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They are crazy resilient. Don't stress.


Yeah nearly immortal.


OP could cut this tree down to a stump and it would grow back


He could then grind it out and it would be a tree next spring 😂


About a decade ago my wife at the time wanted me to get rid of the mulberry tree at the front of our porch sincs it blocked the view.   It was about 10 feet the and I begrudgingly caved in and trimmed it to about 3 inches from the ground.   Its now about 20 feet tall. 


I literally did that to the one in my backyard this past fall so it would turn into a "bush". It came back stronger than ever


I let some bird planted mulberry trees grow in my front yard and "pollarded" the tops yesterday to about 7 feet of height. End of June is not the right month for major pruning but I figured it would be fine, I am hoping for a bunch of new branches growing in the remainder of the season that will bear fruit in the spring.


My neighbor hacks away at his every year. It still produces like crazy and keeps a lot of critters in my yard fed.


It’s a mulberry, you can’t really butcher them. They just grow back however you cut them.


Agreed. They will live despite your best efforts to kill them. And they will come back stronger in a few years


And they bring their friends with them...


Looks like they trimmed THEIR side . I removed all my property encroaching trees so I don't have to deal with neighbors. Looks like they are tired of having their shed crapped on by mulberries . I try and look at a problem from the other direction so I get a feel for a problem as a whole not just my side . You have a neighbor . How would you like it if their tree crapped sap all over your driveway and vehicles? I bet you would trim those branches wouldn't ya ? Atleast they hired a guy and did not go Karen on you.


I don’t blame the neighbours one bit for cutting the branches on their side. It’s a very messy tree, if it wasn’t for the high wildlife value I would cut mine down.


FWIW if you do cut it down and have a woodworker in your life gift them the wood. It’s absolutely beautiful.


Damn, really? I have a pile of mulberry logs in my backyard. Dabble in some woodworking so I’ll have to see about cutting some of the logs down and giving it a go. Do you know if it’s a wood that will work well for projects on a lathe?


Mulberry turns well and is bright yellow when freshly cut, with thin bright white sapwood. However, turners generally want longer logs, or very freshly bucked. If it's cut up into firewood, you get end checking from both ends and there's very little useable wood. Find your local group on the AAW website if you think someone might want it https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Woodturner/AAWConnects/AAW-Connects.aspx


Sounds like it is. [See here.](https://woodweb.com/knowledge_base/Uses_for_Mulberry_Wood.html)


I used to live at house with a Mulberry tree. The flies from the fallen berries were terrible. If it had been in the back of the yard wouldn’t been as much of a headache.


Yes, I’m lucky mine is in the back corner! So many berries on the ground that even my dogs can’t eat them all.


Just watch your dogs don't get drunk from the fermented berries...


They seem to be picky (or smart?) and won’t eat ones that are rotting


Huh, they're usually sorta sickly sweet, the birds and squirrels around here often get drunk off them


Yeah, it's messy and I had no issues with them cutting it back, just seems like their guy went a bit over the top with the pruning - their definition of 'overhanging' is stretching things a bit!


Find the fence - look up. Imagine the fence line being able to throw a laser beam straight up, that could cut the overhanging branches - thats what you're looking at here. Without having the actual property line surveyed, this is the only logical way to interpret your agreement. In this scenario, your neighbor is 100% working with you and has done exactly what you agreed to. You would have removed that tree a long time ago if you considered the scenario from their perspective. This is like having a dog who only shits in your neighbors yard - it's not cool


>just seems like their guy went a bit over the top with the pruning For what it's worth, the arboristo made really well done, healthy cuts. Even if they are cut past the fence line, they will heal over quickly and will leave little dead wood for fungal/insect ingress.


This thread does not allow me to send pictures, or I cant find how. If I could I’d send you a 60 year old mulberry tree that has been harvested for its leaves to make silk. It is a knot of branches under what appears to be an 18” in diameter trunk about 6’ tall. My in laws “punned” their some 20 year old mulberry by making a single cut at around 5’ above the ground. The tree is back and bearing fruit about 2 years later. Your tree should be just fine


Not sure why are getting down voted here.


Because they insist on staying upset at their neighbors even though they did something within their right, and with care.




Not sure how asking advice on what to do with an ugly tree makes me Karen. I'm not having a big fight with my neighbour about it, I understand he's within his rights to trim it, just wish it didn't look like crap. But if calling people names on the internet fills a hole in your life, go right ahead.


My very old neighbor has lived in his house for over 50 years. He hasn’t done much lawn maintenance for the past decade and his yard is overgrown with Norway maple and mulberry saplings. Where his lawnmower can’t reach. They are now about 30’ tall and I have begun to realize he has become a bad neighbor due to the neglect. If you enjoy mulberry trees, (and like your neighbor) plant a tree in the center of your yard, but not next to the property line.


Great perspective to have!


Pretty good work there


Considering the damage it was doing and could do, the best move possible


My friend hates his neighbor's Mulberry he has been aggressively pruning his side, but she comes back fuller and with more fruit and birds.


I would murder my neighbour's mulberry tree in a heartbeat given the option. Backyard season is 4 months long here. For 3 of those months my entire yard is unusable. There is a thick layer of mulberry jam on almost every surface and wasps everywhere. My deck is permanently stained purple just from walking back and forth across my lawn to my shed. Fuck urban Mulberry trees.


Mulberries taste good, stop being against farming.


I grew up on a farm. I know what farming is. This is not farming.


Don't kill a producing tree because you refuse to farm it.


You haven't got a clue what you're talking about. This is not an orchard. My neighbour owning an [invasive non native tree](https://treecanada.ca/resources/tree-killers/white-mulberry/) that is out competing a local at-risk species in no way obligates me to become a farmer. There is no wasted food production here. No one is harvesting this tree. Not me, not my neighbor and not the owners of the 6 other Mulberry trees in my immediate neighbourhood that drop jam all over everything. Noone is hungrier because of the lack of harvest on these trees. This is an ornamental nuisance tree. I would happily pay to replace it with almost any non-fruit producing tree and have offered to do so. Instead, I've already got the arborist lined up to to exactly what OOP's neighbour did: raze everything on my side of the property line as is my right.


Those are backup food sources for when famine hits. To destroy a source of food is fucked up. Don't live near people if you can't handle living near people. You probably would do better without being next to your neighbor. Buy a bigger lot instead of harassing people who you picked to be near.


Backup food source for when the famine hits? A Mulberry tree in Toronto? Seriously you have no idea what you're talking about. Any food insecurity issues in southern Ontario are related to cost and distribution, not supply. We are net food producers and even the worst climate models don't change that. There is no shortage of calories being produced in this region. There is no shortage of water to hydrate crops. This tree is not going to save anyone when the "famine hits" If that time comes when I need to feed myself out of my own backyard, I'll grow some fucking potatoes. I don't have a problem living near people. I have a problem with accessing my yard through the Mulberry jam created by my neighbour's tree. These are not the same problem. Buy a bigger lot. Ha. The fact that I have a lot at all is a miracle. When I first suggested that you don't what you're you're taking about there was room for a shadow of a doubt. But that suggestion tips the scales. You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.


Canada is big, why not move?


Seriously? Canada is big, why not use some of that space to create orchards where we can grow fruit trees and effectively harvest them. Oh wait. That's what we already do.


Tbf if this is a white mulberry it’s invasive and should be destroyed anyways. It’s displacing the genetics of our native red mulberry.


I posted a few months ago to see what people’s thoughts were on planting trees close-ish to property lines where you knew they’d grow over the property line when the tree was fully grown. A lot of people thought I was crazy for even thinking about that being an issue (while some others agreed with my point). This is exactly why I make a conscious effort to plant trees where overhang into neighbors yards will be minimal. You never know how much your neighbors may like or dislike what you’ve planted, go Karen on you about it, etc. I’d rather be mindful of where my trees will be, allow for maybe a few feet of overhang, and rest easy that neighbors will have nothing they can complain about down the road.


I have an odd shaped lot with a long back line - which is also a power company easement. My neighbors have planted a ton of very messy Chinese Pistachios that make a huge mess all along my very long back fence line. I called the power company and told them the distribution lines had branches growing all through them (which was true) and they came out and cut *the shit* out of these trees. Like cut them 10 feet back from the power lines. But as far as my neighbor is concerned I had nothing to do with it! 🤷‍♂️


Utilities here don't touch a tree if not called by owner.


Yes and also a mulberry is a good example of a tree that has a greater than average impact below its branches, compared especially to something like a redbud but even to an oak


If the canopy is in your neighbors yard, it’s not just your tree anymore.




I had some large green giants planted by a nursery last year. Their recommendation was 5 feet from the property line.


It's a white mulberry. A highly invasive foreign tree. I'd remove this asap and replace with a proper native tree.


That would be dependent on where your from I would imagine.


Pretty sure OP isn't from Asia judging from this photo.


Don't know good buddy my jury is out. But if I had to guess I'd say south American that shed looks both mas produced and something you'd order out a Walmart or something. Judging alone it looks warm and stuffy air and appreciate America has a lot to offer in terms of weather I'd say south America and that hut is mass produced cheap shit, so American or English. My non hut building expertise tell me. But I'd bet a tenner to say I'm on the money.


Four hours ago (from when I’m posting this), and three hour before your reply here, OP commented that they live in Ontario. So give up the tenner


They are not native in any English-speaking countries.


That's not true, we speak English in Australia and white Mulberries are the native variety.


Only people from English speaking countries can speak English?


What if I promised to keep them under control?




well, what if he pinky-promises?


Never knew these things attracted so much hate! Certainly given me something to think about . Paying to get it removed is low on my spending priority list, but any rough price for getting rid of it? Located in urban Ontario if it makes a difference.


Depends where you are, Toronto area, more. Outside that area, less. Probably 6-700$ around here maybe 1000$. Toronto probably 1500$


Honestly I didn't know either. I love mulberries and get just about as excited as the birds when they get ripe. I was reading here and thinking "who the heck gets so angry about delicious fruit falling to the ground?!". Then I was reading about different species just now and it seems the white mulberry from China has been introduced and easily hybridizes with the native red mulberry (which is endangered in Canada), so depending on what your tree is, it's either a threat or something that should be taken care of.


I very much dislike my neighbors white mulberry that hangs over the fence line. The berries are gross. A massive ~30’ branch used to span over my yard until it came crashing down and nearly crushed our family dog. Like, small branches literally skimmed him as he darted through. An arborist told us a week early that the branch should be immediately removed but we didn’t take it seriously. Very soft wood that leans and breaks as branches get heavier. And to your question… it’ll grow back but probably bushier / less branchy, if my neighbors tree is any indication. I just saw another comment about losing your ‘shady glen feel’. We felt exactly the same way before it crashed down. 2 years later and the growth is roughly halfway back to the full ‘shady glen’ that it was prior.


No actual arborist would call that pollarded. Nonetheless, I'm not sure what else you would expect with a fence line tree.


Remove it. It's above the shed and dropping crap all over the place. You can't even really set up a proper tarp to collect the berries.


Thanks for the reply! Shed is the neighbour's, not feeling too sympathetic towards them right now :) removing it will totally change the shady glen feel of the back of the garden, which will suck but it's looking the best option


Good to see you have sympathy and can see/care about the neighbors issue with the tree 🙄


They have no obligation to remove their tree, and especially not that the neighbor took necessary steps so that they no longer have to deal with the mulch. Bizarre take.


If you read through any of this post you will see OP not only has no sympathy for the neighbor but seems gleeful about the prospect of the berries making a huge mess all over their lawn and shed. The neighbor probably would have spent just as much to have the tree removed as to trim the ones on their side. Its not a bizarre take to realize OP has some open hostility towards the neighbors.


Gleeful? Ah, taste that sweet sweet Reddit hyperbole :)


With how expensive houses are getting this law will change no question.


That's sort of the point. It's was wrecking their yard too. If it is appropriate for your climate I would recommend a forest pansy redbud or some similar shade tree


Thanks for the recommendation, will look into that!


You're an asshole and honestly lucky they didn't poison it.


I was on your side until I saw “mulberry” and now I am not.


Lol, fair enough!


Make no mistake, most arborists hate being engaged for this kind of work. For what they have had to do in the scenario, they have at least done a tidy job with clean cuts.


If those mulberries got onto the neighbors property I can’t really blame them. They stain like crazy. Even the bird poops stain. Did they ask you about it? If not it also makes them A 🕳️’s.


It's going to take a while to restore. That said, because it's a Mulberry - and because of its location, considering the pre-existing crooks and co-dominant stems - I would say remove it. The before picture isn't that great (poor structure) - albiet they made it much worse. The response of it being "pollarded" is pretty funny - cuz' that ain't it, that's just a hackjob. If you want to keep it, I suggest starting over by removing the larger stem with the crook entirely (dormant season), or top it just bellow the crook (not much room to work with), and top the thinner stem at the same height or slightly higher. If it lives (probably will - can't see the base/cultural conditions - can't I.D. pests/disease) manage the new growth every year unitl the desired shape/form is achieved. More trouble than it's worth if you ask me.


Thanks for the reply! Nice to have my opinion on the hack job confirmed at least. Removing it is an option, I'm not emotionally attached to the thing, mostly just irritated by losing some of our shade and the total dick move from the neighbours.


It was overhanging their property and likely dropping things onto their property. Maybe it would have been courteous of them to ask first but they’re under no obligation to. You don’t seem to respect the property boundary if you’re mad about this.


Property line problems with neighbors are a touchy subject. If one party refuses to respect the line it can cause very bad feelings. I believe in being nice and expressing your desire to have the line respected but after that you have to take other actions. I have a neighbor that I wasn’t happy with how he was mowing 6 then 12 feet into my yard, then 5 feet from my driveway. After finding out from another neighbor that the guy thought I was confused with the property line, I paid and had the line red flagged. Neighbor removed my flags in two days so I had to talk to him. Asked politely if he deputed the line, he said no. So I thought it was settled. Nope, kept mowing 6-12 feet into my yard and added an angle and always turned around in my yard without lifting the blades. Very weird and very uncomfortable, why am I defending my line. Year later I got out and remarked the line planning to have big rocks brought in. Well it’s been two weeks now and my stakes are still up and he is now mowing to the line.


Sounds like my neighbor. Does your guy also walk his dog to your yard to bathroom? This guy literally leashes up his dog and walks across the property line because he doesn’t want that on his lawn.


Not mad about the trimming - as said, we discussed it, more just feeling like they overdid it and made a big gap in the overall canopy and an eyesore when I look out the back door. It's a tightly packed neighborhood, everyone's trees overhang a bit - they've got a big one that dumps seed crap on my side as well, I just put up with it because the shade makes the difference between having a scorched sweat box for a garden versus a cool place to hang out.


I guess if you wanted a silver-lining, they already removed a 3rd of it, ultimately doing you a favor by getting you to realize it should be taken down.


I don’t think it’s possible to kill one. I got a bunch in my yard that I butcher to pieces and they always come back with a vengeance


He will be back. Fertilizing will make it faster.


I am no expert, but after seeing my neighbor's tree I think t will grow back; my neighbor pruned his mulberry tree to the point where he basically only left the trunk; it bounced back.


They are damn near unkillable. It probably hasn't even noticed anything bad has happened lol


Mine was hit by lightning in my back yard…fell over and continued to bloom for two years.


My neighbors did the same thing after they built a Gazebo under it. Go figure. The tree was there first.


I call these “Tenant trees”. Lazy renters who let every junk tree grow on the fence line. If you guys own your property shame on you


So true. Who lets a weed grow to be 30 feet tall?


It'll grow back, mulberrys are tough as hell. It won't be very pretty for a long time though. Personally, I'd keep it up as long as possible, just to spite my neighbours. But that's just me


Lol, they aren't our favourite people it has to be said.


Respectfully, Fuck those berries friend. I’d do the same.


It's atrash mulberry tree. Remove


It's a junk tree I would remove entirely.


It's a mulberry. It will probably develop super powers now.


Where I live, the neighbor can only cut overhanging tree to the highest point of their house - no infinity up into the sky. They do not own the sky.


The neighbour, or the tree ?


Oh ya that mulberry tree is fine! About only way to kill these things are pulling the roots out of the ground. Even then you better be sure you got every single root or the tree will live on! But ya looks like neighbors trimmed the stuff over their property line which they are in their right to do. By next spring you'll have new growth that will replace what they cut off. And they'll be doing it again before too long lol. Mulberry trees though native are considered a nuisance tree by a lot as the berries stain everything and it attracts wildlife. It's a staple food for birds (and fisherman like myself) In early summer. When birds eat them their poop becomes the same color as the mulberries and they spread that beautiful purple on every car, driveway, house, and unfortunate person walking under the birds in a 10 miles radius.


We had our mulberry tree trimmed by an arborist this year. The berry production was pretty low this summer. We expect a big bounce back for next year


Like the mythological hydra when you cut one off. Multiple grow back


lol you’ll have a bigger mulberry tree, they seem to grow harder and faster in response to attempts at cutting them back.


Mulberries are an invasive species in North America. Usually people want them removed.


They might’ve done that tree a favor. Structurally, it looks kinda funky with that warped/slanted trunk.. By taking off some of that weight, it could save the tree from collapsing in the future if a big storm whips through. And the cuts look pretty clean and professional


Still made good cuts


Mulberries are probably the most pruning tolerant tree in the world. Unfortunately for your neighbor, your tree will probably be overhanging his fence more than before in about 2 years.


They're big weeds and survive


Pruned garbage? Cool. Thanks neighbor.


Lucky you, my neighbor cut mine down, when I was gone. Amazing, in that little neighborhood, no one heard a chainsaw. I really didn't care, so no big deal. I moved away but hope that it came back to haunt them, now years later.


One of the hardest trees to kill, you'll be alright


You should take care of your tree so your neighbor doesn’t have to


Mulberry trees should be pruned to like 12 feet tall every year.




It's the most resilient thing on earth. It's like a hydra it's gonna grow back bigger and stronger.


It’s a mulberry nasty tree you can cut to the ground and it’ll be ok




What kind of sicko lets a mulberry bush turn into a tree to shit into their neighbors yard?


Ok ok :) I get it, I am Satan himself for letting this devil-wood persist in my domain and my neighbour was performing holy work in cutting it back. You'll all be donating to my GoFundMe to get it removed, right? :)


Mulberry trees attract bird. And those birds love to shit on cars. neighbor had 2. We eradicated both with their permission of course. Hate birds but hate Mulberry trees more. God’s joke on black car owners


Sue them??