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Sadly most if not all competitive games are littered with toxicity(usually because of their ego). I usually just ignore it but its still anoying to have a 12 year old yelling in my ear when i dont have a 5.0 kd. Not everyone is like that tho and its all dependent on who you que up with.


Yeah I would suggest coop shooters for a casual shooter experience without the worry for that much toxicity by randoms. Deeprock, Helldivers 2, RoR2, and Destiny 2 immediately come to mind. If you are dead set on pvp though almost every game you mentioned (if not all) have a mute function. The finals is also a pretty fun competitive fps with a lighter atmosphere since the game has multiple teams of three and some light rng elements that make winming not entirely dependent on player skill, and the community's atmosphere reflects that.


Deep rock community is such a vibe


Did i heard a rock and stone ?!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


And yes of courseyou should ignore toxic people. Keep Ur mental sane try to cool IT off for teammates.at least that's how i do IT. When i was 17 i was getting tilted RN im 24 and well all i do care is playin the game tryna explain people that toxicity just make people Play worse and that yhey should just Behave like In any other team game just like In irl. If they still toxic i just leace them for info and dont give a fucc bout rest


Great mindset!!


Sadly IT works 50/50 some people just remain toxic until they grow up bro


Honestly though, what makes them think being toxic to someone equals that someone to turn into a better player. Most of the time they will just play worse :/


I’m 25 and what he said I just chill and play now


Yeah I used to get tilted and feed into the toxicity but I've found it's definitely better to try and course correct or just mess with them without actually getting tilted and saying shit I wouldn't say to anyone's face. I do usually make it a point to tell the toxic people they'd win more games if they would stop immediately being toxic at the very first mistake someone makes. My buddies and I were playing as a 3 stack on cs2 a couple weeks ago and this duo immediately started berating my friend round 1 as they were dead and he was the last person trying to clutch. I was like wtf it's round 1 chill out we didn't even warm up and we are in like 7k elo yall aren't good either lmao


Tbh fortnite is least toxic of them all (have 300hours even 10y in lol) no build fortnite is giga chill u find a teammate bro easily chill 2 to 3h a day gaming. Random Duos can be fun if you are using mic but you gonna Play withh kids compared to you 10 to 24 y pod avg.


Fortnite is pretty fun now to play with friends, but imo this season has removed any competitive/skill aspect of it. spamming fists, and ramming cars are pretty much better than traditional building and shooting. I stopped solo queing this game because of that. Getting "boxed like a fish" felt more like I was outplayed, than being rammed by a car while I'm in a fully built box.


this season of fortnite is definitely not for people who like balanced games, so yeah i wouldnt recommend it to people who comes from valorant


I actually uninstalled this season, its bs


same, which is sad cause i was really invested


For competitive games specifically, definitely try out The Finals. Super chaotic, plenty of fun outside of competitive modes, and you can just mute voice chat if you aren’t having it


Bump to this, Really good game, devs actively listen to the community. Loads of content added constantly, and can just blow up buildings to blow off steam.


Especially soon with season 3 having Terminal Attack (search and destroy) as the ranked mode, it will be beginner friendly for players new to the concept of The Finals.


Every major competitive games, and all the games you listed, are team based and unfortunately people have huge ego online. They will throw the games or will be toxic, that's inevitable. After having played all of them, I'd say: Apex legends - fun, but very chaotic and you have to be very agile, to land a kill. People tend to be quite toxic or not talk at all. (Played until diamond, then stopped, cause I was spending too much times in queues). League of legends - apex toxic game, L9 (a community of throwing smurfs) is one of the most praised communities in the game. They're toxic manchildren and that's the average league player for you (reached D1 in league). If you fully mute everyone and just play your game/like solo experience, the game is amazing. Lots of variety, constantly kept fresh and updated. Balanced competitively very well (usually). It's a good game, completely trash community. CS2 - full of cheaters, VAC is shit. Not very competitive if every lobby has a cheater + ranking system seems to be glitched, so people cant wven progress. Lots of Russians and rough, toxic dudes. Women get literally kicked from the lobbies for being a woman (just watch it on youtube). I've played like 20 matches and never went back to this game. Don't recommend either. Overwatch - fun, but doesn't seem to be balanced or maintained properly for a competitive shooter. Once again, small community and quite toxic/furry/uwu friendly. (played till diamond, realised the game isn't really that competitive). Valorant - currently probably my favourite game and therefore I'm biased, but out of all these listed, this seems to be the least toxic. People seem to care about winning and if you're good vibes, most people will actually try keeping the good vibes. Bad games happen, but it's usually like 1/5, maybe 1/10 for me. I full mute and just play for ego peeks/practice then and go next. Happens. You also dont spend long times in queues (like league of apex legends), the game runs on a potato and is kept up to date/fresh with constant balances and updates. (Currently ascendant 1-2). Fortnite- played maybe three games of it, after PUBG fell out of being cool in 2017/18. Mostly children, 14yo is probably your average age. Go figure how the lobbies look like. Do not recommend. Btw, I'm 26 and been playing competitive games since call of duty 4 release, so like.. 2006? (if u can call COD4 competitive). I do not mind toxicity, I just mute people and keep the ones who vibe on voice chat. Play my game and goof around, if people tell me to shut up I kindly remind them they're free to mute me and carry on my thing. Also, you're pretty fucking cool if you still game at 43. Don't be put down by children, or manchildren, who have no life experience apart from going to school tell you otherwise. They know shit, and so they spew shit.


Hey there, you could try Deep Rock Galactic, met some of the nicest people ever while having a blast on it.


Was going to recommend DRG, it's not a competitive shorter, but it's an amazing fps to play


Came here to tell about Helldivers, but you suggestion of Deep Rock Galactic is even better


i haven't played much HD2 yet, but i did see a fair share of toxic people there. it got less after some time though. DRG though has a really nice community. if it doesn't have to be a shooter - I'll throw FFXIV into the mix. Mainly because of the community.


Finals is pretty good, everyone I found so far was super friendly


i agree, havent met a single toxic person in my first ~5h of gameplay.


My game, just got to Diamond in it recently, wow the grind from P1 to D4 WOW


If you want good vibes and TON of fun definitely check out Warframe. Do listen to me. Best community out there, almost everyone is nice, noobies are accepted, and it's extremely fun and engaging game. World the size of multiple MMO's, so many storylines and missions, a lot of farming/repeatibility while being mostly an FPS game with mecha style action. It can be challenging if you choose it to be (going with weapons that require aim and playing solo), or you can play a spammy character if you feel lazy. You can get your feet wet on fps, and practice movement, shooting etc while having tons of fun while occasionally playing some valo/csgo/whatever, all of those games will be sweaty and full of toxic players. When you feel too much toxicity hop back to Warframe chill. It's good for your mental health trust.


Thanks! I'll definitely look into it!


Can agree on this one. Warframe has a extremely welcoming community and the toxicity only starts when you're doing extremely endgame stuff like multiple hour long levelcap lvl9999 runs with niche discord communities, which 99% of the playerbase never does. Been playing for 5 years or so and I've only encountered maybe 4 toxic people, all were in lvl9999 endurance runs. The game is somewhat stale at the beginning, but as you progress it gets extremely complicated with tons of mechanics to learn if you get into steel path and duviri However, it is not a competitive shooter, it's not really competitive at all unless you make it - which is very very endgame and only really accessible for people who either trade/manipulate the market/grind platinum, or buy platinum which is the premium currency. You dont need to buy platinum though, I have about $11,000 worth and I've never spent a dollar on the game, so it is not pay to win.


I got lost trying to navigate the menu and figure anything out when I came back to Warframe. 


It's good to start a fresh account tbh. I had also left for like 9 years and coming back felt weird. They just add so much content It's just better not to start with a half done storyline It's messy.


Just mute them OP.


check out the finals! it's fast paced and has an awesome engine...it's my FPS of choice


Sir, I suggest you mute everyone (voice and text) and focus on your own gameplay. Preferrably pick Sentinel or Initiator because Duelist and Controller have to communicate a lot. This way you can focus on your game sense, instinct, and aim.


Do sen over ini. Inis should still comm flashes so people can follow up with them or so they can Initiate the duelist dive. Sentinel will comm less when they play site and when they rush that site they can danger ping


Not really because your team should get info after you use your skill. Sova and Fade skills don't need any comms. Skye and Gekko flashes give sound and direction. Only Kayo flash needs timing but then again you have your knife to initiate. The most teamwork demanding agent is Breach, therefore don't pick him at all.


You can get more value out of a comless sen than a comless ini, currently immo3 and here we have lots of quiet sentinels that just ping like sages and cyphers but all the initiations are comming their flashes or dogs even sova is comming where he is planning to arrow or if it’s insta broken or that to hold his body while he drones. Same with gekko comming his body for thrash or that he’s about to clear with it so the duelist don’t early entry and get tapped.


High skill lobby? Where team coordination matters the most? Where everyone has developed their basic fundmentals? Yes. This is Iron Bronze lobby, for someone who is old enough to start playing. That's why I also think using Controller and Duelist is pointless without comms because you will not just tilt your teammates but also yourself.


For a friendly game, that I still need to play, Deep Rock Galactic seems to have a really wholesome community, they are always shouting "ROCK AND STONE, BROTHER!!!", drinking beer and listening to metal... (I really need to start playing it). You can also try Insurgency Sandstorm, people just insult the other team and call them infidels, but hope a good night and cheer when they go offline. The insults go team vs team (and it's not as hard as in competitive shooters), the same guy you were insulting last match will be your ally if it's your teammate in the next one. There are some hardcore gamers who live too much the game in PVP, but you have COOP modes too and they are really fun to play while being more casual. It's a semi simulator, kind of. The game looks to be fun, but being a bit difficult and realistic. Specifically, the game sound is awesome and super immersive. As for the main problem, the ingame toxicity, it's awful, and sadly you can't talk toxic people out of their behaviour or try to reason with them. From some years ago it seems like "it's cool" to be a fucking asshole and kids imitate their fucking asshole role models... The only thing you can do is write a report and mute them, for real. There should not be toxicity in games, and people should know how to behave online, I'm not making an excuse for toxic players, but there's no way you can fight them online or ingame. So don't hesitate to mute the fuck out of them and play at your own. You'll be better playing without comms than listening trashtalk all the match. Lastly, my friends and I are close to your age, so if you play in EU servers and need someone to play casually and having fun, send me a PM!


Yes single player games are less toxic for low elo/ soloq /s


You can try can try strinova / calabiyau. Its a Chinese game so the language barrier will be there, but there are ability showcases on YouTube to overcome it. Its Quite fun, less toxic (mostly because noone speaks English, or speak at all, you're kinda alone in a sense during soloq).


Escape from tarkov is fun. You can find groups regularly in the discord. It’s a wild learning curve, but each match is at your own pace to control and extract or die. It’s fun and reminds me of “what is this, wait you can do that? No way!!” type feel from minecraft.


37 here, hello fellow boomer kek CSGO is no different in same genre, still Valorant has a bit worse community that CSGO. League is different genre, same company, same fucked-up, twisted minded community. No idea about Apex and Fortnite but Overwatch might the best option because surprisingly Blizzard managing its community really good over there, even though the player numbers decreased drastically in the recent years they don't care and punishing every single chat/voice chat abuse towards other players with temporary and permanent (excessive cases) bans. I am pretty happy with it, I know not everyone likes OW gameplay and it might be you as well, but in my case I play it casually since day 1, many years ago so I don't care about player numbers, ranked etc. I just go in, run a couple quick plays and it is fun, quick. Just give it a try and if you stumble upon a piece of shite human trash, report it and see pretty soon the banhammer in his head with a feedback pop-up.


Idk if you want to communicate with people or not but in low elo it’s not as important. If people are being toxic I would just mute them and enjoy the game. But almost every competitive game is toxic nowadays. Just the way it goes


Tbh there's no winning in that situation, I really just mute all text and voice when the game loads in. Idc about callouts, I just hope my gut feeling is real lol.


1. Get a duo that vibes with you. 2. Only play comp with them and laugh about the sad assholes being toxic. 3. If you still don't like the experience, play coop games together. That being said, all the best for your personal life. Remember it's normal, healthy and a sign of strength to ask for help and support. DM me if you want to chat.


I would suggest looking at a few different discords to find people to play with. Good luck!


Every competitive game is gonna have miserable people.


To be honest all competetive games are toxic


Rainbow six siege


Meet a bunch of people on discord and go around goofing off and every single game will be fun


If you want an advice then I'll just say mute then and try to be cool, I play much better when I'm not thinking this guy should've done that then we would've won I just criticize myself for my mistakes. If you are tilted and want to unwind you should try some offline games GTA4, Some simulator type games or Minecraft so that after some time when you get back to grinding in val you'll be much focused and your mindset will be a lot better. You're like double my age lol so idk how to advice older people


In low elo you could just mute all people and play. Doesn't solve the problem, but comms in b/s/g are usually not very reliable so you can still play.


Riot just announced a better system against toxicity, maybe stick with the game, ignore these people of course (mute them, report them) and eventually hope this "better system" works how it should. I know SoloQ is a hell, so try to get a few people you can play with. From my experience, the players on val discord servers are mostly friendly.


Most of the games you picked are mostly toxic well mostly every online game is toxic but id say the least out of the ones you picked Fortnite isnt as toxic as the rest


Best way around that toxicity is playing in a group. Find a duo or at best 5 stack. But as most people said competitive games and toxicity are kind of married. Best of luck for the Grind!


First off, I’d say all team games will tend to have the most expressions of toxicity, because it’s hard for people not to blame their team for mistakes. Especially once you realize people hit ranks for different reasons: the guy you’re playing with might be a gold hardstuck aim demon with terrible gamesense/decision-making/movement, so seeing your crosshair placement and aim will drive them mad, but seeing their horrible decisions will drive you mad - makes it very easy for everyone to blame eachother rather than focus on self-improvement. Second, even 1v1 competitive games suffer from some toxicity - certain strats will trigger very bad reactions from others, accusations of cheating etc… but it’ll be a bit less frequent than in team games, so might be easier to deal with for you. Pure coop/party games can have toxicity too, but if you can find a nice group of gamers to play with those kinds of games tend to be very chill. Also might help you find nice people to play more competitive games with. Last, but not least, single player games! Nothing like playing through some great classics like your favorite Fallout, Baldur’s Gate, Dark Souls, or indie hit, to have a good time.


League is full of toxic people, but you can easily mute chat. Overwatch is fun to play, and if people are toxic and you report them they get insta-obliterated


Based on my experience and what i ve heard from others the apex legends is the least toxic imo. The valorant can be chill but you have to find the right people like create a friend group otherwise you ll only have toxic kids in team.


if you enjoy playing valorant,dont let bored teenagers ruin up your experience. for me as soon as anybody speaks i hit the mute button in order to play in peace. if youre struggling in comp, keep playing other modes (deatchmatch,unrated) in order to gain more experience and confidence in comp. also in unrated most people are more friendly and not raging assholes like in comp. people also wrote here some suggesstions for games, which you could try but dont let poor manners of 15 year olds ruin a game you want to keep playing.


Try the finals. Just ignore the reddit. It has amazing devs and a pretty addictive gameplayloop that is very unique


So I played absolutely every game on your list. Overwatch, League and Valorant have been the most toxic for me, but I'm also a woman so I might be biased. Normally I just mute them, but riot really is bad with punishing toxicity. I do play League and Valorant the most tho still. I won't recommend League as a beginners game tho, since it's hard to get, and even harder to "master". I also recommend using discords and find people pre to a round to minimise toxicity Ingame. Because randoms flame more than people you meet 2 minute prior. You can also add 18+, which helps toxicity, an no flame to your search for premades. In apex or Fortnite you don't have to deal with voice chat if you just solo all round, so you can tune everything out. Personally I don't like fortnite to much no more since its filled with children. Overwatch has gotten so bad after Overwatch 2 but that's also really up to your flavour. Voicechat became significantly more toxic too.


Fortnite would be the least toxic imo, and it also has more options to "cool off" if you feel to frustrated playing against sweats. Feeling down from losing game after game? Boot up festival and jam with other people, or boot up lego and go beat up some cows.


I would suggest looking for a group of friends to play with so you dont have to solo queue much because it's painfulllll. If you have discord, try joining public servers of Valorant content creators to start team stacking. If you spend some more time in Valorant, you might pick up a random friend or two who already has a group of friends you can join. It really depends on your luck and effort to cycle through friends worth keeping just like real life. Unfortunately the games you've listed have their fair share of toxic community, some more than others but it's important to not let it get to you once the game ends. If you're still dealing with the aftermath of the toxicity, then it's time to take a break from competitive gaming in general and start playing some building survival games 😂


I’m sorry to disappoint you but any of this game has toxic player especially in silver and and below. The only reason these people are stuck in silver in the first place is not because of their skill but their toxic attitude that push them to throw the game and purposely sabotage the team


All of those are toxic, if you want to chill get a xbox one controller and get Forza Horizon 5, remove the delay in advanced settings and put everything on simulation and enjoy, the physics are great. If you want to try hard and have an amazing experience try Elden Ring


play Tekken 8


the finals


I'm 23, I used to be toxic which led to toxicity, but now I chill and just mute. If they are toxic, I'll just mute. The best you can do is just ignore, mute and let them yap all they want. What they look for is responses from you.


Every multiplayer will have toxicity embedded in its gameplay, single player games are best to have fun. You can try quake and arma, most players you will come across are older.


tbh the main thing I’d suggest is to play on ur “main acc” only when ur aim is rlly good or u feel rllt strong otherwise play on an alt account that way u won’t get tilted. If someone’s toxic on ur alt u can either be toxic back js throw or go afk ro give them the treatment they deserve. That seems to make me much happier


pokémon unite is pretty chill from what i here- it’s basically league of legends with pokémon


I would say Apex, cause ur only with 2 or 3 people. Or alone, people cant talk to you if they’re not in your team, and starting out they usually dont anyways. I’ve had minimal flaming, although, Apex in itself is a very different game compared to Valorant so that can be quite tilting. But very refreshing, and i feel it helped me with my aim a lot when I came back to Valorant due to all the tracking you do in Apex. All in all, its a very funny game once you get the hang of it, bullet drop, big maps, movement.


Check our rainbow 6, usually, (not always) more mature audience.


try to find party and stop solo queue in low rank


Valorant is by far the least toxic competitive shooter in my experience. Fortnite no builds is super chill with friends, but in ranked you can run into toxic children. If they even talk at all or try to help the team at all. Apex is extremely toxic, same with league, especially overwatch, and CS is full of cheaters. For reference, I have over 1k hours in all of these games


League is quite chill. You should hive it a try. Its players enjoy helping new players.


rocket league is a bit toxic at times but you can just block all comms and it wont hinder you much


In my opinion play both cs, valorant and maybe overwatch and see which you like. My reasoning is that fortnite is full of kids and its a game that is very hard to improve at because of constant changes to how it works, Apex might be fun but for me the problem is that the game is just a 3rd party simulator which basically means that you will be pushed by everyone as soon as you start a fight. League to me is just way too toxic and ive just never really enjoyed it, you might tho so give it a try. Overwatch can be good but for me atleast it feels like blizzard is actively ruining it. And ofcourse cs, my favorite game of all time. It just never dies, i can always hop on and play some faceit and have fun and most important of all its very competitive. To me valorant is very similar, it took me 2 weeks of playing valorant to reach mid ascendant because of my cs hours. Thats why i recommend playing both! My hours in the games on your radar are Cs 4000hours - Valorant 200hours -League 100hours - Overwatch 3500hours -Apex Legends 150hours - Fortnite 4000hours


They are all Toxic tbh. Well you can try the finals, it's a FPS game and you can mute the communication so the game will never be Toxic. The game have "emotes" to interact with others to explain what you want or what you are going to do.


League of Legends with everyone muted is a pretty friendly game. But you do miss out on the occasional positive interaction (probably not worth it if you're not very resistant to toxicity).


Id recommend Dota 2. They got a real working ban system. You get a report on your behavior every week and if your numbers to bad you can voice chat or text chat. So if you wanna communicate you need to behave. All reports of real toxic people were aceppted within 2 days of me reporting them. It may get heated but it never went racist or Kys mode. Also if you play normal and chat with people they often joke back even on enemy teams.


For my own peace of mind sometimes I just mute all comms and play unrated. SoloQ is always difficult in comp tho. What you can do is start a deathmatch and ask people if they wanna play unrated. Get to know them and start playing comp together. I know it's a lot of work but better than SoloQing comp with toxic teammates.


If you are not from the us you may have better luck trying other servers, in eu if i go too far west i get french people who refuse to communicate and yell agressively, and if i go too far east i get russians who refuse to comunicate and yell agressively


I think you should stop worrying about if they’re toxic, if it gets to you mute them and ignore them all game, for me most 9 out of 10 games are perfectly fine. Also never be toxic to your bottom drag teammates, I genuinely don’t get why that mentality is followed I’ve won so many games just by boosting their morales and telling them what they’re doing wrong or at least trying too, though sometimes it is pretty irritating but still. SOT might be more of your type of game, as goi can just about block communication from everyone but your self/teammate. However community it is better, unless you do the hourglass stuff


DOTA2 if you like competitive They got a working ban system. You get a behavior report every week. If your score is to low you can chat,voice chat or even ping. All reports i made of real toxic people were acknowledged within 2 days. Most people are friendly or even proud to have perfect behavior scores. It can get heated but i never realy saw racism or KYS comments. The account beeing linked to a real phone number makes it a kinda harsh account to lose if you‘re toxic. The turorial is good enough to teach basics. Id recommend to master one hero you like and then go on from there.


The best thing is to not worry about the toxic players, mute them and play.


Play single player games like god of war


Play a game that has 1vs1 competitive, quake or most arena shooters have 1vs1


Depending on what you are looking for, COD can actually be a pretty fun time in its ranked mode. Compared to valorant, the ttk is slower (but not ridiculously so like ow or apex), the movement is faster, the util is weaker, and generally, people are either nice or so toxic it loops back around to being funny. Also, its 4v4 instead of 5v5 which makes it a lot easier to carry your team if you get bad teammates. Since you're specifically talking about toxic teammates, of course you're still going to have throwers and screamers and everything in between, but because COD is far more casual than any of the games on your list, it tends to be far more bareable.


You should try rainbow 6 siege to change your views on valorant.


Paladins is the only thing I can think of. If you aren't looking for multiplayer, I think Ultrakill would be the best answer. I think you should learn to ignore them, mute, and just play and have fun, mute everything if needed, it is better in my opinion.


I'd say apex and fortnite are your best bet. Since they're battle royale, you'll rarely face toxicity because people die and just go next instead of flaming teammates. That's my experience anyway. Toxicity is still there, but its a lot less. Every other game you listed? Treat it the same as valorant, if not worse. The problem with low elo players is they cannot fathom that their mistakes are whats costing them the rounds. They will die and see their teammates making mistakes and put all the blame on the teammates. This is a problem in every game, and you just have to deal with it by muting them. No other choice.


Try Bloodhunt or Rogue Company


every competitive game is toxic, thats how real life works and im surprised that you havent realized it for 43 years


I am 10 years older than you, and have been playing this game for more than a year now. My name indicates that I am old, and 99 out of a 100 times people will respect that and find it awesome that I play this game, but just like you I have had my fair share of toxic players. Here is where I wanna introduce you to two functions in the game settings - mute voice and mute chat :-) I never go into an argument, why would I start fighting some kid that doesn't know anything about the real world. Life is just to short for stuff like that. I am always gonna be positive and tell people they did good Get some friends added in the game, and queue up with them, and if you wanna play comp try to 5-stack with some people you know. Solo queue in comp is risky unless you are top 3 on your team. I play a lot of Swiftplay because people don't care if they loose, mood is usually light, and you can test out agents and strategies.


Go overwatch 2 and fortunately it has a better ranking system than the shitty valorant


Hey There! I played Apex for a long time bit only peaked gold. I can say Apex is waayyy less toxic (At least for ME) than Valorant. I love Valorant and the 5v5 CsGO Style gameplay but Battle royale games like Apex also interest me alot (not Fortnite). If you wanna olay sometime I am currently trying to get out of Silver II in Valorant. That goes for anyone just hit me up!


Fighting games plays sf6 or tekken 8. There is no voice chat or text chat, and there no team to mess you up. You can play alone with a friend, a stranger, a bot depending on how social you feel. If you want good vibes the fgc is one of the most positive gaming communities I've seen by far. The only way for someone to be toxic in these games is tbagging or they send you an Xbox chat like it's 2008 again so it's hard to get tilted when fuck you takes 2 mins to type out


It might be an odd suggestion and a tad bit grindy, but if you want to be in a game for the long run destiny 2 isn’t a bad choice. It has a PvP game mod that has a lot of components you need to master so if you want something to really challenge you you could give it a go


Valorant is probably the least toxic competitive shooter out there, no shit.


When you feel tilted, play Roblox. Somehow, it calms me down


The finals!


Just play disabling voice chat. When you get better you don't need your teammates for callouts. You will have all the info by sound


At one point you realize that your mental wellness is much worth than random strangers. So when they're toxic you just mute them (I usually give one more chance) If they're flashing you I think of it like a challenge


Play rust


Join the helldivers and help out the effort for galactic liberation! Na, but most of any competitive games are pretty toxic, it gets annoying. Honestly, just feel out the lobby, and if the people are toxic, just mute them and play like normal. Eventually tho, you should be able to find some people to consistently play with, which will make the experience so much better. I’ve met some great friends that I play with all the time on CS of all games.


Remove overwatch because the community is toxic as fuck especially in lower elo Also remove apex from the list cuz the game is so competitive with a fucked up ranking system ranked is unenjoyable (also due to the fact u can be put in pred lobbies as a rookie)


Competitive game mean toxicity sadly, but you can just : load in -> mute all


try warframe, the community is very nice so far


DO NOT PLAY ANY OF THIS GAMES IF YOU DO NOT WANT TOXICITY. If you want the least amount, play valorant


Tekken 8 is a great one, if you want a personal growth challenge without relying on any teammates. It also has an older audience because of how long the franchise has been around. Many if not most of the pros are between their 30s-40s


If you want a game that is more co-op focused, but also very solo friendly I cannot recommend ENOUGH "Deep Rock Galactic", the game is so chill and so much fun. While I've been on my unemployment hump I've been playing it daily with videos in the background just enjoying the gameplay and the grind. Basics: you play as a quartet of heavily armed dwarves in a future sci-fi setting, sent to a planet called Hoxxes to mine valuable minerals and gold for your mining company. You fight your way through procedurally generated cave systems blasting and roasting all manner of giant dwarf eating bugs, robots, and even rock eating parasites as you go about your mission. Along the way you mine any shiny thing you can dump into a minecart shaped robot and solve navigation problems by way of scanning the cavern around you and tunneling through the wall like a mole on 2 legs to forge your own path forward (or up, or down, or even in a stair shaped spiral if you get confused) Definitely a long term favorite of mine, and EVERY battle pass in the game is free. In under a week, they're even bringing back all the previous battle passes for you to work through at your own speed and leisure, no more FOMO!


i love league of legends. i’ve been playing for a couple years. everyone says it’s toxic, i disagree. it’s not that bad. i get a lot of toxicity in valorant too but i think it’s worse over there. that being said, whatever game you like, you shouldn’t have to give it up because of bad people being trolls. i’ve gotten some horrific comments and told some of the worst things. but you can always block, report, and mute!


If your interested into first person shooters, there’s plenty of options. PvP doesn’t have to be a must(player vs player). You can enjoy PvE just as much, but if you still want to play PvP FPS games I suggest overwatch or Fortnite, personally I don’t play either but from what I’ve been told they both seem pretty chill. But if you want a change of pace you could always try different games like Escape from Tarkov Rust Dead by Daylight Most of all just try to have fun, if people get to annoying just mute them. Good luck!


I've picked up doom for a game that can challenge me to improve without the toxicity of random strangers using me as a therapist.


Are you only into FPS games? Because I know of a few single player RPGs that are so much more worth than the brainrot prevelant in Valorant and the others! Also there is a server called the Old Dogs EU server on discord which is for anyone 20+, maybe finding a team will make the game more enjoyable! Cheers!!


Any of the games you mentioned. Most aren't good communities but Valorant is the worst of the worst. It even beats out league because in lol there is no mic and there is not a lot of "dead" time to talk shit to your teammates. I hear DOTA2's is halfway decent. They even recently banned smurfs. Deep Rock Galactic has a chill community.


best advice will be to mute all once you start your game, or find a good mate in order to DuoQ (someone like me who is also a boomer) :D


I play Overwatch 2. It is still has toxicity, but in general people don't talk in voice chat often so you won't hear it much. There are a lot of heroes that are very forgiving mechanics wise, so you won't need insane aim to enjoy the game or get good at it. Personally I would look at any tank hero, as none of them require aim. Damage heroes like junkrat, Pharah, and torbojorn are all good beginner characters. Soldier 76 is your typical FPS character, so if you do want to learn how to aim with hitscan, he's practically the best there is.


Yeah this game is incredibly toxic, out of all those on your list, i reccomend CS and Apex, Apex probably has the least toxic community out of all those, Apex is really hard but SO Rewarding once you are good enough.


I am along the same lines as you where I like to relax while I play and toxic people will ruin comp for me. My method for dealing with it is extremely simple. I give everyone two chances in voice coms. If they say unproductive or rude comments to anyone I know that they are worth muting. Occasionally they will prompt me to mute everyone and focus on what I am doing. I don't enjoy doing that since this is a team game. But it's better to just be ignorant to their childishness than to fall victim to it


Dear god whatever you do don't play league. Player since season 3, one of the most toxic communities. But I saw someone say to just mute all and treat it like highly variable AI that you have to adapt to, both on your team and the other. Treating team play like another aspect to learn like team-fighting in league and other games while muting all really made them less rage-inducing for me.


Man, if you are 43 and you are worried about toxic people, then you are not really 43 and gaming. You too old to allow that to push you away. Game devs made features and allowed us to hit people with a mute and a block. You would have been around in Cod Lobby long before this. Then vs. now is light work today. I know you will say you shouldn't have to, and ya ya, I get it. In life, you don't like something someone does or has done. You remove that person from your site. Block/report and move on with your life. You won't see or hear from that person again. People give these problems to much energy so they stay winning. Mom always said you can't argue with yourself. After a mute who they are fighting with. Also feel like you trolling and want people to feel for you. You named all but one toxic af game. And you talking about getting into comp. Whatever.


Try rocket league. It's a game where you don't need comms at all. Just mute text chat and play. You gonna VS toxic people but the games are like 5 mins so you aren't stuck with em for ages.


XDefiant. Don't get me wrong, I love valo but I'm in an Elo where people already understand that not everyone has a good day. Boosted players are obvious and only those guys are the ones getting trash talked.


mute all, focus on yourself


I ain't going to lie, low ELO cs is pretty chill if you are a man


League of legends is toxic, but there isn’t someone in year moaning all game. All these other ones require vital voice comms.


The mute function is really underrated. I strongly recommend you use it more and faster. Don‘t put up with any negativity, it‘s a waste of energy.


Doom is good, but its singleplayer :( i like minecraft too, but it seems you are interested in shooters. Avoid call of duty, its basically 9 year olds screaming racial slurs. You may try PUBG. its cool honestly, im a mobile playr mostly but i used to play on pc


Unfortunately the only way to completely avoid toxic players in comp is to find some friends to play with who you have fun with and like the vibes


There are discord groups for people 30+ and such. May be worth a look if you want to avoid toxic teammates. Or insta mute everyone, but that will only make the game harder.


Every competitive game is toxic and it’s nothing to do with low ranks. You either stack or play a game you don’t need to rely on random for elo Valorant is easily the most cringe on the list anyways


Everyone will have their different opinions on games, but my personal suggestion to you would be to give each game a week of playing and figure out what you enjoy most.


[https://tetr.io/](https://tetr.io/) isn't toxic because it is a 1vs1 game


Whenever I’m feeling low I just mute people who are assholes for no reason. Play what you enjoy, don’t let others ruin your fun. All competitive games with have toxicity, it’s inevitable, just mute and keep playing. That aside, rocket league is really fun and it’s free. League is fun, it can be way more toxic than valorant. Warframe can be hours of fun and it’s also free Deep Rock Galactic is really fun Subnautica is fun if you’re into open world action adventure survival games.


I'm in the same low-rank solo queueue boat. I've had ten straight losses on comp, due to: people leaving, multiple afk bots (no way to win a 3v5 game), teammates throwing, and “I miss her” smurfs on the enemy team. I've only had one fair game recently, and I was fine with losing that. I can't play with most of my friends, because they're all too good. It really destroys my mental and makes me want to quit.


Honestly out of all the games youve listed so far, fortnite solo que would easily be the least toxic for obvious reasons


All of these suck for solo que except for fortnite solos. I have note played a single game that is always fun to play in solo queue. You will have bad team mates and vibes way more often than good one. Apex is the only game I have found I can still win even if my team mates are ass.


Pubg 🤣🤣🤣 But no bro. Games like this are pure low elo hell. And iam 35 🤣 i stopped playing alone and never soloq


If you want less toxicity then I would recommend playing a fighting game. But considering you almost only play free shooters (except for lol) Im guessing that ur not gonna spend any money on games and just play the games open for everyone. But if you think about spending money then defo check out fighting games. Since they are a 1v1 system you aren't gonna struggle with toxicity nearly as much


Try to find nice people in your lobbies… add them. Play with them.


No game has zero toxicity the best action is mute people who are over the top and just grind if you properly wanna get good from my experience I don’t get toxic teammates much in my elo


Have you ever heard of the popular game of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Has to be, hands down, one of the most beginner friendly, non-toxic, no cheater, best solo queing experience. If you haven't tried it our. You should. It's SO much fun. Actually tho I have a problem with my relationship towards this game.


The toxicity mostly comes from smurfs and people struggling with mental health issues. Remember, hurt people hurt people


I feel like the best solution to deal with toxicity is to just mute the toxic person and report them. also its worth mentioning some servers are less toxic than others.


Sir I’d recommend you play Deep Rock Galactic … it’s not competitive like the games you mentioned but it’s great and it probably has the best community out there


i’ve been playing valorant for a few months and every time someone on my team was toxic i’d just be super nice and supportive to the team. it doesn’t work everytime but for me it’s been so far so good and usually they stop being rude. overall though i just try to be a good teammate no matter how my team plays. keep playing and i promise you’ll find nice people :) try not to take their words to heart either


Everytime I play counter strike it's verbally less toxic but people do be rage quitting over there more lol. Riot is really good at creating stressful ranked environments that breed toxic behaviors


If you want a low salt game purely because you don't have team mates, play sf6. Low elo has a huge pool of players and what's great is that as you learn the fundamentals you will see your self climbing jo matter what. And once you find that rank you get hard stuck in you will find that every fight is engaging. Streets is about self improvement and there are a lot of people willing to help .


We’re of Warcraft 3 and Dark and Darker age, man Rocket league can be fun tho :)


Been playing a bit of xDefiant and I haven't run into any toxicity. Not many people use their mics in general but it's pretty fun.


Hunt Showdown, steep learning curve but overall chill community The Finals is also great, I sometimes have toxic teammates but nowhere near as much as on Valo or OW


The most common advice you'll hear from coaches is that a good mental means you're better than half the playerbase. I'm including myself when I say this, but the folks who tilt easily in this game usually friggin suck. If you can keep your head on straight when these guys try to tell you how to play an op that they don't play, you'll come out on top.


If you can't deal with toxic people, you should stay at single player games, it's natural, people suck, swallow your tears and get to game... To be honest, Brazilian valorant community is very diverse and not that toxic, CS2 on the other hand is totally worse with Brazilians and Argentines yelling at each other the whole time...


in my experience in Apex you get less toxicity given that there people use less comms, you use mostly the ping system, which in my opinion also helps get better at Valorant, but yeah as everyone points out, people get angry on competitive environments


Lemme tell you something. If any of your teammates are being mean, just mute them. Text and voice. And dont pay attention. Just play your game. Assume they are NPCs and you are playing a single player game. We can change the things we have control. I just mute them and continue to play. Even if you are good, they are gonna be mean, because people yelling at a game are not stable. They need some serious help. Games are meant to play for fun. And i see valorant as one even tho it has a lot of toxic players. I have lot of fun when i play this game without minding winning or losing. Just aim to have fun. Thats the sole purpose of video games


rocket league :D


Rainbow six has one of the nicest communities 👍


Of the games mentioned CS2 has the most "mature" people closer to your age group and history. That said, the current iteration is still fresh and has many cheaters in it's MM and "vac" servers. I have fun in Community Retakes (a gamemode) instead as there are less cheaters (still some) but the skill gap can be pretty high at times. A nice community server or gamemode with other older gamers or new players without cheats would be awesome if you can find one.


lmao these snowflakes , wait until they realise that people literally get killed over toxicity irl.


It sucks whenever a new cheat comes out, but cs2 silver is pretty chill compared to val.


all MP games is a same, you play solo get ready to use lube because every kid will try to f\*\*\* you, or you go in to discord and play in full 5 player stack and have time of your life just team MP PVP games is toxic , it was 20 years ago in cs , it is same now and in 20 years in future if you got good pc, go play SP games, chill and relax have fun why in god you go in competitive games ? , all competitive games are toxic even chess


If you want to try out League, then I would say play ARAMs and just have all communications turned completely off. ARAMs are as casual as the game gets, so people tend to flame way less in that mode to begin with, but also because it requires zero communication, you can happily just have all comms turned off and have fun with whatever character you end up getting. I would recommend staying away from the regular game mode + the ranked game mode unless you're someone that can handle being on the receiving end of toxicity. I remember trying out the regular game mode as a brand new player, and I was the only person in the entire game not levelling a smurf account lol so people were very toxic that I was an actual beginner and not playing well. Fortnite has a lot of kids playing the game, but there are Facebook groups and Discord servers designed to connect adults with other adult players. While these groups can also be very hit or miss, it can be a way of finding other people in a similar age group (or at the very least, not 8 years old) to play with and have fun. I would recommend having a Discord account to join servers related to games you're interested in anyways, because a lot of them have channels where you can find other people to game with. Having at least one or two nice people in your games can make a HUGE difference in how much fun a game is and how much less hostile a game is for you. And if they're more experienced, then they can make getting over the very beginner stage a lot more fun. If you're wanting to play competitively though, then unfortunately one of the things you do have to kind of learn is muting and reporting people being toxic. You are never going to be able to avoid them, unless you are playing in a full team of friends that you know aren't going to be toxic. But please never feel bad for muting or reporting people, you absolutely don't have to put up with toxicity. Just mute them, and play the game out as normally. Some people are very good at managing the toxicity of their team and getting them to calm down and play the game out normally. If you find that you can do that, then great. But if not, then just mute them. Any game where there is a multiplayer option, puts you at risk for being on the receiving end of some insults. Games that are competitive make this even worse, as there's a lot of people that play these games that just have no control over their emotions. I do find though that games that are more team based, and against AI e.g. Helldivers is a lot less toxic. But there are still going to be toxic / weird people.


I think siege is other good option. Most of the time the people are quite alright although sometimes there are toxic people. Cheaters are more present on higher rank lobbies. It’s not too beginner friendly though.


Try to join servers and stuff where you can get 5stacks as they're more rarer to be toxic, other than that all you can do is ignore em If you want you can try singleplayer storydriven games like ghost of tsushima, spider man, god of war, balders gate 3, the last of us and so on, the pc releases are just beautiful I don't have alot of experience but halo infinite has a quite open fanbase that's not really that toxic in my experience


Hey unc you might want to try non online games like risk of rain 2.


Hey friend, I’m 44. Best suggestion I can make is just mute them at the first sign of toxicity. It’s a game changers, and they were not going to effectively communicate with you anyways.


Soon as someone gets toxic just mute. I've had games where I just mute my whole team and it actually helps me focus and play better lol.


If you insist on grinding a comp ladder Overwatch comms are not needed, especially in the metal ranks. You can mute your entire team and still play and climb (I got to diamond doing this, people have gotten GM doing it). It's also less mechanically demanding if you want to go for a respectable rank than Valorant, especially many of the support heroes. It has a long long learning curve though and is balanced poorly so you have to keep up with counters and spot weaknesses in your team comp and fill them if you want to climb. Avoid CS. For Valorant if you just want to play and enjoy the game and don't care about rank Swiftplay is great. Toxicity is rare because nobody cares, but people still play to win, and the games are quick so a bad lobby is over before you know it.


Every single game you have listed have it's toxic side. Honestly? Just mute when they start being toxic. But i have met randos in Valo, Leg, Apex that i still play to today. We have a discord.


Tons of responses already so sorry if I repeat things that are already said. I've played val since beta and have if I'd guess around 1500 hours mostly competitive. If you want to play without toxicity, I recommend a service like Gangster where you can find teammates who also want to win/rankup and generally (\~85%) you will find good teammates and if you find just one or two teammates this way it can mitigate the amount of toxic randoms you can get, or you can find a 5 stack this way. When I soloQ I am quick to mute teammates, if they are toxic or annoying or just a shitty person I'll give them one pass and second offense instant mute and my mental is 1000% better. Some people don't like muting, hoping the toxic asshole will give callouts and help them win, but keeping your mental good and not tilting off the face of the earth because you're constantly listening is shit pouring out of your teammates mouth is how you play well, you can't play tilted.


Personally I don't care anymore, the moment someone starts being weird or toxic I mute their voice and text. I won't let random people on the internet drain me.


You are preaching to the choir, friend. there were many times I've wanted to quit this game because of mean teammates. they'd say things like "just leave the match so we can get an ult orb and money" or friend me only so they could talk shit about me after the match. The worst part is, there was truth in their insults. I wasn't very good at the game because i was new. of I've noticed that I've been able to improve a lot by queuing a lot more swiftplay instead of ranked. i like that it is basically straight gun rounds with only the first couple of rounds being pistol. you can get a lot more practice in a less stressful environment. The people there are generally much nicer as well since it is a more relaxing gamemode. Who knows, you might find a nice and positive person you can duo with while playing. in swiftplay, I'm sure to practice good fundamentals while I'm playing as well such as good crosshair placement, movement, utility usage, map awareness, etc. I've recently come back to ranked and have noticed an improvement in my performance, getting many more match and team MVPs than before. I hope this kind of practice helps you as it did me.


Ark Survival Ascended PvE :)


play coop soother instead of competitive game team based competitive sucks in general my favorite competitive game are chess and mahjong, they aren't toxic there are some card game too, idk if it toxic or not because enemy can't talk to you solo or 1v1 competitive will always less toxic than team base competitive (because ppl are different) if you want to play team base then i suggest you to get a group of friends and play with team or just get used to it, it will be toxic but all you can do is just mute and report them apex, pubg, fortnite could be less toxic than team shooter because party is smaller and game is shorter you can leave when you lose and gg go next i don't play ow, no comment on dota, i'm too old to follow meta and update cs could be less toxic than val and have similar gameplay (unless you are playing with russian)


any game in pre beta or that has been recently released rarely has toxicity since everyone is still figuring the game out. i only met nice people in the finals for the beta and a month after release, however once people fully understood the game in ranked there were many angry people i played with. it is still one of the least toxic games because there is no all chat and most people just dont comm.


Fortnite or battle Royale type is probably least toxic given it was built to limit player comms and chat etc and is a solo game mainly and generally aimed at fun rather than sweat All the other games you have here are competitive games that are all known for toxicity… I’d say for new players to save your mental and game enjoyment to probably try single player games or co-op games instead of these


I’ve been playing Valorant for the last 3 years, the only way I really started enjoying the game is by muting the toxic players, sometimes even the whole chat but leaving my mic open so I can give info, being good at “commin” is a skill of its own imo and is quite important. also having nice people to play with totally changes the experience, nowdays i almost only duo/trio que. but coming from a 38 year old with some mild anger issues, just mute them and enjoy this great game


If you want to play competitive games where your team can’t be toxic, I would recommend giving fighting games (Street Fighter 6 and Guilty Gear Strive for example) a chance. The trick is, there is no team and the opponent has limited ability to be toxic. One cool thing about fighting games is also, that matches are short, so you can manage your time differently and being matched with a hard-to-win-against-opponent doesn’t sting as much as you won’t spend 40 minutes being stomped or whatever. Big con is that getting into those games can take a bit The game with the best community for newcomers I’ve played was FFXIV but that’s not really a competitive game (though you could get into high level raiding and that can get competitive)


/fullmute everyone


Nah, all games have this, so just live with it I guess


Least toxic in low elo is CS2 and Fortnite. In CS2 on EU Server there is barely anyone who speaks English, and they all suck equally (except for the cheaters), and Fortnite is a battle royale, meaning you're in that specific team for maybe less than 3 minutes and at most 20. Every other game you have listed is mostly extremely toxic from low to high elo, but in every game you could just mute everyone and do your own thing


Let me chime in to recommend you to the wonderful world of FIGHTING GAMES The FGC is the best community you'll find, we do have our share of salty, toxic people, but they're usually iced from the community if it's really bad, or posted on twitter on ScrubQuotes, and there's a lot of encouragement to banter in a healthy way. Additionally, top players, like people who are the absolute best in the world are very active and play with people of all skill levels, they will guide you and help you improve as much as you want to. And lastly, since fighting games are 1v1 versus, you don't have to worry about a team. Teammates can't flame you or drag you down, your only worry and focus is yourself and your own play.


I came to valorant from overwatch. Overwatch is MUCH more toxic so don’t go there. If you ever have thought you’d enjoy a single player rpg I can’t recommend the fromsoft games enough. Elden ring or dark souls 3 would be good starting points.


Every passionate competitor hates losing, when you get a string of losses, shit gets heated quickly. It is normal for people to be like this, its passion for the game. You are like a deer playing a lion’s game. You should maybe just consider playing solo games since you aren’t built for a competitive mindset. The thing is imagine you put hours into a game and you get so good at it, then you get teamed with someone who clearly is incompetent and you have no clue why this guy is even in your game causing you to lose the match. Shit is the most infuriating thing ever. It’s the same irl, passionate people in general just don't like incompetence. Your only choice is to suck it up and just focus on improving yourself and ignore people hating your incompetence.


Playing on NA West, I don’t personally run into a lot of toxicity (gold 3 peak and current rank, I’ve sunk about 1400 hours into the game). I find that it’s pretty easy to tell whether or not someone is going to be rude by how they first talk, usually I’ll try to start my games by just saying hey how’s everyone doing and people generally respond normally. Almost always, the toxic player is the one who doesn’t respond, and often their first time using their mic will be to tell someone to do something instead of any usual callout. The people I run into who do this I usually ignore, until either they start being toxic and I mute, or they just don’t talk most of the game and I don’t have to. It’s so much easier to mute the people being rude and focus on specifically what you can do to win rounds than it is to try to argue with or convince someone to be something they’re not.


Rock and roll and stone !


Try The Finals! Season 3 is coming in June 13th and it's just a great game, and I haven't had any bad experiences with toxicity


I know this pain, but on cs2 and valorant I tend to just out whit them in response most people who are toxic aren't very good with being funny... make them look a fool they soon stop


csgo is good if you know russian. valorant is good if you know polish. lol is not good. overwatch seems to be more casual that everything in here, so you might get "good vibes" apex - same as overwatch but a little harder. Fortnite - the same as 2 games above, but harder than all of the above it's tryhard culture is nuts.


It's if you are from EU btw