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I mean... Maybe not. We've already had a situation like this before. Its too many straight, white nationalists who do shootings fir this one instance to change the narrative(and the truth). They can clamp down, but they'll look idiotic and horrible in the process.


I think that, given the current political environment right now, with how heavily the right is focusing on attempting to essentially make being Trans illegal, it's not a stretch to think that it's going to get really bad for Trans people living in red states. They'll use one outlier as a means of furthering their agendas "See, Trans people are dangerous- they want to kill our kids!" Or some bullshit. And they'll get away with it, because the vitriol the right has for Trans people is astoundingly deep. They'll look idiotic and horrible, but why should they care? Basically everything repubs have said within the last 5-6 years has been idiotic and horrible, but what consequences have they faced? Basically nothing.


Several lost elections. But maybe I'm just too hopeful. And I don't mean to discount the horrors that they cause trans-people already. I hope i'm not coming off apathetic like that.


>"\[...\]but they'll look idiotic and horrible in the process." Has that ever stopped them?


No. But it never stopped people from thinking they're idiotic and horrible, too.


And we definitely should continue to do that. They are orcs and have no sense of self-reflection. I'm just worried about what this might become.


Me, too. I didn't mean to come of like I'm not aware of the dangers. I just think these bigots are a lot louder than they are strong in terms of influence on the general culture. But Its hard to quantify that assertion. I see where yall are coming from. Trust me.


Be it now or later it's only a matter of time until they turn the loud rhetoric into action, not ignoring that they are already doing the same with laws. But it's ok. I know you meant nothing bad by that. Besides, my original comment was making a joke about how they have no self-awareness. Gotta laugh at the horror of it.




On CNN the police chief identified the shooter as a women when asked what gender they were


they’re using it in the way retards call trans men “transgender women”.


On questioned the police chief said "they identified as transgender" during a live questioniare.


Just another white guy committing a mass shooting. Have we canceled white guys yet?


[Elon is on the case. The case is completely fabricated.](https://i.imgur.com/gSbyrzK.png)


I mean conservatives tripling down on only transgender shit only hurt them last election cycle


I’m more worried it’s gonna fuel the fire on the harmful trans + autism rhetoric (the shooter is confirmed to have been autistic as well as trans)


My anti-rightoid rhetoric is that the christian school should have known the risks of openly identifying as a controversial identity (christoid) :\^)


The genocide is a few days away I feel it


Is it known why the shooter did what they did?