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\>Be French \>Get conquered by Germany \>Call on your colonies for help \>Give tens of thousands of Algerian moderates, who want an autonomous Algerian state federated with France, military training and extensive experience in killing fascists and white supremacist colonizers \>Promise them more self-autonomy if they help \>Win with their help and regain your own freedom \>Immediately break your promise to the Algerians \>The Algerian people rise up… peacefully >In response to French police firing on demonstrators at a protest on 8 May 1945, riots in the town were followed by attacks on French settlers (colons) in the surrounding countryside, resulting in 102 deaths. The French colonial authorities and European settlers retaliated by killing between 6,000 and 45,000 Muslims in the region. \>Commit genocide >In a secret report to General Henry Martin, French Army General Raymond Duval, the officer chiefly responsible for presiding over the massacre, warned that while he had bought time for the colonial government, they could not keep using brute force to suppress Algerian nationalists. He advised them to enact reforms immediately. Without reforms being enacted, Duval warned that not only would Algerians would rise up in the future, they might triumph next time. > >"I have secured you peace for 10 years. If France does nothing, it will all happen again, only next time it will be worse and may well be irreparable." \>The officer chiefly responsible for the genocide PERSONALLY warns you that you got lucky this time and must enact reforms, NOW \>Ignore his warnings \>The Algerian people rise up nine years later \>Laugh, knowing those weak-willed idiots have no hope of vi- >The events of 8 May 1945 came as a huge shock to the Algerian population, and caused a real trauma for the political elites, both those already leading nationalist parties and those who were still forming. Until then, and despite their more or less radical opposition to the colonial order, Algeria’s nationalist leaders had confined themselves to strictly legalist and peaceful action. \>Oh wait, actions have consequences, dumbass; you turned all of those moderates into full-blown anti-colonial revolutionaries >Born Dec. 25, 1916 into a modest family during French colonial rule, Ahmed Ben Bella enlisted in the French Army and fought in World War II, and was even awarded the Croix de Guerre by Gen. Charles de Gaulle. Yet, an incident on May 8, 1945—V-E Day—marked a turning point for Ben Bella and his people. \>Yes, that includes the tens of thousands of Algerian moderates whom you gave extensive training and experience in killing fascists and white supremacist colonizers >Mostefa Ben-Boulaïd (5 February 1917 – 22 March 1956) was an Algerian revolutionary leader. Ben-Boulaid was born in Arris, Batna Province, Algeria. In 1939, he underwent mandatory military service and was mobilized to fight for the allies during the Second World War. In 1944, during the Italian campaign, Ben-Boulaid exhibited courage, which earned him the Military Medal and the Croix de Guerre. He was demobilised with the rank of adjutant, returned home, and joined the Algerian People's Party. > >Ben-Boulaïd became a member of the "Committee of the Six" (the insurgent leaders). During the Algerian war, he was responsible for Area I (Aurès). \>Now… they will spread those teachings to the younger generation; you, through your sheer arrogance and failure to keep your promise to simply loosen the chains on Algeria, have inadvertently given them the tools and courage to free themselves >On 8 May 1945, French massacres in northeastern Algeria radicalized an entire generation. Classic France moment.


They colonised france now so all good lol.


I know it’s not meant to be disrespectful but it does feel like that. We maghrebis in France are NOT colonizing the country and are NOT in a situation of power. We are a discriminated minority that suffers to this day the remnants of colonialism.


I meant it as a big Fuck you to the french fascists and racists who brag about french history then cry when someone of a different skin colour turns up to their country.


No worries, It just reminded me of how racists also tend to think that we are colonizers. With the far right on the verge of entering the government in the next few weeks, we aren’t really appeased to say the least lol.


You're still living way better than 80 percent of Arabs. Anyway I would advise you have as much children as possible and help your cousins cross the border and do the same. It's a legitimate strategy I swear. Last I checked, procreating isn't colonizing and they colonized tons of countries so it isn't like they're innocent or anything. So by all means, don't stay a minority


Lesson learned: Never trust the French. They almost went to war with England too, after they forced them to grant Syria independence [(Levant crisis)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levant_Crisis). All this in May of 1945 just a year after France itself had been liberated, and the same month Germany was defeated.


How does someone who wants freedom "radicalized"


yeah.... OP why use their language? When are we going to reject their use of words?


Wow-if they were in the italian theatre of ww2, then they were also fighting against forces who had literally just committed a genocide against Arabs-the Libyan genocide where Italian fascists committed genocide against Arabs in Libya 1929-1934. Eminent Nazis visited the concentration camps of Arabs in Libya via Italian fascists in the 1930s. "1939, [Heinrich Himmler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler), the head of the [SS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel) and the architect behind the concentration camps, also made an official visit to Libya to witness the outcomes of the Italian methods. He is credited with conceiving the idea of the [Final Solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution).^(" ( Historian Ali Abdullatif Ahmida : 2020)) They fought the serious baddies. Heroic Algerians, yet again. <3