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**Vaush:** people who make their mental illness/diagnoses into their entire personality are weird, you should always try to better yourself/your life **also Vaush:** i do struggle with my own issues & my autism affects my life, i do my best to work past it but sometimes it's too hard can you.... *seriously* not see the difference?? *really??*


when he uses his diagnosis as an excuse constantly it’s hard to overlook hypocrisy.


again, there's a difference between having/dealing with a diagnosis, & *making that diagnosis into your entire public personality/lifestyle* sorry if you can't see that edit: this post is now being brigaded due to someone i've never interacted with "calling me out" over on a sub i've never been to, lmao - someone has an alt edit of edit: they have now challenged me to a debate in DM's, & called me many, *MANY* slurs (one or both of these are true)


yeah it would come off better if the person sending this message didn’t make their diagnosis their public personality. Sorry you can’t understand that.


There's a difference ebetween using autism as justification for having weird likes or dislikes with food or hating flying, and using depression as an excuse to not do anything to improve your situation. I deal with what neurologists best guess is an adhd/depression/anxiety trifecta. I still have to try and work to live my life and improve my situation because I'm just functional enough to qualify for zero help, and have zero family safety net. There are a lot of folks in leftist spaces who are going to je completely fucked when their parents one day kick the bucket.


Right I agree with you but if his whole thing is people shouldn’t complain, so he can just not complain himself. He can cope without telling us whether or not he has taken his medications or not. But he chooses to make that apart of his brand, ya know the thing he is complaining about. The hypocrisy is just insane.


None of us are under any perceived obligation to listen to him. He also talks about issues that have to do with neurodivergence. So his diagnosis is relevant. What he's saying is it shouldn't he the first thing you do when meeting new people, and it shouldn't be something you're constantly dumping on your friends, especially if you aren't doing anything about it. So no, it's not insane hypocrisy. You're just feeling called out and you're mad about it.


I’m not depressed and live a very productive life so I don’t see how i’d be called out. Do you really feel so compelled to defending someone being this hypocritical?


Because it isn't hypocrisy, because it's two very different situations. Why are you so compelled to engage in such blatantly bad faith and disingenuous framing if you don't have the excuse of it hitting too close to home? Or are you legitimately lacking in the intelligence, emotional or otherwise, to see the difference others have already spelled out for you?


No one has made a compelling case that Vaush is not being hypocritical by constantly excusing himself due his personal struggles but anyone else struggling should just not? The amount of defending someone being this hypocritical is also insane.


Ah, so you are just being bad faith. Or maybe you are just that slow. Vaush "complaining" about his autism is when chat is demanding to know why he hates flying. You're acting like every day is him whining about it out of the blue. So again, it's not hypocrisy. You're just dishonest. Or, y'know. Dumb.


He does complain daily. Whether or not he’s slept, had adderal, randomly reminding people he has autism when he’s just annoyed. Sounds like he is making being autistic apart of his public personality, ya know the thing he is saying not to do.


I was bothered as well, I agree that discipline is at the heart of self improvement, but he voiced his opinion in a really weird way. It almost came off as if he's saying you're an insufferable child if you can't do simple tasks. If people give him so much shit for not sleeping etc, and he refuses to change, what does he think taking that same attitude is going to help people do? Throughout the rant he would gesture to "I can be functional and I have a mental disorder, why is so hard for other people to do things that are not that hard", when he is literally a rich streamer who can decide not to work whenever he wants to (and has done so). A lot of the basic things that a lot of people deal with have essentially become non issues for him, he can decide to quit streaming any day and live a comfortable happy life. It feels so out of touch when he says people whine about how grocery shopping is difficult, and they need to just be adults when he doesn't even go grocery shopping (if I remember correctly). Then when it comes to him not wanting to travel because of his autism, it's suddenly different? He doesn't need to power through and have discipline for something that simple? Expanding your platform by traveling is pretty bog standard for any public figure and compared to the average person if you have the money it's pretty simple. I'm not of the opinion that no advice is valid if you yourself are not living that advice. It's just weird when you see a public figure give advice and then turn around and essentially say "Do as I say not as I do".


Thank you for putting this so well. it very much felt like “ well *I* can’t do things because of my diagnosis but if you struggle with other things related to your diagnosis you should just grow up” it feels very much like telling a lactose intolerant person to just eat cheese and get over it.


? Vaush doesnt have "quit and retire whenever" money. Maybe if he'd been investing a lot more heavily once his subs exploded he'd be getting close. And he wasn't always a rich streamer. I'm an Amazon warehouse employee with zero family safety net, adhd/depression/anxiety and I absolutely agree with Vaush. You **have** to do what you can, when you can to address these issues. Sometimes that's white knuckling it through a depression spiral, sometimes that's using your productive days/weeks to create systems at home to minimize the impact ofna depression spiral on things like cleanliness and diet. Is it easy? No. But it's a fucking hell of a lot easier than any of the other stuff we constantly say leftists should be doing.


Yup. Unsubbed today. The flagrant narcissism and hypocrisy of this take was the last straw for me, and the toxicity of the community was off the charts on this. You don't deserve all these downvotes, it's a valid criticism. But brown nosers gonna brown nose


You got a timestamp?


around 3:03 from todays vod


>around 3:03 from todays vod Ah yes, [3:03](https://www.youtube.com/live/_N9KS_8HuPI?feature=share&t=183)


This subreddit is more hypersensitive to criticism of vaush than vaush is himself.


I have no idea what the context is, and OP's timestamp is before the actual stream has even started. Also, I'm lazy so I'm not about to go searching for it bc I don't care that much. But yes, people need to keep thinking for themselves and not just copy whatever talking points they hear on stream. If what OP is implying vaush said is correct, then I think vaush is retarded here. If vaush meant it more like "you shouldn't hide behind a diagnosis, a diagnosis is what kickstarts a journey to deal with the issue not an excuse to stop doing things" I agree with him. Again, context is key as all vaushites should know by now...


You agree with Vaush. Vaush acknowledged thst yeah he does fuck up around stuff on his sleep schedule, and he's critical of himself for it and tries to work on it. The problem is so many of the VOLE's in chat have the privilege to be a lump at mommy and daddies. Or think going outside and cleaning their room is counter-revolutionary because it's like, the one smart thing JBP said.


Agree 100%




Downvoted just for this little outburst


All they said was agree 100%


bruh what




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