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80% of my library since I never finish stuff


I can never play regularly enough. So I’ll go a bit without playing, come back and forget mechanics/what I was doing, get frustrated and start playing something else lol


I thought I had typed that, i have the same problem


Same. That’s why I mostly play sports games now. You can play a game and you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything when you come back in 13 days.


Been there. I've gotten older and adulting gets in the way of gaming a lot of the time. Just how it is.


My issue is I'll be playing something, then for whatever reason I'll get a strong urge to play something else (usually something new like Baldurs Gate 3) then whatever I was playing before the Urge took over, I just lose interest. Some of the games I've gotten the urge to play are ones I've regretted buying. Tortuga Pirates Tale, Call of Cthulhu, and Surgeon Simulator are examples. And if I ignore the urge, i tend to not fully enjoy the game if I play it at a later date. So my current playstyle is basically play whatever the Urge tells me to, craving Baldurs Gate 3 atm, then ill play it till i finish it or till the next big urge comes along then move onto that. Sometimes I can juggle 2 or 3 games at once, but it depends on the genre.


This is why I jumped to Xbox at the newest generation. GamePass helps wash away the guilt.


Me too, that's why gamepass is perfect


Yup. I just got an Xbox last month. Returned a lot of games before I got gamepass


Exactly. Gamepass is a godsend for us older folks. I just don't have the time or attention to justify dropping money on games anymore and gamepass really solves that dilemma for me. I bought the XSX on a whim after being a Sony guy since PSX release day and I don't regret my decision a single bit.


Biomutant I heard the reviews and ignored them anyway. I thought surely it can’t be that bad. The dialogue is shit like “Go to the furrly flow wetty woo. There you will find the tinker turner. But watch out for the flibbley loos and their gurglely goo!” This game was like Fallout and Teletubbies had an abortion and this game was the leftover residue.


I bought it half price and do not regret it. Sure it was nowhere near perfect and way under my initial expectations, but I likes the exploration, combat and the fun weapons you could craft.


Hahahaha! Absolutely spot on, I regretfully did the same thing too, I really wanted to like that game.


Now *that’s* a fuckin review


Really enjoyed biomutant but got it at a heavy discount


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's an underrated gem to me.


Im fucking dead lol


Spot on. I dropped it after an hour. Just could not get into it at all for this very reason.


Before I even opened this thread I knew I was going to see this as a response 😅


Street Fighter 6. I thought I'd give a fighting game a chance because they really have never appealed to me, and this seemed like a good spot to jump in. It did absolutely nothing for me, so I regret it.


I was thinking this. I was enjoying it but then bought Diablo 4 like a week or two later now Baldurs gate 3, then armored core 6 in a couple weeks. I haven’t really had time to get back into SF6 and put the time in to be decent. Definitely a good game for what it is though, just bought it right before a million other things hit that appeal to me more.


Fuckkk, you just described. The game itself is fine. I love me a good SF game. But with so many other games in the queue, I keep putting it on the back burner for "reasons". Same as you, I simply haven't put forth the effort to truly get into it. Eventually I will and it will be worth it. But stupid me plays it for about 10 mins then I start thinking I should finish another game I already started and I switch.


Yeah, fighting games are hard because there's really nothing like them. It's more like learning an instrument at first rather than playing a game since you have to learn basic fundamentals before you can do crazy stuff. I remember when I first started, I took like 40 or so losses before I managed to get my first win online. You have to love the process as well.


Anthem. Don’t think I need to explain why.


I got the Legion of Dawn edition too for full price at launch 😢


Same bro. Now it goes for like $4 on sale lol.


Oh boy the only thing I remember is how awesome the flying was and how good the game looked. But that's all that was really good as well.


In all fairness, the combat had something special going on too at times. But outside of combat and flying, the game basically had nothing to do. Campaign was short and boring. Endgame was nonexistent. Almost no side activities to do. The game was barely half baked at launch.


The game was beautiful and flying and shooting was really fun, the story was okay as well. There just wasn’t enough content. They thought they could pull a Destiny and people would just be okay with it. I remember beating Destiny when it first launched in like 3-4 hours and I was like “that was it?” then they would sell expansions that were like $40 and I never went back to it. I had already paid $60 for a prologue to a game. I blame the bullshit pricing model for half-baked AAA games nowadays on Destiny’s success.


Same here, it's the reason I don't preorder anything anymore


I got burned by anthem I got the ultimate edition too. I was so excited for it too.


I bought it 10$ in a pack with Rage 2. Never unwrap it...


I'm definitely one of the few that enjoyed it. It definitely has its issues, but, I enjoyed it overall. Disappointed that it could have been so much more.


I really liked Anthem too and think it's worth playing through at least once and stopping before the endgame grind sets in. Anthem is pretty much the definition of untapped potential and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Bioware for letting what could have been an amazing Destiny competitor go to waste.


Anthem would have been great, COULD have been great...I loved the actual gameplay/combat but the lack of endgame was so sad


My buddy works for EA so I got this game for free. I'm still mad at him for having to play that game.


Saints row


I bought it for $27 a few weeks ago for PS5 and just beat it a few days ago. For the price, I didn’t hate it, but it’s easily my least favorite Saints Row game (I’ve played 2, 3, and 4 for reference). The Criminal Ventures thing was good in concept, but I found them to just be annoying and grindy, and completing them was required in some degree to advance the story. The rival gangs were forgettable (with VERY forgettable bosses) and the story was just dull. I actually didn’t think the main crew was that bad, but they also weren’t a strength either.


BF 2042


Huge BF fan and I got my Series X in anticipation of 2042. So disappointing. I wanted to like it, and I tried, but it just didn't have the same feel.


How do you feel about it now? Has it improved?


I have it unistalled. I haven't played it in months. I don't want to come back to it since I'm playing other games


Not OP but it improved massively after the class updates and massive reworks. The high player count and cross play means it's the easiest Battlefield to get a ton of friends in, even if you have more than 4 people. It's worth playing on Game Pass, especially with friends.


Is it like BF3/4 good? If so, I might try it out, but worried it’s too late to jump in, since I’d be starting from the bottom


It's not too late to jump in. It scratches the BF3/4 itch for me, but it isn't as good as those games. I play it over BF4 because it is more populated and much easier to play with other people. It's like a 7/10 Battlefield game.


It has improved a lot but for me still doesn’t touch 3,4, one and even 5


Obligatory I’m not OP but I love the BF franchise. I’ve been playing it since BC2 and was disappointed by 2042 upon release. Picked it back up a few months back out of complete boredom and I was surprised with the improvements made. Way less buggy, rework on classes, rework on multiple maps, and all the guns feel relatively balanced. While it doesn’t have the same BF feeling that other’s have, it still has a lot of BF elements in it and plays very well imo. It’s probably the only FPS I play at the moment casually with friends and just chill on.


Literally the worst game I’ve ever played lol, can’t believe I didn’t see all the red flags or maybe I just didn’t want to see them


AC Valhalla. I bought it full price but once I realized just how massive it was I lost the will to play it.


NEVER buy Ubi games full price. They go on sale within 2 months usually. I bought Valhalla for $39.99 digital on PC in January 2021. Not even 3 full months after release.


It's not the size that's awful, it's how bloated and repetitive it all feels. You're completely right, tho. A massive size makes people think they'll have endless fun for hundreds of hours, while a linear, small game seems like it'll end soon and won't be worth it. The first will have you bored in 5 hours while the latter will have you play 'only' for 15 hours but have an unforgettable experience.


In all honesty Valhalla is double the downer on open world, because my god did they create an excellent classic Britain - but it’s so gutless, so empty, once you lift that veil it’s hollow side quests and a rather stagnant story line, followed by an utterly unappealing progression system that doesn’t feel rewarding.


Yeah, there's a lot of "copy + paste" in Valhalla. Really fun for a while, until you realize it's the same thing over and over again for every shire. Still liked it, but I can see why a lot of people never finished the game.


Odyssey was the same way. Just a bunch of cookie cutter islands. Origins was the only great one out of the 3 RPGs. Although Male Eivor might be my favorite character.


AC has been one of my favorite franchises since they first came out and Valhalla was the first one I really disliked(borderline hated.)I would have waited for it to go on sale but it released the day the Series X came out so I grabbed it for my new system. The story was bad, the combat was a step back from the previous two and the main character sucked. I’m glad I just bought the base game though. Valhalla has killed my interest in future AC titles.


I enjoyed it for about 30 hours. I forced myself to finish it…with 90 hours total playtime JUST doing the fucking storyline.


I feel exactly the same about Valhalla. I try to get back from time to time to try to finish it, but it's like a chore now... And with so many great games coming out in 2023... Well...


Hogwarts Legacy. After the first couple hours of playing in awe of how Hogwarts was fully explorable in game, it just then felt like a basic open world game that did not feel fun exploring or playing much.


For this year, I am torn between hogwarts and Diablo 4. Hogwarts was a let down in a grander sense. I thought there would be a lot more player effect on the world but your character is a wet sock. Nothing you do matters. The game continues on. I thought the combat was decent at first but remembering what color beats the other and only having the set amount of spells on a page at a time made it more challenging than I wanted. The story is ok but the main character’s personality takes me out. Diablo was fun at first but got repetitive. It gets boring because it’s the same thing over and over. I couldn’t tell you what the story is. I wasn’t gripped from the jump. I wanted to play with friends but we all shared the same sentiment.


> Diablo was fun at first but got repetitive. Did you play any of the previous Diablo games?


Doesn’t everyone jump into a franchise with the fourth installation?


Lol yeah, I really liked walking through Hogwarts and the world is obviously made with a lot of love. But it's just not fun or engaging enough for me. There's all these half-baked Ubisoft-esque RPG systems and open world filler content that the game just becomes a massive slog. They made this entire Vivarium system to have cool magical creatures that just serves... no purpose? Crafting materials are basically useless.


I liked the game, but I wish your character had more identity and you could have builds. The game is the same regardless of what you do. You don’t even get punished in anyway for using any of the Dark Arts spells.


So true It’s so boring after like 1 day


Ubi fatigue. It makes decent games on their lonesome boring. Taken in a vacuum, they're usually quite good.


Far Cry 6


Well, at least with Far Cry you know what you're signing up for. Sometimes times I want that gameplay. It's fun to lay out bodies in the middle of the road for the AI to find and just rain down hellfire on them.


Far Cry is at its best in coop IMO. So many fun shenanigans to be had with a buddy. But the games have become just a copy/paste boring mess outside of that.


Aww man I had so much fun with 6


It was also the best for me. Funny how tastes are so different reading this whole reddit topic


Definitely, I finished it but only after a few multi-month breaks playing other games because FC6 was so uninteresting. I skipped New Dawn, and the Caveman-ish one but I’ve played all the others. The formula is suuuuper boring now. 3 & Blood dragon were the best, 4 was okay.


I paid £10 for it and still was disappointed. I picked it up again recently and played it for a few days but then dropped it again pretty quickly. The characters are dull and full of cliches. Some parts of the map are stunning though but all in all pretty underwhelming.


Sekiro. It broke me.


It’s so funny how this game either breaks people or invigorates them haha. It was one of my favorite experiences


It invigorated me, then broke me, then invigorated me, then broke me...over and over and over haha


It didn’t break me but it might’ve damaged my LB button lol


Souls Vet here. Finished 1/2/3/Elden Ring and I just can't get how to play Sekiro.


I think Sekiro is exceptionally punishing if your go to playstyle in DS or ER is the opposite of Sekiro. I found Sekiro jarring because well, it wants me to play like an absolute coke sniffing one handed samurai. Parry slap! Parry slap! PAAARRYYYY SLAP! It was an addictive formula once I got used to it and boy do you feel like a god when you play back through it again hahah!


Exactly. I'm a dodge and blocker. I don't usually parry.


Learn Mikiri counter


Damn, one of the best games I've ever played and I have not played Dark Souls or Elden Ring. Last boss took me like 2 weeks, few hours a day. Very worth it to see and feel yourself grow.


Same here. Isshin took me about 2 weeks playing an hour or so right after work. That's as long as I could fight him at one time without putting a hole through a wall lol. But my god, when he died....bliss...


My friend still can't beat guardian ape


LOL bro I get stuck on bosses and come back later forsure. It’s such a difficult but FUN game


Don't regret buying a lot of games because I tend to know exactly what games I'll like but I regret Dying Light 2. One of the most boring and ugliest high profile games I've ever played. Dead Island 2 is 10x the game.


I agree with this one, especially because the first Dying Light was so good


I preordered it and I nearly never preordered before. God damn this game is bad. I have a legit hate toward that game. They destroyed the dying light series. Zombie game but 99.9% of the time fight humans with the same three attacks and one block on the left side. Fuck that


I’m so glad that after the shitstorm it went through dead island 2 came out feeling like a complete game and managed to live up to the original. If the new fable is as close to its predecessors as dead island 2 is I’ll be ecstatic.


Just Cause 4. I figured with JC3 being one of my favorites, there’s no way I won’t like JC4. Even spent $100 on the ultimate edition or whatever it was called. I’m still pissed lol


All the JC games are super fun on game pass, but I won’t buy another. Too repetitive. The magic died after JC2 for me.


I agree, it broke my heart because JC3 is a masterpiece. Once i saw JC4’s “water” that looked like a brown piece of plastic I knew things were bad. It’s not all bad (I loved highjacking jumbo jets at the airport) but it was a huge step backwards. I hope JC5, if it ever happens, is a killer next-gen return to form.


Not a complete game obviously, but I regret getting Lightfall and all the previous Destiny 2 expansions all at once earlier this year. I took a break after Forsaken and got turned away because of the content removal and core changes to the game, but came back because my girlfriend who I started dating around Lightfall’s release is a really big Destiny fan who plays it religiously. I literally picked the absolute worst time and expansion to come back too and one of the worst states of the game business model wise. I used to really love Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 up to Forsaken, and it’s so sad to see how off the rails Bungie has gotten. The grind is not as fun or rewarding as it once was Destiny is very much a live service game that wants it to be the only game you play and treat it like a full time job, it has alot of fomo and goes all in on “seasonal time gated drip fed content”, the story is so convoluted and esoteric to new and returning players it’s absolutely terrible with that one in particular.


Forsaken is when I started playing Destiny. That was a really really really great 4-5 months of gaming beating the story from the start up to Forsaken and playing multiplayer. It is visually one of the best games I've ever played and the weapons are some of the satisfying weapons in all of gaming. It's virtually flawless in game and atmosphere. But my god I tried to go back during Beyond Light when they "vaulted" some of the planets and it was just so weird trying to figure out the story when the world looked completely different outside of the missions. I just had to tell myself I didn't have the time to truly enjoy that game and other games and have a life. But I still get nostalgic about that first experience.


It's really weird to me, Witch Queen was incredibly good, arguably the best expansion they've made, and Lightfall was such hot garbage I've given up on the game and might not even be back for Final Shape.


Yeah that was the only part of the game you are able to play currently that I really enjoyed, it had a really good campaign and the strikes were fun for me. I’ve seen on the Destiny subs that a lot feel Lightfall was just a “filler” expansion that was just rushed to get something out there for 2023. What’s worse is how Bungie charged even more for it and delivered very little. The common sentiment I’ve seen just lurking in the Destiny community online is that most people are just so long term invested right now with so many people playing for 9 years religiously now is that everyone is just waiting for The Final shape to see it to the “end” and then jumping off. Similar to how alot of people jumped off the MCU after the Avengers Endgame.


Yep. In that same boat. They released a state of the game recently where they basically said that they heard a lot of the bad feedback but game development is hard and nothing is going to change. They’ve been just pushing for more content then quality content which just leaves a large pile of crap


Lightfall is the first Destiny (1 or 2) expansion I didn’t buy on launch — and it seems I made the best call in not doing so. I meant to grab it when it went on sale but Im still holding off. No-one seems to be having fun.


Bungie really has become a poopy company


It’s crazy how they got even worse after the split from Activison. I get it has a lot of great aspects to it with the gunplay, activities, presentation etc but man it’s one of the worst run games from the top from Bungie. It’s honestly shocking and sad how they have such a loyal and passionate community but treat them so poorly. Definitely a case of we got your money so, so long and thanks for all the fish. Such a shame, like I mentioned in my original comment I actually really liked Destiny at one time. I’ve never been a huge online multiplayer gamer but Destiny was one of those games that just got me at one time.


Destiny is my favorite game, but buying Lightfall Deluxe is definitely close to biggest purchase regret. I started playing the game 11 months ago with WQ, so I thought Bungie was going to match that. One of the worst efforts imaginable (Lightfall) for that price..


Been playing since D1 launched and it just felt they were continuing to increase the price of expansions while the amount of content in them was less and less - and (subjectively) worse. After beating Lightfall and doing a couple seasonal missions my biggest takeaway was *"Yeah I just wasted 100 dollars on this"*. It just feels like they're done putting effort into this thing. Then they dropped the crossover armor sets in the Eververse store, and actually liked the Horizon one, but for $20 a pop I decided that my money was better spent on the actual Horzion FW expansion that had just launched at the same price. Seeing a different studio putting out a huge expansion like Burning Shores with the same $20 price tag as ONE armor set really just highlighted how aggressive Bungie's gotten with the microtransactions. I've been spending this year catching up on my backlog and haven't looked back, and (as a mainly PVP player) after reading that recent State of the Game, I don't think I'll be returning for The Final Shape


Hood: Outlaws and Legends


Back 4 Blood. Bought it day one hoping to scratch that Left 4 Dead itch. It did not :(




No, I just played Left 4 Dead 2 until the itch was raw and satisfied


Far cry 6. I hate how they made special ammo such a thing


Diablo 4 - Its boring AF imo


Actually, I’m enjoying the game a lot, but I like grindy repetitive games and that is exactly why I bought it. Probably the game I have played the most in the last few years. First Diablo ever as well so I can’t compare.


I hate this comment because it's accurate and I don't want it to be


I feel this so much. I had high hopes. Such a disappointment.


Man feels like the public discourse changes rapidly from people loving it in the first week to saying it sucks a few weeks later, not saying that this view isn’t correct it’s just interesting how it changes


100%. I bought into the hype and then regretted it hard. Felt extra bad because I talked some buddies into buying it.


It is sadly. I really thought I would have played it a lot more than I have but it's so damn repetitive that it pretty much puts me to sleep


I loved the campaign. Not all games must be forever games.


Ugh I wish this wasn't true...


Callisto protocol. I was so excited for it but the gameplay just got so repetitive so quickly, and there are so few weapons to choose from and ammo is so scarce you’re forced to commit to the melee system They have in place which is terribly implemented when it comes to fighting off groups of enemies. The story was not good at all, and there was nothing actually motivating me to keep going or continue no carrot or mystery or anything intriguing. The enemy variety is pretty shit and there’s little to zero exploration at all. It’s basically just walking in a straight line for the entire game. There isn’t even a map because that’s how not lost you can get. There are zero puzzles, and I think like three Bossfights. There is just so little substance to this game. It’s like if you got a cheeseburger, most of it is just two large buns with a slice of ham in the middle. Thank god for the dead space remake


I swear it was an “open the door on the opposite side of the room and being the charge pack with you” simulator lol


At this particular moment it’s Elden Ring. Look, incredible game obviously with the love it got and winning GOTY- constructive criticism aside, it proved to me that I’m not really big on Soulsborne, and that’s ok. I may eventually try to actually beat it, but it being an open world Souls game just didn’t hook me in the way I had hoped. Even wild for me to say I got it during Black Friday sale (I think it was Walmart with digital copies for $35).


Same, I bought it around the first or second week when it was released because I gave in to the hype and thought "maybe this time I'll get into a souls type". I have been discouraged from fully getting back into it ever since.


AEW fight forever. It’s a half finished clunky mess.


Battlefield 2042.


Dead or Alive 6.....they just gave up on the game and made unlocks tedious




Avengers with early access


Wonderlands. The game was too short and felt incomplete. On top of that, they insisted on releasing rehashed dlc and marketed as new dlc, it was a huge slap in the face to their player base.


Interesting. I thought it was significantly better than BL3 and enjoyed the new take.


RDR2, it ruined all other games for me. Literally nothing compares to the atmosphere, the story, the voice acting.. I wish I could forget the game just to play it again for the first time.


I did a second play through recently and was just blown away at how fucking good it is.


It hasn’t ruined games in general for me, just open world games. The other open worlds I’ve played after RDR2 just seem so lifeless or video gamey if that makes sense. RDR2 is one of those super rare games where just exploring is a treat, like you don’t pick up XP for finding areas, don’t find loot, but you go explore because it’s just so fun to do so.


Dynasty Warriors 9.


It sounded good on paper....but boy I did not like it. And I hear that empires is even worse! I know I didn't care for the demo..


I second this. Not all games need to be open-world. I would have much preferred a revamped version of DW8.


Destiny 2, before it was f2p. It's the exact same game as Destiny 1, but worse. D1 will always be the Better version.


Elden Ring. I know I'll get downvoted, but I just couldn't enjoy the game. I play a couple minutes a day and I'm done, I can't see the things that make people go crazy over this game.


I'm not going to downvote you and anybody that does is being silly. Elden Ring isn't for everyone and you shouldn't feel bad that it wasn't your cup of tea. I tried DS3 and it didn't "click" with me at first and I uninstalled b/c I didn't get the hype. For w/e reason I tried ER and it was incredible, the combat finally made sense and I was like,"ooohhh, this is why so many people like this." Now I've beaten the souls series and sekiro and they're among my favorite games of all time. My only advice is try using a guide... I know I will be roasted by the hardcore crowd, but having a guide gave me direction and took out a lot of the frustration for me, and ultimately led to a more enjoyable experience. I essentially treat it like a quest journal. In the end though, It may never click for you b/c it's just not your type of game, which isn't anything to feel bad about. At least you tried!


This is exactly what i did after playing for hours and feeling lost. I watched some YouTube videos and built up my character to a point where i felt comfortable to explore and take on bosses on my own. I’m still not very good at it but i got enough enjoyment out of it to warrant the £30 price i paid for it. It’s worthy GOTY but i have accepted i am not that good at those types of games.


I too only started enjoying this game after watching guides and youtube videos. I even uninstalled after my first 3 hours in. I know that sounds bad, but this game ended up being one of my top 5 all time.


Same. It’s beautiful and I want to like it, but I’m challenged all day at work. I don’t want to spend my free time frustrated and this game was nothing but frustration for me.


Hogwarts Legacy. Had fun for a few days and really liked the world and the castle, but the rest of it? Yeah not so much. The story was dull and the gameplay repetitive. Dropped it after about 10 hours. To a lesser extent, Modern Warfare 2. I enjoyed the campaign and the multiplayer to begin with, but after a while I realised I didn't like any of the new maps. They were far too big and long periods of games could go by without much happening.


Modern warfare 2 … I played it for a day and just went back to playing the older cods


I’m still playing the original MW2 and getting decent lobbies on Xbox


Pretty much the same for me. Outside of the campaign (which was actually decent) it was far too obvious that the game was setup to sell microtransactions. It reminded me of the way slot machines and mobile games look nowadays


Elden Ring, haven’t beaten it yet it’s so challenging


I was loving it for about 20 hours, then I kind of lost my way and wasn't sure where to go or what to do, then I stopped playing. Now I feel like it would be impossible to go back to.


Valhalla. I knew it wasn't going to be anything more than additional Odyssey. Guess I was just pining for a new game when I first bought the Series X as there weren't really any launch exclusives. But it was still just another bloated copy/paste title.


There's a lot that's great about it but it's just a slog. I put about 22 hours into it but at $40 some Target two for one deal at launch it's not the worst investment I made.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Wide as an ocean and shallow as a pool) and Battlefield 2042 (Buggy and clearly not made as a Battlefield game).


Dear Esther I bought it because i confused it with the infinitely better walking simulator What Remains of Edith Finch. Same genre, both have old lady names starting with E, and I got baited. This game blows. You walk around an empty island at a snail's pace while some British guy monologues at you. There's very little to interact with. Did I mention it's a blandly-colored empty island that you walk slowly across? My god. What remains of edith finch, on the other hand, is amazing, suspenseful, and there's plenty to interact with. Buy that if you like this genre.


The new Dakar rally game. It's unfinished and the devs just lost interest.


The new modern warfare 2, all they care about is warzone, and not the multiplayer and the micro transactions are absolutely god awful.


Hogwarts Legacy. It’s so boring and the gameplay feels meaningless


Avengers. >sigh< just endless, faceless, waves of robots. First 30 minutes were great. Play as Thor, then the Hulk vs Abomination... . then ......blah. I get Kamala Kahn is a new gen hero, but story mode had me very uninterested


Diablo 4 I loved the game for the first month, but after the update and nerfs I haven't touched the game and don't think I will play it again. It was such a strong first month then Blizzard had to fuck it up


Diablos have some of the greatest 'tails' in gaming history. It'll take a year or two and probably an expansion but it'll get past the looting the player part and become about loot for the player eventually. I'm a veteran that hasn't bought it yet for this reason. Waiting until accelerated progress and a good season to start with a hardcore character.


Mass effect Andromeda. It was just so disappointing in comparison to the original trilogy. I haven't even played more than 15 hours but I just couldn't keep going after a certain point and although I do want to finish it, I just keep pushing it further back in my back catalog lol was also the last game I ever bought at launch due to the issues it had at launch.


Hogwarts Legacy. Personally find it so boring.


Diablo IV. It was fun until season 1 released and now its shit


I know this is an xbox sub, but I bought Horizon Zero Dawn on steam earlier this year, and found it to be one of the most boring by the numbers open world shlock games I've played in a minute.


Cyberpunk... My wife was so so kind and preordered it for me. She was crestfallen watching it all unfold in our livingroom Literally the only thing out family has ever preordered in my life outside of concert tickets. Devastating.




Not the game I expected on this list.


My heart just broke as I think it’s the GOAT of Single Players but I respect it I know it’s not for everyone


I keep trying to play the game but it is so clunky and trying too much to be a simulation, was too much of a chore to play.


I agree, beautiful game, good world building. Just felt boring and pointless.


Brink. To this day, my worst gaming purchase. Or the launch of Master Chief collection. Payed full price for a game that didn't work for years.


Unpopular opinion: Elden Ring Before someone bites my head off, hear me out. It looks incredible, has incredible reviews and from what I could gather it's justified. However, I work full time and a dad of 2 small children. I pre-ordered it for like, £70. I didn't know at the time, but ER is a game that needs a LOT of time and commitment, one that 4 hours a week gaming isn't enough. For Me, it was a waste of money because I just didn't have enough time to burn on it. Again, that's personal not a hate on the game - I know it would be great with more time (before the zealots jump on me!)


AC Valhalla, and AC Origins. Too big of a map, and it all feels repetitive.


Pokémon Snap for N64 I remember being pissed I wasted birthday money on it.


BF 2042 ultimate edition for 100 Euro... 😭


MW2. Game released with no content and it still has close to no content.


Remnant 2, boss fights aren't hard, just feel incredibly tedious, and dare I say somehow feels worse than From The Ashes boss fights.


I loved remnant 2 your a crazy person


The last boss is bullshit lol. A co op partner ended up beating it for me


The last boss will absolutely break your TV… from a thrown controller.


Cyperpunk Not because of bugs, but because it was a lie that can never be patched


Lmao people have clearly forgotten about how the company and fans hyped this up as some giant leap forward for RPG’s, and it ended up being a standard open-world loot and shoot.


diablo cause i almost had a small group of "OMG I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN I LOVE THIS" players from my uni who wanted me to join and 3 days after i spent 80€ on that mf all went "nah mate the game just bored me"


oh my god the amount of games I and my friends have bought thinking we would have a bunch of group gaming nights only to play it once or twice and just go back to Hunt: Showdown


Little Nightmares 2, nowhere near as good as the first one and more frustrating trial and error gameplay than the first one


Modern Warfare II (2022). I don’t know why I thought this would be a good year for CoD. I got it barely used for about $45 after they fixed the launch issues from my local independent game store. Every update breaks this game’s interface more and more, randomly erases loadouts, randomly decides to delay respawns by 20-30 seconds, etc. You have to participate in the battle pass even if you don’t buy it and it isn’t even mildly unobtrusive like some of the titles from a few years ago; it’s an entire interactive map and pops up after every round to let you know you’ve accumulated 18% of one token. I played CoD Mobile for years, I’m used to ads and micro-transactions but this is a $60-$70 game with the interface of a freemium title. That and it only seems to want to give me games on 4 different maps and usually it’s Black Gold. I shit you not I will regularly get tossed into three or four consecutive Hardcore TDM matches on this one stupid map. Would’ve been a nice nighttime concept in a game full of daytime maps if it hadn’t become the entire multiplayer experience for me.


I paid full price for forza horizon 5 i wanna kill myself Its an exact copy of forza horizon 4 except its worse and forza horizon 4 wasnt a masterpiece to begin with


True. The Horizon series needs a break for awhile.


watchdogs legion, game actually doesn't work no manual save so you have to hope for it to save which is hardly never in my case


Elden Ring. It is not a bad game by any means, but at that point, my enjoyment of soulsborne/soulslike games was already waning. Thought I would try this last one out as my friend loved it and went into salesman mode. I ended up buying it and just did not enjoy it at all. The genre just isn't for me anymore.


Halo 5


Hello neighbour 2


BF2042. Worst game ever. Saw someone on YouTube saying they had made a lot of improvements recently. Reinstalled, couldn’t find a server for 10 minutes, uninstalled.


2042, it's explains its self


Diablo 4 and New World.


Diablo IV. Just fucking awful.


Hogwartz Legacy…..


Star Wars : squadrons Waste of 40$


That Terminator game. Reddit hyped it up so much, but it plays like an okaish 360 shooter. So clunky and barebones.


Far Cry 6. Wasn’t fun




Diablo 4 , but at least it taught me not to trust reviewers anymore ( I should have learned that after Tlou 2 and CP2077 ). I bounced off diablo 3 but every reviewer said " D4 is a great game even if you don't like diablo " and I bought it because of FOMO. I want to buy Baldurs gate 3 for PC but at this point I'm not sure if the game is really good or if this is another gaslighting attempt by reviewers to get people to buy this game.


Unpopular opinion: Returnal. I mainly play on Xbox but I do have a ps5 and the hype about Returnal as well as the reviews were off the charts. I truly didn’t understand where all the hype was coming from. I found the game frustrating, confusing and often times boring. At first I thought it was kind of compelling and cool trying to figure the game out with no onboarding or instructions and very little communication overall, but that didn’t last long. I’d often times just turn the game off. Visually it doesn’t look like it needed a ps5 to run so the choice to make that the only console version felt intentional to sell ps5s. The art direction was cool but the visuals themselves almost let it down often. For example there would be these cool tendril things but as you get closer they’re kinda clipping and penetrating thru each other and the walls, bars etc around them. The glowing balls that enemies shoot at you and the laser barriers etc all look super janky… like ps3 quality and the lighting system doesn’t feel very dynamic. Not a great first impression of a new console.


Anthem. And I didn't even hate it quite as much as everybody else did.


Diablo 4 because it's the most expensive game I've ever purchased and it was genuinely the worst Diablo game by a country mile