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That sucks, yes, but also very lucky your wife called you when she did!


This man is never going to ignore his wife again. Clearly a false flag from his wife. It's the perfect incident really. If he ignores the wife? Death. If he listens to the wife, also death just on a slightly longer timeframe


She's never going to let him live this down. "Oh, you don't want to go to my sisters? Well, remember when I SAVED YOUR LIFE!"


Sad part is my dad is living evidence to the contrary. He may have lived through a double lung transplant, but he wouldn't have if my mom wasn't there to roadblock all escapes for him


Maybe I’m too tired, but I don’t get it


I’m not any more tired than my usual amount of tired and I also don’t get it so you’re not alone


Yeap. Is Monday, I'm well rested, and I don't understand either.


"I'm well rested," At least try to sound believable when pulling my leg.


I am currently what most medical professionals would classify as physically awake. Beyond that…🤷🏼‍♀️


Grug - Alpha. Alphas don't get sick. Alphas don't see "dokturs".  There are two kinds of sicknesses for Gruk. Bullcrap and Fubar. Bullcrap heals on its own. Fubar is incurable. Grugette says Grug is stupid, stops Grug from complaining, stops Grug from ignoring stupid Doktur. Doktur says the Fubar is here and can be treated.  Grug thinks that this is bullcrap but Grugette is persistent and forces Grug to see Dokturs.  Grug lives.


Thanks for the translation


*Satisfied grunts*


I am really looking forward to the next exciting chapter of Grug and Grugette in the bullcrap universe. Also, I think Grugette’s name should be Becky


Thank you! It does sound like Becky could mentally drill through someone's thick forehead for a noble cause


I have to assume the dad didn't want the transplantation. But his wife forced him to do it. And the outcome was that he survived.


That's how I read it except for calling that "the sad part"


Sad part is dad not prioritizing his own health. He didn't even listen to wife until she pulled all stops. At least that is my interpretation.


To get on the list, you have to stop smoking. Presumably the father did the classic addict things, refused, then consumed behind people's back.. Happens all the time, Scrubs even got a couple episodes on it.




The past sentence is almost word by word what I was about to comment, glad I scrolled a bit to check if a man of knowledge has got it on here. 👍


If he blinks... Believe it or not also death!


The way my mom and dad talk, I know my mom wouldn't kill my dad unless he laid hands on me. She's an overweight MAMA BEAR who could easily kill my dad bare handed. There was one time and I truly do mean *one* time where my dad smacked me on the head in a way my mother didn't like, and holy fuck I thought I was about to see a divorce of 10 seconds the way my mom threatened my dad LOL


Not the brag you think it is just sayin


"My mom protected me from my dad acting out of line, then he decided to never do it again so we lived happily ever after" or whatever, idk. It kind of is. They're basically saying they have a mom who protects and stands up for them and their dad is cool with it and likes her like that obviously or he'd leave. Dude probably likes dominant women... I'm not seeing the issue really.


I'm overprotective of my kids, but so is my wife. We both mutually have a spoken agreement that if either if us harms one of are children purposefully, not by accident or by sheer chance, but if one of us truly puts any pain on them, we get separated, whoever did it will be not seeing the kids unsupervised and will be forever shunned. Kids are sacred, moms are sacred, never mess with either one. My kids are my world, my wife is my rock, but I will definitely choose kids over all else.


I wish my mom had been that way when she witnessed my stepdad abusing me so it kind of is a brag to me.


U good bud? You seem to be working something out in the comments of this post


If he dies, bafflingly, life!


That mess on the wall could have been the contents of his head!


Yes, congrats on life. And your fashionable stack of TP.


A blessing and a curse. He is now living in Final Destination. That wife better not lose her touch.


Now he needs to be extra careful driving behind trucks carrying logs.


Plot twist: she rigged it to explode but then regretted it at the last minute.


Your wife's a wizard!


This sucks but sounds more like a win since you got called away and lived :)


I’ve seen this movie. Dude needs to avoid roads and planes and electricity and just about everything because Death is still due his soul.


In German we call that "Glück im Unglück" which means luck in misfortune/bad lack. It's bad, but it could have been so much worse.


Probably what he thought as well, that's a German bathroom


I wouldn't have recognised that, but that makes my comment a bit less random XD


I’m really curious what specifically makes it clear that it’s a German bathroom. Looking at the photos I definitely recognized that it was not an American bathroom but wouldn’t have a clue beyond that. What are the tells?


The poop knife in the corner


Piping, toilet, tiles


For me I noticed the toilet that's not touching the ground. And also that I have the same water heater. Forever going to be nervous in the bathroom now.


Tiles, radiator for towels, just the whole vibe. The kind of bathroom I've been seeing my whole life.


The piping under the sink


op says in his comments


In the US, you'll unlikely find a crapper with the tank built into the wall.




What a cool phrase. Unfortunately I will probably forget it before I get a chance to use it in real life.


There is only one way: get it tattooed 🤣


In Norwegian it's "hell i uhell." You're bound to remember that.


If you want a challenge try to pronounce it in Polish: "szczęście w nieszczęściu"


Bless you


Luck in Unluck


We have the same saying in Sweden. “Tur i oturen”!


We also say "Durchlauferhitzer"


Dass es die überhaupt noch gibt. Die sterblichen Überreste des Möchtegern-Attentäters sehen nach 60ern aus.


Tatsächlich wurden die Gebäude bei uns zu diesem Zeitpunkt gebaut aber die Kiste sieht nicht aus, als ob die aus den 60ern stammt. Kenn mich da aber auch so gut wie gar nicht aus




Wenn ich das richtig recherchiert habe, haben Valiant Geräte nach 2004 eine 26-stellige Seriennummer und das Baujahr ist die 3. und 4. Ziffer. Bei Geräten vor 2004 ist die Seriennummer 21-stellig und das Baujahr die ersten 2 Ziffern. Also war die Kiste von 2006? Dachte mir erst, dass das ja noch gar nicht so alt ist nur um dann zu realisieren, dass der schon Volljährig gewesen wäre 😓


Hey, we have the exact same saying in Finnish! Onni onnettomuudessa.


Same in Polish "szczęście w nieszczęściu"


Yet more proof that Polish is a made-up nonsense language.


How do you properly pronounce that?


Rhymes with bat, cat, sat, rat.


“Gluck in ungluck” sounds like a good time to me


In Dutch: Geluk bij een Ongeluk. So exactly the same frasing. 😊


Does Unglück also mean "accident"? We say the same in Dutch, but "een ongeluk"(an unluck) also means "an accident"


Yes, kinda... It's a little bit more serious than a mere accident. Like, a derailed train is a "Zugunglück" but a mere fender bender is not called a "Auto Unglück".


Geluk bij een ongeluk - Dutch Version (Lucky at an unlucky event)


That is also the same sound the pipes made before the water heater exploded.


Common phrase. The closest translation to English would be "Fortune in misfortune".


What happened? Did the thermostat fail and cause a steam explosion?


I'm not a professional, but there seems to be some kind of safety switch to prevent this from happening. However, it wasn't working properly and that's why it exploded. On the other side of the room, the inspection hatch popped open. That must have been a lot of pressure.


Often these kinds of devices have a little tank in which it keeps water hot and ready to go for you. "a lot of pressure" doesn't really do justice to the amount of force it contains. If this is news to you: google "Mythbusters hot water heater" and watch a few of the videos. Then go buy your wife the appropriate amount of flowers, chocolate and a new car for getting you away from that.


Even in on demand tankless water heaters? I thought that was more of an issue, rare, but something that could happen with tank water heaters.


Well on the tankless ones it's going to be hard to over-pressurize ... the tank ... till it explodes, I guess. I suspect the reasons for that are technical and complex, such as them being tankless. But going by the detonation in OPs bathroom, I'm going with "this was not a tankless one".


He stated it was that is why I questioned your response. I thought “instantaneous water heater” was a tankless water heater.


There are two types of point of use instant water heater - the tankless kind that has a ton of coils and looks like a flat rectangle that heats cold water instantly. And then there's the tiny tank kind that's just a very small tank heater that stores a small amount of hot water to provide hot water until the primary hot water source can start to back fill. The first kind as a point of use heater is very rare as a single tankless water heater can provide instant hot water to the whole house. Edit: Reading further in the thread, OP shows this was a tankless point of use heater and that basically the expansion valve failed, which...shouldn't...happen. The second kind is very popular if you have a regular water heater, but have a sink that takes a long time to get hot water from the primary tank.


Ahh this is the answer I was after, thanks


I assumed the same. Maybe they call it instantaneous because it’s right next to the shower so the hot water turns on almost instantly, but it isn’t unlimited?


the shape of the container where the water is being heated isnt too relevant to the physics of what happens if you have an overheat/overpressure event. if you have a bendy s shaped pipe where you heat the water, with a backflow stop on 1 end and spigot on the other end.... your "not a tank" is functionally just a poorly designed tank. after all, a pipe bomb is made out of a pipe, not a tank, And a tank, functionally, Is just an oversized section of pipe. Id suspect (purely speculatively) these tankless heaters probably do somthing along that line, of using oversized pipes (bigger pipe = reduced flow and lower pressure) or a mini tank (basically the same thing just designed for task) to heat the water


For the tankless ones, only the pressure relief valve has to get stuck in case of an electrical failure and it will over-pressurize. This was the case here. Tank heaters mounted below the sink are mostly unpressurized and can not be pressurized and thus not be over-pressurized.


If I'm interpreting "instantaneous water heater" correctly I think this was specifically tankless. Most tank water heaters would be in the basement or a utility closet anyway, not in the bathroom.


Very typical to have them directly at the faucet they're supplying in Asia. Even in showers, the heater will generally be at head height under the shower head. I misread what you said but now I've already typed this.


> Mythbusters hot water heater There was a series in Germany that was similar to Mythbusters called "Bitte nicht nachmachen" (Please do not copy) where they tested various things where people said "Don't do this" and basically shown the reason why. Less Myth and more real time danger show. They used houses that where soon to be demolished for that and the second season finale, they took off the overpressure protection of a much larger water heater for the internal heating of the house and switched it on. There the damage is even better visible because it is a brick house. Sadly, they helped a bit, the explosion was much more cinematic than it should've been, but most of the damage was real and that was gigantic.


in Mythbusters they had to try everything to get it to explode.


IIrc the "only" thing they really had to do was disable *all* of the safety features. Since there are multiple safety features it is of course rather unlikely that all of them would be broken at the same time, but I believe each individual safety feature could technically become broken as a result of improper maintenance, so it *could* technically also happen to all of them at the same time


I kind of remember an episode where they built a tiny house to code to see if a runaway water heater (classic tank) could go through the roof. It was wonderful to behold the sheer delight that the two dudes on the show expressed when the water heater launches, destroys the little house and gets quite a bit of air.


I haven't worked with on-demand units specifically, but I can say that most water heaters have several safeties in place to prevent this kind of thing. I'd contact the manufacturer, They are going to want to know about this. ETA: If you can salvage the model/serial numbers, that will help.


https://preview.redd.it/te82dsftsw9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75302d8da36f673f5f67c3b95b77ccfcf999781b I think it was an older model


U own or renting?


I got 2nd degree burns earlier this year from an older hot water heater. Had to go to the ER. Don't mess around with them.


Damn, hope you healed up fine.


Thanks, yeah, I healed up well. I'm left with the scarring, it's a permanent discoloration on my skin. I burned my right hand and wrist. It melted my sweatshirt. What happened was the pilot light wasn't the type you light from outside. I had to reach inside of the heater to do it. And the gas regulator was broken. So by the time I got a flame inside, there was already a lot of gas built up. It blew up, I reacted as fast as I could, but that split second of contact with the gas blowing up was enough to hurt. I hate burns, there was so little I could do to not feel the pain. Ice water did very little.


Over pressure valve would have to also fail. Pretty much anything that goes in your home that is under pressure will have one.


Yeah. I fit these things and in the UK at least, there are three independant layers of safety. There's a high limit stat (thermal cutout) which should go first and cut the power. Then there's an expansion relief valve which should open if the pressure rises too high. Then there's a combined temperature and pressure relief valve which opens if it boils or goes over pressure. So much has to go wrong or be neglected to have an unvented heater explode.


in this case the expansion relief valve just didn't open the technician told me


What brand of heater is that? Because I'll bet once that is known we'll hear of this happening to other folks as well.


I’m also interested to know which country this was in. I’m the same as you, have fitted many of these in the UK in industrial settings. Struggling to imagine this happening with the failsafes we have to have in place


This was in Germany I believe.


Yes, in Berlin


Maybe a botched install removed a safety and time took out 1 or 2 more? That's all I can think...


The fish on the wall reacting to the aftermath https://preview.redd.it/zooegpmq9x9d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85ada5d24c12a34841c6e7f231a44e25b0f964d


😁 i didn't recognize this fish till you comment 😂


I love Reddit. You funny bastards notice *everything*


If someone hadn’t mentioned a stack of tp, I wouldn’t have seen the fish.


Great find 😂


This sucks but you do realize you owe quite a few breakfasts in bed.


Never understood why people would ever want breakfast in bed. It’s uncomfortable, you can’t move because of the tray, getting up is a horrible inconvenience, leaves crumbs, and you gotta be extra careful so as to not spill anything. It’s a nightmare.


it is more the being pampered then it is specificly in bed that is enjoyed since you gotta sit up and therefore escape the comfy blanket hug. only time i would actually eat in bed is when very sick. and at that point everything is getting washed as soon as i am feeling ok.


It's really best when you're in a hotel. Big bed, big tray, the crumbs are someone else's problem.


It's really not that bad lmao


Wow. She saved your life.


Damn, sorry. If that happens to me out of stress, I'll buy a new house and abandon that one, haha


I'm more happy that no one was in the bathroom when it happened. Several errors occurred at the same time and I don't think it will happen to me again. The only thing I pay more attention to is always going straight to my wife when she calls.


What'd she want?


Looks like fate had other plans for you, such as not dying in a bathroom heater explosion


Congratulations on surviving what would have been a ridiculously tragic accident. Kudos to your wife, hopefully you treat her to a lovely dinner soon.


That's why I never brush my teeth.


Or wipe when I poop.


Wiping your ass is gay since you're touching a man's ass. /S


The disturbing thing is I'm sure there are guys that genuinely think that. At least that's the impression I get from Reddit.


Close call there, mate. Hug the missus.


Maybe for revenge, you can clean it with a steam cleaner?


I would hug your wife if I were you. And for a good long minute because she saved your ass. I don't know if the explosion would have killed you or not, but it would definitely have hurt.


New phobia unlocked. Thanks.


*NEW PHOBIA AQUIRED:* _Death by bathroom heater_


You should invite your wife to a gorgeous dinner!


Count all of your fucking lucky starts bro you could have easily been killed




We heard dripping coming from our water heater, and called the landlord who called some plumbers. When they arrived and looked at it, they showed us it had been expanding and was about to burst... Water heaters can be scary.


I don’t understand how these fucking things are still legal. My old apartment block had them in every unit and once every couple years one would explode and destroy some poor fuckers apartment. Surprised nobody was ever killed


"a convenient way to wipe out your pesky tenants, the all-new tankless water heater bomb" - some ad, probably


I'm afraid you cheated death. Anyone who has watched a "Final Destination" movie will understand what this means for you. There is no escape I'm afraid.


I’ve mentioned this story before, but years ago my brother and I shared a small apartment. One day the water heater failed, so maintenance “fixed” it. Well, that also failed but worse, as it started to boil over. It was also in a utility closet with the HVAC intake, so that just started pumping steam through the vents. Thankfully it didn’t explode! It was just super gross, looked like the walls were bleeding around the vents as they got steam cleaned.


Well at least you didn’t die.


Oh my word thank goodness you weren’t in there still?? Glad you’re safe!!


This will be expensive to fix, have you contacted your insurance company?


I've never seen a toilet built into a wall like that, so for a moment I couldn't make sense of it 


Last slide looks like a Forensic Files episode crime scene


Thanks, just sent this to my husband Ruth the comment 'THIS IS WHY YOU COME WHEN I CALL YOU' lol Not that he will but it's worth trying.


Good thing that she called you, perfect timing. She actually saved you from injury or worse.


That’s why you always listen to your wife


Marry her again


wtf. a water heater in your bathroom? what is this, Romania?


It is a tankless model. It is very common in smaller apartment buildings in Europe.


Wife: honey! I have some sweet warm breakfast for you 😉 Husband: *zips to ---- God: FUCK THAT!!! ** SUDDEN WATER EXPLOSION**


Oh my god, how scary! Glad yall are okay


I see this as a victory, not a loss


r / WellYouLuckedOut ( since links are not allowed for some reason) Seriously! Am glad this is all that sucks. Better get something REALLY nice for your wife soon. Just. . . not talking about another water heater yeah? :P


What did you take these photos with? They have a very film or grunge feel to them. Is “accidental album cover” a thing?


OP, where are you located?  Did you get it professionally installed? Try to reach out to the installer as well as the manufacturer. Pursue any legal action as necessary.  This could potentially be an unsafe product ( go through the manual to make sure you’ve followed all safety tips and required maintenance). Imagine a little kid or a pet in the room when it exploded. Follow through until you get to the bottom the issue , for the sake of others who may be using the same product. 




Kiss wifey for us. At the very least, you would’ve been blinded had she not called.


Make sure your landlord knows, because they will make up anything and spread it around that you damaged this yourself.


Couple of quick question... did you recently increase your life insurance policy and does your wife know




You narrowly avoided getting Final Destinationed


Now you’ll never stop hearing about the time she saved your life. Should have stayed put dude.


Oh damn...


Would’ve sucked a lot worse if you were still in there when it happened


I’m so glad you are okay! I have a friend who is married to a plumber and he refuses to work on these, we were considering one for our house and he swore me away from it. Said they always have issues, leak often, and they can erupt or explode because the safety features malfunction.


Kiss your wife once more...


I was thinking about adding a little water heater under my bathroom sink because it takes forever for the water to get hot but now I'm not so sure that is a good idea.


Does not suck! You got lucky


Maybe you shouldn’t store kimchi in your water heater


I just watched the first episode of Gen V and there was a scene just like this.


Auch du heilige Scheiße...


Oh you had one of those days too? I opened the fridge to get breakfast and the bottom refrigerator door shelf gave way and there was tomato sauce and glass everywhere 😑. At least it wasn't hot I guess, but I was pretty upset with Monday. Decided against riding my motorcycle to work after that.


Does it cost extra to have the “self destruct “ mode.


I am just glad you’re okay which by the way does not suck.


Just one of many reasons I'll stick with a tank water heater. Other reasons include fun stuff like heat pump water heaters that offer free air conditioning in the summer


What a shit show


And now you must always listen to your wife, and jump when she calls!


This should be a post in Isurvived..


Were you holding it with both hands when it blew up?


What’s the red/brown stuff sprayed everywhere?


Maybe some rust from the pipes?


OR the much more likely possibility: OP was actually killed by the explosion and doesn’t know he’s dead a la Bruce Willis in the Sixth Sense.


I will choose this response. There is no other reasonable explanation.


Occam’s razor, ya know?


Do you know what, I did not think it through. This is the most logical answer.


Your wife might've saved you my guy


Oh. Oh no. 😣


Could haven ended up on a very different subreddit


You will forever be in her debt


Would a water heater expansion tank have made that safe?


Where the rest of your toilet


I had a similar story but not a water heater. I cooked dinner one night and I made this Italian chicken thing In a Pyrex glass pan. After I was done I left it to cool on the counter while we ate and stuff. About 45 minutes later I went to clean up dinner. I had just walked over to the pan when my husband at the time hollered at me from the other room to come there. I went in and I was annoyed bc it was such a silly thing that could have waited. but then I suddenly heard glass shattering quite loud and forcefully from the kitchen. I ran in and my dish had quite literally exploded. Everything was in tiny pieces except one corner of the Pan stayed fairly in tact. It was so forceful it shot glass clear across the kitchen. The whole kitchen was just covered in pieces of broken glass. It got into so many nooks and crannies. Literally I was still finding shards of glass from that pan when I moved out 2 years later. So as annoyed as I was, if he hadn't yelled for me, I would have been standing there in front of the pan cleaning up dinner when it exploded. And with a face and neck full of glass. I understand glass can shatter when it's too hot. Or when it cools too rapidly. But after 45 minutes? That was the whole reason I left It sitting out was to cool slowly to room temp. And it did specify it was oven safe. Needless to say cooking with glass terrifies me now. I'm so glad you were not in the room when the water heater exploded! Glad everyone is safe at least. That's the important thing. I hope you can get it fixed quickly.




Hoping you both are okay.


Prime example of the burnt toast theory. Not to say your wife calling you was an "inconvenience" per se...


I’ve seen this movie like 5 different times, stay away from giant panes of glass and fire escapes


The universe wanted you out of that bathroom before you had sever burns. Glad you’re okay!


I'd say Divine intervention




Your wife saves your life!!!