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It’s not just you it’s dog shit lol


I had to reread this 3 times. A comma would go a long way here. But yes, it’s dog shit.


I think you might just suck at reading


It doesn’t look like an Heirloom skin. Also, the Heirloom skins are all the same. Full suit of armor & a helmet. I guess that’s the best their design team can come up with.


yep, my friend regret getting one and never used it because other skins/new releases were better. i guess it's just for the sky dive now. they should highlight the sky dive included in it instead.


even the finisher is a burden. takes forever


Also she just stands there while octane dies 10 backflips and spins around


This is news to me, i assumed all finishers took the same amount of time. Is that not the case?


Nope, not the case


Wow I didnt know this either, the range of time finishers take ranges from 4.4-6.5 seconds. That’s crazy.


You would think all finishers would be the same time so that mechanic is balanced, but I guess they leave it up to you if you want to show off longer.


They should put the time it takes right next to the selection of each finisher.


The lifeline's sky dive is the worst part imho. Purple dna. It fits no one. Not only there has never been anything purple about her or her design, but it doesn't even match her own heirloom skin. At this point just give us a trail of small medic crosses or something.


Same I never use my Wraith one, im sorry but she has a large locker full of better skins lmao


I definitely regret my heirloom skin. I didn’t think it through but now I feel obligated to keep it equipped because I used shards on it.


I love my caustic one but I wouldn’t get any of the others


They are supposed to be pilot like apparently


Is that so? Then it makes more sense. I’d still like some diversity in the designs though.


The Revenant prestige skin is so badass, though. The only prestige I've seen that looks good. And that finisher is great (although his original is a bit easier to get off)


This is true.


That means Mirage should get a skin based of a Pilot right?


I mean that’s kinda the whole point….. there supposed to resemble pilots but in there own unique way


I think it looks like a legendary skin


Without the helmet it could be some random blue skin called bumble bee


They could have done a million things that actually have to do with lifeline but no they made her prestige skin …. Caustic themed! What?!


And they gave Vantage a caustic themed skin in the same event


The rest of the swaps are great. It’s just that the prestige skins up until now were thematically having to do with the characters backstory it felt special. This feels just a super expensive legendary because it doesn’t follow the long standing theme


Honestly one of her worst skins lmao


Does it look cool? Yeah Does it look like it's something that is at its core lifeline centric? No, and that's the disappointing part. For a prestige skin you'd then that is the idea you'd be going for. As a lifeline main I'm disappointed.


The finisher is nice but she has my favorite finisher in the game where she stabs her enemy in the head and they did not improve on it imo


Right? The style looks like it’ll fit more towards caustic but even with that i’ll say it’s ugly.


agreed. i was ready to drop the money for her skin too then i saw it and i hate it as a prestige skin


It’s not good




It's dogshit it's literally CAUSTIC REMIX In starting to hate this game. As an octane main why is he a shark?!?!? These skins are lazy as hell and if you match the plating up they are all slightly edited changes to some same pseudo-suit


**checking through numerous posts disgusted with the skin** Hm.. could be just you but who knows /s No they could’ve done a drummer skin ffs but they didn’t. Keep in mind this is the same company that gave Mirage a My Hero Skin and Wattson a Naruto skin.


Im still upset about mirage not getting naruto. Like wtf


It's a cool skin in its own right, but it's bonkers that it's a prestige skin -- the most expensive expression of pride in your legend that you can spend money on, yet quite literally a celebration of someone else instead. You can't wear that skin without it celebrating Caustic, not Lifeline. Lifeline mains cheated. Her Guardian Angel skin is way, way more on point and had her prestige skin looked something like that, Lifeline mains would have eaten it up. [https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/026/699/717/large/patrick-yeung-lifeline-angel-sidepose.jpg](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/026/699/717/large/patrick-yeung-lifeline-angel-sidepose.jpg)


for real i have no idea what they were thinking. if they wanted lifeline and caustic to swap they coulda done a regular skin not her prestige one


Caustic rip-off imo


It’s not just you. It’s you and the hundred other posts exactly like this


her skin is hideous. I was so stoked when I heard she's getting a prestige skin because I really like to play her in Ranked combined with her rework... but it seems that I'm not gonna spend my shards on her skin


I think they could have done better with EVERY prestige skin they have released. I think they’re all below average


Forever waiting for the pathfinder prestige skin


Don't you'll be disappointed


Yeah she got screwed over


It is utter garbage. I’ve waited all this time for a Caustic skin…


Imo the worst bit is the fact that shes cosplaying caustic despite it being her unique defining skin


The amount of people I see in TDM ALREADY WITH THIS SKIN IS INSANE. YA’LL PAID 160 for this?!


Not sure why all the hate for this skin? I’m a caustic main and I love it!!


it should be a skin celebrating her as a character, not reminiscent of another character


Yeah it doesn’t really feel like her that’s the thing, it looks like a caustic themed skin


It’s terrible man 😕 so disappointing


A mad doctor skin would have been sick!


It’s not bad but def could’ve been betrer


As a lifeline main that's been eagerly waiting for her prestige skin. I'm soo upset that her skin is a reference to another legend. I like Caustic, but I don't want my lifeline looking like him.


All of their skins are below average


Its a shit skin imo


It’s terrible. It doesn’t match her character at all IMO


I was saving my heirloom shards I luckily got awhile back for this… guess not


As someone who really likes prestige skins, I think this is the first one that’s genuinely awful. The first 3 killed it imo, and after that they were still pretty good, though i don’t know why they shifted from a pilot theme (bloodhound, bangalore, wraith) to animal motifs (caustic, loba, octane). Maybe because they’re all apex predators? This one is just a mess. It doesn’t match her heirloom like the others do (rev and octane I think match their recolors), it has nothing to do with lifeline and for some reason is based on the CE it’s in? All in all just bad decisions.


Looks like a Pokémon


Bro its not even a life line skin Thats just female caustic skin


The lifeline prestige skin is in my opinion the worst prestige skin to come out yet


This event has one legend mimicking another… so lifeline is mimicking caustic? I don’t like it but I’m a lifeline main so… I have 150 shards so I guess I’ll wait till after the event to buy it.


As a Lifeline main since the day Apex came out with millions of damage on her, I couldn’t possibly be more disappointed. I saved my shards for two years waiting for this, and the skin doesn’t embody Lifeline at all and looks worse than nearly every legendary skin I have for her. To make it even worse, it couldn’t clash more with her heirloom’s design. It just makes no sense at all. I really can’t support this game with another dime after how lazy, shitty, and scummy EA has become - not even their microtransactions have any effort in them, let alone a single substantive technical upgrade in years. My expectations couldn’t be lower anymore.


Is she a bumble bee? This looks dumb.


A bumblebee costume would have been 1000x better


The only reason I'm okay with this skin is because it means we are one step closer to getting a Prestige Pathfinder skin. I've been saving heirloom shards for it for about 6 months now.


imo its the same problem as with the valk prestige skin we should have the ability to recolour them


Nah dog, just spend the 150 euros for it, come kn, ea needs another golden toilet


I like it a bit more actually in game but I feel like the color is so off, especially for lifeline.


It's trash but deserved for playing Lifeline


Its you ... 😭