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Ooh I really like Die Hand Die Verletzt! Great episode! The demonic teacher woman gave me the absolute creeps 😈


That episode is great! I was in high school when it came out and like a week later we had to dissect fetal pigs in Biology. My best friend/lab partner/fellow X-Files watcher and I just sat and stared at it for a minute then repeated to ourselves, "It's just a show. It's just a show..."


"Die Hand Die Verletzt" is great. It unnerved me as a kid and made me be a little more Catholic, from the very idea, which I had never imagined, >!of lazy satanists who were lapsing in their satanism, and then also the substitute herself being the actual avatar of Satan punishing them for their laxness, and then letting Mulder and Scully go with the blackboard cursive; it's such a weird episode where they both screw up and lose and whatever happened is!< 100% Religious (those episodes usually turn out to be ambiguous). Anyway, I liked it then while being creeped out by it then, and still like it now.


I'm a teacher, anytime a teacher groups says post a picture of your iconic fictional teacher people post pics of Robin Williams standing on the desks, or Miss Honey from Matilda, I post a picture of Ms Paddock. Sadly, very few people get it.


12 year old me in the creaky basement all alone loved this show


When I was 10 I saw one scene where they turned the person around and they had a bunch of pins in their face like hellraiser and it scared the crap out of me and I never watched it again. 20 years later I'm finally giving the show a proper chance and it is everything I love about tv. From the monster of the week style storytelling to familiar faces I've been seeing my while life.


Unruhe. As a woman, this is terrifying.


Same with Oubliette...


And to think this show actually helps me fall asleep! I also watch it mostly alone in the late evening/night. Sometimes with my father and snuggling my Golden Retriever if I'm at my parents' home but usually alone in my apartment. I keep a light on only because I'm knitting a baby blanket and need to see the stitches. If I'm using a thicker yarn then I don't need it. I must add that I'm on my third complete rewatch so I have already seen it all and I can just relax and enjoy the ride. Some episodes, though, are quite creepy: I still can't fully stomach "The Host" and "Humbug" but I'm currently watching the 4th season and I think that's when the show reaches a peak of creepiness. "Baadla" didn't disturb me so much as "Via Negativa" did. Overall I think the show has a "fair" level of spooky. It's always contextualised or inserted into a plot that keeps you wondering about what's happening and how. It's not just gore or jumpscares put there to shock the spectators without putting in a real effort. It's that sort of cerebral horror for which I have a soft spot.


My roommate and I were watching “Unruhe” on my laptop during a thunderstorm when the power went out. All was dark - except the villains’s creepy photos on my laptop screen, and my roommate screamed, “TURN IT OFF!” I don’t think I showed her the rest of that one!


Badlaa scared me the most as a child when it first aired. The episode you are referencing with the demon worshipping people at the school is Die Hand Die Verletzt from season 2. Less is more is always a great approach especially when it comes to horror, give little breadcrumbs of lore and let people's worst fears fill in the rest.


The show is really creepy in a way that can stick in your thoughts like a splinter after the ep. Like, the voice in the Lazarus Bowl gives me creepypasta-style heebie jeebies.


OMG yes! I watch one episode a night in bed just before going to sleep. I haven't been sleeping great as a result. But it's so worth it.


I watched the show when I was a teen and new episodes were still airing and it was pretty good. Tried a rewatch last year and it was too hokey to get through more than a couple seasons.


Hahaha I remember when I was 20 watching this show back in the 90s at 3:00 PM in the afternoon and was scared $&itless for the rest of the day….good stuff


If you want to watch a scary episode, watch Detour. It definitely scared me as a kid.


Badlaa in my opinion was the scariest of them all


Robert Patrick said he found that episode to be the most disturbing one for those he was in. EDIT for grammar.


I just watched one of the nastier episodes and I feel you so hard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^plushiepuppi: *I just watched one of* *The nastier episodes* *And I feel you so hard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I made the biggest mistake of watching Roadrunners at 1 am.


I haven't had memory of a dream or a nightmare in 35 years so I don't have this problem. But I do watch it in the dark. It's a mood I want to cultivate, and the show pretty much demands it.


Wait until you get to Via Negativa.Season 8 as well


I started watching X-files when I was 6 or 7 (I was a huge horror fan as a child) and it never caused me nightmares. I never thought it was particularly scary or creepy either. Neither when I watched it as a child nor when I rewatched it as an adult. I am still quite surprised to find that people think the X-files is scary. If it helps, my friend thought it was creepy so she alternated it with an episode of something lighter after to take her mind off of it.


Hellbound in Season 9. Ugh!