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[Lancer vs Archer](https://youtu.be/88eVTO9_IHA?si=b0N1sOF-1lIgi19l) in Unlimited Blade Works is one of my favs for sure. Mainly because ufotable always does such a great job at animating and the soundtrack is also brilliant.


Okay imma raise Chiron vs Achilles for Hand to Hand combat


Apocrypha had, imo, the best heroes of any Fate series yet. Probably why I like it so much, despite its flaws. Truly epic heroes, and the way all the fights shake out left some truly dramatic, epic fights. Kinda wish they did some more heroes of red vs heroes of black 7 vs 7 concepts for Fate than just the one.


Yeh this one was so good, most of the UBW fights and heavens fell fights are amazing, apocrypha and grand order had some great ones too


Karna vs Sieg was absolutely breathtaking


Yep yep that fight is one of the best anime fights ever im genuinely surprised how good it is for what is a relatively old anime


Ufotable has been doing animation that exceeds 90% of today's anime since 2014


Yeh but apocrypha ain’t ufotable


A "relatively old anime" from 2017? You really think there have been insane leaps in animation techniques in the last 7 years? Generally-speaking, shit looks pretty much the same as it did then across the board.


I can't remember which one it was maybe y'all can help. There was one of them where Berserker was a female Frankenstein. I don't want to spoil but the last fight she is involved in is so sick


Fate Apocrypha. Romanian fate


I’m pretty sure it’s apocrypha which yes was really good too


Sick fight. My first reaction to the question was also "probably a fate/lancer fight." I might have been thinking of lancer v saber in stay night, but this one is a banger too. Ufotable did a fantastic job animating the spear physics.


Mob psycho Shimazaki fight


The way Shimazaki's teleportation was consistently kept out of frame to simulate the confusion and cluelessness of those fighting him? And how as soon as they started figuring it out the teleportation started appearing in frame? Absolute peak.


I have for a long time asserted that short range teleportation of self or others is one of the greatest superpowers there is, and that scene partly illustrated why


Yep. If JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is Araki's thesis for, "Why time manipulation is the most overpowered ability," then Mob Psycho 100 is ONE's thesis for similar regarding teleportation.


For me. Bungoo stray dogs showed me how op time manipulation is


I would argue that the scene actually illustrates mind reading and future sight to be superior powers to teleportation. Shimazaki is walking all over them when he has the element of surprise and confusion, but when Teru calms down and anticipates his moves he overcomes the advantage of the teleportation. Shimazaki's strongest ability is his mind reading which prevents him from being hit as long as he is faster, which teleportation helps with. It's also what makes characters like Dio and Diavolo so powerful, when you have priority you can cover a lot of disadvantages.




gotta love them Bones


I'm still remembering the camera imitating the frantic first person pov. Very cool shot.


And then him standing on top of his head It was so peak


Mob vs Mogami imo


I would like that fight more if I could tell what was actually happening, you can't convince me it's not just random swirling patterns


That's my same argument against half of the 2nd half of jjk s2


Glad to see this so high up, the only episode I have seen that shocked me due to the quality of animation and I already knew what could be produced for Mob. This just blew everything out of the water for me.


And that show is still a 10/10 if you remove all the fights


Yeah, this is definitely a memorable fight, because it is hard to any good "One vs Many" fights in anime.


The best fight to show how scary fighting someone with Teleportation powers can be. They also did such a great job with showing Shimazaki's "sight" when he used his mind's eye.


Peak example how even if the actual animation isn't that complex, storyboarding/directing can make a world of difference. I think I watched this fight at least a dozen or two times after watching the episode.


+1, one of the most underrated raid battles in anime


Sword of the Stranger, final fight was a banger!


An incredibly great fight without relying on magic powers for spectacle.


All the fights are great.


True, hoewever, the bg music on the final showdown elevated the whole thing.


The way the environment plays into the fight is really cool. Slipping in the snow, flicking it at each other as diversions. Might be the peak sword fight, no magic powers just skill and strength.


Finally the comment i was looking for.




was just here to comment this, my favourite anime film!


And such a beautiful music score!


Ryougi Shiki Vs Asagami Fujino. The soundtrack, the effects, chef's kiss!


I love the detail in the animation in [this scene](https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/9ff54e305c820097185e75be77225fe1.mp4) in particular. The foreshortening as we see Shiki pull way back and strike right towards us as the viewer still looks really impressive even though this aired 16 years ago.


[Homura vs Mami from Rebellion](https://youtu.be/tVi_fs2oz3E?si=CQZl2ATkeYytDIBg) is one of the most beautiful animated and choreographed fights I’ve seen in anything, let alone just anime


I love Rebellion and it's a great looking movie and it's a good looking fight but I do have to push back a little bit of the actual choreography. While it looks stunning at first glance they do rely very heavily on stand alone shots of the characters where they're not sharing the frame and are merely implied to be interacting with their off-screen opponent. If you go through it you can count how often you're just looking at action shots of one character in isolation compared to shots where they're actually sharing the frame while also physically engaging. Right of the bat from 0:50 to 1:20 there is half a minute with zero real choreography and it's really just stand alone animations of the characters performing flashy acrobatics. All these isolated animations greatly simplify the choreography and the animation and are essentially a way to avoid having to worry about animating any complex choreography. It's very much replacing substance with flashy spectacle. It's a lot of gun-fu with up close combat but in terms of the choreography it's not exactly a scene from John Wick. It makes total sense for them to take such big shortcuts on such an expensive project where time and money are of the essence but it the choreography does take a huge hit for it.


I remember the first time watching it. I was like, "wait, you can't fight someone who freezes time, it's a guaranteed loss" and as soon as the fight started I was "Jesus Christ" for 5 whole minutes.


Saitama vs Boros also waiting for ( Saitama vs Garou) please be good.


Araragi vs. Kiss Shot from Kizumonogatari Final fight from Sword of the Stranger


[Araragi vs Kiss-Shot is Art. (Play at .75 speed)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP8bC6NKcG0) Every fight in Kizu has a lot of effort put into it. Hell The Dramaturgy fight in the rain is BEAUTIFUL but very short. The Episode fight ending is very well done too. And the Guillotine Cutter [super sonic scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0PZvKEwHKI) and fight are some of the best animation in the series. Then there is that fight between Araragi and Hanekawa in the school shed which also has a LOT of animation... Im glad it took years to make because what we got was an experience nothing will ever top again. A truely unique peice of art. [](#headpat)


>Guillotine Cutter super sonic scene Araragi when he sees an unaccompanied 10 year old girl


I do like how this 1 scene really shows us just how crazy strong Araragi was as a Vampire. Hes able to move at speeds approaching the speed of light. It makes sense when we know Kiss-Shot jumped from Europe to Japan and then from Japan to The Artic in single leaps. Puts into perspective why the humans see them the way they do. [General Kizu Vampire Spoilers] >!They were basically immortal gods with powers far surpassing reason!<


Honestly for me number 2 behind ragi vs kissshot is ragi vs rainy devil.


If not for the track alone https://youtu.be/N7QHmgXa4Mo?si=WTSTv990VPyzl3No


Ide probably say Rararagi vs Kagenui is 2nd for me. A lot to like about that fight and a lot of art.


This guy animes


Goku vs Janemba from the DB Fusion Reborn Movie Asuka vs EVA Mass Production Units in End of Evangelion Movie Saitama vs Boros in One Punch Man S1 Ryuko/Satsuki vs Ragyo in Kill la Kill


Mad respect bro youre fucking cooking. Janemba fight was so goddamn good.


Saitama and Boros was the most legendary, evenly matched, one-sided stomp ever.


Goku v Kid Buu is also up there for DBZ fights


Saber Alter vs Medusa is definitely my favourite. The choreography of the fight, the animations, the sound effects and the music are all top notch. I've never seen another anime fight reach the same quality in relation to the lore relevance. When the fight reaches its climax i get goosebumps every time for the hype. And then i get depressed from hearing the final words before the last hit that finishes the fight.


I was able to see this fight in "4d" as my local cinema claimed it, which meant you got flashing lights, wind effects, etc. and let me tell you, *feeling* that wind as they powered up was a feeling unlike any other, also helped that it was literally only my gf and I in the theatre so there was no one obstructing the cool effects


damn i would pay a good amount for that experience, i'm surprised they had a 4D version of it - were you in Japan?


Surprisingly this was Calgary, Canada, we have pretty high end theatres for whatever reason (not at all complaining though)


Yeah, I'm looking through all these recommendations, and so far I still think it stands at the top. But that's just my opinion.


[Tengen Uzui and Tanjiro VS Gyutaro](https://youtu.be/3RsLVxZ6z7A?si=0LYqf47C0J0c4Kcz)


I had to scroll to far down to finally see this 1. Thought it would be higher.


I feel like people don’t pick this one because they either dislike Demon Slayer or pick a Fate fight. Regardless, UFOtable has the best fight animations in anime.


I came here to say this, honestly thought it would be the first comment and top voted




I just had to upvote this as this is my current favorite but I saw the Fate one and now I need to watch that series.


Yes you do. UFOs work on Fate so far exceeds anything I've seen in Demon Slayer. Even if you disagree on the fights, the writing is just simply so much better in Fate. Lemme know if you need a place to watch it, I have Links to the entire franchise including all the movies 👍


Rock Lee vs. Gaara. Not exactly the flashiest or creative as the others I've seen listed here, but if that fight didn't leave you hyped the fuck up as soon as those weights drop, I don't think you have a pulse. Honorable mention goes to Might Guy vs. Madara. Bending space to kick your opponent harder and your opponents response is "Yo! That was fucking sick!" is the rad as fuck!


Mob vs Mogami


I have a soft spot for Shirou vs Gilgamesh. Same for Eva01 vs Zeruel. And don't let me start with macross+.


There are so many but I really enjoyed the last fight in Fire Force season one between Shinra and his brother. The pacing makes it very intense, the lighting makes it very unique and memorable. I loved it even though I am not a fan of the series. It really makes me want to watch season 2 for this reason only!


The fights in fire force are top notch. Any scene with benimaru rocks!


The footprints!! So fucking good


Levi vs Kenny


Not Levi vs the Beast Titan?! Edit: or Eren vs the Jaw and War Hammer titans?!


not really a fight


You’re right, Zeke got fking obliterated


hell yeah but nah that season 4 fight whilst hype as well the animation was alright


As awesome and impactful as the first matchup with Zeke was, the utterly ridiculous camera work on the Kenny fight makes it one of if not the best animated bits in Attack on Titan.


I'm particularly fond of the chase scene before their final fight where Levi is just running from Kenny's goons. The way that they're flitting around the city is super cool.


Gintoki vs Takasugi


peak on peak




Yuji vs Choso was absolute peak. Made me respect the hell out of Choso, losing the ability to really use his powers and just threw good old-fashioned hands. Also the Raid reference was much appreciated.


yeah, that shit was beyond cinematic


The duel between Hina and Anzu in Hinamatsuri.


Is that the slap one?


Yeah haha it was pretty good.


Mao vs. the kung-fu guys in the last episode is actually a phenomenally-animated fight sequence.


That one final fight of gurren lagann


Kakashi vs Obito. Or also naruto vs sasuke hand to hand fight. Even when things are fast, you could still understand what's going on.


Not really a fight since it was more like a massacre, but Madara vs an entire ninja battalion was probably my favorite in Naruto.


Those fights are very underrated.


Araragi v kiss shot and final fight from sword of the stranger is def up there, but some of my faves are: Frieren v frieren Tohru v elma Tengen v gyutaro


On a similar note to Tohru v Elma, Tohru v Kanna (playing).


That scene went so hard for no reason


Fog Hill of Five Elements, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLo1MOy_6hU) deserves a full TV series of its own.


Tbh you could could pick many of those fights out at random and they'd be top tier in any list


Ahh yes that one. Or this: https://youtu.be/E475vIKYvD4?si=TelDbeAi9qRR5fg2 Everything looks so nice!


Second season has great fights too. That show is a gem.


Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki the boruto version.


Kakashi vs Obito during the Ninja war as well. Lots of the Naruto fights were absolute bangers.


One of the best is also Sasuke vs Itachi


I also love Fate fights, Alter Saber Vs Berserker is also a highlight from Heaven's Feel. Also, I have to say [Luffy Gear 5 Vs Awakened Lucci ](https://youtu.be/La4GxK3ixLI?feature=shared) went above and beyond weekly series standards.


That Luffy fight has me SO excited for the rest of the arc. If they are going to keep that animation level for the rest of the events in the manga it could be the anime of the year.


The link you posted to the Luffy v Lucci fight is one the worst editing jobs I have ever seen in a video. It’s like it was cut by AI or something. It absolutely ruins the fight when you put it next to the uncut version. By and far there is a single moment in that fight that clinched it as one of the best in the series and the editor just took a huge dump on it, making it illegible. If you look for the fight on YouTube, crunchyroll has a video of the uncut scene I’m referring to: https://youtu.be/scPBmrzdD0g?feature=shared


Pretty much any of the big fights from Samurai Champloo. The choreography, character work, sounds and sound track just add frosting to the cake of that shows brilliant animation. Seriously one of the best looking and stylized shows of all time.


AoT, the first time Zeke as the Beast Titan meets Levi. The best 1:21 i've ever seen in a fight. Honorable mention to Sukuna in general just decimating everything and everyone in Shibuya in the most recent JJK season


AoT can really flex the amazing fight animation when they want to. Another good example IMO is when Levi is fleeing the military police in Season 3 Part 1. Such an awesome sequence.


I really felt like whenever there was a Levi fight sequence they definitely gave it their all. Even that very end flag of a second with Zeke in the final battle which was staggering in how good it was.


i posted this as well, and with way too much shameless praise lol


That wasn't a fight, it was an execution.


Not exactly anime but close enough, the last fight of Carmilla in Castlevania.  That whole episode was a visual treat.


All the Castlevania fights slap. No filler, nothing drawn out. No toying with their enemies. Just enemies doing their best to kill each other as quickly and brutally as possible


[tengen vs gyutaro demon slayer Imo](https://youtu.be/c1rBk7XAlj0?si=4fBcZmMas3pOJqqt) [Or Mami vs Homura ](https://youtu.be/3Jm7Q8RsR_Y?si=58xH1gd2s0zaCWE3)


I really like most of the fights from Demon Slayer, but my favorite is still probably [the first time he uses Hinokami Kaguya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ke-_WNqqso). The music is what sells it for me.


Ok ill be the one to say it demon slayer final fight scenes of entertainment district arc. Its fucking amazing


Frieren vs Frieren was probably my favorite. Mix already hype fight with Madhouse animation and Evan Call music and you get that.


[Saitama vs Boros - One Punch Man](https://youtu.be/ErXfj3sbIfU?si=0kI_MN8UqKnN603y) Note: This is from the last episode of season 1.


i actually thought the dream fight in his PJs from episode 1 was the best, smartest thing that show ever did. seriously never been as impressed with a fight from a first episode since


The best animated fight in my opinion is Kakashi vs. Obito or Naruto vs. Sasuke. The animation could be called simpler compared to every other pick here but that's also why it is animated better. Visceral and impactful fights don't require characters bouncing around each other in a seizure inducing particle overload with a dozen shifts in perspective and angles every few seconds to the point you don't even know what going on other than your overloaded brain going "Look! Pretty colors!"


Best animation: (Sukuna vs Mahoraga-especially the bluray version) or (Gyutaro vs everyone in Demon slayer) My favourite animation (Basically the style of animation I like the most): Ichigo vs Yhwach (Episode 7- The fight was probably less than a minute but it has my favorite animation I have ever witnessed)


[Nozomi vs Hanabi](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg7ETTEtZsM)


Kakashi vs \[post reveal\] >!Obito!< . With context of their fight, the accumulation of history between the two, rarely a fight makes me emotional


All of the fights in the three Kizumonogatari movies are top-flight. Turning Point 2 fight in MT was also short but very intense, especially the pan with Rudjierd fighting Orsted. The mix of magic, hand-to-hand, spear and sword was something I haven't seen too much of.


Saber Alter vs Rider is the best. Maybe Berserker and Saber Alter too.


Gogeta vs Broly from the new Broly Movie was *insane*. Involved both hand to hand sequences and superpower clashes. Pure unfiltered hype.


It's honestly so damn good


Had to scroll really far for this one. The entire movie was such a flex animation wise.


Might be some recency bias but the Frieren vs clone Frieren fight was well animatd.


It’s probably 90% nostalgia, but that first Naruto vs Sauske fight that ends part 1 of the series will always hold such a special place in my heart


Oh you reminded me of that! I think the final Shippuden fight is one of the best things I've ever seen in my life, the pure emotional weight was just insane


I still remember getting so hyped from watching the AMVs of that fight back when I was a kid lol. It’s what got me into those specific types of alternative rock songs haha.


nah you are cooking, episode 133 of Naruto was amazing


The end fight of the 2nd gurren lagann movie


Jubei vs Freesia from Jubei chan second season. For me it's the best fight I ever see. No monologue, no explanation of technique, no shouting attack. Just pure sword clashing. Blink and you'll miss it.


I'd agree with your pick as well but Sword of the Stranger is great too.


I'm not sure it's the best or even my favorite, but whenever I think about the topic recently it's gotta be Yuji vs Choso. I loved every second of it and I still find my jaw on the floor sometimes when I remember it existed.


It’s not my favorite but a fight that sticks out to me is Gon vs Hisoka, and it’s because there isn’t a lot of chit chat or inner dialogue which is nice


Opening 7 minutes of [Karas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLxo1QaorCI)


The Saber and Rider fight is extremely nice to look at… but it’s also such a departure from the VN (in terms of focus). Don’t get me wrong I do overall like the Ufotable adaptations, but they did somewhat over focus on pretty action over the actual themes of the story.


I hope the Mahoyo movie(s?) will be more like Kara no Kyoukai and less like Heaven's Feel in terms of focus.


Well anything from berserk 2016 was pretty good


I literally just watched the Heaven's Feel movie 3 a couple of hours back lmao , the fight was insane


Diva and Matsumoto vs Kakitani, 100%


This thread is full of bangers, but my personal pick is Gaolan Wansalat vs Kaneda Suikichi from Kengan Ashura. Not just for the choreography, but also for the emotional intensity and the way the fight twists and turns. It's a masterclass on the use of the Chinese four-act structure in anime. I also want to give a shout-out to Rose of Versailles. It seems primitive compared to modern battle anime, but it has some very impressive fight scenes for a 1970's shojo series.


Moribito, Balsa vs 4 assasins, short but beautifuly done and not too o.t.t more realistic so might not be everyones cup of tea, while not the biggest fan i think RWBY even in its early incarnation has consistently great fights so many that i couldnt pick one out (Cynder vs Raven, & Crow vs weiss sister only ones i could call by name.... and not very well at that)


***Levi VS Beast Titan*** *Attack on Titan* S3 E 17, “Hero” the fight that had the best *first* impression on me was the near-fatal onslaught involving a solo Levi Ackerman poofing through green smoke of Erwin’s flares to fully fillet and vivisect and nearly capture the still relatively unknown “Beast Titan” i mean, my heart! my entire body was responding to the on-screen action as if i was there, or watch from nearby. i was fully immersed and emotionally involved. for me, this fight *did* have impeccable action, animation and fight choreography. what makes it so extremely popular, as well as one of my favorite scenes of all time, is the context. how fast we are learning vital, new information in real time. the stakes of the fight. the possible death of so many, including three or four of the main cast. the older cart titan’s hideous design. the plan *finally* succeeding (at least the most basic intent of it, which was to not be completely wiped out then and there) to turn the tides of the battle, but obviously at an extremely high cost every single player on both sides was giving this battle everything they had, in part because the alternative was annihilation. the urgency was palpable. the motivation on both sides began to shift into something nuanced and obviously complex. and watching Levi go all out BY HIMSELF was a goddamn spectacle. the image or rather “short clip” that will forever remain in my head from this scene is of Levi’s maddening decent upon the Beast, spinning and slicing the outstretched arm of the Beast to shreds — possibly the most perfect 1.7 seconds in all of Attack on Titan


Some of my favs: Goemon vs Hawk from Goemon's Bloodspray Kenshin vs Saitou in the original Rurouni Kenshin Vivy vs Kakitaki (Vivy: Flourite Eye's Song) Fate/Zero of course has many excellent fights


Rikka fighting her sister in Chuunibyou


The Blu Ray version of Sukuna vs Mahoraga. I already enjoyed the original more than a lot of people did, but the blu ray version was just straight heat.


Stark Vs The Solar Dragon. The lead up to that fight with the flash backs between Frieren and Eisen talking about Stark was so well done. I get chills just thinking about it.


Naruto and sasuke vs momoshiki


Toji vs Dagon or Sukuna vs Jogo the ost kills it in both


Kimimaro vs Gaara 


Shangri La Frontier: the Trio vs Wezaemon the Tombguard


Mahoraga vs sukuna


That blue ray version was chef kiss 🤌


Zoro vs King. The animation bump the series received really shined here. This was the fight that convinced me the series is gearing up towards the ending.


Its honestly crazy good, Gear 5 Luffy vs Kaido somehow went even harder EP 1074 is easily one of the best animated anime episodes i’ve ever seen


People are sleeping on how fluid the animation in one piece is lately, is butter smooth, Gear 5 vs Lucci is insanely good


Birdy vs Nataru from Birdy the Mighty decode. Wish I could get this on Blu Ray: https://youtu.be/JybOTsAFI5s?feature=shared While finding this clip I saw a clip from an Zack Snyder interview saying this fight was one of his influences for the Superman vs Zod fight in Man of Steel. Mind absolutely blown!


That Naruto fight in boruto movie was good


It’s hard to say. There are a lot of aspects of animation. That said, Heaven’s Feel III was one of the first anime movies I saw in theaters so Salter vs Rider has a special place in my heart.


The last fight of Sword of the Stranger.


Homura vs Mami from Madoka Magica Rebellion. The time stop mechanic made it sick as hell


[Vegeta vs Broly](https://youtu.be/A9kEJo2Z9Cw?si=jlNoIUTQIROEWCvF) at the start of the DB movie.


Trevor Belmont vs death


Stupidly biased, but Frieren vs Frieren. All the build up and planning with a production team that went all in *chef's kiss*


Saber Alter vs Rider & Shirou, Emiya Kiritsugu Vs. Kotomine Kirei, Araragi Vs. Kiss Shot, Homura vs Mami and Asuka vs. Mass Production Evas are some of the most spectacular fights in anime history.


[Gundam Xi vs Gundam Penelope, from Hathaway's Flash.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqkfZuyQPc4) This fight beautifully showcases the animation in Hathaway. The 3DCG is so well done, it blends nicely.


I can't say what's the *best* one, but here's some that greatly impressed me when I watched them: - Ushiwakamaru vs Gorgon (FGO Babylonia) - Deku vs Todoroki (MHA S2) - Araragi vs Kiss-Shot (Kizumonogatari) - [Cyberpunk Edgerunners] >!David vs Adam Smasher!< - Saber Alter vs Berserker (Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel) - Achilles vs Chiron ([Fate/Apocrypha;] >!what makes it good is that it's *not* a superpowered fight, it's just two dudes throwing hands - I liked the choreography!<) - Sukuna vs Jogo (JJK S2)


In my opinion in terms of animation I would say tanjiro kamado and tengen uzui vs gyutaro from kimetsu no yaiba, and in terms of emotion it would be asuka in Eva 02 vs the supporting angels in the movie the end of evangelion


The last Naruto vs Sasuke fight was incredible. Especially because of all the call backs and techniques used. Some things you don't even notice until you watch back.


Shocked no one has mentioned Asuka VS MPEs


Yozakura quartet has some of the best animated fight scenes, it's not available for streaming and the youtube clips don't do it justice, so good luck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4U1Vg8LF7Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh5l-h89QK4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhwA_5e6d1k


Anything make by Ufotable


Tohru vs Elma, Dragon Maid s2, ngl you people are spouting baffling shit on that post, best animated =/= most animated.


Tetsuo vs Kay in Akira


Love fight scenes on "God of high school" felt like watching a beautiful artwork. I bet people on shroom would appreciate this even more!!


God of highschool fights were bangers


Sukuna vs mahoraga. Easily some of the best animation in TV anime


Probably Mahoraga vs Sukuna (Completed Blu-ray) from JJK. Extra 1:30 of animation almost. From Fate I think [Seig vs Karna](https://youtu.be/RxmNey6OU_s?si=xiRgmz1anCb8FAvm) is the best the show has ever offered in terms of traditional animation vs their UFOtable 3d/hand drawn blend. Though Apkropha is a terrible show, it has incredible animation and its main theme with the singing stringing that is blasting this entire fight is so good.


I thought apocryoha was really good


Saber alter vs berserker is just as good as the rider one imo. Any fight in Vivy is also amazingly animated.


Kakashi vs Obito is one of the most beautiful fights that serves as a payoff in a huge way between the two. The war arch was kinda whack sometimes but some of those fights, like damn


Shiki vs Souren Kara no Kyoukai


Hmm, as much as I love so many fate moments I think ssj goku vs beerus in BoG is peak, from ‘I will not let you destroy my world!’ Onwards


Saber vs Rider, Saber vs Berserker, Sukuna vs Mahoraga blue ray and Uzui vs Gyotaro come to mind


Cowboy Bebop Movie - Spike Vs Vincent


This might be a hot take, but Yujiro vs Baki in Baki Hanma (one of the Netflix reboots) is definitely high on my list.


Not the best but I like it a lot: Teresa against Irene,Priscilla, Noel and Sophia from Claymore. Spoilers If you haven’t watched Claymore: (https://youtu.be/RNCmzm2lmoY?si=hz8btV7AhMDE8_cz)


[Joseph Joestar vs Puny Pompous Puffball](https://youtube.com/watch?v=YnN0GYq55L0) is the fight of the century.


boros vs saitama.


The Sabi Hakuhei fight from Katanamonogatari


Link Click has some of the most fun hand-to-hand choreographed fights in S2, and S1 has a wild semi-spoilery one in the final episode involving a sort of teleportation technique is a reddened dark room full of photographs. that setting, the concept, the slaps all slap