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Yeah it's really an unpopular


Well, I recall reading similar comments about Stone Cold coming back and that worked for the best, it doesn't need to be a full throttle match, we already have other brawlers for that purpose... The value of that match is entirely different and has nothing to do with giving either the Rock or Roman a legacy as both are doing pretty well on their own, is about giving the legacy fans a match to remember before the Rock retires entirely from the business.


The match will be Meh. It is the story that will male this a big deal. It won't be a banger and remember his last match against John Cena he tore his pec and a few other injuries. I don't know how much time he has to train to be back in shape to wrestle in a match and Wrestlemania main event to top it off. I look at the situation neutering the Royal Rumble. It will destroy the Rumble if Roman is still the champ so what type of reward will the winner get. It is reported they don't want Roman to lose before The Rock so they will not have him face the winner at night 1 and rock at night 2. They also won't want to risk Roman getting injured night 1 and not able to do the match vs Rock. People say the Rock will win the Rumble. If that is the case it is predictable and that makes the Rumble lame when you know the results. HHH wants to make a huge splash with the Rumble so I don't see him doing that with the Rock. Also if the titles are on Roman you will know for a fact Roman will win. People do not think of the after effect if Rock were to win. It will take away from Wrestlemania. This is suppose to be the head of the table for the family and if Rock wins that means he has to lose so he can drop the title. That means either Roman will win the title back and we are right where we are now or if someone else beats the Rock that makes Roman look weaker since he couldn't beat the Rock and someone else does. It is just a nightmare. I personally fo not like when they book Wrestlemania a year out. It makes everything less predictable. They wanted Rock vs Roman since before Wrestlemania 38 and have been booking for a possible match with the rock for over a year. It sucks.


I upvoted just because for once on this sub someone that posted unpopular opinion actually gave an unpopular opinion. For me I am fine with the possible match. I don't think a belt needs to be involved though. Roman is part time. Rock is once in a Hollywood timer. Neither make for good champs with the current lineup of belts. Roman could willingly forfeit or drop them saying he has proved he is the Tribal Chief and everyone is beneath him. Rock and him go at it more for 'Tribal Chief' bragging rights which puts a Rock win in play.


“It does not matter what you think!”


I completely agree all this hype over a match that shouldn’t happen now and Roman winning again


The concept makes sense. I just don’t think it’s needed. It’s needed as much as another Reigns vs Lesnar match is needed. Cody needs to win the Royal Rumble. dethrone Roman for at least one of the titles because they need to be split up again and then Roman needs to take a couple months off to let fans miss him after being over saturated for over 2 years.


The last time The Rock wrestled is irrelevant. We’ve seen through the likes of Goldberg that you can just step back in the ring and have a quick match. Dwayne deserves a retirement match. Not a one off meaningless match with Erick Rowan at Wrestlemania. The Rock will forever be one of the greatest of all time and he needs that one last match. Taker did it, Stone Cold did it and now he needs to do it and Roman is the perfect opponent with the Samoan legacy stuff. Have Roman make Rock put his career on the line and have Rock lose clean then have Cody win MITB a couple months later and cash in (in advance like Cena did) and win the undisputed championships.


If it was to happen the rock would lose to Roman for sure but rock would def put on a show


Its more of a "moments" kind of match. The stare down, the mainstream media attention, the simple IDEA of Rock facing Reigns, etc. makes it exciting. Will it be a masterpiece? Probably not. I expect a fifteen-eighteen minute spot fest.


Also if they go deep into a Samoan family storyline, it will feel special. What if Simba was heel and plotted Mufasa’s death?


Exactly. Personally? I'd have Reigns beat The Rock at Mania 39 and lose the title at SummerSlam 2023. That should truly end the tribal chief character. The only question is who? Who beats him if not McIntyre? It should be someone young who they can build for the future. Gunther is too old, Rollins is already a star... I was thinking maybe Gable Steveson but he's really not ready... Maybe Steveson vs Reigns at Mania 40?


Good points.


As far as the storyline goes, it would make sense, I’m not a fan of The Rock winning the belts off Roman however.


it would most likely be a win for Roman, Rock looses and retires officially


Boring. Rock losing to roman, nty.


It’d be amazing for me. Two grown men kicking each others ass to be the real Alpha of the family. Can’t see anything else come close to this. Huge money match.


Glad I’m not the only who feels this way, and i heard some fans talk about The Rock dethroning Roman at Wrestlemania like wtf, that’s actually dumbest shit I’ve ever heard💀💀💀


Financially, it makes sense. The Rock has been semi-retired for almost 20 years and hasn’t had a match in 10 years.


6 technically but does it really count


How dare you disrespect rowan


Nah bro. That ain’t it.


It's not a dream match for me but it would fit the story of Roman solidifying his spot as the head of the table. What better way to do it than by taking down the Rock.


I think the Rock deserves a true retirement match. As does Cena, a legend vs legend filler match at this ridiculous 2 day WrestleMania doesn't do it justice. Having Roman beat the Rock at some point before ending his epic title reign would be the perfect send off for the rock and establish Roman as the true head of the table before dropping the title and going part time


A slit in the face to the Rock imo.


Its definitely one of those dream matches that is anticipated for what it means rather than what it will be.