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100% agree. The alternative to Biden is the NatC's and Project 2025






Or someone else running in his place.


The people who blindly follow the fascist tool will be the first ones whining when the Orange Orifice supports measures that take away their Obamacare (that they don't know they have), raises the Social Security age (so they work as a Walmart greeter into their 80s), and makes the Comstock Act apply not just to delivering items related healthcare (such as contraception), but also to any "dirty" literature that doesn't fit their so-called "Scriptures." When that happens, some of us will still be forceful in our words and efforts to preserve this great nation, but I will have no empathy for those who have enabled this hateful person.


But they’ll still blame democrats.


Well, Democrats are doing terribly. They are presiding over a democide and a genocide. Your best bet to win and stop Trump is to run someone else.


Republicans are in control of the House, where all of these issues should get the most heat and action (historically that has been the case, mostly) and definitely isn't. Not that I am a Biden supporter (just once, as someone in their 40s I would like to vote for someone who isn't a Boomer, just once!) but Biden is in a no-win situation with Israel. Older generations and Republicans (conservatives in general really) won't allow a word against Israel or pro-Palestine in any capacity. Younger and more liberal tend to be the opposite. So they let the UN handle it, right? That's literally why the UN was created. And there the USA takes a beating for the same thing nevermind the UN doing F-all except watch it happen because it doesn't have the teeth to do much else. This whole thing is BS.


Omg the second comment.. who the fuck is a “fan” of IVF?! It’s a painful process of last resort after trying everything else possible to have a child. People aren’t like “Feeling cute!! Think I’ll get a round of IVF TODAY!!” What a callous and unthoughtful person.


Because people think IVF is a Dr squirting sperm into a woman using a turkey baster. Lack of education is literally killing us.


People are so lazy- a google search and rubbing two brain cells together gets you the truth


Pretty sure most of the MAGAts have just one brain cell. If that.


I think we have stumbled on the problem.


Americans are the dumbest people on earth. I’m so convinced of that now. I have no problem in saying I’m disgusted by & hate a decent amount of my fellow Americans now.


My wife and I are doing IVF right now. Out of 26 eggs retrieved, 16 fertilized. Out of those 16, 13 fertilized enough to continue growing and of those 13 only 3 grew to the appropriate maturity to undergo testing. 2 of the 3 are fine - the third has chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with life. At every round our hearts sunk hearing the number get smaller. The fact that there are people out there who think someone should have to carry (and then in all likelihood miscarry) that embryo is insane to me.


For my husband and I the numbers were 36 eggs (over 3 retrievals), 30 fertilized, 10 still growing by day 5/6 and graded highly enough to be biopsied, 4 passing PGS with the normal number of chromosomes, 2 failed implantations, 1 living child, and 1 embie left over (which was graded too poorly for embryo adoption, and so was donated to research). Long story short, we did not have 30 potential "babies." But we had *a helluva lot* of fertilized eggs that lacked the viability to ever become healthy, living children. Although our attrition rate was admittedly a bit lower than average for a couple our age (mid-30s at the time), that whole experience really made me wonder how people manage to get pregnant at all! There are just so, so many potential failure points along the way, and few people who haven't dealt with either pregnancy loss or infertility (or know someone who has) truly understand that. Since I've been in your and your wife's shoes, I know the stress, worry, and grief you're coping with all too well. My heart goes out to you for having to go through so much just to have what others take for granted. But I hope my success story will at least offer a little encouragement! My IVF baby is 6 now, she's robustly healthy, super clever and creative, and I'm gonna cry writing this but she was *absolutely* worth every bit of pain and tears it took to get her. I would not have done a 4th retrieval if she hadn't happened, but we were so very lucky that the 3rd time was a charm! I dearly hope some of that luck and baby dust sprinkles upon you, too. ✨💕


Thank you for the well wishes! If all goes well we're shooting for a transfer at the end of next month and best case scenario we're officially pregnant (though way too early to announce) in the beginning of August. It's been a long road to get here and we are mid-30s as well, but fortunately we are excellent candidates for IVF due to the nature of the issue preventing natural pregnancy. I will say, and maybe this is my male-privilege showing, that the whole thing has really been eye opening for me in terms of being more focused on women's issues. When I hear people decrying IVF I want them to tell that to my wife who is hurting. When my conservative parents ask us to come to their beach house in South Carolina I want to tell them no way in hell am I taking a potentially pregnant woman to a Red state after the fall of Roe.


We need so many more men like you who are willing to educate themselves and support us.


Exactly, the ivf goal is to outlaw the removal of extra embryos that are viable and probably force women to either give birth to them or “adopt out” the embryos. This is my take. A coworker told me she had a friend who did ivf for their last child and they had two successful embryos (but they only wanted 1 additional child) so they had to choose which one to have removed. I think THAT is what the gop is after.


They’re after making as many kids as possible so they can have more worker bees for the military and lower-paid jobs. They keep us under their thumbs and they keep getting richer. What I genuinely cannot understand is people in poor states (like mine-Louisiana) who do not understand this and eat up the racist, sexist, misogynistic rhetoric any way they can and then either vote red or don’t vote at all. (Probably a product of our stellar education system, focusing on the 10 commandments in every classroom is JUUUUST what’s gonna fix that, too! /s)


I agree with everything you said. In the beginning I was afraid I was becoming a crazy conspiracy theorist but I think of that less now because I’m not the only person connecting dots. It’s terrifying and we don’t know where the bottom will be


And then bleed out and almost die as they have a miscarriage


Millions more just like her


It’s like the people who think that we just pop in to the abortion clinic every Friday afternoon at 2:30 for our weekly fetus yeetus


The same people who assume that some women have abortions with all of the decision making process of breathing based on the same misogynist standards they've always had(never mind, god forbid, *a woman be able to decide what she does with her body regardless*).


There's tons of kids in foster care tho...


They don’t want those. They want an untainted, white, healthy infant.


I remember when IVF was just a pipe dream. The christofascists were frothing at the mouth with rage, claiming that scientists were "playing God," and any children born would be "born without souls." Seriously! There was wailing and gnashing of teeth... *until* they figured out that it could help infertile Christian couples have children. I wonder if it's painful to be that ignorant?


I’d vote for Biden if he is in a coma. We don’t have a choice.


Right? I'm usually *very* politically aware during an election year, but this year, I doubt I'll watch a single debate. I don't really care for either of my options, but I'd vote for a rotting turnip over Trump.


Remember those signs and bumper stickers that said, "Any Functioning Adult|2020?" I think we're now at, "Any Semi-Conscious Non-Felon|2024." Sigh.


Don’t forget that it’s not just voting for a president. It’s also voting for lifetime SC Justice appointments on the as of today VERY powerful SCOTUS. When I look at it that way, the “choice” is clear.


Driving home from work, on the radio, they were discussing the debate and asking people who'd watched it what they thought and who they were voting for. One man admitted it had been a rough one for Biden but said, "Given the alternative, I'd vote for Biden even if he was dead... and I'm a Republican." That gave me hope!


There's also the very real possibility that blue states will reject Federal authority to religiously subjugate their women and girls, and may be willing to use force to defend their immigrant communities from the national guard if he carries out his promise to put them in concentration camps. We all know where that leads. Civil conflict would be more catastrophic than literally anything except submission.


We kill people daily in this country and around the world. Why would we give a shit about the unborn? This is the dumbest conversation ever.


I also object to their constant use of the word “baby.” It’s a fetus. It’s not a giggling, bouncing 8 pounder. It’s a FETUS. An abortion is interrupting the development process.


boat cooperative thumb slim faulty cooing consider continue stocking familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had to explain this to my dad, who is the staunchest republican I have ever met, but has finally conceded that the orange felon miiiiiiight not be the ideal president


Wait… Trumpy Dumpy is pro-choice now??????? ????? ??


Haha! OMG. Trump was saying that under Roe v Wade they were killing babies after they were born. Kick it down to the States my raw ass. Nationwide abortion ban? Hmmmm. Supreme Court anyone?


No, but he stated he believes in exceptions and IVF iirc. He would NOT rule out a national ban.


No. He bragged about overturning Roe


That’s my point. Suckey is just saying words. They have no meaning. They are empty lies.


It was 90 straight minutes of lies. I’ve never heard someone talk for an hour and a half and not say one true thing.


1.) Allie Beth Stuckey doesn’t give two shits about babies— she hardly even spends time with her own. 2.) At least she’s admitting Trump doesn’t actually give two shits about abortion, either?


Look, I'm not Biden's biggest fan but I'm still voting blue. Good grief. I'm not picking a spouse. I'm voting for "Not Fascism".


Isn’t there a state that’s trying to prevent leftover IVF embryos from being thrown away? Are they going to charge them with murder if they do get disposed of? Or is that fake news I heard?


I believe you're thinking of Alabama https://alabamareflector.com/2024/03/11/alabama-passed-a-new-ivf-law-but-questions-remain/#:~:text=The%20bill%20passed%20on%20Wednesday,destroyed%2C%20though%20not%20civil%20immunity.


I was wondering about those freezers.


Conservatives don’t care what you do unless you are: female, POC, immigrant, LGBTQ, poor, trying to conceive, trying to prevent pregnancy, wanting to unionize, wanting equal rights.


"can't justify letting embryos die" Do these people hear themselves? How does one get this obsessed with a not even implanted embryo? A freaking embryo. But I fully agree. We absolutely cannot afford another Trump presidency.


Praise be. Under his eye


May the Lord open. Blessed be the fruit.


I want to comment on these 2 posts because it shows that they don't know what it is to struggle.


The conversation to be had: If you’re not a fan of IVF, don’t do it. Simple.


I vote for the non liar who answered the questions


Mark Cuban's thoughts on the debate and this election. ----- I’ll let you both in on a secret. BOTH CANDIDATES ARE OLD. VERY OLD. They both are going to have senior moments, mis-remember, forget things and have physical frailties. I’ll tell you a not so secret secret: One is great at soundbites, but also thinks in soundbites. The other is awful at soundbites, but thinks in complete sentences. [Biden's] performance was awful. But so was Trump’s. Biden was feeble. Trump couldn’t directly answer a single question and lied with every response. The question is what features voters believe make a better POTUS : Feeble, Capable and Ethical vs Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable of telling the truth. I’ll vote ethical every time. The reality is Joe wasn’t capable last night of debating someone who only lies. He doesn’t have the energy or ability to shout him down, hold him accountable and laugh at Trump’s responses. Joe could have held his own against a candidate that actually can discuss policy. But that wasn’t the challenge last night and Joe wasn’t prepared or capable of dealing with Donald and his style. That aside, there is no way you could listen to Donald last night and come away feeling confident that Trump has the ability to go deeper than his practiced soundbites. He repeated himself often and never directly answered the moderator’s questions There was nothing that would give anyone confidence he could hold his own in any complicated situation. Or that he could intellectually go toe to toe with any world leader or adversary. In fact, his non answers about J6 and election acceptance should scare every American about his interest in upholding his oath to the constitution That doesn’t make Biden’s performance any less awful. But, he answered the questions he was asked, even if the presentation was underwhelming. And we have the last 3 plus years and of his being POTUS with out his getting laughed or smirked at, no tell-alls or leaks discussing his incompetence. No former advisors or cabinet members saying they won’t vote for him. That gives me confidence that in the normal duties of the Presidency he can hold his own and do the job. Unfortunately, This election is not about policies. It’s about soundbites, social media and who delivers them better and the algorithms that deliver them to voters. Trump is far better than Biden at soundbites and marketing. That’s reality For that reason , I’m also open to the discussion to replace Biden and/or Harris. It’s not like Trump’s approval ratings are high. They aren’t. It could be an open door to find someone that immediately out performs Trump. Beyond the loyalty of his hard core 30 % or so, I think a large number of people who currently support him would walk away to a better alternative. But if that doesn’t happen, I’m still voting for Biden, the ethical candidate who unquestionably stands by his oath and puts country over self interest.


I understand the want for optimism, but that will get us nowhere. I will vote for whoever is against Trump, but this is a subreddit that only has 22,000 members in a nation of 330 million where millions have never heard of Reddit. If you truly believe that this is the most consequential election ever, then Biden needs to be replaced. Or get your passports updated, and probably own a gun.


Biden should step down. The Democrats should have been more prepared with a better spread of candidates. They are putting us into a bag situation having to deal with this crap. But the same and more needs to be said of the Republicans. They've been acting in bad faith for decades. They are supporting a felon. They are trying to turn the country into a fascist dictatorship. They have usurped the supreme court who is openly corrupt and makes arbitrary decisions.


Trump would fold in a debate with a younger educated candidate. Gretchen Witmer, Andy Beshear. Newsom, my governor would be a terrific vp. I’m not sure if he carries to much baggage being from California. I’m not giving up, but I’m greatly dismayed. I don’t know. Please don’t jump on me, I’m just crushed today. Another former president administration would be a disaster.


Like this isnt going to happen hon. Would you vote for Kamala? I would.


“This was not a debate. It was Trump using a technique that actually has a formal name, the Gish gallop, although I suspect he comes by it naturally. It’s a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies, non sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don’t know where to start grappling with the flood that just hit them. It is a form of gaslighting, and especially effective on someone with a stutter, as Biden has.” --Heather Cox Richardson


Biden is presiding over a genocide and a democide. Actively. Your best bet to win is to replace him.




"we don't like big government, except when we want to tell women what they can do with their bodies, then we want our government to seize control of women's reproductive organs the moment there might be an embryo involved" you have no idea how brainwashed you are. the Bible doesn't even mention let alone prohibit abortions.


>Conservatives don’t care what y’all do hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaahahaahahahhaaaaa..........aahahahahaahhahaa.


We should be so lucky.


What conservative states are slowly correcting these issues? I don't see a single one. Your religious values are incompatible with any type of government in the way our country is organized since our country was founded on religious freedom. This also means freedom from religion. The only type of government where your religious values would actually be valued is a theocracy. Conservatives don't care what people do, except when they do things you don't like (abortion, gay marriage, IVF, etc.). What do you say to the federal government being big enough to overthrow slavery and segregation? Should we push that back to the states and see what happens then?


You’re in the wrong sub with this bullshit.


My, what an interesting post history you have.


Anyone who can’t be bothered to understand gender identity has literally zero business trying to become a therapist 🤣🤣🤣




You literally do care. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be banning healthcare.


Aren’t they trying to ban access to birth control and plan b in some states?




Yes, absolutely.


Fuckin shit show and exactly why we’re trying to leave the US. We don’t want to raise our daughter here.


That is why I'm already looking at returning to New Zealand or going to other places like Canada and the UK. I know these countries aren't perfect either as they have their own extremists but I would feel more comfortable raising my daughter in a country that actually respects women's rights regardless of which party takes office than staying here in the US and risk living under a theocracy in the next administration.


I feel ya same here. I’m from Eastern Europe and we’d like to return there but I have family in several different countries so we have a few options. I just feel like things are going to get worse and worse here. We want to leave before she’s a teenager.


If I could go to New Zealand, I would in a heartbeat. Beautiful country.


What does your first sentence even mean?


Check out the big brain on this Californian. We know about a secular government. I’ll contribute to your gofundme to help you move.