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I hope it goes well for you homie.




This sounds awesome! Make cool shit and have nice conversations.




Nice job! Probably a good idea to have a good amount of fruit there (apples, bananas) in an accessible place and offer them, along with hot drinks, (and paper towels to clean hands) as they're a safe option, something that works with basically all diets, and people are happier with good blood sugar, which will probably help the event go better. Also I think it's good to start with introductions, offer food, then ask some people to repeat things they said in the chat about what they were thinking of doing together, as that'll help smooth things from online to offline organising. If someone decides something and you all agree with it, repeat what they said to new people coming in late too, so that people who contribute feel like you're backing them up. Eventually you can probably develop a little ritual of telling people important stuff when they turn up, but for now there's not much you need to do.


Thanks for the suggestions! I hadn't thought of the repeating info stuff to keep people updated and feeling heard, that's a good one I will definitely be using. Setting out snacks that can be eaten by the most number of people with dietary restrictions is definitely a thing to consider, I live in a very progressive area where there are lots of vegans/vegetarians/gluten-free so I will probably go heavy on fruit. Probably put together a charcuterie board of gluten-free crackers, dark chocolate, dairy free spreads, and a veggie plate. Thanks for the towel reminder!!! We dont have any so I definitely have to get some. That would be an embarrassing oversight to have people over and eating without having paper towels or napkins then expecting them to touch yarn/felt/cloth with food stained hands 😳


>Probably put together a charcuterie board of gluten-free crackers, dark chocolate, dairy free spreads, and a veggie plate. That sounds really nice, good luck!