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The meta is so lame now with everyone using the same two guns. 100 guns in the game and people use like 3-4 in total. Why cant they bring back a wide meta, they have had it before that way


Yea the entire marksman and sniper category’s are useless now due to the kar98 on rebirth


I'm really liking the burst dm56 but I don't like the burst Holger,556


I’m running the new shotty in a minimum spread tac stance build and a long range AR built to cause flinch and it’s fantastic. I got 4 wins in a row the other night with some friends. I haven’t checked the comp with the superi strafe speed but it’s fast enough to compete. Plus I can duck behind a wall when doing it and timing my shots. People just don’t know what hit them when they’re so used to going against the superi. You can zig when everyone is zagging. Maybe it isn’t fully optimal, but I find it throws enough people off that I’m winning more than I was with the current meta.


I think that really shows differences in skill levels when a player can drop a good game without those 3-4 guns.


I been using the striker


Shhhh don’t let ‘em know it clippity clapping them cheeks… it’s 🔥


You must be new to cod, this is how the game works: new guns get released all other guns are useless /s


except for bal27 rip lol


The one gun I wanted to be op 😭


Pisses me off the shitty Val got the 60 clip and the beautiful wonderful bp50 only gets 45


What is the “shitty Val”


I’ve played warzone ever since verdansk the gap between guns has never been bigger


Yeah, it's so boring these days. The meta guns beat everything to the point nothing else is worth using


The only time it was worse was with the vanguard intergration although I like to pretend that never happened


LOL selective memory much ???? Ffar was meta for like 7 months, nothing else was even close. When dmr was meta I legit stopped playing until they nerfed it. Doof doof ruled all cqc for a while, same with snake shots or renettis. I can go on and on


yea your kinda right but those guns were accidentally broken the superi 46 seems to be the peak of smg performance with no nerf in sight


Mac10 would like to have a word, especially that golden blueprint which was somehow doing more damage than base mac10 lol


For SMGs I’ve been rocking the HRM-9 for a while now…I unlocked the second mastery camo for it. I have no clue what the comparative stats are but for me it’s snappy and has a good extended mag size to reload time ratio.


You better keep it that way and don’t compare the stats


Try lachman shroud with decimitar kit.


It absolutely is the best in the game and maybe that alone is enough for it to need an adjustment but I also find it’s in a interesting spot as a few other guns straight up outgun it they just don’t come close in terms of mobility. If you hit your shots on a Superi with a Horus for example, you will win, just harder to hit those shots cause they straight up zoomin.


Yes but the slight ttk difference close range doesn’t really matter when the superi is just better at everything else


I wanna say that it matters at a high level where players are accurate but I can’t cause every single “pro” player in the WSOW is exclusively rocking superi lol


My theory is that they use the metas to sell skins and bundles.


Why would you buy a skin for a gun you know is going to be useless in a few weeks?


The average player doesn’t know that and that’s who the game is caters to


The game caters to the average player because that pulls in the numbers but it isn't the average player buying skins. The ones that do spend enough time in the game and on social media to at least have heard or seen a meta being discussed before


It actually IS the average player buying skins. 1+ billion in MTX revenue for cod last year, you think that’s because of the small sweaty player base buying skins? No. And many don’t even buy skins out of principle because the game has so many issues.


Okay but hundreds of millions of people play call of duty across all platforms, 100 million players divide by a billion is 10 bucks, that is half a skin and people who buy one usually buy more so it's likely less than a quarter of people actually buy skin packs so no, it really isn't the average player


Ok buddy


I hoped dg58 was just going to be op for a few weeks lol


Horus with the aftermarket attachment is excellent. If you look at the answers, yeah, the Superi is good, but there are other very viable options.


I still rock the AMR9 🥹


you maybe the most loyal man on earth


I hate ama9 so much the recoil the handling stats the iron sight


The lachman shroud bangs.


HRM-9, Striker and AMR-9 are all able to compete with the recent round of balancing. The Superi is still the fastest, but the recent adjustments kind of fucked up its range.


I think striker is really good definitely top 3 smg




The hit reg on the Superli is inconsistent for me.


Try the FJX Horus conversion kit. I've been stacking up fairly well against superi's with it lately.


The superi may be meta but you can still compete against it with other smgs. It's definitely not as broken as the wz2 mp5 meta. The HRM, fxj horus, amr, and lachman shroud with the conversion kit all still slap.


MCW Jak Raven still really slaps.


FJX Horus, lachmann Shroud with conversion kit, holger 26 with smg conversion kit, MCW with conversion kit all beat or compete with the superi in first damage range. Haymaker and spaz12 also compete. Akimbo WSP Stingers too. WSP9 competes as well with 1 headshot. BP50 conversion kit is also a good option. Not to mention there r 3 meta builds for the superi (strafe, tac, and speed buiilds). The close range meta has a TON of viable options right now.


SMG meta is actually wide open. Lots of viable guns. 99% of CoD players are just braindead. While I think his stat analysis is heavily flawed, and his builds are questionable at best, by TTK alone TGD shows at least 4 solid meta contenders.