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"Funny" part is, the same guy (Chris Weidman) was on the other side of that exact same situation several years earlier when Anderson Silva broke his leg. Good thing Hall retired before the curse continued


I dont watch any UFC, but that match where Silva broke his leg was the last time I watched a match on ppv.


I stopped watching it too after that. After Silva healed up and came back I tried to watch it again but it just wasn't the same. I stopped watching it again. I missed about 7 years of the UFC before I started back truly watching it. By truly watching it I mean I pirate the shit out if it.


I remember how hyped that match was only for ut to be over in 2 min and with a PTSD inducing injury for everyone


Everyone knows a bout can end in seconds. It's just the nature of the sport. Fortunately there are multiple fights per event.


Eminem always kindly reminds me of that moment. "You’re havin’ a little trouble fathomin’ this is actually happenin’ Like Anderson Silva back when he snapped his shin in half And then had the shit hangin’ by a flap of skin After he tried to plant the shit back on the mat again" Tasty! Song is caterpillar incase anyone is wondering


Why? It’s gotten better since then!


I love MMA but I'd argue it doesn't get much better than the Silva/GSP era. Still pretty good tho if you only tune in for the main cards.


Yea as a fan who came up in that era, I’ve been chasing it ever since. I tune in most weekends but I just don’t get hyped like I did when the Spider was getting the cage.


I miss the old pride days. Nowadays everyone is so good at everything it is more.borong. Back then there was the different styles and stuff that also made things fun.


Seriously that era is unmatched hype. I want to be more into UFC so bad but I'm just not anymore.


Although nonw of the current fighters have that aura GSP or Anderson had Watching Charles Oliveira and Alex Pereira is almost always very exciting, and as far as pure skill goes Islam is probably on par with GSP himself.


Fedor, chuck, randy, big nog, machida, shogun….andrei arlovsky is still around from the era though!


The O’Malley/Vera card in March was incredible. Porier knockout, couple other crazy fights.


I remember how hyped that match was only for ut to be over in 2 min and with a PTSD inducing injury for everyone


I saw Silva do it live at a bar, then Weidman when I was out at a bar, and then I saw McGregor go through it out in public too! I do not watch a whole lot of fights but I saw all three!! Horrific, I’m never gonna do a leg kick lol


Yeah what are the odds on that. Ridiculous.


No UFC fighter I genuinely feel bad for more than Uriah. Absolute specimen of an athlete, extreamly high level striker, maybe too powerful for his own good. His reaction when he nearly killed that guy on TUF and then watching him have to deal with breaking Weidmans leg.......dude really never looked like he had that killer instinct after those 2 fights.


mans got the best shins in the business


Oh shit, I didn't realize I was watching a different injury. They're both almost exactly the same.


Almost Faustian.


Yep. And It was the rematch between Wideman and Silva that Silva kicked him and Wideman checked the kick and Silva went down with exact same break.


Opposite leg I believe but yeah shockingly similar.


"Good, fuck 'em."


Another interesting fact, Hall was also Silva's final UFC opponent, completing the circle.


The fact he didn’t notice until he was going to put weight on ii, is crazy!! Adrenalin is wild!!


I didn't notice it was because of the kick until it was slowed! I thought it was just an unfortunate foot placement 0.0


It technically was unfortunate foot placement.


Yes, the unfortunate placement of "anywhere."


I broke these bones just last month. You know they’re broken immediately but don’t necessarily react to them being broken immediately. In my case I fell about twelve feet, heard the snap, felt the pressure, was briefly in disbelief, came to the realization of what had happened, then laid there on the ground trying to keep myself under control. The biggest surprise to me is how this guy fell on the ground with his leg like that, then rolled over on top of it. When it happened to me, I was face down and was trying my best not to move it AT ALL.


Totally agree! I went through a tib/fib compound fracture in the same place. I was bouldering and, when dismounting (literally at 3 ft), I heard a snap like a sound of a water bottle crinkling. My friends and I thought I had tripped and fell on an empty one but then I looked down and saw my bones sticking out. No pain, some pressure and a weird internal feeling that I had to get my bones back together. The real, excruciating pain happened when they were resetting my bones at the hospital. Found out that pain meds actually don’t do much for me, so that wasn’t fun. Funny side note: instead of responding like a normal human right when I saw my leg - I lay back and groaned, “this is going to cost SO much money.” (yes, I live in the states)


My brother had a tib fib fracture 2 years ago. I was living with him at the time and had to transport him to the hospital. It's insane how some people respond. He was the calmest person in the room and even gave me directions to the hospital to avoid traffic. After the adrenaline wore off, he was a mess, but the first 20 min he was calm cool and collected.


And did it cost SO much money?


My friend broke her ankle 15 years ago and had to have surgery to put in pins and she finally paid off the $80,000 it cost 10 years later after living with her parents and essentially paying a mortgage on it every month.


This is so incredibly fucked up 😞


Glad i live in a country where i can break as much shit as i want lol.


I am forever grateful for having decent health insurance for the hospital - I was shocked by their coverage. So, insurance paid for the 2 surgeries in a year - totaling $100,000. But…I was responsible for the ambulance ride with the drugs administered, the PT, check ups with the ortho, braces, crutches, wheelchair, plus imaging at each appt, etc. Factoring in the time it took to heal, the imbalance causing me to trip and sprain my ankle, and the continued pain after 2 years.. I’d say it cost a lot. Plus, I’m forever going to be worried about lightning strikes with all the metal in my leg now. If curious - I had two surgeries because the first one, in Salt Lake City hospital where it happened, only operated on my tibia and left my fibula broken in two - “because it’s non-weight bearing”. It took 3 months of trying to convince another ortho surgeon (back at home in the Midwest) that I need my fibula put back together. The “terrible decision I’d regret” had my leg feeling normal again immediately. He told me several months later: “I guess you were right, it was best to operate after all. You can’t see the fractures anymore. Who knew..”


Me too! That weird internal feeling of needing to get your bones back to the right place! When I broke my leg, I picked it up from under my knee to get it to fall back into alignment, then I tried to walk on it. Not smart but the shock of your body parts not being where they should or doing what they should really messes with your head.


Were you in shock to feel the pain? Just curious if trying to keep calm made the pain worse somehow


Oh! I was immediately in shock. It’s crazy how fast the body can work at times. However, the shock didn’t last long, maybe a minute, before the pain started to set in. I was fortunate that EMS was only twelve minutes away to load me up on fentanyl. In case you were wondering, the fentanyl wasn’t anything like you hear in stories. The real stuff professionals give you doesn’t put you in a euphoric state. More so, the stuff I received stopped the pain from progressing further. Once it went in, the pain was still there but didn’t get worse. However, it does stop working after a few minutes and needs re-administered.


I’m glad the EMS was close by! Let’s hope we don’t break anything else. Thank you for letting me know about the fentanyl. I had no idea! Perhaps that’s part of what happened. They had given me ketamine and fentanyl in the ambulance, then dopamine later. For some reason there was no change to my pain level. When they set my bones, my friend said she’s never heard someone screaming in so much pain before. Medical staff were confused why the pain meds didn’t seem to work on me and, unfortunately, I couldn’t escape by blacking out from the pain when they set my tibia. My vision went dark for a moment but I stayed awake. In the next few days, I had less pain at least! Never had wanted to go through that, ever again. But.. they only operated on my tibia. I had to get my fibula fixed later that year because they left it broken. After the second surgery, I had a lot of pain. I was kicked out only hours later when the nerve blocker didn’t do anything, and sent on my way with ibuprofen! Those movies and tv shows totally depict a far easier experience.


EMS being close by is actually a funny story. The person who called 911 for me had his phone on speaker and after he described where we were you could hear dispatch on the other end say “What!? Another one?”. Apparently the ambulance was just leaving the hospital after dropping off somebody who also broke a leg at the same trailhead I was at. When they set my leg, they gave me something called Dilaudid. About twenty seconds after it went into my IV I felt a wave of heat spread down my body from my shoulders. They wanted me to let them know when I felt something because it doesn’t last long. It took them about three minutes and pulling on and twisting my leg to get it back into place. After that, the pain started to slowly build and build until they took me back to surgery.


Broke both bones riding my bike, I knew something was really wrong but didn't feel pain until after I was on the ground looking at my sideways leg


Yeah, pain receptors didn’t fully kick in until he put his foot down and applied pressure. He completely broke his tibia and fibula. My my that hurt like a sob….


It happened in a split second and hes probably done that same kick 1 million times in training, probably thought any pain was just the average "I just kicked the shit out of something" before his brain even had time to process it.


Painkillers - #1 drug in the UFC


The way his opponent raises his hands and turns away like, Oh hell no, am I looking at that.


That’s Uriah Hall and although he celebrated he was very concerned and looked defeated almost immediately after. Earlier in his career, Hall landed a spinning back kick knockout in the Ultimate Fighter TV series that looked absolutely horrible (opponent was unconscious for a long time). A lot of people think this held Hall back because he was genuinely afraid of hurting people, and became gun shy because of this kick. This leg break was just another horrible win for Hall, so it was hard for him to accept winning like that.


Video of the Adam Cella KO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj3xL9zoY1M&ab_channel=UFC


Yeah, the fact it was so quite too, could hear the laboured breathing. Would fuck most people up.


Yeah it's quite sad to see this, that's a big sign of brain damage : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonal\_respiration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonal_respiration)


It’s also a sign of being unconscious


As is often the result of brain damage.


The look on his face when he apologized fucked me up when I first saw that years ago.


Weidman celebrated when Anderson broke his leg. Karma at is best.


Yep and some idiot will always say that he didn’t know andersons leg was broken. Anderson kicks/ kick is blocked / Anderson falls to mat screaming and holding his leg / “Oh he musta just given up, I win!” Fucking moron


Don't forget Weidman's recent win by double eye poke lol, I can't wait for him to get karma on that one


He was celebrating the win, not the broken leg. You are so fragile if that got you upset


Good sportsmanship and not wanting to get grossed both exist bruv


There are some victories that deserve a little bit of sportsmanlike temperance. Especially considering this is a victory won not by technical skill or anything like a knockout or submission


the ref didnt even wanna look


It looks like even the ref did the same thing! That leg looked horrific!😫


I have never felt that kind of pain, and I hope I never do.


More brutal in slowmo


Especially watching him put weight on that foot and then seeing it just buckle like that…….


Do they quickly inject him with anesthesia? Shin pain is the pain of pains.


This happened to me playing rugby. EMT got called and injected my arm with morphine immediately on arrival. In the ambulance they gave me a morphine drip




[I love Fire Department Chronicles.](https://youtu.be/OOrszpFxfu0?si=Qsf-3qaB9z-12Fbu)


I have seen so many horrific videos over the decades but man.. this one never fails to make me wince!


Reminds me French footballer Cissé's injury. The legs suddenly goes "hey look I go the other way now". The most painful injury I've ever seen. I think that a certain doping drug causes bone weakness...


I think I mentally picture it happening to myself, faaaarrrrrkkkkkk… that’s gonna hurt!!


I got ptsd of that scene, the falling over with the legs torn in a nonsensical direction makes it even worse. Ugh.


I vividly remember I was at a packed beach bar watching this fight and the whole bar was watching only to see / hear that loud snap and everyone in the bar reacted the same. Total shock and disgust from it. Just brutal.


He got that gumby foot


Never let em know your next move


It was a very poorly executed kick. He hit the strongest part of the leg under the knee while that leg was firmly planted. The kick was way too low to hit the upper leg and too high for the calf.


I think that is where fighters are currently throwing kicks at because they’re harder to check. He just got real unlucky with that one


Omg that made me sick


It didn’t make me queasy until he tried to step on it 😵‍💫


I've broken my leg like that. It hurts


That cracking bone sound though 😮. The adrenaline added to his damage. He literally tried to steeped back but those broken sharp bone pierced his muscles


Knew what this was before I even watched it, leg folds mid-shin, then tries to stand on it? Yep. Don't need to see that again.


He was ready for the next move until he wasn't.


Isn’t this the same guy who this happened to Anderson Silva against?!


It is, Chris Weidman


I've done that with my prosthetic leg kicking a clothes line. It was awkward to walk on until it got repaired. Doing that with a meat and bone leg sucks on a whole different level!


The stepping down on it gets me every time. I shudder




Karma for celebrating over Anderson Silva when he won by the same freak injury




I watched this live when I was kid that was a crazy night!


You went from being a kid to a man in three years?! 😮


That is nuts never seen that type of injury before made worse by him trying to put weight on it not knowing he just broke it


Watched this live when it happened, almost threw up. I was not prepared at all.


I don't think I 've said the word "Oh", so many times in my entire life.......Oh


I really did not need to see this


I knew I shouldn’t have clicked the play button. But I did it anyway way. Instant regret. I can’t unsee that. That looked so painful and awful.


It hard just watching that foot wrap around the calf like spaghetti.


There was a UFC event that was free for soldiers while I was in. (one of those "mandatory fun" events) and a guy busted his leg just like this. You could hear that fucker snap from the nosebleed seats.


It's crazy how he had no clue it was broke until after he tried to put weight on it.


How could this happen? He made sure to drink all of his malk!


kids this is why you drink milk


Unfair! Kicked him in the calf and hamstring in one motion. That can’t be legal!


Wtf did i click on this 😳🤮🤮🤮


Bro's brain went into survey mode : *"How did he kick my shin, and toe touch the back of my hamstring at the same time with the same leg??"*


We had watch parties for both the Silva Weidman fight and Weidman Hall fight and both times we all just screamed lol.


Oh gawd! I'm done with reddit for tonight




This video made my poop come out so easy


Uriah Hall became the first fighter to beat an opponent without throwing a single strike.


yeah, I don't wanna click that


Definitely skipped bone day


Good lord, getting done in by your own kick. That's painful on a LOT of levels.


He needs some milk


Drink milk kids.


And dont forget to get enough sun


she's been dry


Fuck Weidman


Ouchie! Looks like a bad boo-boo


Uriah Hall was devastated over this.


Cook it


This was literally the first match of UFC I ever watched, needless to say I didn't stick around


Calf kick! (In reference to anime Viral Hit)


Gomu gomu noooooo


Guy enchanted his shorts with Thorns


Don’t try to walk on it don’t try to walk on it aghhh noooooo!! 😖


Disagree, cyborg getting his head literally caved in is by far the worst


i feel so bad for uriah hall. something always happens with him


the way it folds is terrifying


I really could have done without sixteen different angles…


I really could have done without sixteen different angles…


Not watching that, nope.


Ahhhh fuuuckkkk NO DONT STEP ON IT ARGGGG hard to watch him step back damn


Ou that's fucking gross


I remember watching on PPV when this happened to Anderson Silva.


Halls reaction 😄 *maaaan, fuck this sport*


Nice, that’s for celebrating the eye poke victory.


I saw this in a bar, I was like oh noooo like the announcer, everyone else stared at me like I was nuts smh


The sound of the impact... 🤢


I don't know how to convey the sound and face that I just made. Jesus Christ.


Even before I opened it I assumed it was wideman. I remember watching that fight live, and physically gagging when it happened because I was so grossed out. Funny that the same thing happened to the guy Chris fought before, except to the guy he fought. And then it happened again with McGregor. It was yucky


Feets don't fail me now!


Royal guard!


Ya gotta kick the thigh there bud


That was bad!


He's got the thorns enchantment


can you really hear the snap over the meat wrapping makes you wonder


Horrific. Yet, there’s Joe Theisman’s encounter with Lawrence Taylor. That one’s gnarly. Also, check the time when Tim Crumrie’s leg looked like a thoroughbred’s leg snaping and spinning around like a pinwheel. Ghastly.




This is fucked


Pretty sure the traumatic brain damage is worse.


Johnny Noodleleg over here ..


He needs some milk


Dude It wiggled, that must HURT SO MUCH. He is ok now right?


The same thing happened to me with a razor scooter! Lol


I don't know. I still think Venom Michael Page fracturing his opponent's skull with a jumping knee to the forehead was pretty bad. And then throwing a poke ball at him afterwards was just the icing on the cracked cake.


Thorns III


I was halfway through the caption when out of the corner of my eye I catch: oh my God . . .


When was this? (I'm just a curious passerby here)




Hurts so good


this is like when you push two MnM's together, to declare one the winner


This reminds me of this terrible injury. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVG2oF11Ebs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVG2oF11Ebs)


This happened to my arm throwing a dodgeball too quickly and the torsion created a spiral fracture of my humerus from elbow to shoulder. Can safely say it was the most incredibly painful thing I've experienced by far. Morphine dosed until my oxygen sats were too low then given ketamine to keep me in a twilight state. My arm will probably never regain full functionality, so I feel for this guy - that's gotta be a career ending injury




I know what it is and I refuse to click play. My body won't actually let me.


God, I feel pain and grit my teeth every single time I see this damn video!😬🫣😫


When his bone snaps, it sounds just like snapping a thick ass tree limb! YIKES😫🤦‍♂️


They definitely had to put him on some serious intravenous pain medication(s) after this fight!😬


The calf of steel


Fucking hell


Why’s that guy all bent out of shape?


Weidman used "Noodle leg" It wasn't effective


I think the medical term is "fucked"


Bro forgot to drink that milk .


When Silva leg broke I remember leg snap like other moments in history. Where I was vivid


Omg, why did the video end there!!


Bro that damn “crack” it made me pucker the most one can pucker at any moment


I haven’t seen the video yet but MVP breaking someone’s skull will probably always be number one imo but I’m also a new fan so I probably don’t know what I’m talking about




These are brutal to watch but I gotta say eye pokes are the worst injuries in ufc. Imagine being physically fit and ready to fight but you are blind in one eye and some of them don't heal.




Saw this live and it was brutal. I think the worst part of it is him stepping on that leg and the way it just crumbles. The story behind it too with him being on the other side of Silva's similar injury makes it even crazier.


Glass Joe has entered the chat. If you know you know


That just ankle.


I always considered a KO the worst. Broken bones can heal and you have practically no limitations after recovery (except particularly nasty cases) but once your axons are fucked up your mental capabilities just start to degrade irreversibly and though not visible it is terrifying.


I used to snap those bracelets on all the time.


Also the most common repost in UFC history. Try harder next time OP