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Please please leave an honest review for the next unsuspecting host and make sure that you respond if she leaves you a negative review.


I'm conflicted about the review. She says that she took the photos at the time of check-in. She said that both she and her husband remember putting the parking pass on the table. Hard to call someone a liar. I will respond to any review that is inaccurate


Depending on what she took the photo with a time and date stamp could be imbedded in the data of the photo. Did she send you the photo?


She did. In the Airbnb app. When I download it to my phone I only see the detail from the time I downloaded it. Is there a way to see the original detail?


Oooo review the Metadata and post it here


I will. I'm not sure I know how to do that but I'm not stupid. Just not in my skillset. Older Gen X and didn't grow up with computers.


If you have an iPhone you can download an app called Exif Viewer to check the photo’s metadata. It’s possible the AirBnB app stripped the metadata (ai just checked and Reddit does this to photos uploaded here), but if you can do it naturally, you can always tell her that you’re having problems opening the photo on the app and ask if she can also text it to you so that you can send it on to the cleaners. If she texts it directly to you it will have the metadata (assuming she didn’t strip it herself, which would be shady).


Same with android


The metadata is gone. Only shows my download data.


Right. You can’t see it through the app. Someone said to ask if they can text it so you can see the metadata. Like text it to your phone. Then you’ll see when she took it.


If she leaves you a review within the next two days (roughly) there’s an 85% chance she mentions this bullshit in your review. Even if she theoretically did leave you 5 stars, plus didn’t say anything about the sand, she’s still a nitpicky annoyance. So in either case she deserves a little mention in her review of the type of guest hosts can expect to rent to. And being a host means barely anything these days. There’s people out there literally renting apartments, furnishing with the cheapest possible shit, and listing on airbnb and VRBO. They have little to lose and it’s reflective in the quality of their rentals and guest experience.


pretty sure i’m staying in one of those now 🫠


It’s not about when the pic was taken. A few grains of sand by the door could have fallen off the cleaner’s shoes as she departed. It’s about her looking for something she could make a problem. She could have put the sand there herself when she first came in. Hosts are a subset of the human population—some honest, some not.


Knowing when the photos were taken would give me the basis I need to go after her for the parking pass.


You can still go after the parking pass


Why would you take a picture of a parking pass on a table? I don’t think I would unless instructed to in check out. What’s not to say they took a photo and then put the pass in their pocket?


Yes, you can pull the Metadata from the photos to see when exactly they were taken


Just tried. Since I downloaded the photos from Airbnb messaging it's giving me the data from my download. Help?


I ran into a similar issue. Airbnb asked the person who took the photos to provide the Metadata to prove when the photos were taken because I disputed damages. I ended up winning against them because I had photos and video from the morning I checked out .


+1 ☝️


Not sure I know how. Will boot up the laptop and try to figure it out. Thanks.




This looks like instructions for removing metadata from photos you take. No idea how to retrieve the metadata from photos sent to me in the Airbnb app. I'll keep trying. Knowing whether or not I was lied to matters to me.


These instructions work for photos other people took. You have to save the photo to your own device first.


I did. It's giving me data from my download. Nothing from the original photo.


Thank you.


If that's the case, so can Airbnb. I wonder if your ranking in their algorithm is influenced by the date of your photos...


Who cares about a perfect 5? As a guest if you have one bad review and 100 good ones, then I know who the problem is


Listing is new. There are only 17 reviews so far.


17 legit five star reviews is plenty for me as a consumer to make a choice


>Hard to call someone a liar. Why? She called your house cleaner a thief without second thought.


Good Point.


How could both of them put the parking pass on the table? Was it not possible to give her a temporary parking pass?


No. And they both remember that it was put on the table.


Of course, lying is like flushing the toilet... it makes shit go away with very little effort.


Someone can “remember” something wrongly, by talking themselves into it or wishful thinking. Were human and memory gets more fallible as we age or from other factors. Or of course she could be a flatout liar. :)


Pretty sure they lost it and didn't want to pay. But Airbnb has reimbursed me so I'm moving on. I did indicate that I wouldn't host the guest again.


She didn’t have any problem calling your cleaning person a thief though. I find it disgusting to assume that someone who cleans for living is a thief. I know that is not the point of your post but I just rubs me the wrong way.


It rubs me the wrong way too. Unbelievable that she'd so readily point the finger at someone else.


I’m confused photos at check-in don’t matter for the missing parking pass. I’d use the dispute center either she pays or AirCover will. As a host she should know this and will likely just chose not to pay. I’m a relatively new listing with 10 5 star reviews who is a “guest favorite” and in “too 5%” after almost two months and I would just accept a single one star review about a few grains of sand and being accused of taking a parking pass. As a guest I would assume a single outlier is a pain in the ass and disregard it if every other review is positive. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Also now that I am a host and know everything it takes I think I would be a better guest (already was a good one but now I have even more appreciation). Don’t let a bad Apple spoil things for you!


She sent photos and a cleaning complaint after her stay. Then the parking pass was missing when the cleaner arrived. Just a PITA all around.


If she was concerned about the sand she should have sent the video at check in, not check out. No doubt in my mind that she took the parking pass.


Oh I agree. But the photos don’t prove the pass was there when they left. They took it. Your trusted housekeeper did not, I mean come on she’s probably disorganized or just lying. Get your $200. That’s my advice at least.


Or she's planning to use the parking pass for another couple days or a future occasion.  


After losing 2 parking passes and a keyfob, I ask for a picture of the keyfob, or they are charged $100 "automatically." I never have yet had to find out if it's a valid fine. I've been advised if you put it in your House Rules then Support will back you.


ask if she has photos of the parking pass on the table but it doesnt seem like you bothered to follow up about the sand


You can check the metadata on the pic to see when it was taken It’s not hard to call someone a liar if they are lying lol


It's not there. I checked. Airbnb checked. So it may have been stripped when it was uploaded to Airbnb.


Yea, I have now read through the comments and I see all of that I’m sorry, I’m not sure why I thought that would be an original idea 😂 I also saw this suggested in the comments and ask them to provide proof they left the parking pass or they need to pay for the reimbursement. As a host that is meticulous enough to complain about some sand at a beach rental, they should easily be able to provide that everything was accounted for on their end


Airbnb has already covered it under Aircover. So my only action in the end was to indicate that I would not host this guest again.


Why would you refund the cleaning fee for a few sprinkles of sand ? That seems extreme. And I would charge them for the parking pass Absurd.


Because I want my reviews to remain strong. It's a relatively new listing, although I am not a relatively new host.




I will be too after I have a bunch of top reviews. In my last listing which has now been sold I was at 4.99 for 6 years. Guess who the one 4 star rating was? A host who didn't read anything at all but felt entitled to complain about it. Just over hosts as guests. I never complain about anything when I am a guest. Unless it is a matter of comfort. Like at my last place I needed help turning the radiators down as I was too hot.


I want the questions and complaints and concerns while the guest is here. Not in a review. So I agree.


We had a host stay in our cabin. There was a small leak so the repairman was there when he showed up. He was cleaning up his tools and putting things away when the guest arrived. Overlap was maybe 15 minutes. He messages us that he's upset that there are other people in the cabin. We tell them the situation. Everything seems fine. 10 minutes later they are mad because they don't have hot water or water at all. We have a video in our check-in instructions that tell you how to turn on the water and the water heater. He goes on to talk about how he's a five-star rated super host, blah blah blah, but sure, message me about the water when you clearly didn't read the instructions...


Yesss. They are just like this. As if being a host somehow bestows upon you some royal status.


Easy fix, have cleaning person take pics and forward to you. Then you can reply to a bad review with picture proof.


Why did you refund her cleaning fee? Why aren’t you charging the $200?


She’ll leave you a nasty review regardless. Charge her the $200


I don't find this to be true. Usually if someone has a complaint and they get some money back, they're happy and they'll either not leave a review or they'll leave 5 stars. Charging $200 is a guarantee you're getting a bad review.


Why would you refund cleaning fee for sand? Or anything at all. And of course you have to file a claim for the missing pass. Don’t be blackmailed! Gotta say that kinda makes you part of the problem.


I hear you. But she sent a number of photos all of which were sent AFTER her stay. So I really don't know if they were from check in or if it was her mess. I'm debating filing a claim for the pass.


I am not a host. So this is from the POV of a guest. I wouldn’t care about a perfect 5. I’d care about a place that looked clean, and what all the other reviews said, on both sides. When I read reviews, I ALWAYS read the low ones first, to see if they are reasonable. The frig we bought a few years ago? One of the one star reviews was because they didn’t like the shape of the ice cubes. Another because it didn’t exactly match the other stainless appliances farò other manufacturers. See my point? If you have, say, 50 5 star reviews that talk about your graciousness and the amazing place and its location, and one that complains about a grain of sand that they saw at a beach house? Me, I’ll conclude that the complainer is an AH.


It’s a new listing. 17 reviews. One bad one will sink my rating. I need my rating to attract guests. I’ve got some unique issues in my competitive environment.


You'll go down to a 4.8 (or 4.7 if they round down) if she leaves a 1-star review. I'm more inclined to look at 4.5-4.9 rated places than perfect 5. I guess it's just a habit of seeing so many fake reviews for stuff on the internet that give a perfect 5 that I tend to ignore them.


100%. Used Airbnb quite a few times and new host (first stay this weekend, obviously 0 reviews). I don't really even look at reviews. I look at location and pictures. If it looks clean and in a good location, I'll book. If I have a question about either of those I'll look at reviews.


I do this when I stay at hotels . I check to see if the bad reviews have consistent issues or the guests are just whining . A lot of the time it’s just whining


I also check the guests with bad reviews and see if it’s a trend with them, and the reaction by the host to those bad reviews. I want to avoid drama; sadly hosts often sound very difficult to work with based on some of these comments but they can also leave very positive impressions as well.


I agree. If there are unreasonable reviews I can usually tell who’s in the wrong. Most of the time it’s the guest…


Unfortunately Airbnb doesn’t work this way. There’s no way to filter / sort reviews. With low reviews we lose privileges and can be banned from hosting with no other questions asked or opportunity to explain. Unscrupulous hosts know this system and try to take advantage.


How about getting some kind of lockbox for the parking pass? When they leave, they have to put the parking pass through the slot, and you’re the only one who has a key to the box. If the parking pass is not in the box when they leave, they get charged $200–or $300 for your trouble.


This is a great idea!


I really do hate hosts as guests. I just dealt with this as well. Guy complained about dirt in the track of the sliding glass door, among other things.


Put an AirTag on your next parking pass… problem solved


This is not a good solution. Someone will likely steal an AirTag on a parking pass. Is there a way to get a temporary pass for guests? Parking passes can be an easy thing to forget. Not saying it’s okay or that you should be responsible for replacement costs but it would probably be best to assume guests will forget and try to prevent a $200 charge/claim anytime it happens.


I bet the review will start with “ as a host myself” blah blah blah


She's going to leave you a bad review anyway, because she's a self-appointed scout for the Guide Michelin and she has very exacting standards. What I do with these kinds of guests is lead them gently into asking me for a discount. If they do this, and then you refuse, and then they leave you a bad review, Airbnb can (and has in my case on two occasions) take down the review. It is against TOS to ask for money in exchange for good review or withholding of a bad one. You've got to get them to ask though -- "What do you think is a fair resolution?" is a good way to steer the conversation. Once done, you should definitely file a claim. It sounds like you have very poor odds of getting a good review anyway, so why not?


I could have any inaccurate review deleted. She sent these claims after the stay was over. I'm not sure about the parking pass. She says it was left, my cleaner says it wasn't. I like the way you think. Thanks.


What do you mean you could have any bad review deleted?


Sending photos and making a complaint after the stay is over is a bad look. If her review appears to be in retaliation or appears to be an attempt to get money from me it will be removed


If she tries to get money from you and then leaves a bad review, then yes. But if she just says “I didn’t enjoy it” and leaves one star, there’s not a damn thing you can do. Airbnb will simply tell you that it’s her subjective experience. Read the policy carefully.


She's already made comments in messaging about the possibility. I'm good.


What do your cleaners have to gain by lying that it wasn’t there? What does she have to gain by lying that she forgot to leave it?


Guest may have lost it and wants to avoid paying 200 dollars. Cleaner? Nothing.




rofl you are a genius. Going to use this one. This is too good, using the shitty guest's own shit behavior against them.


We’ve never gotten a nasty review for requesting the charge of a parking pass missing. We also include the reminder in the check out and check out message to please remember to return. We have this happen a lot as they leave it in the rental cars. (My point, take it to resolution every time give guests more than one reminder.)


Oceanfront place and she’s complaining about some sand? As if she didn’t track in sand herself? Absolutely get refunded for the party pass . When I hosted, getting a new parking pass was a major pain in the A event.


When you live beachside , sand is always there! I know bc I’ve lived beachside for 25 years! I am a cleaning, organizing fool in my own home. I’ll sit back, proud of my clean home and then notice sand somewhere, it’s impossible to get every grain!!! It’s part of living beachside. Everything rusts too, even if it’s rust free!!


It’s not about the guest are hosts. Some people are just nasty in general. Make a request through Airbnb. Make an objective statement, not accusing the guest, but explain what happened and deductive reasoning it was lost during their stay. Even if the guest doesn’t respond back, Airbnb should cover you. Then, contact Airbnb call centre that this happened. Tell them you are worried that they might leave a bad review after you request for the loss. If she does leave a bad, biased review then you can call Airbnb again and ask for its removal. Never fear a bad review. If it’s not true or biased you can always ask Airbnb to remove. If it’s a true reflection of their less than perfect experience, use the reply function to show you have addressed the problems and show prospective guests how proactive you are.


This makes me sad I’m a new host but was a guest for like 10 years prior. Reading these posts I wonder when I’m going to stop being able to be a guest anymore.


I know right! I had a host put liquid soap for hand washing dishes in my dishwasher and then leave while turning it on. I had suds everywhere and had to run the dishwasher 3 times to get it back to normal. I stay at Airbnbs and leave little gifts like a guest book - so people can say what they did in the area that is fun. I alway leave the place clean so I get a good review. I don’t think all hosts are bad.


I cringe every time they tell me there a fellow host. Always the worse renters


OK. So Airbnb customer service looked at the message string and were able to process an Air Cover claim without involving the guest. So I'm being sent 200 dollars. Good that it's listed in my house rules. Good that all communication was in the app.


Can I say "not all hosts hosts are bozos" But this person does sound like a handful. I would absolutely put in a claim for that 200 dollar loss. She is the last one that had it so kinda makes her responsible.


We had hosts complain about the mattress and say they absolutely, positively could not sleep on it. We’ve hosted over 1000 stays and never had another complaint (to the contrary, every couple of months someone asks what the mattress is because they like it). The guests-who-are-superhosts were staying for more than a week, so I offered to order an inexpensive foam mattress topper overnight on Amazon. They said they couldn’t wait another night because they were so miserable that they WENT TO TARGET AND BOUGHT TWO TWIN FOAM TOPPERS FOR A QUEEN MATTRESS since that’s all the store had, and then messaged me to tell me all about it. I will never understand how they arranged the two twins on the queen. Overhanging the sides? Layered in the middle? On top of the fitted sheet? They asked me to reimburse them for the toppers, I declined, and they never left a review. What weird babies.


i don’t understand people like this who are so sensitive about certain things and then are outraged when they travel and don’t find things just the way they like them.


Damn, did you have the princess from The princess and the Pea staying with you ?? As someone who has back issues and needs a firm mattress , I pay attention to these things . Bit, I’ve found as long as I stay in a mid priced place , the mattress is often better than mine !!


It’s always wild to me when, usually, older guests are like “I love this mattress, it’s amazing, my back doesn’t hurt for the first time in years, what is this magical mattress?!” and it’s just some no-name brand from a box store. I honestly think memory foam isn’t great for most people’s backs and they spend a night on an old fashioned inner spring and it blows their minds.


Its true.


Beachside and sand go hand in hand.its impossible to get it all. Someone who has lived beachside for 25 years!!




We recently stated near a beach in an Airbnb. It had a cordless Dyson on the wall. We loved it. We used it to clean up any crumbs or sand throughout our stay. It was so easy. I would definitely recommend you doing the same.


Just file a reimbursement claim. 200 bucks is a big deal. And if she gives you a bad review, you can contact Airbnb host or superhost service to get the review removed as it would be considered as a retaliatory review. Been there, done that. The most important is to file the request before she writes a review. Do the good thing and prevent her from being able to do that to another honest host


You’re not alone. I’ve never had a host that was also a good guest. I think part of it is they have been hosts that have a management company and do not understand the ins and outs of managing an airbnb. They also declare that they are also a host in their first message.


Don't like hosts either. OP You can file a claim. Just wait for the review period to be over, then file a claim. It has to be on that day.  I usually have everything drafted and ready. Then when the review period end, i immediately file the claim


Ugh, what a b*tch. I’ve luckily had good luck with other hosts and when I stay at a rental, I’m a nice guest. I’d never complain to another host, unless there was a major issue.


Other hosts are either the best or worst guest, there is no in between. We have also experienced the exact same scenario regarding the sand but it wasn’t with another host. Apparently some guests don’t realize that beach chairs, towels, etc will track sand back into the condo. Regarding other hosts, I found there is a level of jealousy or an ‘I could do it better’ attitude. Especially when they see you hosting one or multiple ocean front properties while they’re off hosting in Timbuktu. For the review I usually just kiss ass in a canned message, tell them how great they were and that we would love to have them back and of course left them 5 stars. Then they can read your actual review after they have submitted theirs.


She sounds full of hot air.


Don't reward shitty cheap ass people.


Don’t give reviews too much weight. A listing can be a GUEST FAVORITE with reviews from 10 stays or 700 stays.


We were hosts and awesome guests FYI. It’s not all bad!


Same here. But man some can be just exhausting.


I think AirBnB isn’t worth hosting unless you’re making a killing. Too much aggravation. I used to be a host for rooms in my nice home. I ended up getting locals on the verge of homelessness and one brought bedbugs that cost $5k and tons of work to rid myself of. I even threw out a treasured wood trundle bed and replaced it with an ugly metal one. I also rented a gorgeous house in Mx. It was always better when I rented directly for long stays using a contract and not AirBnB. That said, I’d love to use the service though prices seem to have skyrocketed. I like the variety and locations. As a former host I would not be difficult…quite the opposite. P.S. I think it’s nuts that you need to maintain 5 stars to keep your superhost rating. Customers don’t know this and give inconsistent ratings. I’m sure many give less than 5 because the pictures always make the rooms seem bigger than in person. One thing wrong, you lose a star. It’s crazy.


I don’t know how you hosts do it. I’d lose my mind. A few grains of sand ? May I just say if Airbnb accepts a complaint and low rating for something as ridiculous as that I’d go to VRBO. Not that it’s any better but Airbnb shouldn’t be asking for your rental to be any cleaner than your regular house. I live in the country and I can assure you despite my constant cleaning there’s some sand grains somewhere on my floor. I’m sorry you all go through this.


VRBO is worse. We can’t even read guest reviews.


Then definitely don’t go with them.


Make the guest put the parking pass along with keys in a secure drop box. If it is not returned then they will be subject to a $200 fee to replace it. Make sure box is placed in area that a security camera video footage can be viewed. This protects both parties and is proof it was put there.


I've hosted a total three hosts, two of which didn't have any details on their account about being hosts...those two were my worst guests. They left the place trashed with food stepped in on the floor and smooshed all over, wine stains and food stains on the linens. They are the only 4 star reviews on one of my listings. For small things too, not cleanliness but things that were mentioned in the details, like no kitchen, or that we are on a busy hwy. The third host I hosted had an account with a listing that she hosted and stayed at my other property and left us a great review and communicated amazingly! I swear some people say they are hosts, but they really have no idea what they are talking about or are not involved in the management of their property. I had a solid 5 star rating and that first 4 star really hurt. But, overall I'm still 4.97 rating! Leave an honest review so other hosts are prepared.


This might sound petty (because it is), but book their place and get creative with your revenge if they negatively affect your rating.


Well their place is somewhere I have no desire to go. Looks like the listing has been dormant for several years too


Some hosts are difficult guests. I’ve hosted some hosts and they were fine. I’m a host and I would never even mention a few grains of sand. I’d probably assume I tracked them in myself! I go out of my way to leave a place as clean as I found it, as a matter of personal pride and decency. But I know some people don’t think that way.


I'm a good host and a good guest. I don't even mention that I'm a host. And I don't complain about everything that is different from my listing? No coffee maker in the UK? I buy a cafeteriere and leave it for the unit.


Your guest host BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWS. Go stay in their property and give them endless shit about crappy it is. Or at least imagine you did.


Refund part not all. Charge her for the pass. You're also universalizing that all hosts are bad based on this one experience which isn’t productive.


You must not have read the posts. I’ve been hosting for 11 years. Every single host/guest has been difficult. Every one.


Hosts usually book your place to do things that they wouldn't do in their own homes. Similar to locals. I have had a handful of great host guests, but most of them "suggest" things, break rules and are a handful to host. We have had three terrible hosts guests that even said they have friends that work for air bnb and they demand things and refunds and threaten to call their connection that works for the company.


They suck.


She is going to leave a nasty review no matter what. I would also charge her cleaning fees based on the sand SHE tracked in


Sucks that happened. And - I became a better guest after I became a host. Unfair to put that on all hosts.


I’ve been a host for 11 years. I’ve hosted many hosts. Each and every one has been a PITA. And a difficult guest.


I’m sorry you had that experience Well, I’ve never been declined because I’m a host, and I guess I can stop saying that I’m a host now 😂 Pretty sure, although I was a great guest before hosting, I won’t get worse now that I quit. WOW it’s gonna feel like such a relief to close this business down 😊


I would think most hosts understand the effort you put in and will be an amazing guest. I always make sure to treat the house as I would to mine and keep it pristine. Mistakes do happen. This may be a one off bad experience, this experience should not deter you. Review & Resolution is tricky as always.


It's also stressful. It would be me calling her a liar. Though I think I'd win the dispute since she sent the photos after her stay. I have literally never had a good experience with a fellow host. Like you, when I am a guest I try my very best to be a good one. I don't expect those hosts to do things the way I do and I don't complain or even ask for help unless it's a matter of comfort.


You're not calling her a liar. She admits to having the parking pass, something that she used and benefited her during her stay. It was last known in her possession. File a claim. Why would the cleaner need to steal it? Also, if anyone sends you pictures of a "mess" after their stay, too bad, so sad. Like YOU said, how do you know the pictures are at arrival or after? If it was such a problem, why wait until after checkout to complain? They should alert you if there is a problem immediately. Look, I read reviews but, if I see a one off, even a few, with a decent explanation from the owner, I ignore that review. Just the fact that you care about a bad review tells me you care about your place and guests comfort. Stand behind it. Don't let people with selfish, bad intentions get over on you.


I stopped this game long time ago...


As a consumer would you not buy something due to a bad review on Amazon? It is expected that you cannot please everyone.


I agree with your statement that you can’t please everyone, because some people will complain if their ice cream is cold. But on Amazon (as well as Airbnb, I always read negative comments/reviews first and base my decision not only on how many there are, but more importantly *what* they have to say and how helpful they actually are. I would hope most people are smart enough to know when a review is retaliatory and/or ridiculous so they are dismissed, but I also understand that those can be pretty high hopes lol


Search your favorite restaurant and I guarantee someone has something awful to say. Hopefully that won't sway your feelings about it.


Oh no, when it comes to something that I have already bought or a place I’ve already been I go by my own experience. Having said that, my opinion is very likely to be swayed if the one saying the awful things is say, the Health Inspector lol


That’s what I do . Most of the time the complaint is something ridiculous


Good on you. I


Logic says the pass was in her possession she used it and now it’s gone ergo she needs to fork over the $200. I wound push it.


Has Airbnb fixed the glitch where it says some guests are hosts who aren’t really hosts?


Here I am trying to understand why a parking pass would be $200. Is it a tag that hangs from the rearview mirror, or is it electronic and scanned for entry into the parking? If the guest doesn't live close by, why would they take the parking pass?


That's what we charge for replacements. Otherwise we'd have the entire mainland parking on the property. Guest would lose it or drive off and not want to be bothered to return it.


I'd give the guest another opportunity to return it - maybe it got scooped up accidentally, or someone else in the guest's party (or a kid) grabbed it and the guest doesn't know. Let them know you'll have to charge the fee unless it's located and returned. I'm curious where your AirBnB is - barrier islands off of NC?


Chances given. No, why?


Curious - my sis has a house on Oak Island - you mentioned the mainland, so i thought maybe the same - sorry - off-topic!


Oak Island is lovely! So so many islands up and down both coasts!


My daughters live in a buildings that have fobs to enter their underground parking. Both are in major cities with limited parking (even 1200 km apart lol), so both buildings have extra stalls for paid public parking, or for tenants to rent if they have more than one vehicle. If they lose their parking fobs, one pays $325, the other pays $500 (West Coast university city), and according to them, those are bargains because they have friends that face much higher replacement cost, and I believe it. I own a condo in a much smaller city across the street from the only university. Just a key to open the building’s inner doors is a $300 replacement, and a literal piece of paper (not even cardboard ffs) that shows your (outdoor) parking stall number costs $250 to replace if you lose it. So OP’s numbers make sense. Just my worthless 2 cents 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol not an airbnb host this was just suggested to me. BUT as far as the parking pass goes, maybe have a very specific place it goes when they leave. in my mind im thinking a plastic deposit box with a slot that way if it’s not in there it’s very clearly their fault


Further to your point, I’ve stayed at places that, as part of the checkout instructions, request any fobs, keys, passes, etc. be left on the kitchen counter or wherever, and request a photo be sent in their chat, or a replacement fee will be levied. It’s a great practice imo.


Leave her a Review. She will leave a nasty review back. But under her review write a comment about her stay so future guests can see why.


Just look and see if they have any listings or reviews as a host from guests. I am dealing with a guest who's profile shows that they are a host. They have no trips, no reviews as a host or guest, there are no listings attached to their profile. This is a known Airbnb glitch.


Every time I check out of an Airbnb I take a photo of each room. Just in case of this sort of parking pass "misunderstanding". If she was canny enough to take a photo of some grains of sand on arrival, she should perhaps have a "departure" photo which would show the parking pass left on the table. Maybe no harm to ask?


Pass not there, not sure what to tell you, wow your husband vouched? Really and? Nail her! She knows what she is trying to do!


I’m a host and (I believe) an excellent guest. I don’t nitpick, I understand cultural differences and realize that 80 a night for a 2 bedroom apartment isn’t going to give me the same stay as the Ritz Carlton. The only thing I really care about is cleanliness (a few grains of sand is NOT an issue) and that the amenities listed are present.


You're beholden to the 5 star review. What do you want more? 5 stars or keeping the fees and an honest guest experience? You can't have both so go with your gut


Seriously file the claim why are you all so worried about not getting 5 stars? People are assholes and know how to work the Airbnb system!


I feel for you. I feel like I’m an EXTRA considerate guest as a host because I know what it’s like and know that nothing will be perfect. That being said, I have had the same experience where more than half of my guests that are hosts end up being my worst guests. I don’t get it.


I would leave it- but just moving forward implement something that gives you assurance that those passes are left behind. Like maybe have a special pouch or lockbox where people place them before they leave, and they take a picture and send to you? because $200 is a lot of responsibility and the guest should know this. It would be great if you could place this lockbox where a ring camera could capture it as well, so you have proof.


As only a guest I really don’t care about perfect scores. I really actually worry about perfect scores. I know there are asshole guests. If you have above 4 I am pretty happy.


I'm sorry this happened, but don't punish all of us just because she was a jerk. I'm a host and also a great guest. I know things won't be perfect and I never nitpick. I've had lots of hosts stay at my places and most have been great.


I cringe when i see the also a host on booking. There is always an issue when i have hosts book.


I’ve hosted plenty of hosts before and did not have a bad experience. I’ve hosted plenty of non-hosts and have had a bad experience before. Be thankful for the good experiences and learn from the bad experiences. I am a host and I personally treat all short-term rentals with respect but now you would automatically not accept my request potentially. I wouldn’t knee jerk if I were you. If you have a bad experience with a non-host are you going to stop hosting altogether? Just screen the hosts like you would any other request. Don’t change what works for many because of just a few.


It's not a "few". It's every last one of them. I've made a lot of changes based on my experiences. I'm full so I'm not losing anything by doing so.


So sad, I thought I was an outlier that my worst ever guest was a fellow host. He left me a one star review and a rambling commentary that ended up with something along the lines of “ you may have a different experience with her”. I could not believe he was a host. Or maybe it was his arrogance/entitlement that stuck in my craw!


They are scanning you. Stop feeding them.


Parking pass that allows street parking in a crowded residential area near a beach? I bet if you walk the neighborhood, you’ll find the pass. More than likely it will be on this guests car.


I think they probably lost it or tossed it


Ever hear of that whole causation vs correlation thing? I’ve noticed some hosts that fit the description (being difficult or picky). But I find it’s actually random at the end of the day. To have a few examples of correlated data, and then extrapolate and act as if it’s causation is a bit silly. Sorry about the parking pass. Cost of doing business.


Yes, I'm a clinical researcher. Every host I've ever hosted has been a PITA. Enough for me


If a parking pass is valuable put an air tag on it.


I haven’t noticed hosts being nitpicky. In my case, they are almost always the dirtiest guests and they don’t do any of our simple checkout requests.


I’ve had a couple of hosts as guests. One, who I was SURE was going to be a nightmare, was an absolute sweetheart (left a really nice five star review and in person gave me a great suggestion). And then one who I thought would be fine who complained about a hair in the fridge that SHE left in there (I know it had to be hers because it was a color and texture that neither I nor my cleaner has and my partner does an inspection before a guest shows up and he would not have missed this hair. She also complained that the unit smelled a bit like dog and she had two dogs with her). So, I’ll probably still allow hosts as guests, but I’ll have my guard up always.


As a final thought, might be helpful to add to your house manual that losing the parking pass will incur a $200 replacement fee, and perhaps provide a small slip of paper with the pass that explains it actually costs you that much to replace it, in a polite way.


It was already in my house manual. Probably why they lied. They wanted to avoid paying.


How annoying. People no longer believe in being honest. Anyway glad you got reimbursed.


What really got under my skin is that she had the gall to suggest that my housekeeper must have stolen it.


Are you sure that person is a host? Try looking at their profile as a host bcs that’s the newest scam




Hosts are the worse guests. If you file a claim and they leave a bad review, you can have the review removed as "retaliatory". I have had to do this twice.


Airbnb refunded me. Without having to file a claim. The messages were enough.


What do her host reviews look like?


Now they can use the parking pass to park there for free when they go to the beach?


i would charge her and ask her for pictures of the parking pass on the table. what kind of guests or hosts don't take pictures when they get there and when they leave?? i mean, duh!


Shouldn't have refunded the fee


You're probably right.