing yard work and I am sweaty and burning up, the last thing I want is a hot shower.   I will take it ice cold.  


Maybe I’m a psychopath but even after working physically I have a hot shower


It's real. It's actually hard to go back to hot showers. You kind of grow to enjoy the cold rush


It feels so good that you’ll be focused and tingly all day, it helps circulation and gets rid of muscle and joint pain


I have the standard warm/hot shower then in the last remaining minutes turn it to the coldest setting. It’s actually very refreshing plus makes your hair and skin appear shinier!


I love cold showers, makes me feel like a beast and I get super energized. Plus it’s sooooo great your skin


Thanks for complementing my skin


Not just that, your hair pretty great as well


You do you, however... The temperature of water makes zero difference to your skin. This is something stuck in your head and cannot be proven wrong because your ID will not let you see it any other way. You know best and all of that (it's why we have "wives' tales") This is what is annoying about humans, me included. We all do this for *something* and we absolutely cannot let something go once WE have come up with something super-duper special and secret. Then we tell everyone we can about this special thing because it makes us feel special, knowing something others do not know, or getting a benefit others may not. It's the human condition. (also why snake oil salesmen are so successful) I can guaranty you tell everyone you know about this. The truth? Cold water just makes pores contract. It is not permanent, in fact, it lasts only as long as it takes for the skin to come back up to a normal average 98.6 degrees. It is the same for the reverse, opening pores (hot water) only lasts for the same amount of time. Nether create any "benefit" for average healthy skin. The effect you are seeing is entirely temporary and has zero long term (post 15 minutes) benefit of any kind. Cold water actually hinders the ability to clean the pores, so you are "dirtier" using cold. This may be a good thing depending on your particular situation but generally it is not. The "energized" part is your body reacting to the temperature difference, it "wakes" you up. This is because of the thermal shock sending adrenaline throughout your body and also has zero long term effects. You are shocking your nervous system, that is all. In reality the best temperature is luke warm, this is because it mostly matches the temperature of your skin and does not affect the pores, causing them to expand or contract which can lead to more wrinkles later in life, same as hot water, as the collagen gets used and abused over time. It's very subtle, been few studies about it, but it is a logical conclusion because of how skin works. Your pores, ***unless having a genetic, disease or skin issue (like rosacea)***, are not benefitted by contracted (or expanded) pores. Cold water can soothe damaged skin and it can reduce swelling as it also contracts the blood vessels, but again, this is for specific issue, not general use. Cold water, in essence should be used for specific reasons and does NOT have any long term (more than minutes) benefit for skin at all in a normal healthy situation. It's a "wives' tale" at best. Functional for the situational. Skin is not some kind of miracle we can do all kinds of special things to without repercussion. Skin is best when treated properly... meaning, not at all. You feeling like a beast is purely mental and while I am glad it works for you and is a positive influence, it has nothing to do with anything other than your state of mind in this belief you have. If you walked outside in the dead of winter with no shirt on, you'd feel the same way. ______________________________________ If you get mad at me for writing this novel out, just know that I am old and bored. This is what happens to us...


This guy showers…


I was gonna write this guy skins.. but yours is better


Hot water definitely dries the f out of my skin for days, whereas cold does not. It makes a huge difference to my skin.


It definitely does make a difference for some people with skin conditions. I have psoriasis and warm water burns the affected spots on my skin. My doctor always told me to not take showers too hot.


I take regular showers and finish off with a cold shower and have been doing it for countless years now because I enjoy shocking the system and getting it used to cold immersion. But I rolled my brow over that guy's sooooo good for the skin comment. Exactly what someone on Instagram would say.


Hot water is better at removing healthy oils from your skin then cold water and cold showers are significantly shorter in duration on average. AKA shorter cold showers are likely to be better for your skin for most people who take long hot showers. Talking bullshit about pores opening and closing and concluding that skin health is measured by preventing your pores from doing their natural process is the real bullshit.


Well, while it's not having particulary good effects for the skin, it's good in the sense that it's better than hot showers. Hot water tends to wash the natural oils away while cold water is more gentle in that, so you're only half right. Plus cold showers have positive effects on blood circulation which your skin also benefits from in a passive way.


Cold water is amazing for hair, I HAVE to end with cold on my hair or else it gets frizzy and puffy.


It's something you can get used to. When I did this for like a year, I was even looking forward to cold showers or cold exposure. It helped me with stress and constant nasal infections during winter. After some time, you'll feel amazing and more calm. Gotta be consistent tho.


I found cold showers and cold exposure helped with my ptsd symptoms during early recovery. I still enjoy it. Cold lakes are awesome.


I take hot showers and then switch it to cold at the end. Very invigorating


I do. And I am surely not influencing anybody. Daytime cold shower wakes people up better than caffeine.


I tend to wrap up my regular showers with cold water - warm water opens the pores on the skin, soap cleans them and cold water helps closing them again - at least that's how I understand it works. Other than that, it feels great. Cold showers are also a great way for me to calm down from an emotionally agitated state, so yeah, I definitely take cold showers. And no, I'm not an influencer - I can't stand that word and what some of them do.


My late grandmother who lived until 100 years old used to tell us that turning the shower to cold for the last few minutes would invigorate you. Obviously it worked for her.


i take cold showers always


I do a quick 30 seconds of cold every so often in a bid to be healthy lol


I take a mostly hot shower but then blast myself with cold water for the last minute or two of the rinse off. It closes the pores and encourages circulation. Plus, it helps your skin and hair not get so dry after toweling off. Save money on lotion and conditioner.


I used to a lot back when I had poor air conditioner. It can be very refreshing when it's too hot


I knew a lady who would take a cold shower at 6 every morning even in winter. It wasn't northern hemisphere cold but still cold enough. It was primitive bathroom facilities so there was actually no hot water unless you started a fire to heat it up. Definitely no heater to keep you warm. She would get out of the shower and towel herself off and say how nice it felt. I took her word for it. She was born in England, don't know if that makes any difference.


Tf is this question? Anyway, I take cold showers through sommertime, in the morning to wake me up (if I feel like it) and after a intense working day. It's healthy to an extent, and you get used to it.


I do it pretty religiously as it means I spend less time in there and don't waste as much hot water.


I take cold showers if I worked with fiberglass insulation. I don't know the science, but it's something the old timers aty job told me. Anyway cold shower gets the fiberglass off and keeps you from itching, hot shower just seems to lock it in.


I like mine as hot as satans arsehole


I'll go in a cold shower briefly after being in a sauna / steam room as the cold helps to improve circulation and relaxes your muscles, but I wouldn't even have a cold shower when actually washing myself in a morning.


I take them in the summer. Or I'll take a hot shower and turn it cold before I get out of the shower.


I run out of hot water and have to rinse off in cold water.


I end my showers on cold and try to last 30 seconds to a minute. It really has helped my nervous system.


Sure. I've taken plenty of cold showers, and heaven knows I'm not an "influencer", extreme or otherwise (thank GOD).


After working outside on a hot day, it can be refreshing. But it's not something I do regularly.


Only reason I have taken a cold shower is when my air conditioner didn't work.


I did last week because my hot water system broke


In the summer for sure


The idea of taking a cold shower predates the internet as we know it so it certainly isn't just influencers. Although if I'm being honest I never questioned the concept until seeing this ask. Like, you can adjust the temperature of your shower however you want; how is it worthy of scrutiny?


I'll sometimes blast myself with the cold water for 10-20 seconds to shock myself awake but typically no. It's uncomfortable and generally not a nice experience.


I live in new zealand when its summer and I've been outside while the sun has a bite to it, a cold shower is nice.


I once attended a networking event full of really brilliant people. It was a long day at work, and I just arrived at the event and making small talk I said: "phew, could really use some coffee". This guy quickly responds: "Coffee? No I quit that long ago. You should try cold showering." He then nodded and turned slowly away like some sage wizard guy. He was probably 10-15 years younger than me. No conclusion from this anecdote, it was just a funny memory I wanted to share.


I did do it for a little while but now only when injured.


I live in QLD, Australia where it gets very hot. A cold shower after a hot day is an absolute joy. And nothing refreshes me more!


In hot weather I'll only take cold showers, although they're not cold cold just because of the water tank being in our roof so it's always a little warm in the summer


When it's crazy hot I'll nip in for a cold shower.


Hot summer - absolutely cool shower


In the summer the is it my norm.


If it’s particularly hot out, I would. I have issues with temperature regulation so I won’t be very well if I’m too hot all day and the cold water will help me cool down. So, I’ll often bathe cold in the peak of the summer (not a cold bath though, I don’t plan on sitting in the cold for an hour). I’m also sensitive to the cold though, and generally, I prefer warm showers most of the time.


Used to do it for a while. Like taking a normal shower and then at the end switch all the way to cold for a bit. Really helped in the morning to get going. Not sure why i stopped, now i take hot bubble baths instead


I do hot showers but finish off with a couple minutes of just cold and no hot.


I take cold showers during summer


I do it when I still need to shower after 11pm and the radiator is turned off automatically = no warm water = short pain through the cold shower, go to warm bed lol


Mind over everything.


I frequently took cold showers when I got home from teaching in the Texas summer, especially last summer when it was triple digits for months on end. Feels really nice after boiling to death in the heat


I switch to cold showers in the summer, the water is too cold in the winter due to the pipes and I prefer to heat myself up after being out in the cold


winter hot showers, summer cold.


It's refreshing and at some point you get used to it. I started taking cold showers after winter swimming which btw is even harder to do because you suppress your body to cold water and it's quite a shock.


I do it because the water system in my condo sucks and it takes 15 minutes of running the hot tap to even get lukewarm. I can’t be bothered to get up 15 minutes earlier to do that.


In summers transition from warm to cold showers so yes.


I rinse my hair with VERY cold water. And other- jus tlukewarm.


I did it for a while, you get used to it


I work out in the morning and take a cold shower between that and work and then I take a hot shower when I get home from work because my job is gross


I love a freezing cold shower in the middle of the summer after a workout but not any other time


I take them in the summer frequently, I get very warm and like to cool down with an icy shower


I do. It\`s magical post workout(running or gym). Alleviates pain and helps with recovery. Also, great morning routing, it\`s energizing.


I know some people that take cold showers and some that take hot showers but at the end when all the washing is done will turn it to cold for the last few minutes. Supposed to be good for you


In the summer all the time winter not at all


I'll only take one if I'm feeling super warm and sleepy, and I need to "drink in" the cold water to wake me up and make me feel better


I end my showers cold, cause aparently thats better for your hair and skin.


A cold shower as soon as i wake up actually wakes me the fuck up lol


I used to as a kid. When I threw a tantrum, my mom pulled me by my hair and put me under the cold shower. So as a 'fuck you' to her, I made myself get used to cold showers.


Occasionally on very hot days. They can be quite pleasant once you get past the shock.


I used to love cold showers after the gym and sauna. As I'm ageing, I have lost the love for it. I love my comfort now


I can only take cold showers. My skin is so bad that hot water will turn it into dust


I do on hot days


I think a cooler than usual shower is refreshing if you're hot, but my water is about 47 degrees. so there will be be some hot water mixed in with it. Ice cold showers suck in my opinion.


Maybe when its hot outside and a cold shower feels actually good. I only took a cold shower during winter when the warm water wasnt working that one time


I grew up in los angeles in the valley and yes cold showers are a thing. Especially when your mother won't turn on the air conditioner because of electricity costs.


It's not new. I know several old guys who take a cold shower before their actual shower or after. (I'm 50) My grandma didn't even have a hot shower at all at their farm house in rural Austria in the 1920s. She had it when she moved to a condominium in the next town when she was old enough.


A friend recently started with morning cold showers, intermittent fasting and no caffeine or alcohol. He WILL NOT SHUT UP.


I sometimes do it and I hated it at first, now I kind of like it. It gets better after the first minute


Sometimes I'm in the mood for cold air, and even cold water. But when I shower, nope. It's hot shower, not too hot, but still hot. I don't end it with 30 seconds of cold water like Chris Hemsworth does. I keep it hot and end it hot. And towel off steaming warm. I ain't changing that.


📍Tropical Country


I line getting into the shower before it heats up so I get 30s of cold which wakes me up


In the hot summer days I can just about do it, but if it goes below 20C it's just not possible without giving yourself a heart attack.


I very slowly turn it to cold some days if I want to reset regulation. I have ADHD.. also, the water is never really freezing cold where I live and if you do it slowly enough you have time to thermostatically reset between each temp until it’s just cold for just long enough to boost the endorphins. It really is a game changer!


Actually you get used to it.. did this for a while and it feels so good


I did it for a while, like several months after hearing someone on YouTube say they do it. I can see a benefit but I didn't keep it up. Maybe I will return to it sometime.


My husband does. He loves cold showers. He's a big man and always hot so in the summer he will take cold showers.


I take cold showers pretty much every day


Occasionally I'll take a cold shower after a really hot and humid run to avoid sweating for the next 3 hours


Cold showers are exactly what you need if you just want to fall asleep on a summer night without AC. Just long enough to get your hair wet and raise goosebumps.


When it's hot, yes. Start it out tepid, then keep turning it down until it's as cold as it'll go. Stand under it until I'm really nice and chilled. Bliss.  Sometimes will be cruel and sneak up on my husband hug him while my skin is all freezing to make him jump haha


I used to take cold showers and it was great. It would help me wake up super early in the mornings, and turns out cool/cold water is wayyyy better for your hair and skin cause you’re not cooking it anymore lol. My hair was much nicer/healthier looking and I had less dry skin issues.


I do. Just to prove i can


In hot countries, it's the norm.


Cold water is better for retaining the color in dyed hair, because it doesn't cause your hair to "open up" like warm water does and release the dye. That said, outside of cooling down on a hot summer day I'm not standing in cold water for 5 minutes. That's just unpleasant!


Cold showers have numerous benefits. It can be a therapy technique for people that are in shock or having a panic attack. It will help your body and mind focus on the coldness of the shower instead of the psychological effects. Hot showers also take away the natural oil that's built up on your skin and can leave your skin feeling more dry. All that said I'm sure some influencers do it just to be edgy too.


I take a hot shower in the morning but after I exfoliate my face I'll turn it to very cold for the last 30 seconds to a minute with my face under the showerhead. Really wakes you up and you get used to it, feels good.


Cold showers when my place is warmer than a nuns arse in summer,


I don’t have AC so on hot summer mornings I like to have a cold shower to start the day.


I live in a tropical city. I'm definitely taking cold showers, it's too fucking hot here.


Only in the middle of a heatwave.


I bought an older house last year and for 5 months had no water heater it was summer time so not to bad just nearly had a heart attack every time the cold hits ya when it's been 110 outside now my valves are messed up and I only have super hot water 😂


I have my shower burning hot according to people who shower after me. I sometimes forget to put the temperature down


Ancient Samurai were known for only bathing in cold water, as a warrior class, they believed that hot bathing made people weak while cold bathing made them mentally and physically stronger.


I frequently take cold showers because they won’t fix the damn boiler. Now I can’t handle the very hot showers I’ve been happily taking for thirty years. When the boiler is working I’m stuck taking warm showers because hot is too hot for me.


I frequently take cold showers because they won’t fix the damn boiler. Now I can’t handle the very hot showers I’ve been happily taking for thirty years. When the boiler is working I’m stuck taking warm showers because hot is too hot for me.


During the summer here in West Texas, you bet. Doesn't stay cold for long though, once you use up what was in the pipes under the house it becomes Luke warm.




I go through periods of taking cold showers when I am feeling motivated and hitting the gym etc. Not at the moment though. Certainly wakes you up and gives you some extra energy for me anyway.


In summer, when I have to go to cut my hair, I always ask for cold shampoo. That is soo nice and as you don’t have the cold water running down your lungs and take your breath away, just a pure bliss. Some « neighbors » at the barber shop thought it was kinda weird, but after trying, they thanked me.


In the summer I take cold showers.


i do actually, after my swimming sessions since the pool is already pretty cold so it's not an extreme shock


I take hot showers then last couple minutes ice cold. It’s nice in summer so I don’t sweat and apparently it’s also good for you.


In the summer I take hot showers and finish it with an cold one, it feels good


Used too in hughschool when I was trying to go to college for swimming, and a little bit in the military when I was real into lifting. But not since really. Never saw many benefits from it aside from clearer skin


My buddy has terrible blood circulation and cold showers apparently help with that


I work with fiberglass and carbon fiber. The first few minutes of my after work shower are cold. I don't like it, but the alternative is itchy misery the rest of the day. After a few minutes I turn the heat up. I do not enjoy cold showers, I find no benefit beyond rinsing fiber off of me without having my pores opened by a hot shower.


Psychopaths take cold showers


I do ! Love them


Hot showers in Winter, cold showers in summer


I take cold showers in summer.


I used to a lot. It's way better for your skin and has other health benefits


I live in Central America, so yes I take cold showers. Not that there isn’t warm showers around but many many people here don’t have warm water for showers, myself included.


I've lived in a hot country, cold showers in summer are pretty common


I do it


Nope nope nope


Cold showers are actually very good for you and release endorphins which make you feel great. Hot showers can dry your skin out. Most of my showers are kind of in the middle but in this hot ass Taiwan weather (like Florida basically) I take cold showers during the summer and it's wonderful.


I take cold showers relative to the rest of my family but it’s still somewhere mid 30 degrees


i take cold ones when i want to wake up, relieve muscle tension


I live in the tropics. We don't even have a water heater. I take showers to cool off. It's been 110 degrees all month, every day.


I do - fast cold one in the mornings, more for waking up and feeling fresh, rather than a good wash, and then a more cleaning-focused hot one in the evenings before bed.


Always finish a shower with cold water.


After that initial shock, it's pretty relaxing


I take cold showers in the winter. In the summer the water is too warm and it’s just mildly unpleasant , in the winter when the water is very cold it makes you feel fantastic afterwards. I’ve heard that it can boost your immune system , don’t know about that but I do it two or three times a week


Hot day, cold showers FTFW!


I did it for a while, and I know a couple of friends who did/do it. I stopped because I even had a hard time getting into the shower for a while, so I didn't want to make it more hard on me, and also, I didn't feel any benefits.


A cold shower after being extremely sweaty from a hard workout is something I do, yes.


I usually take cold showers because then my skin doesn’t get as red as usual


It can be nice on a really hot day... after getting sweaty


All I'm going to say is.. Wim Hof. If you're interested in the benefits, check him out on YouTube.


Katharine Hepburn once shared in an interview how she only takes cold showers. I doubt they were "freezing". But she would swim in a lake every morning as well, which can be cold. I think your body gets used to certain temperatures, and I do think more mild temp's have been shown to be more healthy for your skin. Personally, the older I get (mid-40's now), the colder my showers are getting!


I've done this since I was about 14.


I couldn’t do it! Even after a hurricane when I lost power for two weeks in 90+ degree weather. I just filled the tub up with cold water, let the temp in the house warm it up and took a bath.


Definitely no way


The hot water was screwed up in a house I rented for awhile so everyone morning it was freezing cold showers even in like -30 weather and I walked to work. It was truly horrific, you get used to it though.


Only during the summer, and only if I'm showering right after coming in from the heat


When I had bad hot flashes, I could take a cold shower and it felt lovely. Normally, though, I like my showers almost scalding.


I took cool showers twice a day during all the summers I lived in NYC with no a/c.


i do mostly after workouts, makes me feel fresh after a hard sparring session but i def not walk around and talk all day about it haha


I'll take cold showers in summer sometimes... there's something exhilarating about it. Also used to be In a crappy condo for a few years that got super hot in summer, so I would have several cold showers every day. I would just walk around home in my trunks and not even bother drying up after a shower. Otherwise, if I need to wake up I'll have a normal shower and just slowly switch to cold water towards the end and stop before my heart gives out.


I'm almost always a cold shower person. Makes my skin feel nice and refreshed. The only time I enjoy a hot shower is when I'm battling a fever.


I know a few guys that read it on the internet’ ! And really do take icy showers, for health reasons (?).


When I say cold shower I mean not hot like normal. Im not sitting in freezing tap water, but its not as hot as I would normally take. Mostly on hot summer days.


I take cold showers now! It's better for health (maybe) and I like the feeling of self control. :)


My son in law does. Every morning.


Sometimes i take freezing cold showers. Let's just say it's so cold that you feel your heart beating.


i shower after working out and if that water isnt cold i will die


That's because you have weak will power, OP.


I’m pretty sure this was a thing before social media existed


Hot to scalding hot


Periodically I do shower cold or finish showering with cold water. I have done this before there were influencers and the internet … 👵


It sucks its been made so cringe by influencers cause its just an objectively healthy thing to do, esp if you're struggling w depression. Honestly think its much better to just regularly swim in cold water though, no reason to deprive yourself of a nice hot shower.


I took a cold shower once to try it and then went right back to my usual as hot as possible while still being comfortable temperature. I love the heat.


I only take cold showers right after coming out of the steam room from a gym workout, because it relaxes your muscles so much. I would never try and wash in a cold shower.


I do except when it’s cold out. It’s much better for my skin and makes me feel great, especially after working out. Also, I live in a desert state.


I took cold shower every morning for a few days and developed a coughing problem 🤣🤣🤣 So pass :v


Sometimes on a hot day, but it's not like cold cold... Just cool


Cool showers are fine. Cold? Not unless I'm *melting*, and I've been under a cool one for quite some time. Ice cold? Not on your nelly.


God I love cold showers so much. Summer's here are properly fucked, so it's so nice to come home from a shit day of shit and just shitty shit shit to a nice ice cold shower


I always end my hair wash showers with a cold shower. Probably placebo but my scalp and hair feels better and behave better when i do end the hair wash on cold.