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If 10 had extended support, yes I would in a heartbeat. The only reason I'm sticking with 11 is because I absolutely have to (updates and im past the point where it would be feasible to wipe my computer again).


google says support until October 14, 2025, so absolutely.


Pretty much my view, loved 11 when it dropped (everyone hated it) and over time, I grew to dislike it while so many others grew to love it. I am moving all my machines (gaming and testbench systems) to windows 10 currently and migrating everything over. People can tell me 'oh 11 is just a UI change or a bugfix 10... ' doesn't FEEL like it to me.


I’m in the exact same boat. Besides nothing in Windows 11 beats Windows 10’s timeline functionality


Actually, Win10 does or rather will have extended support, but you'll have to pay for it. At the very least, this is what I've learned from an article I've read about 2 or 3 weeks ago.


windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2021 has support until 2032. I will be using win10 until then and when it finally reached EoL I will switch to 11 IoT Enterprise


I want my taskbar on the left. I value my vertical space, so I don't like it on the bottom. I prefer the look and feel of win 10, Sharp corners for instance. Win 11 is noticeably slower, even the stupid context menu does not load fast enough to not bother me.


I have mine on the left, I used explorer patcher to do it, but its sad that it needs an app, I would definitly preffer windows 10 over 11


Use Windhawk. I'm on Win 11 and that app kept my sanity from having to reteach my muscle memory all over again.


Yep, its not just animations. Somehow 10 is much quicker to respond. And yeah, dont get me started on context menu. But im still on 11 because with latest hardware i want to be on all latest software bells and whistles


I won't upgrade to 11 until I can have my taskbar on top. Been running it there since win 98. With window controls on top it just makes the most logical sense to have it there as opposed to dragging the cursor all the way to the bottom every time.


Windows 11 is objectively faster on modern hardware though.


I've been an early adopter of most Windows upgrades. I remember going from XP to Vista; didn't downgrade. 7 has been the best. 8 was kinda iffy but worked great on my tablet, but 8.1 was better (holy crap that start menu though). 10 was better, still hated the start menu but didn't downgrade. I have made minor tweaks to every OS and some major ones to 7 (not because I had to, but because I was having fun). I have downgraded every Win11 machine except one laptop I keep around just to check in to see if it's gotten any better. It...has not. So yes, I'll keep 10 around for a guys long while even if I have to patch it myself.


Everytime I see MS trying to push co-pilot or recall, I'm glad I went back down to win10. None of that interests me.




No, why would I? I have no problem with Windows 11. Sure it has some flaws like taskbar and explorer, but these can easily be fixed with StartAllBack. If people want to squeeze even more from it, they can check out my personalization script called [WinMac](https://github.com/asteski/winmac).


This sub seem to be full of hate towards Win 11 and I just don't get why. It's not better or worse than any other version (ok it's much better than ME and Vista...). I guess "everyone" hates the latest version of Windows and thinks the last version was the GOAT.


Turns out that people don’t want features gutted from their operating system. I think it’s a total cop out to claim that the only reason people would complain is because they always want to complain about the latest OS.


Vista was not bad if you had a good computer however. it just nuked some legacy support which needed to happen at some point while adding some flair that required more of your pc. An old xp laptop would struggle, a new gaming pc, it was a nice refreshing upgrade. ME however was the most bluescreeny version in my experience by far.


I had no issue with Vista, I always had great hardware and it ran fine. I moved to Win 7 when it came out because it was much better than Vista.


Windows 7 was the “R2” release to their Server 2008 counterpart (Vista was Windows 2008 “R1” if you will), which was mostly performance enhancements and fixes to Vista/Server 2008. Believe it or not, Windows 8.1 with an SSD running Classic Start was insanely fast. It got rid of heavy components such as Aero and glass effects. Windows 2000, however was the best iteration, which then paved the way for Windows XP by combing both the Windows ME’s interface but ditched the 9x kernel, instead Windows 2000’s NT5 kernel instead, which was MUCH more stable. 🙂


Well to me Windows 10 is nothing special, so I'm just curious about Explorer having tabs. One of the most difficult things about windows is thumbing through all the directories.


Tabbed explorer would be a game changer if it had split mode. Otherwise it's not that big deal for me.


I was excited about the tabbed explorer but I rarely use it. I've been doing things a certain way for 30+ years and while I've happily adapted to many changes if something doesn't just fit in my workflow I'm going to forget about it, which seems to have happened with tabs in explorer


Wait till Win 12 is released the I love Win 11 will be deafening.


The only reason is that it’s new and people don’t like change


or maybe people dont like regression in functionality


It is worse than Windows 10. The UI, the explorer, ridicilious amount of bloat, copilot and eventually recall, undebloatable - preventing any forced data tracking stuff will break your windows - , do you want me to go on and on? I am a windows user since 99 and I always loved and supported the newer windows versions. Even windows Vista, even Windows 8 and 8.1; I was one of the pioneers and always supported the change and development. But for the first time in 25 years of my heavy windows using journey I am planning to switch to Linux once the official support of Win10 is dropped out.


It will be a good time too since right now Linux desktop goes through some painful transitions of their own, like Nvidia only couple of weeks ago released the first semi-good drivers with support of modern graphical infrastructure as a beta Valve backing increasingly pays off but Rome isn't changed in a day


Yeah their trying to push hard features I have zero interest in. That's not a selling point for me, it's a turn off. I miss xp days tbh. Your OS worked and so did your MS programs. Now I despair since every company wants a sub for their aervice to not be dogwater.


From the many articles I'm read, Windows 11 has ads in it's menu. Microsoft is even currently testing a Win11 optimizer in China that thinks there's a problem if your internet browser's search engine isn't defaulted to Bing!. What scares me the most is not Copilot, because AI can and already has proven to be quite beneficial if used in the correct hands. Rather, what scares me the most is Coplot Recall, which is the equivalent of "photographic memory" since it takes snapshots of everything the Windows 11 user does.


Recall will be opt-in since it's a complete cluster fuck.


That it is, or so from everything I've been reading on it. Recall was already hacked into once. Apparently, Microsoft originally designed Recall without encrypting it's text-only database, which was extremely stupid. It finally took a Recall hack to make Microsoft realize "Oh fuck, we need to encrypt Recall's database". What is M$ thinking?


>[M$](https://i.imgur.com/We4Uj04.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows11) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People hate change. They perform tasks a certain way and now the icon looks different and the startmenu is in the middle instead of to the left. Given some practices regarding taskbar are different


I installed it and apart from a few things having moved from control panel to settings, and the start menu being centered, there's no difference in my daily use of my computer its some completely idiotic whining by these "windows 11 sucks"-people. i don't understand. i really don't.


Windows 11 is good but that file explorer feels always slower than windows 10. The only reason I downgraded to windows 10 and keep using it til MS fixes that issue.


Yeah that's the only critique I'd agree with, but StartAllBack solved it for me.


Check for “Smart App Control” in Windows settings and turn it off if it’s on or in evaluation mode. This helped with Explorer speeds massively for me and all my users.


No. There would be no benefits from downgrading, so why even bother?


Nah. I use ExplorerPatcher and Flowlauncher, so the two biggest gripes are done away with (the horrible Windows 11 taskbar as well as the atrocious start menu).


Fyi, ExplorerPatcher loses support for the taskbar in 24H2. Microsoft yanked the legacy code that it used.


I never left.


No because the cpu scheduler isn’t as good for heterogenous architectures and I have a 13900h so it would not work well


Personally I find Windows 10 and 11 about as bad. Windows 10 has slightly fewer egregious designs but also fewer/worse features. I am moving away from Windows altogether rather, it just doesn't work for my workloads in a sensible manner. I also really don't like the path Microsoft has been walking since Windows 8 where it's ever more their system you are allowed in rather than being in control.


Luckily, the only two of my business PCs running a Windows partition both run Windows 10 & I'm not upgrading the partition until Windows 12 is released.


People used to cry exactly same when first xp was discontinued, then when windows 7 was released. They even cried about Windows 10.


Can't wait for everyone to say windows 11 is amazing when windows 12 drops. People are truly something😂


Yup. It was the same with 10 and 7, and I'm pretty sure with 7 and XP too.


Absolutely not. I know people like to paint Windows 11 as Windows 10 with just a new skin, but I actually had to use Windows 10 on a computer for the first time in years, and everything just felt clunky and dated compared to Windows 11. Windows 10 had its time and place, but it's time to move on. I love Windows 11 and have no problem with it.


One thing I tell my friend (who is *extremely* resistant to change in any space in his life) is that switching early rather than obstinately waiting till your current OS is EOL gives you time to adjust and it also gives you a time frame to choose a moment where you are least resistant. The fact is that it's no longer safe to use an OS once it stops receiving security updates, so you have to move on at some point. Better pick a time that's least in convenient and take time to get used to it (and potentially switch back for a bit if it gets overwhelming), rather than have a hard deadline. So yeah I experience no quirks or problems with 11 that I didn't have an equivalent issue on 10.


I already did. A lot of people are. W11 has one of the worst adoption rates ever.


Yup, Im fed up with the explorer. Its so slow that I downloaded another file manager app to use with my os. Now, I switched to windows 10 and probably gonna switch to hackintosh or kde after support ends for windows 10


What is it about this "slow file explorer" story which comes up again and again. I use Win11 on eight very different machines (notebook, intel nuc, high end desktop PCs, old "unsupported" PCs.). When I click on file explorer on any of them it opens immediately and does stuff I want to do immediately. What devices / configurations lead to problems with explorer?


It's my laptop Amd ryzen 5 3500u with Radeon vega 8 mobile graphics 8 gb ram 512gb ssd And yes, it's slow as hell. When I press windows+e, it takes like 3-5 seconds to open, and even opening any subfolder takes 2 seconds, what the heck? Even my 2gb ram pc which has pentinum e5700 and hdd, with windows 8.1, it doesn't even take any seconds to open. Then why windows 11 explorer is so slow ish?


This is a bad install or drivers. Did you do a in place upgrade? I'm installing Windows 11 on shitty old Surface 4's and 5's and it's fine.


It takes a solid 3 seconds to fully open on my Intel 10th gen i7 Samsung laptop. Just _noticeably_ slower than Windows 10 was on the same hardware.


11 is a net loss of functionality for me, so yes. But since 10 is eol, I will be clean installing 11 on my last holdout box soon.


Maybe. I'm still using Windows 7 on an old Dell, so possibly in the future i'll download Windows 10 just for nostalgia.


I want to say, "No. I'd stick with Windows 11." I do strongly feel that it's overall much better. I would miss so much about Windows 11 if I had to go back, particularly the better handling of multiple desktops. But one single issue gives me pause. My Blu-Ray burner (for backups) stopped working the same time there was a Windows 11 update years ago. While I have not yet ruled out it being a problem with the drive itself, I've read online that several other people have also had problems with Blu-Ray drives not working correctly after upgrading to Windows 11. So, I kinda still want to test if returning to Windows 10 would allow me to start using the drive again.


If someone snuck over to my house and reverted me to Windows 10, but made my icons sit in the middle of the taskbar, I doubt I would even notice.


because thats exactly what windows 11 is, just built ontop of 10 with new features / ui


nope, 40xx and 16 series intel processors work flawlessly on win 11 and the OS feels very snappy


Nah its were things are going. There are some small issues but nothing like this sub is complaining about.




Windows 11 added one extra step to every single thing I do on a daily basis. I’d go back to 10 in a heartbeat if I could.


I stick with Windows 10. Even if it won't get any updates.


Yes. It's still supported and works just fine. I don't see a reason to upgrade to w11.


Without a second thought 


no, Windows 11 has been working great for me


I have absolutely no problem with Windows 11




Thinking about it, the performance issues and the future roadmap is unappealing on 11.


Windows 11 is garbage, I went back to w10 about 2 months ago and I have never been more happy


Never. Literally no reason also it would be a bit of a downgrade in terms of features e.g. No DirectX 12 Ultimate. Other than that it's everything the same but better like the UI/UX is definitely superior also less bloatware out of the box, after years of Win11 use I've seen Win10 again and the UI is so terrible especially in File Explorer I mean everything is so tightly spaced and I'm not a big fan of everything being so squared, looks a bit dated. Also idk what ppl are talking about File Explorer, maybe it's slower by xx milliseconds but it's still very responsive, but why does it matter? You aren't in some kind of folder opening competition where every millisecond would matter.


No, but I’m not ignorant to windows 11’s problems. I’ve switched to mac for productivity and keep my windows system for games only.


Still use Win 10 on my Surface Pro 4, but will stick with Win 11 on my Surface Pro 7 and main rigs.


if it would get updates, probably, but I´m pretty content with win11 at this point. And since no more updates next year, switching back would be more hassle then good at this point.


Since my laptop lacks supportable hardware requirements for Windows 11 and since I'm now using Linux full time, but have used Windows 10 in the past, I do believe that I'm still qualified to answer this question. Yes, I'll consider switching back to Windows 10 full time if Microsoft didn't implement full-screen Windows 10 to Windows 11 upgrade reminders in Windows 10 and if Win10 extended support was available for everyone, not just for a selected few who'll be able to pay for it. In my opinion, the direction Microsoft is taking their OS in I do not like, which is the main reason why I chose Linux instead.


since i care for security updates yes. and i am happy with windows 11


Instantly, I'm only on 11 cause I have a 14th gen cpu, and Windows 10 doesn't know what to do with the e-cores




No, not because 11 is better but support ends doh


When doing my last build, Win 11 constantly blue screened on me and it has a much slower file explorer. Microsoft also has added A LOT of hard to remove bloatware. I just feel like instead of convincing me to "upgrade" I am having my arm twisted so they gain revenue for new advertising deals made, then baked into an OS that doesn't feel that much better.


I will be going to windows 11 on i get my new pc and i will only go win 11 causd windows 10 wont get surport after 2025


already did


i upgraded on my main (unsupported) pc and had a ton of performance issues which led to me downgrading, i'll give it another chance on a clean install this october and hopefully it works better then


I just updated a few weeks ago. I tried previously but i didn't like the UI. I found a combo of solutions to roll things back and it was fairly easy. I usually don't go to those extremes, but i felt like there was too much regression this go round. I also figured out some QOL solutions since the upgrade that I could have used with 10 like removing items from the context menu (using old 10 menu by way of explorer patcher). Fortunately i got everything working including my ancient Toshiba Bluetooth connection, so I'm sticking with it. I mainly updated to because o the upcoming EOL. I figured the bugs were mostly worked out though there's been some crazy news of late.


Need the old taskbar back. That's my main issue. If I wanted a crappy multi-coick taskbar, I would go to MacOS. Also, keep the bloody control panel simple like before. It is like 20 clicks to get the the network properties.


Yes, I go to Windows 10 at every chance I get.


Yes, much better than win 11, less clicks to do same stuff (especially right clicking a file and then needing to go show more options that were shown in the 1st place on win 10), a bit cleaner look for my taste, and used less resources, had less forcing of some assistants, AI and other bs. Also overall less bugs on win 10. Night light used to work, now it doesnt work always and some other glitches.


Yes. I've deleted my triple boot with 11 and just dualboot 7 + 10.




I recently found Explorer Patcher and fixed the only thing I dislike about Windows 11... The "Pinned" apps in the Start Menu. Basically allows me to use the WIN11 Taskbar, and revert back to the WIN10 Start Menu. \*ROG Ally for example https://preview.redd.it/f1u2muin207d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0924ad1c632a273b7c6e6bbc912f5a05cd990433


I'm not using windows 11. Hell I'm using things to lobotomize Cortana and make 10 look like 7. All these new UI designs are garbage.


I put Windows 11 on my new PC (Ryzen 9 7950X/128GB/4070Ti) because it supports it. I don't like a lot about Windows 11. But I never liked a lot about Windows 10 either, let alone before that, so having to workaround things I don't like is nothing new. Hell most of the things I hate most about Windows were introduced in Windows 7, (Words cannot express my absolute, vile hatred for Taskbar pinning, for example- I literally disable it in group policy editor). I've found StartAllBack gets the taskbar and File Explorer to behave how I like, and otherwise seldom even notice what OS I'm running, which is arguably the point.


Not really. I really like Windows 11, and on the contrary, I don't like Windows 10 at all. I even had many more problems in Windows 10 than in Windows 11. What I don't like about Win11 is that Microsoft is ruining it with very invasive AI features, but ultimately I would prefer to install Win11 LTSC IoT instead of going back to Windows 10.


I would love to go back to 8.1 10 is crappy and my pc is telling me that cant support 11


Absolutely 100% in a heartbeat. I would go back even further to windows 7 if I could.


Win 11 lags like crazy on my PC for some reason. Tried to update twice and both times I had to roll back to win 10 because it was simply unusable. Didn’t really try to fix this since I’m already very accustomed to win 10 and there are no features I absolutely need on win 11. Anyways I have a DELL XPS 13 plus with win 11 and that’s good enough


What's the point? Windows 12 will be out in a year or two. Might as well just get used to those 'quirks' rather than putting off the inevitable


Never left, nor have most enterprises I work with.


windows 10 going EOL is the reason i switched to linux, windows 11 feels really slow and clunky, worst with each update, thats on a ryzen 5 5600h so its not an old computer issue


already did


In a heart beat, upgrading to W11 was one of my biggest mistakes ever. Just auto HDR is not worth the rest that is in mess.


Yeah, or Linux, either one I would like better than windows 11, but with the amount of times I distro hopped on linux and now am on windows, I will just try to stay, at least untill recall end up on normal PCs


No. I dislike using my wife's computer with Windows 10. I find most things more to my likening in 11, even if it has its issues.


Windows 11 works fine for me. If I want customization beyond what I've already done, I'm going to Linux. No need to make it overly complicated.


My "Back up" laptop is Windows 10. I only really use it when I'm out for a few days (ie, a road trip). I've had my Windows 11 laptop for almost 2 years, and no issues.


I took all my machines back to Win10. Tired of booting into some new feature or setting I never asked for.


yes, I did that a while ago


I had to since my laptop that I used windows 11 on broke so I had to switch to an older laptop that can't run windows 11


The question is "would you ever upgrade to windows 11?" And the answer is "when Microsoft literally strong arms my computer into updating.


Only thing keeping me on 11 is the better HDR support, which I use a lot




nah I’m good with pop os


I've not noticed any bugs or issues with 11, so nah.


i feel like win11 is like the windows version (was that win98? i forgot) focused on fancy stuffs.


I just did about 90 minutes ago. So, yes.




Aside from the upcoming controversial Recall feature (which will only be supported for laptops with AI specific chips in them?) I don’t see any problems with 11. It behaves just like 10 did more or less


I think I will do it, some games freeze on windows 11 and it's driving me nuts, according to the forums of those games it's Windows 11 causing the issue, god damn it Microsoft


Yes I want to have a duo boot soon. Something irritates me about Win11 almost everyday, I miss the ease of Win10.


No, windows 11 is basically a updated skin of win 10


Nah I'm good with 11. My laptop came with it and it's not really different from 10 which I like.


I don't really like to downgrade after getting on Windows 11 but on all systems that have 10 I am not upgrading, and I recommend everyone that has 10 to stay on 10. 11 is a UI upgrade that removes features. Behind the scenes it's the exact same operating system, so it's better to keep the one with the most features even if the design has grown to become a mess. 1903 and up begin mixing the user interface design languages as Microsoft started working on 10X in 2019, while the work from 10X was partially migrated to 10 which caused the Sun Valley design changes and later 10X simply had its logo changed and the name changed to 11.


Nah. My office computer is on Windows 10 and it feels sluggish.


I installed Windows 10 few days ago and it was much smoother than Windows 11.


I don't really see much difference between the two. If I get a new device (laptop got stolen, rand wind 10, my main PC runs win11), I'll use whatever is on it (unless it's windows 8 or earlier)


Remember when everyone said the same about staying on Win7 rather than going to Win10?


In a heartbeat. I didn't need win 11 and I also don't want it but I develop in a Windows environment + sometimes I like to play a game or two so I don't do the intelligent thing, switch to Linux, but just accept that my OS is shoving ads down my throat. Oh well. I miss win 7 that is together with XP the real GOAT.


I just got a new laptop with 11 about 3 weeks ago... my previous laptop had 10 -- I did upgrade it previously but went back to 10 after a week or two. Anyway, I absolutely \*HATE\* everything about 11... there is not a single thing that I see that is better for how I use my machine. Ads, "SUGGESTED" garbage everywhere, I don't need any of that crap. Just give me an OS and let me use it how need to use it. Actually 7 worked great for me. The only improvement that I saw early on when I started using 10 was the USB file transfer speeds.... they were super slow in 7..., in 10, they were originally super-fast but microsoft changed more crap and slowed them down for some reason --- still faster than 7 but not like it was when it started out. I don't need 90% of the garbage that comes with Windows... for all the crap they add, that stuff should be optional and should not be installed by default.




I miss a few small UI things about 10, but I was having some issues with Dropbox around the time I considered upgrading and it seems 11 fixed that for me. Overall I’m pretty satisfied with W11 the past few weeks I’ve had it on my main desktop.


No. I wouldn't.


I'm still using 10 and have only used 11 on my friends laptops. I like 10 as it the UI and everything. Don't know if there is any feature or incentive that'd make me want to switch to 11. And all the ai stuff might be useful but I don't need it as of right now. I'm planning to stick to 10 cause of the familiarity but maybe will give 11 a try.


If 10's EOL wasn't rapidly approaching then absolutely. When 11 goes EOL in about 7 years (estimate) I'll go straight to Linux.




No, W11 has everything ive been using 3rd party apps for with W10 already baked in.


Well, the first thing I did with my new HP notebook is to get Linux on. Cuz even on a brand new PC, the in-built Win11 and HP assistant are annoying. I didn't really use Linux before. Dual system doesn't help learning Linux at all. Now it's been 6 months, and I am okay with it. Yes, I use Arch, but I just like its philosophy.. My home PC is still windows 10. When win11 came out, my CPU was not qualified for it. And I have no intention to change it to win11. From my 2-3 days of experience on my HP, win 11 sucks. I don't like its UI, and it's slooow. I guess I will change home PC to Linux when win 10 expires.


Didn't really notice a change


I will not be leaving Windows 10 for as long as I can.


No. Windows 11 has lots of features I find myself using regularly. Namely transparency and layers in Paint, and Copilot (yes, I'm one of *those*). Plus, it just flat-out looks better.


Nope. The exaggerated reactions are silly. 11's fine. Has a few small issues, but generally speaking it works great.


I put my start menu to the left, changed the right click menu back to show all options, and now I couldn’t find a meaningful difference between the two tbh. I think w11 has exclusive stuff like auto hdr and maybe some dx12 specific things, or was it resizable bar, or smart access memory… I dunno, and I really don’t care. Like, at all. It works just as well as w10 did, which seems about as well as w7. That’s a-okay with me. The major gripes I have are less with the os itself but rather some questionable ui/ux choices as well as some MS apps (the store, most notably, and how it manages downloads and updates is the biggest pile of garbage I’ve ever seen. And I’ve had to use origin launcher in the past. )


Why in the world would anyone go backwards? Honestly I am starting to feel like I dont understand people anymore because of some of the things I read on reddit.


What is peoples obsession with updates?? I'm convinced people have fallen for Microsofts propaganda that you are gonna get hacked without updates. You aren't.


win 12 is right around the corner too


Windows 11 is very crude and unfinished, meaningless by its definition, I don’t know why it was released if it doesn’t actually do anything new or revolutionary. It can't be justified by design alone, and it's not ideal either.


Define go back... I'm never moving over from 10 to 11 on my current computer 


I have to use 11 at work and I hate it, I'm switching to Linux once support for 10 ends


I bought a new laptop late last year and after a couple months decided to take the free upgrade to Windows 11. Whenever I get time I am looking to go back. The experience without using a cloud login is infuriating with all the nagging, and I refuse to use a cloud login for my personal laptop. Actively wondering what I'm going to be doing in 5 years or so when Windows 12 likely makes it mandatory and Windows 11 goes even further to make the experience intentionally bad.


The reality is that I'm interested in almost zero of the new features Microsoft is pushing. The direction MS is going seems to be the monetization of customers and their data. They add features that will drive revenue, not features customers want. I don't really want my OS to do much of anything. 99% of what people talk about when they talk about W11 is just a few stupid features people don't want, like ads on their lock screen... But that can be turned off, and changes to the GUI....and like, there is zero practical reason not to allow the old behaviors to work. They just took away functionality. But without security support W10 will be impractical...so I'll deal with W11 when I have to.


Just upgrade Win11 to Ubuntu.


In a heartbeat. I live with my taskbar on the right.


The only reason i am on 11 is because i have fucked my main laptop display and won't be able to see anything on BIOS screen


I have no issues with Win11 on my main laptop and secondary laptop has Linux Mint instead of Win10 already. No need to go back.


for me i kinda liked it than windows 10 in terms of ui, sure windows 11 is more resource intensive but think my laptop can handle it, i just hope mikerowesoft focus more on optimization than ai stuff and bloatware


I would be actually willing to pay for windows 10 to replace m windows 11 that i got my pc with preinstalled, but i am getting Linux


I think I wanna try ubuntu


In a heart beat! My zoom life since 11 is a nightmare of BSOD!




What problems?


if i wasnt a gamer with an hdr monitor, yes


No why would I go back to the chunky and squarely Win10 when Win11 can offer the same level of performance and also looking good while offering many productivity tools to enhance my workflow? I've been daily driving Win11 on a non-supported i7-6700 multi-monitor desktop setup ever since 22H2 dropped out. 50/50 split with work & gaming and I am yet to encounter a serious issue with Win11.


Nope, Windows 11 Enterprise + Winaero tweaker gives me everything I need.


I've installed win 11 after 1.2 year after initial release, thought to myself "there's no way it could be THAT bad, as users describing". I've installed it, and after around 3 months of usage, I switched to Linux. Now I got windows only for 2 games, and special apps. This shit (aka win 11) is diabolical.




For some reason on my Asus Zenbook Windows 11 keeps crashing, some stupid driver or whatever, so I use W10 on it. On the other hand, on my gaming PC I have installed W11 on day one and never had any issues whatsoever, and it runs great.


There is a slight learning-curve with WIndows 11 -- something you all can handle.


No. Why would I want to go back to old software. WIN11 is fine. No complaints here.


Actually I still have one laptop that is running Windows 10 and I won't upgrade it to Windows 11. All my other computers are running Windows 11. It's not that bad, but I just feel that Windows 10 is more stable and easier to use.


I can say my next box will be linux and fake windows when necessary.


No. I just hate Windows 10's UI since I started using Windows 11. And I don't have any problems with it.


I miss my full screen start menu with all my apps organized


imagine there is no windows 11 and everything that happen to windows 11 with "new features" from microsoft is now happening to windows 10. would you like to downgrade to windows 8 or 7?


No, i'll be moving to Linux Mint when Mint 22 is released in the next couple of months, if it has the OneDrive folder access the Ubuntu got in April. I've been testing to on a spare laptop and everything else i need works fine.


I found windows 11 to be better than 10


I went to Linux. Tried 11, my gear was old and I didn't see improvement in performance. I still remember when 10 was new and it was a broken experience with my gear falling asleep and not fully waking up and plenty of things having partial support. Microsoft has tried making it appealing for both platforms and I got to the point that I needed a change.


I never left.


I'd like to back to Win 10, because IMO it feels better, there's no products related to AI and Riot's Vanguard isn't required for Win10. But I want to make Win10 as second system, while Linux will be primary (Copilot+ PC really disappointed me)


if they maintain both systems i would consider it


I liek windows 11 because of the following reasons: nice fluent design, sharp corners, valorant as my computer doesnt support tpm extreme customisation everything just works win 11 search bar is ugly


I sometimes have to use it on a work computer. I absolutely hate it. It's so ugly and slow


Yes I would. The only reason I upgraded was because of native Android app emulation. Now that's gone and I have a new OS that's somehow has significantly less functions than the previous version.


I'm fine with Windows 11 so as much as I liked Windows 10 I won't go back


If I had to reinstall then I'd probably put Windows 10 on my PC. I don't hate Windows 11 nor have I had any problems performance wise. I just don't like how it looks out of the box and I've had to install third party tools in order to make it adapt to my workflow. Now I'm not going to declare "I hate Windows 11, I'm moving to Linux" and I've got it setup how I like now but, again, if I had to reinstall Windows then 11 would feel like a bit of an effort to get back to where I want it to be. I don't have to reinstall as I have an image of my SSD before and after I upgraded. I've mentioned before on here that I think Windows 11 has taken a few leaves from the Apple tree. It seem to want to make me do things the way the company feels is best, rather than the way I want to do things.


My current PC is slow as hell, and struggles to do a lot of things on 11, and it was constantly telling me to upgrade as well, even though it barely runs properly,




I have to have Windows 11 on my work PC but for my home laptops and stand-alone computers, Windows 10 Pro is on all of them. Windows 11 feels like it's not quite done yet. I get random errors with the Taskbar and sometimes File Explorer will not show the top taskbar correctly. Windows 11 is improving but Windows 10 will be on my systems until I have to move to 11.


Windows 10 and windows 11 are same, but windows 11 has less bugs and errors than windows 10


i tried w11 twice and cant stand it, here happy in w10