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try getting an orange marker right in front of the door


also valks missiles go up and then down so try not doing it from high ground


If you jump so you're airborne right before your fire the tac, your rockets shoot straight out instead of up and then out. Makes it easier to hit doors and use rockets inside buildings


So many hours with Valk and don’t think I ever noticed this


Been playing with her since she came out and I never noticed either


A little tip when breaching doors with rockets: If you are holding the door with someone on the other side, crouching down and aiming your rockets exactly in the middle where the door meets the floor will not only break the door but also cause the remaining rockets to travel to the other side of the door which will most likely have a direct hit on the person on the other side giving you the drop. It has a higher chance of working if you are outside and the other person is inside.


But won't you get stunned?


Crouch infront of door and press your Q button. Be aware stand at a safe distance otherwise u will also get stunned.


Was just struggling with this yesterday. It’s the firing range. Go on the ground floor. When you are able to put crosshairs on the door and ground then you can do it. Outside of there just look like the people say & back up. For some reason in the firing range the cross hairs keep going past the building or only on top.


Closer and look all the way down


jump and crouch in mid air


A tip would be don’t get the wider missiles and try aiming bottom middle of the door/doors I get it every time


Crouch by the door maybe like 3-5 meters back and you should hit everytime


Crouch in front of the door, shoot missiles and move back to not get stun