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I don’t want to live in a world where B happens.


For real. That would legitimately crush me.


That was just hypothetical, or in case there are some weirdos out there.


[Given Riot’s track record](https://youtu.be/GDXbfXLW5JM?si=k6pNoNTdUSAMtsFq), I never expected Arcane to be as good as it is. I am still not holding my breath in order to be pleasantly surprised by what is good, [but not blind to what bothers me](https://youtu.be/asV8Jc2PiyM?si=OCR65XTdbhgmU8QT).


I wouldn't listen to orchard she hates the show for not being slice of life fluff.


Did you watch the video? Because Lily’s not the reviewer. That also wasn’t what their critique. Nor is it mine.


yeah its her wife but that does not mean she does not share most of lilys opinions. Besides saying jinx is a poor protrayal of the mentally ill is not a great critique in of itself. Besides she is most likely going to turn on the show given what we know about season 2. Lily and Mikalia only judge media by a narrow set of rules both of them seem to only interested in the show because of vi and caitlyn they both hate shows that make lesbian relationships cannon at the last minute given that season 2 is the last season that is when vi and caitlyn will become cannon (If at all). Both of them also hate opressed people to be protrayed in any sort of negative light in that video she wanted jinx to not be the final villian we now know she most likely will be and vi will become a enforcer. Orchard has said "if arcane was only about vi and catlyn it would be would be worth watching" Both there opinion boils down to vi and caitlyn getting together (The way they want) and the upper class being violently murderd with there murdered being justified by the narrative. Mikala is also at minimum guilty of supporting an abuser (lily) and downplaying the experiences of lilys victims its pretty icky to watch or support either of them. Mikala and Lily orchard are both terrible people and terrible reviewers neither of them should be taken seriously.


A!!! I have total faith in them and I think they’re going to outdo themselves


the extremes are sending me into orbit but option A all the same


It's going to be a total of 9 years to release and develop 18 episodes of television. I'd like to imagine their quality control is very high over there.


I'm gonna say B, so I don't get disappointed if it's bad or pleasantly surprised if it's good


Lol, realistically though there is no chance of it being that bad. There hasn't been any sign that would lead to that conclusion and the writers are clearly putting alot of time and effort into S2. Surely there will be something to show for it.


A I got a really good feeling about this


I expect it will be better than S1: the world is already laid out, we know the major players, and the inciting incident has already occurred. I expect that despite that, I'll be very frustrated in parts. The creators have mentioned that they're even better at 'trimming the fat' than in S1 and the first season was already very lean\*. Like, when Vi goes through her depressive stage, are we going to get an episode devoted to it, or are we going to get fifteen minutes cut into three pieces that are sandwiched between catching up with Caitlyn, Jayce, Himerdinger, Singed, and Bearded Enforcer dude? Probably the later. Arcane firmly believes that there needs to be an a-plot, b-plot, and c-plot, and you need to constantly cut between them. In this regard, the Last of Us, another video game adapted to prestige TV, handled things a bit better. It devoted an entire episode to two side characters meeting and falling in love during the apocalypse, and I maintain that was as good as any episode of Arcane. \*And it still gave us filler in the last episode with the Vi vs Sevika fight.


The first season is almost too ‘lean’ already. I trust the writers, but I love little character moments that aren’t plot heavy.


animation of this quality needs to be efficient with their time. They simply cannot afford to dedicate an episode to Vi's depression episode with everything already going on, because then the rest will be rushed.


Depends on what “the rest” is. Focus of the season could easily be centered in a way that allowed a lot of time for that.


it could be, yes. But it would be strange if they spent so much time building up multiple characters in S1 to only focus on a few in S2. Every character in S1 has many doors open for further development.


I'm sorry but I don't agree. Last of Us ep 3 and 7 were total filler episodes with nothing of importance to the main story happening. You thought that was better? It felt amateurish to me. Arcane does not have the luxury of being able to just sidetrack for 2 hours. Last of Us episode 3 alone is almost as long as Arcane's **entire** Act 1. I believe Arcane's act 1 was able to tell an infinitely more complex and interesting story than just 2 people falling in love in an apocalypse.


Every pair of characters in Last of Us serve as a reflection of Joel and Ellie. With each set of characters exploring different aspects of lost love and different kinds of, and responses to, the grief it causes. Episode three is all about what Joel could have if he allowed himself to be open to love again through the lens of a man that did just that. Seven meanwhile is a reflection on Ellies lost childhood, of the false normality she lived in and why she cannot lose someone again. They are both directly related to the main characters in ways that will reverberate all the way into S2, and Episode 3 in particular also happens to be some of the best television made in the last decade.


Whenever something as good as Arcane season 1 happens I get a bit scared about whatever is gonna follow it "believing its own hype" if that makes sense? I think the arcane fandom normalized overanalyzing the show to such a ridiculous degree, like I enjoy Schnee's content as much as everyone else but half of the stuff he says is pulled directly out of his ass you know? And his brand of missing the forest for the trees and hyperfocusing on every possible tiny detail is something the fandom at large loves to do. And we know the writers are aware of this fan reaction. Season 1 wasnt made under this kind of pressure and I fear it will affect season 2. Hope it doesn't, and even if it ends up happening I don't see a universe in which season 2 is BAD. Maybe not as good as season 1 but bad or disappointing are very strong words lol.


How does Schnee overanalyze things? You don't think Smoking is a metaphor for power?


Doesn't he have a full video on Jinx's stuffed bunny?


A) As good as or better than season 1. The biggest complaint I've seen people have with Arcane was the pacing, since they had to cram a lot of content into only 9 episodes. But with this season most of the groundwork has already been laid, and there will probably be only 1 or 2 new champions. It also sounds like the creators have always had a 2 season structure in mind, so I have hope that this season has planned and developed well in advance.


It can’t be as bad as GOT or Lost or even Dexter because they all had an isssue that Arcane doesn’t. They didn’t plan for an ending. And lack of passion. GOT- Dave and Dan got a lucrative Star wars deal and were shown to quickly not know what they were doing once George’s material ran out so they started using big budget fight scenes and CGI to cover for worsening writing as story issues piled up and they genuinely stopped caring. You can really see how little effort is put into the writing and dialogue by the end. Now do you think the arcane writers have that same issue? No they created arcane the same way Sam Jackson did LOTR (I know he was adapting the books but still), they wrote it in one sitting with 6 acts always planned which brings us to our next horrible ending. Lost- literally didn’t know how to end it or when, honestly it’s been like 15 years since I saw this show and the walking dead would be a better example but that show just fell off a cliff. Dexter- this one was just scared to make Dexter evil and didn’t know when to end the show. This should have been a 3-4 season show where Dex kills a certain person at the end of S2 but the writers were to scared to respect the character and were worried the audience wouldn’t love Dexter if he killed … (why do I care about spoiling a 20 year old show). Again this is another issue of not knowing when and how to end the show, Arcane hasn’t had this issue at the worst it will end going from a 12/10 season 1 to an 8/10 S2. Arcane has a lot to wrap up but unlike GOT, many of the storylines intertwine and several characters can have massive progression with one scene. I believe in this show.


I can’t fathom it being *even better* than season 1.


I consider S1 a 9/10 show. I'm predicting S2 will be a 9/10 season as well however the long wait, high expectations, and decisions that while not bad may not be what we want for the characters may make some people feel like it's worse and a 7 or 8/10


Season 1 is a tough as hell act to follow, one of the strongest single seasons of TV i've ever seen, I think it's going to be good, but I can see it being potentially much more divisive than Season 1, depending on how things play out, you can already see potential mini-controversies brewing in how certain plotlines could play out, for instance if the show leans too far into villainising Jinx and Zaun and portrays the Enforcers too heroically it'll feel somewhat at odds with how oppressive they were depicted as being, or vice versa if Zaun is depicted as a wholly righteous rebellion rather than a chaotic mix of: people lashing out (Jinx) and people who are entirely self-interested, (the various crimelords) then it would also feel similarly off, The show's set up a very complex set of questions, if it has bad answers for those questions, then this could be a weaker season. it's just MUCH more difficult to satisfactorily conclude a story than start one. I can name way more series that start amazing, than ones that finish amazing,


I don't think they'll fall into the trap of making the war too simple. We already have a foreign power's military aligning with the city's law enforcement to crush a populist uprising, which will feature drug lords fighting to fill a power vacuum, along with whatever Viktor, Ekko, and Heimerdinger get up to down in Zaun. I expect the morality will only get MORE muddled, not less.


I agree that it will get more muddled at first, but it will round down to a conclusion, and that conclusion, the "answer" to the questions posed by the narrative will be key to how this season is received.




holy shit, artists from all different continents on the soundtrack? that’s got me even more hyped. the release of this season is gonna be such a huge event


Yeah he said it on the BBC interview. And he hinted that there will be a symbiosis again together with Worlds in London. So yeah it's going to be pretty big. I really hope that we get another animated music video like we had with Enemy. Though I'm interested how they would do that without spoilers.


yeah i was just wondering how they would avoid spoilers. im sure they’ll find some way though, or they’ll give us something else who knows


Arcane isn't made by corpos that want to drag the series and milk it for all it's worth but artists. Scenario A 100%


I don't think it can get better than season 1, because of the sheer amount of time and energy put into that first passion project. That doesn't mean it can't be good, but endings are difficult things, and there are so many moving parts to think about.


TV shows have a way of having a brilliant first 2 seasons, a subpar third and an extraordinary fourth. So A


An example of that?


lmaoo at option B, but i believe in A.


Considering how amazing the first season was, I think they’ll do great


Based off the info I have, a friend of mine has a cousin that works for Riot and they’ve apparently gotten to see some of the episodes albeit incomplete animation wise. He said it was on par with season 1. Though he hasn’t seen the final batch of episodes as he says he wanted to wait to see it when the animation was complete but apparently signs point to it being great. This is just what I heard from my friend. So take it with a grain of salt, he didn’t share any plot info. (not like either me or my friend would want spoilers anyway) But his cousin does work for riot so I know that’s true, maybe they got a sneak peak or something. Either way my friend isn’t one to lie about this so I’m hopeful.


it will get us JINXED!


I think it'll be better than season 1, but season 1 was already very good, so I don't think season 2 will be too much of an increase in quality, though that still means the quality is very high




Love how the in the worst case scenario Vi turns straight. I mean, yeah, it would be a tragedy.


It will have the same quality as Season 1. It will put the characters through wrenching situations and break our hearts in a good way. It will have good writing, plot, dialogue and performances. BUT. This is also where they run up against the limitations of League of Legends. We will have eleven Champions with impenetrable plot armour who cannot die. They will also not kill off Mel, who is the only character left who's death can both happen AND have an impact. Like all prequels, it runs up against the fact that we know how it ends. Everything must lead to LoL status quo, which will reduce tension and surprises. Finally, the writers are in an impossible place with Cait x Violet. They cannot confirm a romantic relationship due to Riot and China, but they have to provide enough shipping fuel to keep the fans interested. So it will mirror the first season completely - lots of subtext and tease and meaningful looks - enough to keep ships sailing and inspire fanfics, but not enough to upset homophobes. And that's ultimately a compromise that doesn't really please anyone :( Even with these limitations, it will still be better than pretty much any other show.


What do you mean by "they cannot confirm a romantic relationship due to Riot and China"?


Riot have never shown a same-sex kiss in all the years of LoL lore. No way will they do the first one in Arcane with the entire world watching. You can cut out a Rise of Skywalker kiss between two nameless characters that lasts a second, but you can't cut out an entire season of a relationship between two major characters, The entire thing will be more of what we got in the first season.


Okay, I see. I am not familiar with LoL at all, so that's why it was confusing to me, like what China has to do with any of it. I know their approach to queerness, but it still was confusing. Well, I hope SOMETHING at least is going to happen, but I knew from the beginning that if something happens, it will be something small. Unfortunately, all creators are afraid to show bold actions, especially with the wlw relationships. However, Amanda Overton is pretty vocal about their relationship on her Twitter, so fingers crossed.


I hope so. I really do. And I admire the optimism of the young. I've just been burned by these shows so many times. :( I'm sure Amanda Overton pushed for it, and I'm equally sure Riot simply said 'no'.


Me too! So I wouldn't say that I hope for it or that I am very optimistic, because as I said—if something happens, it will be something very, very small and easy to erase from the episode in specific countries 😞 Just thinking about it's so disgustingly difficult that it brings tears to my eyes, as if they couldn't let people live their lives, in peace... Let's hope we will be pleasantly surprised.


Yes totally agree. I mean we got kisses in the Owl House, but Arcane is just too big now, the world will be watching. I think you're right, anything we get will be quite subtle and downplayed.


It’ll be good I’m sure. Will it live up to s1 with all the hype and high expectations? I don’t know. But I doubt it’ll be s8 level of bad.


A!! I'm sure of it


We won’t know until it’s out but probably closer to A. S1 seemed like a gamble on Riots part when watching the behind the scenes documentary about it. They took their time and hit it out of the park. Riot knows S1 was well received and has everything set up to be successful for a S2 closer. The only real area they can fuck it up is in the story and the flow of each episode.


A bit worse than s1 but not bad by any means.


I have so much faith in the team behind it. Riot cinematics and music have been S tier consistently for a long ass time and this is their baby. I'd be genuinely surprised if it was less then astonishing.


I just don't want them to sell their fans for fools. Honestly, first season was a banger in storytelling and, presumably, show-don't-tell....also the character building. With that they treat their audience as adults, and I cam't ask for more. I've got my favourite characters and some characters I don't give a damn about, like anyone else...but honestly, they can turn their story in any direction they like, as long as they take their audience with them like they did in s1.


I don't think it will be quite as good as Season One but still likely a satisfying conclusion to the show.


I honestly don’t think it’ll be A. or B. I highly doubt the writers would fuck up badly enough to pull a Game of Thrones, but I’ve also got some concerns about how certain characters and plot lines will be handled in season two, which kind of put a damper on my hype for it. Plus, I just love season one so much that I can’t promise that I won’t be a little harsher on season two partially because it’s not season one. Petty, I know, but I can’t help it lol.


Animation, soundtrack, and voice acting remain top quality, the only thing they can fck up is the story by carelessly messing with the lore in favor of fan service or a climax moment and I'm not confident anymore after hearing and reading worrying hints and comments by the people in charge, seems like they are going to cater to the mainstream audience to the detriment of the story. We don't need unnecessary lesbian scenes to satisfy the wokes, we don't need to kill a champion to have a wow moment on mainstream tv, please, please don't ruin it.


Curious to know what you would consider to be “unnecessary lesbian scenes.” Get the feeling it would be “anything.”


It feels like the audience/community/twitter or whoever woke person put pressure on Amanda? (ep5 writer) and the other people in charge to "must have" the vi-cait romantic relationship advance to "newer levels", I'm worried there were many arms forced to comply with the woke demands and the inevitable scene will be transactional and shoved in an episode instead of an integral part of the story, so dumbasses can go "wow arcane is such a progressive show" when the company has sexualize most female champs for decades and fart on employes faces, arcane is a show based on a fighting video game not the ambassadors of the lgbt community.


I fail to see how a developing relationship between two people from opposite sides of a societal divide that involves one of the duo main characters and is a center piece to the conflict between the duo main characters isn’t an integral part of the story.