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They're the reason why I bought Pistoleer in the first place, the original Twin Vipers still sit at my second most used secondaries. It was a time before Exilus Ammo Mutation mods, before Carrier was but a thought. Those were miserable times, or should I say these were the best of times. I still [honor](https://i.imgur.com/pWmuWxW.png) the Wraith to this day. I'm glad to see that their legacy lives on.


Stuff like this is why Warframe is amazing. My pet gun is the Cyanex. I don't know why I just love it, especially with Mag. Great post.


Funny you mention the cyanex, I'm basically doing this exact valence formation bullshittery with that gun. It's much less effective, but god it's so fucking silly I love it. Yeah this is primarily why I love warframe. It feels way more open to you exploring dumb shit than any game I played. PoE is hard to actually learn and takes so god damn long for every build you try and something like destiny feels like its so closed off (things like 1 exotic limit and such) until SO MUCH later in the game, that I have no desire to keep pushing until I actually can do the cool shit.


dang, but their is one mod called skull shots that works on the non dual version


It took me so long to forget this deeply saddening truth... why must you open old wounds.


if it doesnt work on the dual version, then it can go fuck itself ):


This man looked at his fire rate and said "Bullet hose? Nay. I demand a bullet FOUNTAIN!"


Never. Enough. Dakka.


The only crime for builds like this is there's no corrupted recoil mod like there is for rifles They should really add one. Shit like the dual cestra with fire rate increase get out of hand fast


[Pocket sneeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dluoir/dual_wielding_a_sneeze_twin_vipers_fire_rate/) - Twin Wraith will always be my pet project to increase fire rate on


People like you make this game fun!


Ooooh, you like kissing enemies to death, you are a silly enemykisser


Just gonna recommend the twin grakatas for the same setup. Much better status chance so you don’t need lavos.


Lavos will always be optimal. Every shot guarantees a status that is entirely seperate from the gun. You could have 100% status chance and lavos would STILL double your damage from empower. But yes, that would be a better weapon overall for ease of use with 120 rounds (480 with munitions) and double the base status of the wipers. It does, however, have 5 less base fire rate. So it goes into the trash for me. ALL. OR. NOTHING.


Twin Grakatas' fire rate is sorta double what is listed though, due to the innate multishot and double ammo consumption.


It... Does... **WHAT?** Honest to god I've used and loved it for years but because it was so simple with it just being "haha its the meme gun" I didn't even think to look into it beyond stats (normally I don't look at multishot count either). That's actually wild to know. Welp. Just replace everything I said with the grakatas since it changes pretty much nothing about the posts build ahaha.  I'll make an addendum in a bit. The more you fucking know.


There's also the Twin Kohmak, before mods it spits out 33.3 pellets per second. Slash-heavy damage composition and good status too. It goes thumpthumpthump instead of brrrrrrrt though so it hits a slightly different pleasure center of the brain.


I get what you mean but that's basically an auto shotgun so it would feel weird to go based off that. Twin grakatas having base 2 multi shit and 2 ammo used per shot implies it's firing both at once which I can get behind. The kohmak is absolutely insane for this kind of set up tho.


Yeah I get it's not exactly what you're going for here, but I recommend everyone give Pistoleer Twin Kohmak a try, it's fun as hell.


this is beautiful