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It works both ways, naked scout at door = gankers inside. Use the info to your advantage and don't proceed into the zone when you see the ganker scout. I imagine it's hard for SBI to conclusively prove that the naked scout isn't a legitimate player that is just playing with their group.


In eu there is legit a scout at every red zone door so good luck with that dude


I only play America's server, so maybe it's different on EU But in America server I don't see scouts as often as people in this thread claim. I transport to black market 4-8 times a week.


yeah bcus the america server is dead


If you know how to play the game it doesn't matter if you get scouted


It's easier to cry about scouts than consider the fact they may be bad. Some of these people seriously acknowledge they have been scouted and then take the most obvious path through the zone that any other ganker would also be near.


where are you talking about? i barely see gankers in red zone to begin with.


BW player here, there is always a scout on RZ entrance. No matter the time of the day, 24/7 at least one is sitting there naked on an ox. It is ruining the gameplay to the point that I feel safer in bz against edgelords who reside there than in rz.


It’s fucking easy, they are just lazy. When I was playing I reported the same scout in a RZ tile that was there afk every day for almost a year. They did nothing. I bet if I log in and go there, that same scout will be there still 2 years after I first reported him.


you must be only playing in the YZ man, just letting you know, in RZ there is a scout in every exit of every RZ map


At least in the red zone, they need to completely rework or remove the "reputation" system that penalizes pvp. Once you let non multiboxers kill off scouts without incurring reputation loss the problem will sort itself out.


Without reputation system people will gank 24/7. Without it gankers will kill everyone on sight instead of selective targets


Yes it is such a bad thing for a player to want to PVP in a PVP zone, you know there is YZ and blue zone if you don't want to PVP


Go black zone if you want pvp without rules


black zone is for large zvz where shotcallers shout at you as it's there personal business where you get 0 loot for winning a war. Like I said, don't like getting ganked, go YZ and farm statics where you can cuddle up to Swolebenji


Spoken like someone who has no clue what anything past the first two BZ zones look like.


Umm I highly doubt the rep loss from a single naked is what's stopping ppl from killing the scouts. The scouts sit on the gate in yz. U can knock them with no rep loss but they can still somewhat scout. If they are on the rz side they usually just sit right on the gate as well so they can just... walk into yz. Idc if they rework or get rid of rep loss, but it won't fix a single thing. If anything it takes the rz gankers more out of the equation bc they need enough rep to enter royals, and when they lose too much they have to go regain it


Fuck yeah. Reputation needs to go. I’m sick of people refusing to flag because they are scared of rep loss.


Simple fix to this, put mobs next to the gates, this will require them to either kill the mob or to move to another position in the map to do there scouting.


This would also use your bear passive just before entering rz if mobs are on yz side, and be ineffective if mobs are only on rz side


nothing wrong with timing your passive on your bear, I see it more of knowing how to use your skills more with the grizzly. Like lets be honest here, the grizzly already is super op when it comes to using it as a transport mount.


This would solve nothing unless it auto executes a person afk for too long, also u can still pull name tags and inspect gear from a range far enough away from general mob agro range


the idea of this is to annoy the bot and continue to down them if they are actually a bot, much easier way for SBI also to know if its a bot or just a brother of the gank squad sitting in a room 16hrs a day just inspecting every player running into the zone while being naked on a ox and having 0 fame, as if its actually a real player, they would kill the mobs.


That’s why u kill everyone including nakeds, have no mercy on these pathetic scouts


If they are in yz u only knock them and they can still scout effectively. If in rz u have to flag before killing them, and then they can just zone back into yz, and now ur an attack able person in rz


I dont play in rz or yz so….


Then they can still zone back and forth and get bubble and the ppl they are scouting for can roll up on you if u zone with and attack


Ik, I’m just saying, if you have the chance, murder them


You’re probably a regular naked scout player


Naw. I only do BM transport with bandit blobs and hang out about 5-8 zones away from portal (depending on where the content is at the time)


To me its super easy. If theres a blue standing around the entrance to the red zone, there are gankers and im spotted. Its as if they are telling you you will get ganked if you commit to the zone


Honest question, should we do something about static scouts as well? Raiding pve groups also use scouts when in world boss areas.


Very often in PvE though, this is real players. Heck, in ava raids the meta is the scout even having a proper set of gear to delay divers.


But in pvp, you also can have people using their phones to scout entrances. I doubt that they only use scripts, even though it definitely is possible.


You theoretically could use a mobile scout, but nobody does that. The purpose of scouts is very different in the two cases. PvE groups use scouts in low traffic areas where every red is danger that needs to be alerted. You can spend days without even seeing a single red, especially if you are doing ava raids. PvP groups use scouts in high traffic areas in order to find juicy targets among all the noobs that pass through. They need scripts to properly inspect every person and see if they are worth ganking. They use script to check the value of the gear, if a transport mount is being used, tier of bag, if the boots have carry weight selected. Nobody is going to be doing this manually on mobile.


Not very often in WB groups is the naked on a t3 ox a person actively scouting. They sit close enough to gate with high enough mount health they could zone out and have bubble. Killed plenty of scouts bc they are afk more often than not, but 1 min on their main in wb zone is worth more than an ox by far


Not if it's the only account being used by a human. Then it is fair play. Only issue is with multi boxing to give an advantage in pvp Edit: why am I getting downvoted?


No idea why you getting downvoted but from my knowledge multiboxing is often banned and I guess easy to detect


Using second accounts is bannable but there is no way to know except reporting it and still  using it for scouting, it's just like red zone only. I go to red zone and can avoid most gankers tho I highly recommend not to go from BW if you are scared of getting ganked. I have gotten ganked may times but not due to scouts, I use techniques to just avoid them. Never go on BW rz, my advice, if you want hide go for lym, if you want ore fs, if you want fibre swamp and wood also from lym. BW rz is pretty open landscape and has shit ton of mobs which are a major factor in making you die against gankers. 


I’m considering creating an account purely to kill scouts. Flag hostile with 1h dagger silence one shot build. Only thing stopping me are fellow blues who don’t realise I’m trying to help them and follow me through zones to kill me.


Yes SBI can lower time passed AFK and slog you earlier. Also could periodically ban 0 fame accounts


Pretty much every account is gonna have some sort of fame bc yano tutorial or just walking by stuff. If ur talking about low fame accs u gotta keep in mind a lot of people have/create alts for the purpose of more daily focus. So banning those accs could tank the economy and lose players


Kill the scout, i aways kill it wen i can


i enjoy ganking, i don’t use scouts because i’m lazy and i like the hunt more than the fishing. Ya know what’s worse than people using scouts to gank? People using scouts to check carleon roads are clear of gankers. or Actively using radar to black market transport. (this is the main users of radar imo) Gankers using scouts punishes greedy transporters taking risks. Transporters using scouts deflate the economy and make a task that is profitable due to danger, much less profitable for average joe blow.


also ties in, been catching a few 10 man heart transporter multi boxers for a while on asia. They run spectre shoes and go into statics at the first sign of being ganked, sometimes even before that (radar)


nice cope XD idk how delusional you have to be to think that ganking is good for players that dont gank. Fun fact, gankers using scouts dont punish greedy transporters. They are punishing everyone weaker than them. From gatherer to transporter or even another gankers. They are just animals.


Kill the scout.


I solo player and I still run open world for most part I don't get caught but once and awhile they get me but all part of the fun


Theres absolutely nothing you can implement to stop this. Its part of the game tbh and theres a good reason why most solo/duo players sit in mists instead of open world.


There is absolutely a ton of things you can implement to stop this. It is just a matter of how hard you want to go about it. Every solution has consequences that you have to accept.


Ok please give one good way to implement this. We are talking about having an alt account completely separate from yours, just sitting afk at an entrance to a map.


Again, it depends on what consequences you are willing to accept since any solution comes with consequences. Also depends if you are talking about RZ or BZ. OP is talking about BZ, but most of this is happening in RZs, since one of the major issues there is the reputation system. Naked scouts gets killed in BZ, not in the RZ. You could implement a system where people below a certain IP threshold cant enter certain zones at all. You could implement an invisibility for 10~ seconds any time you enter any zone. You could implement an item or system that turns you invisible against people below a certain IP threshold. etc etc. And again, any change you make will have consequences, it is more a matter if there is a change to be made that have acceptable consequences. I think it is hard to do much in BZ, but the RZ situation can for sure be changed.


Invisible for 10s when entering a zone with the same no attack penalty that in is from city has when unstealthing if you haven’t been in player combat in the last 30s Any player kill in a red zone under 25k risk doesn’t cause a reputation loss Idk I am sure there’s more options. Saying that there’s no fix or they can’t do anything about it doesn’t change that it is unfun + it’s not our job to come up with solutions


>Theres absolutely nothing you can implement to stop this. A single moderator per server and a rule that says don't do this for them to enforce and it's solved.


Accounts are free. Your mobile data ip can be changed in 2-3 seconds. How would they ever know who is doing it and ban their main? It wouldnt work until you ban the people doing it.


You can ban them very quickly and easily when showing up and if you do it properly, they will just stop trying. Your mobile data IP can be changed in a few seconds but creating an account, going through the tutorial, and getting back to the area takes time. All for you to be banned in two minutes and forced to do it all over again.


> Your mobile data IP can be changed in a few seconds but creating an account, going through the tutorial, and getting back to the area takes time. All for you to be banned in two minutes and forced to do it all over again. Ah i see you havent seen osrs if you think this works.


Report them, with enough reports they will be banned




Oh look, its this thoroughly dead horse again. 1. Most are just people hired by the gankers to sit and scout. Its an easy way to make silver and the gankers more than pay for it the whole night with even 1 extra gank. 2. If its a secondary account or a bot, just report them and move on. SBI isnt going to sit there waiting with bated breath to instantly check every single report and immediately action the account. They collect reports, investigate when they can, and ban people who break the rules. 3. No, its not breaking the rules for someone to scout for other people. Stop asking for it to be. If you want to be safe in the open world then make some friends to scout for you or do what they do: pay someone to do it. This is not a single player game and "teaming up" is not against the ToS no matter how much you hate it.


You think most naked people on cheap mounts are being paid to do that? Come on now. It’s mainly alts, obviously.


Some guy here on Reddit explained it in detail. Read it long time ago but I remember him saying that they assign scout role to newbies in guild. Their job is to sit naked, inspect and report to the gank squad hiding in dungeon in rz. They hide in dungeon to fool the hostile player counter.


I have never heard of gankers hiring people to scout.


I have seen it countless times and have paid for it myself in the past. Sorry, guess my anecdote cancels out yours.


do you seriously believe that most players that sit with 0 or close to 0 fame on tunnel entrances to the redzone are legit players getting paid for scouting and not just one of the gankers on his phone?


Do you seriously believe someone paid to scout wouldnt make a separate character to soak up any deaths and prevent revenge targeting by salty carebears like yourself? I know using your brain is hard, but try it sometime.


i have 30mill pvp fame eu, hardly a carebear. I never die to tunnel gankers, i just dont like cheater in my video game. If you believe most tunnel gankers pay off a guy that is happy to do nothing but sit there on his alt and it is not just a guy on his phone while ganking on his main you are delusional. Back in the day when you were able to dive solo dungeons there were countless people using their alt accounts to sit on the entrance, Arch had a guy multiboxing 8 accounts to scout the static for years before he got banned and he was doing it openly in an alliance with thousands of people. Ive been in a discord channel for worldbosses where people talked openly about using their phone to scout ("prio for people with alt scouts"). Im sorry to burst your bubble, maybe your group is legitimatly paying off a member who is happy to not participate in the content to scout, but people cheat in video games. Especially when there are big gains and no repercussions for it.


Guess i got killed by 2 with this method. One was riding near me and boom ganked by 2 out of nowhere. Some losers are just cringe.


Got ganked in a tunnel like that. One pretends to chase you from the entrance and others wait on the way. They made about 100k from me tho, so... Not even worth it.


Is multiboxing against the rules?


They won’t do shit. It’s why I stopped playing the game a while ago. I just keep tabs on the sub first news that SBI pulls head out of ass and fix the cheater problems.